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Scour is defined as the processes of removal of sediment particles from water stream bed by the erosive action of activated water, and also carries sediment away from the hydraulic structures. Scour is the main cause of pier failure. Numerous equations are available for estimating temporal and equilibrium scour depth. The present study describes the phenomenon of temporal scour depth variation at bridge piers and deals with the methods for its estimation. The accuracy of six temporal scour depth equations are also checked in this study. After graphical and statistical analysis, it was found that the relationship proposed by Oliveto and Hager (J Hydraul Eng (ASCE) 128(9):811–520, 2002) predicts temporal scour depth better than other equations. Three equations of equilibrium time of scour are also used for computing equilibrium time. Equilibrium time equation proposed by Choi and Choi (Water Environ J 30(1–2):14–21, 2016) gives better agreements with observed values.  相似文献   

The presence of suction (flow of water from channel to ground water) affects the channel hydrodynamics and increases the bed shear stress. At high bed shear stress in alluvial channels made of the non-cohesive material, sediment transport occurs as sheet flow layer of high sediment concentration. The sediment transport in the form of sheet flow has been observed in the present study when suction was applied to the non-transporting channels designed on incipient motion condition. The erosion of the channel banks contributed to the sheet flow because of the increased channel bed shear stress. An empirical relation for the thickness of sheet flow layer has been developed which includes suction as independent parameter along with others.  相似文献   

Previous investigations indicate that scour around bridge piers is one of the most important factors for the failure of waterway bridges. Hence, it is essential to determine the accurate scour depth around the bridge piers. Most of the previous studies were based on scour around a single pier; however, in practice, new bridges are usually wide and then piers comprise two circular piers aligned in the flow direction that together support the loading of the structure. In this study, the effect on maximum scour depth of the spacing between two piers aligned in the flow direction was investigated experimentally under clear water scour conditions. The results show that the maximum scour depth at upstream of the front pier occurs when the spacing between the two piers is 2.5 times the diameter of the pier. Two semi empirical equations have been developed to predict the maximum scour depth at upstream of both front and rear piers as a function of the spacing between the piers, in terms of a pier-spacing factor. If the new equations for the pier-spacing factor are used with some of the existing equations for scour at a single pier, the predicted scouring depths are in good agreement with observed results. The S/M equation exhibited the best performance among the various equations tested and was recommended for use in prediction of the equilibrium scour depth. The findings of this study can be used to facilitate the positioning of piers when scouring is a design concern.  相似文献   

The coherent turbulent flow around a single circular bridge pier and its effects on the bed scouring pattern is investigated in this study. The coherent turbulent flow and associated shear stresses play a major role in sediment entrainment from the bed particularly around a bridge pier where complex vortex structures exist. The conventional two-dimensional quadrant analysis of the bursting process is unable to define sediment entrainment, particularly where fully three-dimensional flow structures exist. In this paper, three-dimensional octant analysis was used to improve understanding of the role of bursting events in the process of particle entrainment. In this study, the three-dimensional velocity of flow was measured at 102 points near the bed of an open channel using an Acoustic Doppler Velocity meter (Micro-ADV). The pattern of bed scouring was measured during the experiment. The velocity data were analysed using the Markov process to investigate the sequential occurrence of bursting events and to determine the transition probability of the bursting events. The results showed that external sweep and internal ejection events were an effective mechanism for sediment entrainment around a single circular bridge pier. The results are useful in understanding scour patterns around bridge piers.  相似文献   

A tidal bore may occur in a macro-tidal estuary when the tidal range exceeds 4.5–6 m and the estuary bathymetry amplifies the tidal wave. Its upstream propagation induces a strong mixing of the estuarine waters. The propagation of undular tidal bores was investigated herein to study the effect of bridge piers on the bore propagation and characteristics. Both the tidal bore profile and the turbulence generated by the bore were recorded. The free-surface undulation profiles exhibited a quasi-periodic shape, and the potential energy of the undulations represented up to 30% of the potential energy of the tidal bore. The presence of the channel constriction had a major impact on the free-surface properties. The undular tidal bore lost nearly one third of its potential energy per surface area as it propagated through the channel constriction. The detailed instantaneous velocity measurements showed a marked effect of the tidal bore passage suggesting the upstream advection of energetic events and vorticity “clouds” behind the bore front in both channel configurations: prismatic and with constriction. The turbulence patches were linked to some secondary motions and the proposed mechanisms were consistent with some field observations in the Daly River tidal bore. The findings emphasise the strong mixing induced by the tidal bore processes, and the impact of bridge structures on the phenomenon.  相似文献   

展秀丽  严平  王宁  杨典正  齐彪 《生态环境》2011,20(2):292-297
选择了青海湖沙区的防沙区、流动沙丘及天然草地,对土壤的全N、全P、全K、pH值、有机质及土壤机械组成的分布特征开展研究,初步取得以下结果:治理区与流动沙丘的养分含量均较低。湖东、沙岛、鸟岛区的有机质含量属于强变异,沙岛的含磷量存在强度变异,其它指标均属于中等变异。生态监测站的天然草地有机质、含氮量及含磷量均高于克土、湖东、沙岛与鸟岛。青海湖沙区土壤呈碱性,各防沙区的沙土pH值均高于草地。鸟岛与克土的流动沙丘(0~30 cm)分别是细沙、中沙含量最高,克土的草方格内(0~30 cm)的粒度分布为中沙含量〉细沙〉粗沙。湖东种羊场的草方格与沙岛治理区(0~30 cm)的均表现为细沙〉中沙〉粗沙。生态监测站的围封天然草地(0~25 cm)粒径〈0.05 mm的土壤颗粒占绝大部分。  相似文献   

For the abutment bed scour to reach its equilibrium state, a long flow time is needed. Hence, the employment of usual strategy of simulating such scouring event using the 3D numerical model is very time consuming and less practical. In order to develop an applicable model to consider temporally long abutment scouring process, this study modifies the common approach of 2D shallow water equations (SWEs) model to account for the sediment transport and turbulence, and provides a realistic approach to simulate the long scouring process to reach the full scour equilibrium. Due to the high demand of the 2D SWEs numerical scheme performance to simulate the abutment bed scouring, a recently proposed surface gradient upwind method (SGUM) was also used to improve the simulation of the numerical source terms. The abutment scour experiments of this study were conducted using the facility of Hydraulics Laboratory at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore to compare with the presented 2D SGUM–SWEs model. Fifteen experiments were conducted with their scouring flow durations vary from 46 to 546 h. The comparison shows that the 2D SGUM–SWEs model gives good representation to the experimental results with the practical advantage.  相似文献   

Basiphilous, open, species-rich vegetation types of young dune slacks have declined throughout Europe in recent years, and have largely been replaced by often acidophilous, tall marsh and scrub vegetation. This succession appears to be accelerated by a decrease in the discharge of calcareous groundwater from sandy ridges or small dune hummocks. The present study deals with spatial and temporal variation in the chemical composition of the groundwater in the upper metres of the soil of a degraded dune slack complex on the Dutch barrier island of Schiermonnikoog, with emphasis on (1) groundwater composition, (2) water level and (3) decalcification patterns. The main aim was to assess perspectives for restoring basiphilous vegetation types which had been abundant in this slack from 1954 to 1977. The depth of decalcification was related to former hydrological conditions along a transect of 200 m. Acidifying effects of rainfall were reflected in the chemical composition of the groundwater below small dune hummocks within the slack. Distinct precipitation water lenses, poor in dissolved ions, were formed under the dune hummocks during a wet period. This microtopography did not contribute to the discharge of calcareous groundwater to lowlying parts of the slack. Here, groundwater showed decreasing concentrations of the dissolved ions after a rain shower. Except for the peripheral sections of the slack—where upward seepage of groundwater (exfiltration)still occurs—infiltration conditions are now dominant in the slack. The consequences of the present hydrological conditions for restoration are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Flume experiments are conducted to investigate the effect of streambed instability in channels with randomly-distributed vegetation, varying vegetation density and...  相似文献   

The evaluation of longitudinal dispersion in aquatic canopies is necessary to predict the behavior of dissolved species and suspended particles in marsh and wetland systems. Here we consider the influence of canopy morphology on longitudinal dispersion, focusing on transport before constituents have mixed over depth. Velocity and longitudinal dispersion were measured in a model canopy with vertically varying canopy density. The vertical variation in canopy morphology generates vertical variation in the mean velocity profile, which in turn creates mean-shear dispersion. We develop and verify a model that predicts the mean-shear dispersion in the near field from morphological characteristics of the canopy, such as stem diameter and frontal area. Close to the source, longitudinal dispersion is dominated by velocity heterogeneity at the scale of individual stems. However, within a distance of approximately 1 m, the shear dispersion associated with velocity heterogeneity over depth increases and eclipses this smaller-scale process.  相似文献   

Observations are reported on (i) groundwater recharge rates under various types of vegetation as measured with megalysimeters in the dunes, (ii) freshwater lenses along the Dutch North Sea coast in the early 1900s, and (iii) rainwater lenses that develop on top of laterally migrating, artificially recharged riverwater. Subsequently analytical methods are presented to estimate annual natural groundwater recharge as function of rainfall and vegetation, and to calculate the size, shape and transition zone of freshwater lenses on saline groundwater and rainwater lenses on infiltrated riverwater. An empirical correction factor, based on the hydraulic resistance of an aquitard within the freshwater lens, is proposed to account for the frequently observed reduction of the Ghyben-Herzberg ratio of 40. This factor raises the groundwater table, reduces the depth of the fresh/salt interface and increases the lens formation time. The suite of methods offers a tool box for knowledge based water management of dune systems, by rapidly predicting: (i) more or less autonomous changes due to sealevel rise, climate change and vegetation development; and (ii) the potential (side) effects of interventions. Knowing what happened or will happen to the fresh water lens or a rainwater lens is important, because changes impact on important natural habitat parameters such as salinity, depth to groundwater table, decalcification rate (and thus on pH, Ca/Al, PO4, NH4) and nutrient availability, and on drinking water supply. The analytical models are applied to predict effects of sealevel rise, coastal progradation, vegetation changes, and increased temperature of coastal air and river water to be infiltrated.  相似文献   

A pterobranch hemichordate, Cephalodiscus sp., was collected from Bermuda just below the low-tide mark in July 1983 and again in October through December 1983. This is the third report of this genus in shallow water and the second for the Western Hemisphere. Specimens were observed alive in the laboratory. Colonies consist of zooids at various stages of development arranged in clusters inside a translucent, collagenous coenecium. Cilia-driven currents of the zooids are used in a method of filter-feeding similar to phylactolaemate bryozoans.  相似文献   

北京及其周边地区分布的大量裸露沙荒地是北京近年来沙尘暴频发的主要沙源之一,而增加其地表覆盖状况则是遏止就地扬沙起尘的有效措施之一。以北京西北部河北宣化黄羊滩为例,对流动沙丘上铺设生态垫并栽植灌木的防风固沙效果进行了初步研究。研究结果表明,与沙柳沙障相比,生态垫确实可以降低近地表的输沙率,提高生态垫下土壤的养分含量,一定程度上提高柠条的地径和高度,可见生态垫是一种很好的促进流沙固定和植被恢复的地表覆盖材料;与其它两种生态垫铺设方式(品字状和带状)相比,全铺可以显著降低近地表的输沙率,提高其下土壤的养分含量,但柠条的生长状况却略差,这可能与全铺降低了小雨入渗的可能性有关;就两种部分铺设的方式而言,无论从降低近地表的输沙率还是促进柠条的生长上来看,品字状都明显优于带状。从生态和经济的角度综合考虑,品字状铺设显然是该区域流沙防治措施中较好的选择。  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Linear stability analysis is used to investigate the behavior of small perturbations of a uniform flow in a straight channel with an erodible bed composed by a...  相似文献   

In dune slacks in The Netherlands, a decline of rare mesotrophic basiphilous plant species and their plant communities has been observed in combination with an increase of more productive systems with common, taller acidophilous plant species. This has been attributed to both natural and anthropogenic changes. In a humid climate with a precipitation surplus, as in The Netherlands, the calcium carbonate content of a calcareous soil increases with depth. However, soils in coastal dune slacks, may have a higher carbonate content in the topsoil horizon than in the underlying layers. Carbonates which buffer the pH can prolong the presence of mesotrophic basiphilous plant communities which are of high conservation value. To explain the occurrence of calcareous surface horizons in dune slacks, hydrological and micromorphological analyses were carried out in three dune slacks. Two slacks are situated on the Wadden Sea islands in the northern part of The Netherlands; one on Schiermonnikoog and one on Texel. The third slack is situated in the dunes on the island of Goeree in the southwestern part of The Netherlands. In all three slacks, carbonate occurs as mollusc and gastropod fragments (silt- or sand-sized) and as micritic nodules in the topsoil layer, due to aeolian deposition and sedimentation by water.In situ carbonate accumulation (calcitans and calcareous crusts) due to CO2 release in inundated and/or capillary rise of calcareous groundwater near, or at the soil surface. Accumulation of carbonate also occurs as a result of biological activity by algae in the topsoil of the Goeree site. In general, hydrological processes maintaining high levels of calcareous groundwater are a prerequisite for the maintenance of high carbonate levels in topsoils. Such levels are necessary for the conservation and management of basiphilous pioneer vegetation.  相似文献   

浑河冲洪积平原土壤及浅层地下水中铅的分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨浑河冲洪积扇土壤及浅层地下水中铅的含量、来源及其分布特征,对研究区50个土壤样品、5个地表水样品和22个浅层地下水样品进行了铅含量分析.结果表明,研究区土壤、地表水和浅层地下水均受到了一定程度的铅污染.表层土壤铅含量较高,在17.72—114.46 mg.kg-1之间,受人为污染影响较大;随土壤深度的增加铅含量呈现逐渐降低的趋势,其迁移规律与铬、砷、铜等重金属密切相关,受土壤性质和有机质含量的影响较大,为研究区土壤和浅层地下水环境风险评价及污染防治提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,183(4):435-449
A cellular automata model of a sand dune plant community on Galveston Island, Texas, USA was utilized to test hypotheses regarding individual plant interactions and their impact upon community organization. Simulations demonstrated that both an environmental gradient and facilitative succession resulted in the formation of characteristic sand dune patterns. The results showed that the plant patterns were due to individual plant responses to their environment within their local neighborhood, yet these responses were constrained by the global history of the community. The local neighborhood was related to the “zone of influence” concept, “field of neighborhood” models, and “ecological field” theory. It is proposed that plants responded individualistically to environmental conditions within the local neighborhood and that plants were constrained by the community-unit beyond the local neighborhood. The ratio of the scale of environmental variability versus the scale of a plant's local neighborhood determined the relative importance of the individual and the community in forming pattern. This work makes important contributions to the Gleasonian–Clementsian debate, sand dune successional theory, and in pattern-based, deductive hypothesis testing with cellular automata models.  相似文献   

The loss of organic matter and nutrients due to a natural fire in a Danish coastal dune heath system (175 ha) was studied for three heath types: dryEmpetrum nigrum heath, moistE. nigrum-Vaccinium uliginosum heath, and wetErica tetralix-Molinia coerulea heath. The highest loss of organic matter, as well as N, P and K, was found in the moist heath (67%, 68%, 20% and 25% respectively). The lowest loss was found in the wet heath (35%, 28%, 14%, and 11% respectively). The loss in the dry heath was intermediate. For the burnt heath in total, loss of organic matter, N, P and K of about 13000, 192, 10 and 6 tons respectively, was estimated. Processes of nutrient loss by fire and regeneration of nutrients are discussed.  相似文献   

The coastline near the southern tip of Africa is characterized by large mobile dunes that are driven along wide beaches by strong winds throughout the year. This results in the blockage of the river mouths causing severe flooding of the low-lying farmland of the Agulhas Plain during the rainy winter season. Large parts of the driftsands were stabilized with the European dune pioneer species Marram grass (Ammophila arenaria), which has proved highly invasive along the North American west coast. In order to establish the potential invasiveness ofA. arenaria in South African coastal dune systems and its role in the succession of a large stabilization area, studies were carried out on De Mond Nature Reverve. Using aerial photos, maps and planting records, the vegetation of sites of various ages were sampled. By means of this chronosequence of stands, there is clear evidence that succession takes place at De Mond. Four communities are distinguished, varying from recent plantings ofA. arenaria to mature dune thicket or dune fynbos (heath) vegetation. These relate to four different stages of succession,A. arenaria occurring in reduced abundance in the older communities. After 50 years, formerA. arenaria areas are usually covered by dense dune scrub and in some places even in asteraceous dune fynbos. Succession is most rapid in sheltered, moist dune slacks, butA. arenaria remains vigorous in conditions favourable for its growht, i.e. on exposed, steep dune slopes with strong sand movement.A. arenaria does not appear to spread unaidedly at De Mond and has been successfully used for temporary dune stabilization.  相似文献   

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