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The destruction of toxic organic wastewaters from munitions demilitarization and complex industrial chemical clearly becomes an overwhelming problem if left to conventional treatment processes. Two options, incineration and supercritical water oxidation (SCWO), exist for the complete destruction of toxic organic wastewaters. Incinerator has associated problems such as very high cost and public resentment; on the other hand, SCWO has proved to be a very promising method for the treatment of many different wastewaters with extremely efficient organic waste destruction 99.99% with none of the emissions associated with incineration. In this review, the concepts of SCWO, result and present perspectives of application, and industrial status of SCWO are critically examined and discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of physical and chemical parameters on the abundance and diversity of chironomids was studied in six rivers with moderate to highly polluted water in the Juru River Basin. The rivers: Ceruk Tok Kun (CTKR) as reference site, and polluted rivers of Pasir (PR), Juru (JR), Permatang Rawa (PRR), Ara (AR) and Kilang Ubi (KUR) were sampled over a period of five months (November 2007–March 2008). Nine chirnomid species: Chironimus kiiensis, C. javanus, Polypedilum trigonus, Microchironomus sp., Dicrotendipes sp., Tanytarsus formosanus, Clinotanypus sp., Tanypus punctipennis and Fittkauimyia sp. were identified. Assessment of their relationships with several environmental parameters was performed using the canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Tanytarsus formosanus was the most dominant in the relatively clean CTKR and moderately polluted JR with mean densities of 19.66 and 25.32 m?2, respectively while C. kiiensis was abundant in more polluted rivers. Tanytarsus formosanus, Dicrotendipes sp. and Microchironomus sp. were grouped under moderate to high water temperature, total organic matter (TOM), total suspended solids (TSS), velocity, pH, phosphates and sulphates. However, Tanypus punctipennis, Fittkauimyia sp., and Clinotanypus sp. were associated with high contents of river sediment such as TOM, Zn and Mn and water ammonium-N and nitrate-N and they were associated with higher dissolved oxygen (DO) content in the water. Chironomus kiiensis, C. javanus and P. trigonus showed positive relationships with TOM, ammonium-N and nitrate-N as well as trace metals of Zn, Cu and Mn. These three species could be considered as tolerant species since they have the ability to survive in extreme environmental conditions with low DO and high concentrations of pollutants. Based on the water parameter scores in all rivers, the highest diversity of chironomid larvae was reported in CTKR. With higher concentrations of organic and/or inorganic pollutants as reported in PPR, KUR and AR, the chironomid larval diversity decreased, and the abundance of tolerant species, mainly Chironomus spp., increased.  相似文献   

 The Australian buprestid beetle Merimna atrata (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) approaches forest fires because its larvae develop in freshly burnt wood. So far nothing is known about possible sensory systems enabling the beetles to detect fires and to cope with the thermal environment close to the flames. We found that M. atrata has two pairs of infrared (IR) organs on the ventrolateral sides of the abdomen. Each IR organ consists of a specialized IR-absorbing area which is innervated by one thermosensitive multipolar neuron. The primary dendritic branches ramify into more than 800 closely packed terminal endings which contain a large number of mitochondria. We called the special morphology of the dendritic region a terminal dendritic mass. The type of IR receptor found in M. atrata is unique in insects and can best be compared with the IR organs of boid snakes. Received: 14 August 2000 / Accepted in revised form: 18 October 2000  相似文献   

在细胞遗传损伤和免疫功能综合指标中,观察对苯并(a)芘(BaP)敏感并适用于人群检测的指标。结果显示外周血淋巴细胞姐妹染色单体交换(SCE)率与尿中BaP含量呈正相关;并在BP低于10μg/100M3的接触人群中观察到SCE率增高;血清IgG和补体C3与血中BaP含量呈负相关。以SCE率增高、IgG降低和尿中BaP负荷量增高综合评定BaP污染的有危毒险性有应用前景,饮用中华猕猴桃饮料,有助于SCE率增高的恢复和体内BaP的排出。  相似文献   

There are numerous studies showing that predation risk may change different aspects of the behavior of prey, such as habitat use, activity pattern, and foraging. Prey should exhibit the strongest antipredatory response against their most deadly predator. Small mustelids are considered the most important mammalian predators of voles. Nevertheless, there is no general agreement as to whether strong antipredatory reactions exist in natural free-living populations of voles. Here, we studied the field vole Microtus agrestis spatial reaction to high predation risk from small mustelids in the breeding (August) and nonbreeding (October) seasons under natural conditions. Voles were exposed to a caged weasel (Mustela nivalis) and a stoat (Mustela erminea), as well as to the odors of these predators. The reactions of 30 field voles were monitored with radiotelemetry. The field voles were found to display antipredator reactions that varied with season. In the breeding period, in response to predation risk, voles reduced locomotory activity and daily-range size, whereas in the nonbreeding period they did not. Changes in home range position were similar for control and treatment voles, in both the breeding and nonbreeding periods. The results indicate that mustelid predators modify the spatial behavior of small rodents in natural conditions depending on season. This might be a reflection of differences in state-dependent responses to predation from sexually active or inactive individuals. This suggests that the basic antipredatory reaction of voles under high predation risk from small mustelids limits their locomotory activity.  相似文献   

重视水权的必要性 水资源是关系国计民生的战略性资源,由于水资源具有的特性,水资源管理不能仅仅依靠区域管理,应该进行流域水资源综合管理。  相似文献   

A temnospondyl ilium from the uppermost Toutunhe Formation (Middle Jurassic, Callovian) of the southern Junggar Basin is described. Among the known temnospondyls it is very unusual in morphology because of its very long and slender shaft. It compares closely only to the ilium of one of the latest known trematosaurids from the Ladinian of southern Germany. The Toutunhe Formation has also yielded vertebrae and skull fragments of temnospondyls which belong to the brachyopid Gobiops from the Upper Jurassic of Mongolia. Brachyopoid ilia do not, however, display a morphology similar to that of the new specimen. It is therefore concluded that this specimen represents a second taxon of temnospondyl from the Toutunhe Formation, which probably represents the latest surviving trematosauroid. The Trematosauroidea, which was hitherto exclusively known from the Lower to early Upper Triassic, therefore joins the Brachyopoidea – and possibly the Capitosauroidea – as another group of temnospondyls which survived the end-Triassic mass extinction.  相似文献   

Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT), which usually involves sensitization to P1A1 (HPA-1a), may have devastating complications for the fetus. These may be prevented by antenatal treatment of severe cases with either maternally administered high-dose gamma-globulin and/or repeated intrauterine platelet transfusions. Determination of the paternal platelet phenotype is useful for counselling parents who have had one or more affected pregnancies. This report of an unaffected pregnancy in a woman with a history of previous pregnancies complicated by NAIT illustrates the role of paternal and fetal platelet phenotyping in managing existing pregnancies at risk of NAIT.  相似文献   

在高等教育由精英教育转为大众化教育过程中,高等教育质量评价引起社会广泛关注。本文以华南理工大学为例,对全校本科生进行了抽样问卷调查,来了解华南理工大学本科生对大学教学质量现状的满意度,由此根据调研结果提出建议。  相似文献   

一个水质风险率计算的随机模型   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
将水质当作随机变量,基于随机点过程理论,构造了水质超阈值风险分析的成丛随机点过程复合(CSPPC)模型,并应用于深圳市深圳河河口段水体DO、COD浓度超阈值的风险率估算,由实际资料对河段水体DO、COD浓度超阈值点过程的分布进行了拟合优度试验,获得满意计算结果。  相似文献   

A review is given of the main morphological characteristic of the Longidoridae, followed by the taxonomic history of the group and a critical evaluation of the genera. Only five genera are accepted and defined: Xiphinema; Xiphidorus; Paralongidorus; Longidoroides; Longidorus. Through out-group comparison and comparison of the five genera listed above, the characteristics of longidorid ancestry are established. The genera Enchodelus and Californidorus have been re-examined in the light of this comparison. Special attention has been given to the stylet guiding system in all forms considered. An attempt is made to assess the interrelationships of the different genera, and the resulting cladogram is used as a basis for a new classification of the family. Biogeography supports the phylogenetic scheme proposed.  相似文献   

Nanometer-size zero-valent iron (NZVI) is an efficient reducing agent, but its surface is easily passivated with an oxide layer, leading to reaction inefficiency. In our study, oxalate (OA) was introduced into this heterogeneous system of NZVI, which could form ferrioxalate complexes with the NZVI surface-bound Fe3+ and dissolved Fe3+ in the solution. Photolysis of ferrioxalate complexes can facilitate the generation of Fe2+ from Fe3+ and CO2?- radical, both species have strong reduction capacity. Hence, a “photo-oxalate-Fe(0)” system through sunlight induction was established, which not only prohibited the formation of a surface passivation layer, but also displayed a synergetic mechanism of ferrioxalate photolysis to enhance reduction, exhibiting remarkably higher degradation activity (several times faster) toward the model pollutant Cr(VI) than the mechanism with NZVI alone. Factor tests suggested that both NZVI dosage and OA content markedly affected the reduction rate. Low pH was beneficial to the reduction efficiency. Moreover, recyclability experiment showed that the reduction rate decreased from 0.21706 to 0.03977 min?1 after three cycles of reuse due to the NZVI losing reaction activity generally, but the system still maintained considerable reduction capacity. Finally, a mechanism was revealed whereby NZVI would transform to Fe oxides after the exhaustion of its reductive power, and the photolysis of ferrioxalate to promote the cycling of iron species played the predominant role in providing extra reduction ability. These features confirm that introduction of OA into Cr(VI) reduction by NZVI through sunlight induction is advantageous and promising.  相似文献   

咸阳市环境保护“十五”计划是我市环境保护事业进入新世纪的第一个五年计划,怎样在“九五”计划已奠定了较好的基础上,大胆解放思想,严密科学规划,着力重点突破,整体全面推进,扎实有序地实施已制定的计划,是摆在全体环保工作者面前的一项重要任务,一个值得思考的课题,本文意欲在学习陕西省委和咸阳市委《关于制定陕西省咸阳市国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划的建议》(以下简称《建议》,以及咸阳市相关文件后,结合咸阳实际,理清工作思路,把握工作重点,以便更好地组织实施。  相似文献   

Perfluorinated or polyfluorinated compounds(PFCs) continue entering to the environmental as individuals or mixtures, but their toxicological information remains largely unknown.Here, we investigated the toxic effects and ecological risks of Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid(PFOS) and its substitutes on prokaryotes(Chlorella vulgaris) and eukaryotes(Microcystis aeruginosa). Based on the calculated EC50 values, the results showed that PFOS was significantly more toxic to both algae than its...  相似文献   

In 1993, several unusual horn sheaths, collected in the South of Vietnam, were regarded as evidence for a new mammal species, Pseudonovibos spiralis. However, the taxonomic status of P. spiralis remains a highly controversial subject: firstly, it has been related to three different groups of the family Bovidae: Antilopini (gazelles), Bovini (oxen, bisons, and buffaloes), and Caprini sensu lato (goats, sheep and allies). Secondly, certain horns have been shown to be faked. Most recently, it has been suggested, on the basis of 12S rRNA gene sequences, that P. spiralis was a new species of buffalo. I demonstrate here that this conclusion was inaccurate, and base this on the grounds that: (1) the putative sequence of P. spiralis is shown to be a chimera obtained from three different species: Bos taurus, Bubalus bubalis and Saiga tatarica, and (2) several factors indicate that the specimen used was not authentic. This new study confirms earlier suggestions that the horns used to formally describe P. spiralis were bogus and were in fact derived from the horns of domesticated cattle (Bos taurus). The data suggest that P. spiralis never existed.  相似文献   

A critical review of the development of the ecosystem concept is presented in this paper. An attempt to define the concept is discussed in details with reference to autonomy.  相似文献   

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