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Vertical profiles of C, N, delta(15)N and Pb were measured in the Mondego and Mira estuaries as markers that conveyed notions as to the relative influence of anthropogenic influence over the past decades. Recent carbon changes in both estuaries may reflect changes in estuarine productivity, probably as a consequence of sediment reworking and erosion, and also of losses in salt marsh area and dwarf eelgrass beds. delta(15)N values began to diverge considerably before the %C and %N and were higher in Mondego. delta(15)N signatures detected N enrichment at relatively low rates, and indicated that Mondego received more enriched N than Mira. Lead concentrations differed between estuaries, with higher concentrations in Mondego. The secular increase in %N, Pb, and delta(15)N signatures was significantly related to human density in the watersheds of the estuaries and were sensitive indicators of anthropogenic activity.  相似文献   

Trace elements (22) and stable isotope ratios (δ15N and δ13C) were analyzed in marine organisms from shallow (SW) and deep-water (DW) of the East China Sea to understand biomagnification and prey source of trace elements. In the benthic marine organisms from DW, δ15N values were negatively correlated with Ba, Cu, Ag, Mo, Sr, As, and Co concentrations. This may be due to the specific accumulation in lower trophic animals and/or the biodilution through the food web in DW. Relationships between δ15N and concentrations of Co, Cr, Bi, and Tl in fish and Ag, Bi, V, Hg, and Tl in crustaceans showed positive correlations, suggesting that trophic position was affecting the concentrations of those elements in phyla, with higher trophic animals retaining higher concentrations than the lower trophic animals. Positive correlations between δ13C and Rb were observed in marine organisms. Therefore, Rb may be a possible substitute of δ13C as tracer of prey source in the East China Sea although further investigation is required.  相似文献   

采用壳聚糖吸附溴百里香酚蓝(BTB)溶液,分析了pH、BTB初始浓度、吸附时间及温度对吸附效果的影响.结果表明,pH是影响BTB吸附的重要因素,当pH为3.4时壳聚糖对BTB溶液的吸附效果最好,其吸附行为符合Lagergren准二级反应动力学方程;随着温度升高,壳聚糖对BTB溶液的吸附量有所减少;吸附过程的表观活化能(...  相似文献   

Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes (delta13C and delta15N) and trace metals (Cd, Zn, Cu, Fe, Se, and Hg) were analysed in the tissues of 46 harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena relicta) caught in fishing nets along the Ukrainian coasts between 1997 and 1998. Mean delta13C values differed significantly between male and female harbour porpoises suggesting a trophic segregation between sexes with a more coastal distribution for females at least during their gestation and nursing periods. Hepatic Hg was correlated to delta13C measurements, reflecting a different exposure linked to coastal vs offshore feeding habitats. A geographical comparison with existing data from other regions showed general low levels of Hg, Cd, Cu and Zn in the tissues of harbour porpoises from the Black Sea compared to other Atlantic and North Sea areas.  相似文献   

An analysis of fine particulate data in eastern North Carolina was conducted to investigate the impact of the hog industry and its emissions of ammonia into the atmosphere. The fine particulate data are simulated using ISORROPIA, an equilibrium thermodynamic model that simulates the gas and aerosol equilibrium of inorganic atmospheric species. The observational data analyses show that the major constituents of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) are organic carbon, elemental carbon, sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium. The observed PM2.5 concentration is positively correlated with temperature but anticorrelated with wind speed. The correlation between PM2.5 and wind direction at some locations suggests an impact of ammonia emissions from hog facilities on PM2.5 formation. The modeled results are in good agreement with observations, with slightly better agreement at urban sites than at rural sites. The predicted total inorganic particulate matter (PM) concentrations are within 5% of the observed values under conditions with median initial total PM species concentrations, median relative humidity (RH), and median temperature. Ambient conditions with high PM precursor concentrations, low temperature, and high RH appear to favor the formation of secondary PM.  相似文献   

Concentrations of formic and acetic acids in Wilmington, North Carolina, USA, rainwater collected between 1996 and 1998 have increased dramatically since an earlier study conducted at the same site between 1987 and 1989. The current volume-weighted concentrations of acetic acid are within the range of values reported for urban locations whereas values from the earlier study at this site were similar to those obtained for rural locations. The ratios of formic to acetic acids (F : A) in the current study (approximately 1 : 1) are considerably lower than those previously reported (approximately 2.7 : 1). Current F : A's are similar to F : A's from direct automobile emissions. Increases in formic and acetic acid concentrations and the shift in formic to acetic acid ratios likely reflect the impact of extensive population growth in the surrounding region. Assuming increases in formic and acetic acid concentrations result from increased anthropogenic sources, we estimate at least 1/2 of the formic and at least 2/3 of the acetic acid in Wilmington, NC growing season rainwater results from anthropogenic sources.  相似文献   

A modeling study was conducted on dispersion and dry deposition of ammonia taking one hog farm as a unit. The ammonia emissions used in this study were measured under our OPEN (Odor, Pathogens, and Emissions of Nitrogen) project over a waste lagoon and from hog barns. Meteorological data were also collected at the farm site. The actual layout of barns and lagoons on the farms was used to simulate dry deposition downwind of the farm. Dry deposition velocity, dispersion, and dry deposition of ammonia were studied over different seasons and under different stability conditions using the short-range dispersion/air quality model, AERMOD. Dry deposition velocities were highest under near-neutral conditions and lowest under stable conditions. The highest deposition at short range occurred under nighttime stable conditions and the lowest occurred during daytime unstable conditions. Significant differences in deposition over crop and grass surfaces were observed under stable conditions.  相似文献   

Samples of fine particulate organic matter were collected outside Durham, NC in the Duke Research Forest as part of the CELTIC study in July 2003. Particulate samples were collected on quartz filters using high volume air sampling equipment, and samples were analyzed for polar and non-polar organic species. Among compounds analyzed, oxidation products of α-pinene, namely pinic acid and pinonic acid, were identified in all samples. Pinic acid, being a dicarboxylic acid, has a low vapor pressure of the order of 10−8 Torr and is expected to contribute significantly to secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation from the oxidation of α-pinene. Source contribution estimates from primary organic aerosol emissions were computed using the organic species as molecular markers with the chemical mass balance (CMB) model. The unapportioned organic carbon (OC) was determined as the difference between measured OC and OC apportioned to primary sources. This unapportioned OC was then correlated with pinic and pinonic acid to get a better understanding of the role of monoterpene oxidation products to form SOA. A reasonably good fit between pinic acid concentrations and unapportioned OC levels is indicative of the contribution of α-pinene oxidation products to SOA formation in ambient atmosphere. The results are significant considering the role of monoterpene emissions to global atmospheric chemistry.  相似文献   

Vertical measurements of ozone were made on a 610-m-tall tower located about 15 km southeast of Raleigh, NC, as part of an effort by the state of North Carolina to develop a state implementation plan (SIP) for ozone control in the Raleigh Metropolitan Statistical Area. During summer 1993, 1994, and 1995, ozone was monitored at ground level, 250 m, and 433 m. Boundary layer wind, temperature, and other meteorological variable profiles were determined from balloon soundings. During summer 1996 and 1997, ozone was monitored at ground level, 76 m, 128 m, and 433 m. This paper presents the analysis and discussion of the five-year data. The evolutions of the convective boundary layer during daytime and the stable nocturnal boundary layer (NBL) were found to have marked impacts on ozone concentrations. A strong diurnal pattern, with an afternoon maximum and an early morning minimum, was dominant at ground level, but it was much weaker at elevated levels and insignificant above the NBL at night. Ozone deposition velocities at night during the measurement periods were estimated to range from 0.09 to 0.64 cm/sec. We found evidence of regional transport of ozone and/or its precursors from northwest and north of the site, which may play a role in high ozone events in the Raleigh-Durham area. Ozone concentrations between the various elevated levels were well correlated, while correlations between the ground and upper levels were much weaker. However, a strong correlation was found between the nighttime and early morning ozone concentrations (CR) in the residual layer above the NBL and the maximum ground level concentration (Co max) the following afternoon. Based on this correlation, the latter may be predicted by an observational model Co max = 27.76e 0.016 CR.  相似文献   

Hog concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) release ammonia (NH3) in Eastern North Carolina (NC) to the atmosphere which is potentially hazardous for nearby human populations at community locations particularly homes and schools. We present NH3 weekly average concentrations that were collected using passive diffusion tubes from October 2003 to May 2004 (20 sites) and from July 2004 to October 2004 (23 sites) near community locations in close proximity to hog CAFOs. The data for each phase of sampling was stratified by distance from the nearest hog CAFO. The mean Phase I levels were 16, 8, 7 and 5 ppb for distances <0.5, 0.5–1, 1–2, and 2 km or more, respectively. The mean levels for Phase II were 29, 16, and 11 ppb for distances <0.5, 0.5–1, and 1 km or more, respectively. The results of the distance stratification are the best results of this study and provide the strongest evidence that distance to one or more CAFOs is the key variable in controlling weekly NH3 atmospheric concentration at the community level in Eastern NC. Statistical analyses confirmed that source terms such as distance to a hog CAFO and live weight per operation, as well as temperature, wind speed and wind direction were important predictors of atmospheric NH3 at community locations. The results indicate potential zones of exposure for human populations who live or go to school near hog CAFOs.  相似文献   

Nitrogen concentration and δ15N in 175 epilithic moss samples were investigated along four directions from urban to rural sites in Guiyang, SW China. The spatial variations of moss N concentration and δ15N revealed that atmospheric N deposition is dominated by NHx-N from two major sources (urban sewage NH3 and agricultural NH3), the deposition of urban-derived NHx followed a point source pattern characterized by an exponential decline with distance from the urban center, while the agricultural-derived NHx was shown to be a non-point source. The relationship between moss N concentration and distance (y = 1.5e−0.13x + 1.26) indicated that the maximum transporting distance of urban-derived NHx averaged 41 km from the urban center, and it could be determined from the relationship between moss δ15N and distance [y = 2.54 ln(x) − 12.227] that urban-derived NHx was proportionally lower than agricultural-derived NHx in N deposition at sites beyond 17.2 km from the urban center. Consequently, the variation of urban-derived NHx with distance from the urban center could be modeled as y = 56.272e−0.116x − 0.481 in the Guiyang area.  相似文献   

An annular denuder system, which consisted of a cyclone separator; two diffusion denuders coated with sodium carbonate and citric acid, respectively; and a filter pack consisting of Teflon and nylon filters in series, was used to measure acid gases, ammonia (NH3), and fine particles in the atmosphere from April 1998 to March 1999 in eastern North Carolina (i.e., an NH3-rich environment). The sodium carbonate denuders yielded average acid gas concentrations of 0.23 microg/m3 hydrochloric acid (standard deviation [SD] +/- 0.2 microg/m3); 1.14 microg/m3 nitric acid (SD +/- 0.81 microg/m3), and 1.61 microg/m3 sulfuric acid (SD +/- 1.58 microg/m3). The citric acid denuders yielded an average concentration of 17.89 microg/m3 NH3 (SD +/- 15.03 microg/m3). The filters yielded average fine aerosol concentrations of 1.64 microg/m3 ammonium (NH4+; SD +/- 1.26 microg/m3); 0.26 microg/m3 chloride (SD +/- 0.69 microg/m3), 1.92 microg/m3 nitrate (SD +/- 1.09 microg/m3), and 3.18 microg/m3 sulfate (SO4(2-); SD +/- 3.12 microg/m3). From seasonal variation, the measured particulates (NH4+, SO4(2-), and nitrate) showed larger peak concentrations during summer, suggesting that the gas-to-particle conversion was efficient during summer. The aerosol fraction in this study area indicated the domination of ammonium sulfate particles because of the local abundance of NH3, and the long-range transport of SO4(2-) based on back trajectory analysis. Relative humidity effects on gas-to-particle conversion processes were analyzed by particulate NH4+ concentration originally formed from the neutralization processes with the secondary pollutants in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Distribution of butyltin compounds (BTs) and derivatives (monobutyltin, MBT; dibutyltin, DBT and tributyltin, TBT) was analysed in Crassostrea gigas oyster shells and the sediments trapped in the shell chambers, from two different estuaries in Cantabria (Northern Spain), with very different environmental conditions, where previous data have not been reported. Inorganic tin analysis in oyster shells was performed in order to study the degradation of BTs. Shell thickening and losses in biological growth are related with the presence of TBT, and were determined using three morphological indexes. Total BTs concentrations, expressed as Sn, ranged from 18.0 ng g(-1) to 176.7 ng g(-1) in sediments, and from 2.4 ng g(-1) to 11.1 ng g(-1) in oyster shells. Total inorganic tin concentrations ranged from 1775.0 ng g(-1) to 4781.3 ng g(-1) in oyster shells. The amount of BTs in oyster shells has been associated with the concentrations in the sediments trapped in the shell chambers. Partition coefficients between oyster sediments and oyster shells show the affinity of BTs by the sediments and the higher inorganic tin in oyster shells does not seem to be related to the BTs pollution.  相似文献   


An annular denuder system, which consisted of a cyclone separator; two diffusion denuders coated with sodium carbonate and citric acid, respectively; and a filter pack consisting of Teflon and nylon filters in series, was used to measure acid gases, ammonia (NH3), and fine particles in the atmosphere from April 1998 to March 1999 in eastern North Carolina (i.e., an NH3?rich environment). The sodium carbonate denuders yielded average acid gas concentrations of 0.23 μg/m3 hydrochloric acid (standard deviation [SD] ± 0.2 μg/m3); 1.14 μg/m3 nitric acid (SD ± 0.81 μg/m3), and 1.61 μg/m3 sulfuric acid (SD ± 1.58 μg/m3). The citric acid denuders yielded an average concentration of 17.89 μg/m3 NH3 (SD ± 15.03 μg/m3). The filters yielded average fine aerosol concentrations of 1.64 μg/m3 ammonium (NH4 +;SD ± 1.26 μg/m3); 0.26 μg/m3 chloride (SD ± 0.69 μg/m3), 1.92 μg/m3 nitrate (SD ± 1.09 μg/m3), and 3.18 μg/m3 sulfate (SO4 2?; SD ± 3.12 μg/m3). From seasonal variation, the measured particulates (NH4 +,SO4 2?, and nitrate) showed larger peak concentrations during summer, suggesting that the gas-to-particle conversion was efficient during summer. The aerosol fraction in this study area indicated the domination of ammonium sulfate particles because of the local abundance of NH3, and the long-range transport of SO4 2? based on back trajectory analysis. Relative humidity effects on gas-to-particle conversion processes were analyzed by particulate NH4 + concentration originally formed from the neutralization processes with the secondary pollutants in the atmosphere.  相似文献   


A study was conducted from summer 1995 to summer 1997 to assess the seasonal occurrence of pesticide residues and other organic contaminants, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), in water at the estuaries of Rosetta and Damiatta branches of the Nile river. The results indicated that organochlorine compounds (OCs) including HCB, lindane, p,p‘‐DDE, p,p‘DDD, p,p‘‐DDT, aroclor 1254 and aroclor 1260 were present in all the water samples at concentration levels ranging between 0.195–0.240, 0.286–0.352, 0.035–0.067, 0.019–0.033, 0.024–0.031, 0.390–0.70 and 0.166–0.330 μg/l, respectively. The levels of these compounds were higher in water of Damiatta branch than those found in water of Rosetta branch. Aldrin, dieldrin and endrin were not detected in all water samples. Only 4 compounds from 36 organophosphorus insecticides, fungicides and s‐triazine herbicides tested were detected in water samples collected during summer and autumn seasons from Rosetta branch. The concentration levels of these detected compounds, dimethoate, malathion, captan, and ametryne, ranged from 0.011 to 0.340 μg/l, respectively. Similar compounds during the same seasons as found in water of Rosetta branch were also detected in water of Damiatta branch except ametryne. The levels of the detected compounds (dimethoate, malathion and captan) ranged between 0.030 and 0.330 μg/l. The levels of detected organophosphorus insecticides, fungicides and s‐triazine herbicides were in the order: dimethoate > malathion > captan > ametryne.  相似文献   

Lead (Pb) concentrations were measured in samples of peat soils, sediments and clams (Rangia cuneata) collected from the Pungo River region of coastal North Carolina. In peat soils, mean Pb concentrations (dry weight +/- 1 SD) were significantly higher (p<0.05) in surface samples (12.8microg g(-1)+/-7.6) than in samples from depths of 20 cm (2.7microg g(-1)+/-2.7) or 1 m (3.6microg g(-1)+/-3.6). Mean Pb concentrations in surface sediments from canals draining peatlands and from the Pungo River which receives this drainage ranged from 0.1microg g(-1)+/-0.1 to 7.0microg g(-1)+/-0.6. These Pb concentrations are similar to values reported in other studies for areas considered uncontaminated. Fractionation analysis revealed that the majority of the Pb in the peat and sediment samples was associated with the residual fraction, with lesser amounts in the organically-bound fraction, and generally negligible amounts in the water-soluble fraction. These results indicate that the bulk of the Pb in the soils and sediments of this area is relatively immobile and non-bioavailabe. This is supported by the relatively low concentrations of Pb (0.2-0.5 microg g(-1), dry weight) observed in soft tissues of R. cuneata collected from the Pungo River.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to synthesize results from seven published research papers employing different experimental approaches to evaluate the fate of metal-based nanoparticles (Ag NPs, Au NPs, CuO NPs, CdS NPs, ZnO NPs) in the marine environment and their effects on two marine endobenthic species, the bivalve Scrobicularia plana and the ragworm Hediste diversicolor. The experiments were carried out under laboratory (microcosms) conditions or under environmentally realistic conditions in outdoor mesocosms. Based on results from these seven papers, we addressed the following research questions: (1) How did the environment into which nanoparticles were released affect their physicochemical properties?, (2) How did the route of exposure (seawater, food, sediment) influence bioaccumulation and effects?, (3) Which biomarkers were the most responsive? and (4) Which tools were the most efficient to evaluate the fate and effects of NPs in the marine environment? The obtained results showed that metal‐based NPs in general were highly agglomerated/aggregated in seawater. DGT tools could be used to estimate the bioavailability of metals released from NPs under soluble form in the aquatic environment. Both metal forms (nanoparticulate, soluble) were generally bioaccumulated in both species. Among biochemical tools, GST and CAT were the most sensitive revealing the enhancement of anti-oxidant defenses in both species exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of metal-based NPs. Apoptosis and genotoxicity were frequently observed.  相似文献   


Incorporation of the remaining crop residue, including the root system, of grain (soybean and corn) and fiber (cotton) crops into the soil following harvest is a common agricultural practice. The crop residue represents a substantial portion of nitrogen initially applied as fertilizer, and thus is a potential source of nitrogen for NO emissions during the winter fallow period. Fluxes of NO and NO2 were measured from fallow fields from February 7 to March 23, 1994, using a dynamic chamber technique (ambient air as the carrier gas). Average NO flux rates, as a function of previous crop residue, were 9.2 (range –4.2 to 76) ng–N m–2 s–1 for soybean, 6.1 (range –11.7 to 110) ng–N m–2 s–1 for cotton, and 4.7 (range –0.2 to 40) ng–N m–2 s–1 for corn. Maximum NO fluxes were observed in mid–morning when soil temperatures were lowest. Minimum NO flux occurred after mid–afternoon when soil temperature reached a maximum. The decrease in NO flux with increase in soil temperature (5 cm depth) reflected the existence of a NO compensation concentration (i.e., the rate for the NO consumption reactions continued to increase with increase in temperature). NO2 deposition was calculated for 92% of the data points, with no trend in deposition between the three fields and their corresponding crop residue. These results indicate that significant fluxes of NO are generated from fallow agricultural fields following incorporation of the residue from the previous crop.  相似文献   

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