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在全球气候变暖的大背景下,促进碳减排是企业和社会的共同责任。要推动企业的碳减排,必须先对企业的碳排放情况有全面的认识。文章在界定产品碳足迹基本含义的基础上,从全生命周期分析的角度对产品碳足迹分析的一般方法进行了阐述,指出产品碳足迹的核查应包含生命周期各个环节的碳排放,而碳排放既包含产品生命周期中温室气体的排放,也包含产品的能源消耗。在此基础上,分析了服装产品全生命周期包含的阶段,并对各个阶段碳足迹的计算方法进行了分析,旨在对服装全生命周期的碳排放有一个全面的认识,以推进服装产品的碳减排。  相似文献   

如何应对气候变化是实现可持续发展目标的重点议题,而厘清碳排放责任是其中的难点.对不同视角下碳排放责任核算的文献进行系统梳理,分析了该领域的研究现状与发展趋势,探究每种方法的优势与不足,以期为厘清碳排放责任和合理分配碳排放空间提供科学的理论依据.研究发现:(1)现有文献对碳排放责任的核算多从单一角度进行,每种方法都存在一定局限性,如生产责任法会导致"碳泄漏"问题、消费责任法和收入责任法会削弱其他责任主体减排动力;(2)共担视角下的核算方法发展迅速,但还未形成统一的科学性考量准则,仍有待进一步发展.在此基础上提出对未来研究的展望:(1)拓展多原则融合的碳责任核算体系;(2)创新多视角共担的碳责任核算方案;(3)探索碳责任核算与排放权分配的有机结合.  相似文献   

利用遥感影像,提取上海地区的土地利用数据并分析其土地利用特点,根据《IPCC国际温室气体清单指南》中的缺省值法,结合社会统计年鉴,对上海市不同土地利用类型的碳排放进行核算;在此基础上对1995年、2000年和2010年不同土地利用的碳足迹进行计算、评估,并提出相应的低碳调控策略。结果表明:总碳排放一直呈现上升趋势,从1995年的3 352.06万t上升到2010年的4 332.65万t;由于人口的增长,人均碳足迹却由1995年的0.63hm2/人下降到2010年的0.50hm2/人。建设用地是主要碳源,林地是主要碳汇,森林碳足迹和煤炭能源碳足迹是主要的碳足迹,林地、草地等碳汇增加远小于建设用地碳源的增加,碳足迹赤字逐年扩大。  相似文献   

气候谈判中采用的碳排放基准数据,关乎发展中国家的发展权。本文认为基于生产者责任原则的碳排放数据为气候谈判基准是不合理的。提出基于贸易隐含碳的城市人均碳足迹数据为基准,并选取具有代表性的几个城市(纽约、东京、伦敦、上海)进行样本研究。结果表明,在考虑贸易隐含碳排放的情况下,上海的人均碳足迹最低。2008年,纽约为上海的2.2倍,伦敦为上海的1.8倍,东京为上海的1.6倍。本文希望在考虑贸易隐含碳的情况下,对国际上有相近功能的城市人均碳足迹的研究可以为我国的气候谈判赢得更多的话语权,并给出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

应对气候变化的碳足迹研究综述   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
由温室气体引起的全球变暖问题已引起国际社会的普遍关注,随着全球变暖成为社会关注的热点,碳足迹成为一个新的研究方法并迅速得到学术界的认可。本文从碳足迹的起源和各种定义入手,系统阐述了碳足迹的概念,并从不同角度探讨了碳足迹的各种分类。本文重点介绍了碳足迹的计算方法,主要包括投入产出分析方法、生命周期评价法、IPCC计算方法和碳足迹计算器等四大类,并总结和比较了四种方法的优缺点。在此基础上,对国内外相关研究系统地进行了归纳和总结,客观分析和评价了当前碳足迹的研究现状和存在的问题。本文还介绍了目前国际上四个主要的碳足迹评估标准:英国的PAS2050:2008标准、世界可持续发展商业协会和世界资源研究院共同发起制定的GHG议定书、日本的标准仕样书TS Q0010标准和ISO14067标准,并以GHG议定书和PAS2050两个标准为例分析了进行碳足迹评估的重要前提———边界界定问题。最后对碳足迹研究的重点领域和发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

当前全球气候变化与碳减排形势严峻,减少碳排放需要生产者、消费者的共同努力,也需要世界各国的携手合作。科学合理的碳排放责任评价方法辅以针对性的减碳政策可以建立正确的价值导向,有效促进各方采取减碳行动,同时也有利于各利益相关方接受并承担自身相应的减排义务促进国家之间的减排合作,是推动解决气候变化问题的重要基础。基于上述出发点,并借鉴已有的环境责任核算研究,碳排放责任应同时符合标准化原则、一致性原则和有效性原则,以实现尽可能有效促进多方碳减排行动的目标。目前现有的碳排放责任核算方法主要有生产者责任法、消费者责任法和各类责任分摊法,但这些方法均尚存争议,不能同时满足以上三个原则,具有较大的局限性。针对以上问题,作者在对已有的碳排放责任分摊方法进行研究的基础上提出了碳排放责任分摊的新方法“基于基准值的碳排放责任核算方法”。新方法基于产品碳排放基准值划分排放责任,在能耗与材耗的问题上统一了核算边界,并且在使生产者和终端消费者共同承担责任的基础上,实现了其排放责任与可采取的减排行动相对应,形成了核算生产和消费各环节碳排放责任的框架体系。在这一框架下,生产者追求生产时的节材与高效,而终端消费者则追求减少非生产能耗和高碳产品的消费。同时,通过管控消费领域的碳排放责任即可实现对全社会直接碳排放的控制,避免了碳排放配额对生产侧产业结构调整的影响。新方法为碳减排政策的制定提供了新的参考依据,有助于促进中国生产和消费两侧的碳减排行动,也为国际社会的碳排放责任核算提供了新视角。  相似文献   

基于碳足迹的江西省农田生态系统碳源/汇时空差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用2001~2010年江西省农业投入和农作物统计数据,采用碳排放系数法计算了江西省农田生态系统碳源/汇及碳足迹,分析了江西省农田生态系统碳源/汇时空特征,并进一步分析了碳足迹变化特征及原因。结果表明:(1)2001~2010年,江西省农业投入引起的碳排放量从2001年的11910 1×106 t,增加至2010年的5872 8×106 t,增加了103倍,农业机械化对碳排放总量贡献率最大。碳排放强度呈现先增加后减少的趋势。2008年赣州市碳排放量最多,景德镇市最少;(2)2001~2010年江西省农田生态系统碳吸收量先减少,后逐年增加,到2010年又减少,整个2001~2010年间增加3209 9×106 t。各类农作物中,水稻碳吸收量最多。2009年碳吸收量最多的是宜春市,最少的是萍乡市;(3)江西省农田生态系统碳足迹从2001年的07518×106 C〖DK〗·hm-2〖DK〗·a-1,增加至2009年的1473 4×106 C〖DK〗·hm-2〖DK〗·a-1,单位面积碳足迹呈现逐年增加的趋势。2008年碳足迹最多的是赣州市,最少的是萍乡市。南昌市、景德镇市、吉安市和宜春市表现为生态盈余,其余表现为生态赤字。江西省应减少农药、化肥等的使用,控制农业机械化,特别是赣州市,从而达到减少碳排放的目的  相似文献   

基于投入产出分析的中国碳排放足迹研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
结合IPCC的清单方法对中国历年碳排放进行了核算,以区域投入产出分析为基础,对生产我国满足国民经济最终消费的产品(服务)量所需要的直接或间接碳排放量进行了分析,并对碳排放足迹及各部门之间的碳关联进行了分析。结论如下:①中国2002年碳排放足迹为176 528.10万t,人均碳足迹为1.374 26t/人,其中大部分源于国内最终使用的排放。②从足迹类型上看,中国属于价值量顺差与碳排放足迹逆差共存型,即碳排放净输入国。贸易额增长对碳排放足迹的增加有较大的促进作用。③制造业、电力、热力行业与农业的排放足迹占到了总排放足迹的80%以上,是对碳排放依赖程度较大的产业部门。④足迹影响力分析显示,电力、热力行业占据了碳排放足迹需求的强势地位;足迹感应力分析表明,国民经济及其相关产业对电力、热力行业和制造业碳排放的拉动力最大。  相似文献   

能源消耗是中国最主要的碳排放源,而地方政府是碳管理的基层行政单元,因此,有效控制区域的能源碳排放是碳减排工作的重中之重。区域消耗的能源中,外来电是缓解当地用电压力的重要措施,但一般外来电引起的碳排放易被忽视。将外来电导致的碳排放纳入区域能源碳排放核算体系内,利用部门分析和范围分析法建立了包含外来电分析的能源碳排放核算系统,以上海市崇明县为例进行了应用。研究表明:(1)2000~2009年崇明的能源碳排放增长较快,由181万t增至477万t(CO2当量);(2)碳排放总量的8212%来自3个部门:工业、建筑业和生活部门;(3)2009年,购买电力导致的间接碳排放达2316%,体现了实施碳管理时考虑外来电力的必要性  相似文献   

采用克氏文献综述五步法,从碳排放概念、测算方法以及研究内容三个方面对相关文献进行了梳理和分析,研究发现:①碳排放概念内涵可指CO_2-e的排放,也可特指CO_2;②旅游交通碳排放的测算包括"自上而下"和"自下而上"两种思路,具体的测算方法一般采用碳排放指数法;③旅游交通碳排放研究内容主要包括认识研究、测算及特征研究、碳减排研究三个方面。文章认为,旅游交通碳排放具有四个方面的特殊性:比重大、测算难度高、跨区域性明显以及涉及部门多。然而,以往研究中仍存在两个问题值得关注:一是各类交通方式的碳排放系数的使用具有一定的局限性;二是我国交通统计数据不能直接用于区域旅游交通碳排放的研究。鉴于此,结合旅游交通与交通碳排放的宏观研究视角与内容。认为未来旅游交通碳排放研究应该在以下三个方面得到加强:研究方法上,应加强对各国家、区域的标准化数据的研究,如碳排放系数;研究尺度上,应凸显不同空间尺度对象研究中的尺度效应,包括国家尺度、市级尺度、景区尺度等;研究内容上,应完善旅游交通碳排放的系统研究,丰富相关研究内容,在碳源选择、测算的不确定性、影响因素、区域碳减排责任分配、碳减排措施、游客交通体验与行为、减排政策等方面需进一步加强。  相似文献   

Current carbon footprinting (CF) and life cycle assessment (LCA) methods do not treat recycled biogenic carbon adequately, because the calculation rules for recycled products and biogenic carbon stored in products are defined independently from each other. Therefore, an improved and consistent calculation rule for the CF of product systems containing both recycling processes and carbon stored in products is proposed. The methodological approach consists of the application of the same allocation principles for both greenhouse gas (GHG) releases and GHG removals: (1) explicit accounting of inputs (GHG removals) and outputs (GHG releases) of biogenic carbon flows instead of assuming carbon neutrality per se; (2) consistent application of allocation rules for environmental benefits and environmental burdens. It is shown that the different modelling approaches (e.g. polluter pays, conservative or partitioning) lead to different results in LCA and CF calculations, e.g. the GHG emissions of first life cycle of the product system calculated here range between ? 1.6 units in the polluter pays approach and 4 units in the conservative approach. It is shown that the currently common modelling is an average approach for primary biogenic material, a worst-case approach for recycled biogenic material and a best-case approach for disposed biogenic material. This paper proposes to improve the currently developed standards for CF by adding a requirement to the goal and scope definition phase that ensures the consistent and transparent documentation, how biogenic carbon removal credits are allocated between life cycles.  相似文献   

This research work focuses on the application of life-cycle assessment methodology to determine the carbon footprint of different players involved in a supply chain of the textile sector. A case study of a product by a textile leader company was carried out. This study demonstrates that, in the textile chain, the main contribution to the greenhouse effect is provided by the electrical and thermal energy used and by the transportation (since different production phases are delocalised in a wide range that goes from South Africa, Italy, Romania and all around the world, from the distribution centre to the stores). The Monte Carlo analysis has been used in order to obtain, for each calculated impact, not only the average value but also the distribution curve of the results characterised by uncertainty parameters. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis was carried out to evaluate the impact of management choices such as:

??a change in the transportation modality, from aeroplane to boat;

??a combination of road and rail transportation; and

??a selection among suppliers that allows the firm to cut environmental impacts.  相似文献   

In order to understand the characteristics of spatial and temporal variation, as well as provide effective ideas on carbon emissions and regulatory policy in Yantai, this article analyzed spatial and temporal variation of carbon emissions in Yantai based on energy consumption statistics for a variety of energy sorts together with industrial sectors from 2001 to 2011. The results were as following: First of all, Yantai’s carbon emissions grew by an average of 5.5% per year during the last 10 years, and there was a peak of 10.48 million carbon in the year of 2011. Second, compared with the gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate, the figures for energy carbon emissions growth rate were smaller; however the problem of carbon emissions were still more obvious. Furthermore, carbon emissions in Yantai increased rapidly before 2008; while after 2008, it increased more slowly and gradually become stable. Third, the energy consumption was different among regions in Yantai. For instance, the energy consumption in Longkou city was the largest, which occupied 50% of the total carbon emissions in Yantai; and the energy consumption in Chang Island was generally less than 1% of the Longkou consumption. Finally, there were relative close relationships among the spatial difference of carbon emissions, regional resources endowment, economic development, industrial structure, and energy efficiency.  相似文献   

将时间因素和生物碳通量纳入林产品生命周期碳足迹评估,通过动态生命周期分析法(Dynamic Life Cycle Assessment,DLCA),确定林产品生产、使用和废弃阶段替代化石能源的净温室气体减排和对森林碳损失的净弥补时间。首先,建立温室气体排放和封存的动态生命周期清单,评估刨花板全生命周期的碳动态和碳足迹;其次,根据ISO 14040和PAS 2050标准提供的静态生命周期分析法分别核算包含与不包含碳储计算的碳足迹,量化时间因素和生物碳通量对于碳足迹结果差异的影响程度;最后,对比自然生长状态的森林碳汇情境,评估刨花板使用和废弃阶段替代化石燃料实现净气候减排所需的时间。研究表明:①时间因素和生物碳通量核算对碳足迹结果影响较大(223.34%),忽视时间因素会低估刨花板的减排贡献(18.98%)。②动态生命周期分析法可准确评估生物碳和温室气体排放的时间问题,但对时间范围非常敏感(75.19%和113.25%)。③生产、使用林产品以及林产品对化石能源的替代是实现长期气候减排的有效方式,在100a的时间范围能够弥补因森林砍伐造成的碳损失,从而实现碳中性。  相似文献   

Problems related to biological decomposition of wood and volumes of mycogenic emission of carbon dioxide and carbon in forests of Western Siberia are considered. Annual C-CO2 emission in the region reaches 31 million tons of carbon, which is equivalent to 116 million tons of carbon dioxide. With respect to the volume of emission, natural zones may be arranged in the following descending series: southern taiga (38%), middle taiga (29%), subtaiga (16%), forest-steppe (10%), northern taiga (6%), and forest-tundra (1%).  相似文献   

环境分权、市场分割与碳排放   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国有着庞大的环境管理队伍以及巨大的国内市场,科学的环境管理制度以及高度一体化的国内市场将深刻改变碳排放格局,然而,已有研究对于这些影响碳排放的体制性因素既缺乏足够的理论分析也缺乏实证检验。有鉴于此,本文首先分析了环境分权和市场分割影响碳排放的理论机理,并提出了三个理论假设,进一步地,本文以环境管理人员在不同层级政府的配置衡量环境分权度,以相对价格法衡量市场分割程度,基于1995-2012年的省际面板数据,从实证层面检验了环境分权和市场分割对碳排放的影响效应。结果显示:环境分权和市场分割都显著地加剧了碳排放,原因在于分权的环境管理体制安排扭曲了激励,无法对碳排放形成真实有效的约束,而市场分割则恶化了碳排放在区域间的配置效率。同时,环境分权与市场分割对碳排放的共同影响作用上存在互补效应,即环境分权程度越高,市场分割对碳排放的负面影响效应越大,反之,市场分割程度越高,环境分权对碳排放的负面影响效应也越大。这主要是由于环境分权与市场分割是地方政府一对互补的策略行为,在环境分权较高的地区,地方政府进行市场分割的能力越强,而在市场分割较高的地区,地方政府争取环境事务管理权的动力越强。因此,在既定的碳排放约束下,中央政府一方面需要适度集中环境事务管理权限,进一步优化环境事务管理机构设置以及人员队伍在不同层级政府间的配置,提高对碳排放的管控效率,另一方面需要打通省际壁垒,加快区域市场一体化建设,优化碳排放的区域配置,提高碳排放效率。  相似文献   

The transportation industry is an essential sector for carbon emissions mitigation.This paper firstly used the LMDI(Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index)decomposition method to establish factors decomposition model on China’s transportation carbon emission.Then,a quantitative analysis was performed to study the factors influencing China’s transportation carbon emissions from 1991 to 2008,which are identified as transportation energy efficiency,transportation structure and transportation development.The results showed that:(1)The impact of transportation development on transportation carbon emissions showed pulling function.Its contribution value to carbon emissions remained at high growth since 1991 and showed an exponential growth trend.(2)The impact of transportation structure on transportation carbon emissions showed promoting function in general,but its role in promoting carbon emissions decreased year by year.And with the continuous optimization of transportation structure,the promoting effect decreased gradually and showed the inversed"U"trend.(3)The impact of transportation energy efficiency on transportation carbon emissions showed a function of inhibition before pulling.In order to predict the potential of carbon emission reduction,three scenarios were set.Analysis of the scenarios showed that if greater intensity emission reduction measures are taken,the carbon emissions will reduce by 31.01 million tons by 2015 and by 48.81 million tons by 2020.  相似文献   

It has become increasingly well documented that human activities are enhancing the greenhouse effect and altering the global climate. Identifying strategies to mitigate atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions on the national level are therefore critical. Fossil fuel combustion is primarily responsible for the perturbation of the global carbon cycle, although the influence of humans extends far beyond the combustion of fossil fuels. Changes in land use arising from human activities contribute substantially to atmospheric carbon dioxide; however, land use changes can act as a carbon dioxide sink as well. A soil carbon model was built using STELLA to explore how soil organic carbon sequestration (SOC) varies over a range of values for key parameters and to estimate the amount of global soil carbon sequestration from livestock waste. To obtain soil carbon sequestration estimates, model simulations occurred for 11 different livestock types and with data for eight regions around the world. The model predicted that between 1980 and 1995, United States soils were responsible for the sequestration of 444–602 Tg C from livestock waste. Model simulations further predicted that during the same period, global soil carbon sequestration from livestock waste was 2,810–4,218 Tg C. Our estimates for global SOC sequestration are modest in proportion to other terrestrial carbon sinks (i.e. forest regrowth); however, livestock waste does represent a potential for long-term soil carbon gain. SOC generated from livestock waste is another example of how human activities and land use changes are altering soil processes around the world. Readers should send their comments on this paper to: BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue.  相似文献   

Foreign trade drives China’s growth,but as the trade scale continues to expand,the carbon emissions also increase quickly.Based on the industry panel data from 1996 to 2010,this paper calculates carbon emissions of 27manufacturing industries.According to the intensity of carbon emissions,this paper divides the manufacturing sectors into low carbon and high carbon manufacturing industry and then analyzes the carbon emission trends.Next,the paper uses the feasible generalized least square regression to verify the existence of environmental Kuznets curve(EKC)of the manufacturing industry’s carbon.In order to investigate the carbon leakage problem,the regression also includes the interaction term between trade and industrial value added.Our findings are as follows:the carbon emissions of the whole manufacturing industry and low carbon manufacturing industry accord with the EKC curve,but have a linear relationship with the high carbon manufacturing industry;trade reduces the carbon emissions of the whole manufacturing industry and low carbon manufacturing industry,but it increases those of the high carbon manufacturing industry;for the whole manufacturing industry and low carbon manufacturing industry,there is no carbon leakage,but it exists in the high carbon manufacturing industry.On the whole,pollution haven hypothesis does not hold up in China,and China does not need to limit industry foreign trade to reduce the emission of CO2.But the manufacturing industry will still be the main engine of the economic growth,and therefore our country should make an effective low-carbon policy,introduce advanced technology,increase R&D investment into lowcarbon technologies,and upgrade and transform the original equipment to change the backward mode of production.  相似文献   

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