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陆地和海洋是不能割裂的经济和社会发展载体,陆海一体化发展是陆海统筹的根本目的和凝练概括,而产业统筹是陆海统筹的有力抓手。通过对陆海统筹已有文献的梳理,发现现有研究集中于海洋空间规划中对于海岸带综合开发的讨论、海洋强国和海洋城市建设的理论研究、海岸带生态环境保护与修复、海洋经济系统与陆域经济系统的内在联系计量。在综述陆海统筹的基础上发现,陆海产业统筹的研究较为分散和薄弱,为此提出了陆海产业统筹发展的框架,框架包括:自然要素统筹、生产要素统筹、社会部门统筹和政府机构统筹,4个维度的统筹相互联系、共同作用,具象展示了陆海产业统筹的全部内容。最后,对陆海产业统筹的研究进行展望,提出未来研究需要特别关注基础理论、政策评价、实施管理和案例剖析等关键议题。  相似文献   

2018年11月18日发布的《中共中央国务院关于建立更加有效的区域协调发展新机制的意见》明确提出了"推动海岸带管理立法"的工作要求。该工作的重心理应是解决目前我国海岸带管理实践中的突出问题,即陆海之间、部门行业之间和行政辖区之间难以统筹协调的问题。解决该问题的有效途径是通过立法的方式构建统筹协调机制。美国海岸带管理制度中的统筹协调机制颇具特色,由"总协调人"和"联络人"制度、"联邦一致性"制度、州海岸带管理项目与州其他项目的统筹协调制度,以及陆海统筹协调制度等方面组成。我国可以借鉴其成功经验,在海岸带立法中,以构建统筹协调机制为核心内容。该机制以程序性规则为主体,设立"总协调人"和"联络人"制度,组成统筹协调网络,并规定统筹协调的基本"排序规则"。  相似文献   

国家海洋生态环境保护“十四五”战略路线图分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2018年,国家海洋生态环境管理体制重组,为系统推进海洋生态环境质量改善奠定了基础。本文基于美丽中国建设的战略目标,在分析海洋生态环境保护现状、问题以及形势的基础上,提出坚持陆海统筹、区域联动、分区防控和精准治理的原则,建议协同推进"污染防治、生态修复、风险防范、能力建设、国际合作"五大领域任务,重点建设"法律规范、空间管控、标准规范、目标责任、许可管理"五大体系,最终实现"十四五"国家海洋生态环境保护目标。  相似文献   

对雷州半岛海岸带生态环境系统的脆弱性进行了分析,认为雷州半岛典型的脆弱性海岸生态系统比例大,可在自然和人为因素引起的外界压力下发生迅速退化.针对该地区海岸带生态环境的可持续发展,提出了相应的改善生态环境脆弱性的对策,并指出海洋带综合管理是达到海岸带地区可持续发展的有效途径.  相似文献   

经过近60年的探索和实践,我国海洋生态环境管理机制体制不断完善,海洋生态环境综合管理能力显著提升。本文立足我国海洋生态环境管理现状,重点从强化制度约束性、机制协同性和政策指导性等角度分析了存在的主要问题,阐述了陆海统筹的海洋生态环境管理体系框架,并提出了构建以生物多样性保护为核心的海洋生态环境管理分区、建立以氮磷污染物为重点的陆海协同排放管控制度、完善以监测评估为核心的海洋生态监管制度、建立以入海河流和海湾为重点的区域联防联控机制和完善以海洋生态补偿和赔偿为核心的财政政策等重点任务,可为建立陆海统筹的生态环境治理制度提供参考。  相似文献   

海岸带是重要海陆过渡带地貌单元与区域,兼受海陆动力双重作用与影响,包括不同类型的沉积相,经历复杂的动力沉积、地貌演变及灾变过程。海岸带调查涉及学科交叉融合,调查要素相对独立与内容多学科交叉并存。我国曾分别于1960年、1981年和2003年组织开展过全国海岸带综合调查工作,调查获取了大量丰硕成果。当前海岸带调查与研究过程中亦暴露出一些亟需突破问题,包括:1)海岸带存在大范围“盲区”,浅水易陷、礁石养殖等区域难以到达,成为海岸带数据“空白区”、调查“禁区”;2)我国海岸带观测平台数量少、分布零散,未形成综合有效观测网,导致长时间序列、多源准同步调查数据缺乏,难以准确把握海岸带变化规律,破解资源环境有关问题;3)海岸带数据获取智能化程度低,严重阻碍制约有关对策及时有效性;4)海岸带不同学科协同调查、交叉融合研究模式尚未建立,不能及时发现海岸带科学问题。今后海岸带调查将在海岸带高分辨率过程数据、全覆盖无死角实时动态数据获取技术,长时间序列综合数据采集平台建设,陆海空全天候立体化数据采集传输及快速智能决策,以及海岸带多学科交叉攻关研究等方面取得突破。  相似文献   

申立 《资源开发与保护》2013,(12):1291-1294,F0002
近年来我国1/3以上的沿海城市正在积极建设海洋生态城,呈现“组团-分带”型、“核心-放射”型、“陆岛-网链”型等空间模式,努力实现陆海生态环境约束下生态、生产、生活的整合,但当前初步的规划建设却潜藏着生态恶化、体制摩擦、功能冲突等风险.因此,今后的发展应突破“重陆轻海”的范式局限,从陆海统筹的战略高度努力实现海洋生态城的过程化、区域化和协同化管理,对沿海城市陆海统筹发展等具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

王计平  邹欣庆 《四川环境》2009,28(1):110-115
海岸带具有强大的环境功能和生态效益,在维持地球表面生态平衡中起着极为重要的作用。同时,海岸带资源和环境也是居民生存和发展的基础。本文以江苏盐城市海岸带为例,从自然资源、人类行为环境、生态环境治理、社会经济以及资源信息环境5个方面对社区居民进行了海岸带资源和环境的感知的调查研究,得出一些基本结论,并在此基础上提出了海岸带资源和环境可持续发展的建议与对策。  相似文献   

改革开放40年来,我国生态环境监测事业从无到有、从小到大、从弱到强,生态环境监测管理体系、网络体系、业务体系和技术体系逐步建立与健全,陆海统筹、天地一体、上下联动、信息共享的生态环境监测体系初步形成,为生态文明建设和环境管理提供了有力的支撑。本文对生态环境监测发展的主要进展、成效与经验进行了梳理和总结,并根据当前面临的机遇与挑战,提出了未来生态环境监测的发展方向。  相似文献   

为全面掌握环胶州湾区域生态环境状况,更好地服务于环胶州湾区域经济发展和生态环境保护,根据《近岸海域环境监测规范》(HJ 442-2008),青岛市环境监测中心站对环胶州湾区域进行了综合监测与评价,建立了环胶州湾区域陆海统筹监测评价体系,完善了胶州湾水质监测网络,摸清了环胶州湾区域直排海污染源状况及环胶州湾区域土地利用状况。针对综合监测与评价过程中存在的胶州湾污染源的排放状况掌握不全面、河流入海通量的测算不准确、环境质量的变化趋势预测不能实现的问题,提出了加强入海河流监测、实行陆源污染物总量控制管理、建立自动监测站等对策建议。  相似文献   

随着近几年滩涂围垦工程的进行,为了协调围垦开发与生态环境保护之间的矛盾,生态型围垦的理念应运而生。本文对"生态型围垦"的内涵进行了深入辨析,提出了沿海滩涂生态型围垦概念模型,针对围垦工程规划前期、工程实施和运行管理3个阶段的特点,从管理、环境和生态3个方面提出相应指标,初步构架了生态型围垦指标体系,为沿海滩涂围垦的可持续及匡围区域生态环境管理提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Achieving resource sustainability, particularly in the coastal zone, is complicated by a variety of interdependencies and trade-offs between economic, social, and ecological variables. Although trade-offs between each of these variables are important, this paper emphasizes the social components of resource management. In this regard a distinction is made between individual and cooperative choices. Individual choices frequently are made from a shortterm, self-interested perspective, whereas cooperative choices are made from a long-term, community and resource-sustainability perspective. Typically, when presented with a spectrum of resource management decisions, individuals have a tendency to act in a self-interested manner. Thus, cooperative benefits, such as reduced conflict and improved resource certainty, are not realized. An overview of selected aspects of social dilemma theory suggests that socially cooperative choice outcomes are attainable in coastal zone management by integrating structural and behavioral solutions in resource use decision making. Three barriers to successful integration of structural and behavioral solutions are identified as self-interest, mistrust, and variable perceptions of resource amenities. Examples from coastal zone management indicate that these barriers may be overcome using approaches such as scopereduction, co-management, community education, and local participation. The paper also provides comment on the potential benefits of integrating structural and behavioral solutions in international coastal zone management efforts.  相似文献   

A fundamental purpose of intergovernmental growth management has been to infuse regional concerns—especially regional environmental and economic development concerns—into local land use planning. This paper presents results from a study of state-mandated local planning in coastal North Carolina during the mid-1990s, addressing in particular local efforts to ‘strike a balance’ between environment and economy as required by the state's planning mandate. While acknowledging the need for coastal resource protection, coastal localities were not striking a balance between environment and economy through their planning efforts beyond stating support for the State's minimum resource protection rules. Within this context, key factors yielding less environmentally focused local planning included both local elected officials' concerns about the need for economic development for jobs and their belief that environmental protection was not a local problem. Factors that tended to shift local planning back toward environmental protection included local officials' perception that the local economy was in good shape and heightened citizen engagement.  相似文献   

Structural changes in agriculture and urbanisation affect land management regimes and local landscape functions. Studying the new functions of land is as relevant as the owners' land management decisions, the replacement of farming with different activities and land uses may impact not only the local landscape's functions but also, in the long run, its structure and the environment. Drawing on a detailed case study in Tuscany based on qualitative interviews with landowners and on the understanding of the socio-economic context, this article analyses landowners' attitudes towards land property and farming in relation to individual motives as well as to local and supra-local contexts. Five relational typologies of landowners are identified: pure farmers, amenity farmers, land developers, land-with-house owners and house-with-land owners. Diverse trends – such as particular farmers’ attitudes towards land development, or the emerging role of non-professional farmers in land management – are found to raise challenges related to rural land planning and management.  相似文献   

Integrated coastal management in the tropics requires the conservation of vulnerable and diverse ecosystems such as coral reefs and mangroves as well as the management of land and marine-based human activities. Decision-making for integrated coastal management involves multiple decision-makers and multiple stakeholders often with conflicting needs and interests. Decision support systems can be developed to improve our understanding of the inter-relationships between the natural and socio-economic variables and hence result in improved decision-making. The question is whether this decision making environment is actually too complex for the development of useful and useable decision support systems. This paper describes the components of the decision making environment and the components of a decision support system. It also explores the various techniques available to deal with different modelling needs, the constraints of inadequate data and the multi-objective decision making environment. In addition, different techniques of developing decision support systems can play important roles within integrated coastal management. Three coastal decision support systems are evaluated in terms of their design and role in integrated coastal management and are used to evaluate the potential to develop decision support systems for integrated coastal management.  相似文献   

本文研究了天津市工业园区发展沿革和经济环境绩效,分析了2018—2020年园区“围城治理”措施及成效,识别新时代园区绿色发展面临的主要挑战,最后提出策略建议。研究发现:天津工业立市特征突出,工业园区更是主战场,曾为全国园区的发展起到重要带头作用。园区“围城治理”较好地解决了存量土地、环境等问题,开启了天津园区发展新阶段。天津市工业园区绿色发展仍面临基础薄弱、驱动力减弱、保留园区与被整合园区协同高质量发展路径不清晰等挑战。研究提出三项建议:一是立足天津在京津冀协同发展中的功能定位,提升园区科技创新平台功能,加速科技创新资源及高端创新要素向园区流动,提升产业链、供应链、创新链协同配套能力,激发园区科技创新动能。二是加强体制机制创新,全市强化园区顶层设计和统筹协调,分区分类制定园区跨越式发展策略并完善考核机制,开展绩效评价动态优化。三是以园区能源环境基础设施绿色化和数据驱动精细化管理能力提升为抓手,深化园区转型发展,提升产业能级。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper describes the integration of a comprehensive hydrological model known as the Hydrological Simulation Program Fortran (HSPF) into a problem solving environment (PSE) for watershed management. The original PSE concept was a structure providing web‐based access to a suite of models, including HSPF and other models of in‐stream hydrodynamics, biological impacts and economic effects, for the watershed‐wide assessment of alternative land use scenarios. The present paper describes only the HSPF integration into the PSE program. Example applications to the 148 square kilometer (57 square mile) Back Creek subwatershed in the upper Roanoke River system (1,479 square kilometers or 571 square miles) in southwest Virginia are used to illustrate important concepts and linkages between land development and hydrological change using hypothetical' what if'scenarios. The features of HSPF and its limitations in this context are discussed. The paper as such is a proof‐of‐concept paper and not a completion report. It is intended to describe the PSE tool building process rather than analysis of the many possible simulation outcomes. However, the dominance of raw imperviousness as a contributor to hydrograph response is apparent in all the PSE simulations described in this paper.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the processes and mechanisms available for integrating different types of knowledge for environmental management. Following a review of the challenges associated with knowledge integration, we present a series of questions for identifying, engaging, evaluating and applying different knowledges during project design and delivery. These questions are used as a basis to compare three environmental management projects that aimed to integrate knowledge from different sources in the United Kingdom, Solomon Islands and Australia. Comparative results indicate that integrating different types of knowledge is inherently complex – classification of knowledge is arbitrary and knowledge integration perspectives are qualitatively very different. We argue that there is no single optimum approach for integrating local and scientific knowledge and encourage a shift in science from the development of knowledge integration products to the development of problem-focussed, knowledge integration processes. These processes need to be systematic, reflexive and cyclic so that multiple views and multiple methods are considered in relation to an environmental management problem. The results have implications for the way in which researchers and environmental managers undertake and evaluate knowledge integration projects.  相似文献   

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