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Yan M  Kahawita R 《Chemosphere》2007,67(5):879-885
Non-point source pollution originating from surface applied chemicals in either liquid or solid form as part of agricultural activities, appears in the surface runoff caused by rainfall. The infiltration and transport of these pollutants has a significant impact on subsurface and riverine water quality. The present paper describes the development of a unified 2-D mathematical model incorporating individual models for infiltration, adsorption, solubility rate, advection and diffusion, which significantly improve the current practice on mathematical modeling of pollutant evolution in shallow water. The governing equations have been solved numerically using cubic spline integration. Experiments were conducted at the Hydrodynamics Laboratory of the Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal to validate the mathematical model. Good correspondence between the computed results and experimental data has been obtained. The model may be used to predict the ultimate fate of surface applied chemicals by evaluating the proportions that are dissolved, infiltrated into the subsurface or are washed off.  相似文献   

The performance of narrow buffer strips in abating the NO3-N concentrations in the water coming from cropland was tested in an experiment carried out on the low plains of the Veneto Region (northeast Italy). The buffer was composed of a 5-m wide grass strip and a 1-m wide row of trees. Maize and wheat were cultivated in the neighbouring field during the monitoring period (December 1997-June 1999). Four experimental conditions were monitored, deriving from a combination of two levels of crop N fertilisation and two sizes of buffer trees. The narrow buffer was very effective in abating NO3-N concentrations, allowing water to be discharged with a concentration always below 2 ppm. Its zone of influence might be bigger than its simple width. The abatement was also efficient during winter. Tree size showed no evident effect on the reduction of the concentration.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Vegetated buffer strips (VBSs) are widely encouraged as a cost-effective strategy to address phosphorus (P) pollution associated with agricultural...  相似文献   

针对地表水中普遍存在的有机污染物现状和常规水处理工艺无法去除有机污染物的问题,以紫外光电氧化技术为基础,提出了以“分质供水”为目标的末端深度水处理工艺。与单独电解和光解相比,电化学氧化与紫外耦合技术可以将布洛芬、阿特拉津、三氯乙酸、乐果的降解率在15 min内分别提高到92.5%、98.1%、71.0%和94.6%,并且能耗有所降低。电流和光强对光电氧化降解有机污染物有促进作用,但污染物初始质量浓度、Cl、HCO3和天然有机物(HA)和污染物去除率呈反比关系。在此基础上,以布洛芬为污染物代表,测定了布洛芬的中间产物,并计算了降解中间体的毒性变化,发现光电氧化明显降低了布洛芬的毒性。  相似文献   

An ecotoxicological study of river water discharged from the agricultural area around Lake Biwa was performed by using algal bioassays to guide chemical analysis. Water samples were collected once a week, at least, for 1 year starting in April 1997 and continuing until April 1998. The toxicities of the dissolved and particulate-adsorbed extracts of water samples were evaluated by the algal growth inhibition test and concentrations of individual pesticides were determined. Most of the river water that was collected during the periods when pesticides were applied to the paddy fields caused algal growth inhibition. Some extracts were found to contain herbicides (molinate, mefenacet, simetryn, or esprocarb) as major compounds. According to chemical assay and bioassay, simetryn was identified as the most toxic compound that caused algal growth inhibition.  相似文献   

建立潜流湿地有机污染物迁移转化模型,采用多孔介质模型描述潜流湿地的水力特性,并引入Monod方程相耦合,实现对湿地系统内部流场及水质浓度的同时模拟。通过实验,校核模型参数,并验证模型。结果表明,该模型能较好模拟潜流湿地中有机污染物的去除效果;计算条件下,在不同基质填料的潜流湿地中都会出现滞水区和快速通道,影响水力效率与污染物去除效果;预测了不同填料系统中7种典型选控性有机污染物的去除效果,其处理效率:苯胺苯酚二甲苯甲苯苯硝基苯氯苯,可通过优选填料提高吸附量和延长停留时间来提高选控性有机物的处理效果。  相似文献   

A discrete injection experiment was carried out in a constructed wetland to evaluate the behavior of selected priority pollutants. A horizontal subsurface flow pilot plant located in the NE of Spain was selected for this study. A total of eight European Priority Pollutants listed in the Water Framework Directive were considered, including a commonly used herbicide (mecoprop). The pollutants encompassed a variety of chemical classes and physicochemical properties. They included organochlorine, organophosphorus, phenols, chloroacetanilides, triazine, phenoxycarboxylic acid and phenylurea pesticides. A time series of composite effluent samples and discrete gravel bed samples from the wetland were analyzed. Response curves for all the pollutants injected from effluent concentrations were obtained and compared with the tracer (clofibric acid). On the basis of an analysis of the samples taken 21 days after the injection, priority pollutants were classified into four groups according to their removal efficiency. These groups were (i) the highly efficiently removed (>90%), namely lindane, pentachlorophenol, endosulfan and pentachlorobenzene; (ii) the efficiently removed (80-90%), namely alachlor and chlorpyriphos; (iii) poorly removed (20%), namely mecoprop and simazine; and (iv) recalcitrant to elimination, namely clofibric acid and diuron. Taking into account the poor accumulation of the injected contaminants in the gravel bed (0-20%), biodegradation and plant uptake are postulated as the most likely elimination pathways for the pollutants.  相似文献   

地下水浅埋区某加油站特征污染物空间分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加油站渗漏污染地下水已经是一个世界性的问题。由于浅埋区加油站储罐与地下水密切接触,更加剧储罐的腐蚀。为揭示加油站渗漏的典型污染物石油烃(TPH)、苯系物(BTEX)、萘和甲基叔丁基醚(MTBE)在该水文地质条件下的迁移变化,在浅埋区某加油站开展了平、枯、丰水期的地下水监测工作。在水平分布上,TPH、BTEX、萘基本相似,均在加油岛附近形成高浓度区,而MTBE则更易随地下水流动而迁移,呈现出不同的污染晕。在垂直分布上,地下水的水位变动是污染物浓度分布的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

加油站渗漏污染地下水已经是一个世界性的问题。由于浅埋区加油站储罐与地下水密切接触,更加剧储罐的腐蚀。为揭示加油站渗漏的典型污染物石油烃(TPH)、苯系物(BTEX)、萘和甲基叔丁基醚(MTBE)在该水文地质条件下的迁移变化,在浅埋区某加油站开展了平、枯、丰水期的地下水监测工作。在水平分布上,TPH、BTEX、萘基本相似,均在加油岛附近形成高浓度区,而MTBE则更易随地下水流动而迁移,呈现出不同的污染晕。在垂直分布上,地下水的水位变动是污染物浓度分布的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

声光催化是水处理降解有机污染物的一种新技术。在分析中 ,探讨了该技术降解有机污染物的机理 ,以及国内外研究现状 ,包括降解效果和主要的影响因素  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Increasing evidence indicates that groundwater can contain high dissolved phosphorus (P) concentrations, thereby contributing as a potential pollution...  相似文献   

以混合柴油为靶污染物,通过对比实验研究了油污染物在模拟水环境中的降解效果。研究表明,模拟自然条件下混合柴油污染物总体降解较慢,油质去除率低;生物强化降解条件下,向混合柴油污染水样中添加驯化培养的微生物混合菌群,生物降解速率明显提高,油质去除率达到98%以上。研究还发现,各污染水样中油的降解速率与降解效果随柴油的配比而不同,混合柴油样本中生物柴油的比例越高,样本的降解率越高,表明生物柴油作为碳源有效改善了水中有机营养配比,促进了柴油的去除效果。进一步分析表明,混合柴油在水中的降解过程符合一级反应动力学,生物强化降解条件下,生物柴油比例越高,混合柴油降解速率越快,除油微生物以菌胶团、球菌和丝状菌为主。  相似文献   

Two peat bogs from remote alpine sites in Australia were found to contain detailed and coherent histories of atmospheric metal pollution for Pb, Zn, Cu, Mo, Ag, As, Cd, Sb, Zn, In, Cr, Ni, Tl and V. Dramatic increases in metal deposition in the post-1850 AD portion of the cores coincide with the onset of mining in Australia. Using both Pb isotopes and metals, pollutants were ascribed to the main atmospheric pollution emitting sources in Australia, namely mining and smelting, coal combustion and agriculture. Results imply mining and metal production are the major source of atmospheric metal pollution, although coal combustion may account for up to 30% of metal pollutants. A novel finding of this study is the increase in the otherwise near-constant Y/Ho ratio after 1900 AD. We link this change to widespread and increased application of marine phosphate fertiliser in Australia's main agricultural area (the Murray Darling Basin).  相似文献   

A dynamic aquatic model (DynA model) was previously developed to predict the fate of a chemical in aquatic scenarios characterized by daily or periodic changes in several input parameters. DynA model is here calibrated with data obtained from the literature in specific unsteady state scenarios, such as those of rice fields. The results obtained for two herbicides (cinosulfuron and pretilachlor) in rice paddy scenarios revealed the capability of the model to accurately predict water and sediment concentrations, as shown by some statistical indicators. Modelling efficiency (EF) values of 0.86-0.99 for the water compartment and of 0.77-0.84 for sediment show the good agreement between predicted and measured concentrations. An "external validation" was performed using measured data for a different herbicide (molinate) applied in a Portuguese paddy rice scenario. A sensitivity analysis for this volatile chemical revealed the influence of some climatic parameters (e.g. temperature) to the model outcomes, such as water and sediment concentrations. This confirmed the capability of DynA model as an efficient tool for the pesticide risk assessment in dynamic scenarios.  相似文献   

Of the so-called criteria air pollutants, ozone (O3) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) are relevant to agriculture due to their known toxic (O3, SO2) and fertilizing (SO2) potentials. A proper entity to describe pollutant doses in dose-response relationships is the cumulative flux density absorbed by the respective receptor systems. For nutrient budgets the whole ecosystem acts as receptor; for toxicological considerations, stomatal uptake has to be considered primarily. In Central Europe, the atmospheric inputs of oxidized S (SO2, SO3(2-) and SO4(2-)) have declined from the past, and at present are generally below the nutrient requirements of agroecosystems. In contrast, the phytotoxic potential of O3 has increased during the last decade. Pollutant absorbed doses and weighted concentrations were used to describe the risk potential. It could be shown that these two differ significantly.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the atrazine mineralization potential in agricultural soil was studied in two soil layers (topsoil and at 35-45 cm depth) in a 3 years field trial to examine the long term response of atrazine mineralizing soil populations to atrazine application and intermittent periods without atrazine and the effect of manure treatment on those processes. In topsoil samples, 14C-atrazine mineralization lag times decreased after atrazine application and increased with increasing time after atrazine application, suggesting that atrazine application resulted into the proliferation of atrazine mineralizing microbial populations which decayed when atrazine application stopped. Decay rates appeared however much slower than growth rates. Atrazine application also resulted into the increase of the atrazine mineralization potential in deeper layers which was explained by the growth on leached atrazine as measured in soil leachates recovered from that depth. However, no decay was observed during intermittent periods without atrazine application in the deeper soil layer. atzA and trzN gene quantification confirmed partly the growth and decay of the atrazine degrading populations in the soil and suggested that especially trzN bearing populations are the dominant atrazine degrading populations in both topsoil and deeper soil. Manure treatment only improved the atrazine mineralization rate in deeper soil layers. Our results point to the importance of the atrazine application history on a field and suggests that the long term survival of atrazine degrading populations after atrazine application enables them to rapidly proliferate once atrazine is again applied.  相似文献   

以农业面源污染阻控为目标的河流生态缓冲带研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
河流生态缓冲带是河流生态系统的重要组成部分,一些国家已将河流生态缓冲带的构建与维护作为控制流域面源污染的关键措施。针对河流生态缓冲带的农业面源污染阻控功能,梳理了河流生态缓冲带的研究进展。基于河流生态缓冲带类型的划定,重点总结了河岸植被缓冲带的阻控机制及影响阻控效果的主要因素、氮磷削减途径和缓冲带生态构建模式,并就植被缓冲带对污染物的削减机理及量化方法、缓冲带的设计理念与构建模式、缓冲带的长期效果评估和管理机制等方面提出了展望,以期为我国河流生态缓冲带的科学划定、生态构建以及生态系统管理提供参考。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess atrazine mineralization in surface and subsurface samples retrieved from vertical cores of agricultural soils from two farm sites in Ohio. The Defiance site (NW-Ohio) was on soybean-corn rotation and Piketon (S-Ohio) was on continuous corn cultivation. Both sites had a history of atrazine application for at least a couple of decades. The clay fraction increased at the Defiance site and the organic matter and total N content decreased with depth at both sites. Mineralization of atrazine was assessed by measurement of 14CO2 during incubation of soil samples with [U-ring-14C]-atrazine. Abiotic mineralization was negligible in all soil samples. Aerobic mineralization rate constants declined and the corresponding half-lives increased with depth at the Defiance site. Anaerobic mineralization (supplemented with nitrate) was mostly below the detection at the Defiance site. In Piketon samples, the kinetic parameters of aerobic and anaerobic biomineralization of atrazine displayed considerable scatter among replicate cores and duplicate biometers. In general, this study concludes that data especially for anaerobic biomineralization of atrazine can be more variable as compared to aerobic conditions and cannot be extrapolated from one agricultural site to another.  相似文献   

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