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Science parks have developed greatly in the world, whereas empirical researches have showed that science parks based on linear model cannot guarantee the creation of innovation. Hi-tech innovation is derived from flow and management of information. The commercial and social interactions between in-parks and off-park firms and research institutions act as the key determinant for innovation. Industrial clustering is the rational choice for further developing Chinese science parks and solving some problems such as the lack of clear major industries and strong innovation sense, etc.  相似文献   

Ken Burns' series on the national parks reveals the evolving values of the American nation, particularly in relation to nature. Through both the beauty and the history of these set apart spaces, Burns presents and to some extent critiques America's mythic dreams of nature. Nature as new world garden and as frontier shapes the story that is told. This essay focuses on two themes, science and pluralism, and argues the presentation of each (the former with less depth, the latter with more) is constrained by the mythic narrative of pristine America that seems unable to evolve, either in the face of ecological values of interrelationships or pluralistic values that re-shape understandings of democracy. More attention to the problematic of the notion of preservation of pristine America would have enabled the film to speak more powerfully not only of the history of the parks, but also of their future.  相似文献   

资源效率与科技创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技创新是解决资源效率低下的根本途径之一。一方面科技创新可以通过提高生产要素的边际生产力、研制和开发先进的技术设备和科学的生产方法提高不同品位资源转化率来提高资源使用效率 ,另一方面产业结构是“资源的转换器” ,而科技创新对产业结构的优化升级起着主导和决定性作用 ,科技创新通过促进产业结构的优化升级 ,实现资源在不同部门、产业间的优化配置 ,从而提高资源的配置效率。本文在分析科技创新动力来源的基础上 ,对如何为科技创新创造良好的外部环境提出了建议。  相似文献   

长江中游城市群森林公园空间分布格局及可达性评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用空间分析方法,对长江中游城市群森林公园的空间分布及其可达性进行综合分析,并对不同等级森林公园的空间分异进行比较研究。结果表明:(1)长江中游城市群森林公园在空间上表现为聚集分布,且具有"东密西疏"的空间分布格局,国家级和省级森林公园的分布模式分别为随机分布和聚集分布。(2)长江中游城市群森林公园的空间可达性较好,区域内平均可达性时间为38.84 min,且具有明显的交通指向性,省级森林公园的可达性要优于国家级森林公园。(3)基于县级单元的整体可达性在空间上呈聚集格局,森林公园可达性的热点区域分布自东向西表现为热点区、次热区、次冷区和冷点区,省级森林公园可达性与之表现出较强的相似,而国家级森林公园可达性的热点区域分布相对随机。在此基础上提出相应的对策措施,为长江中游城市群森林旅游的发展提供了依据。  相似文献   

Data collected between 1987 and 2002 have been used to analyze the structure of small mammal communities in parks and public gardens of the city of Moscow. With regard to several ecological parameters, four categories of parks markedly differing in biotopic conditions have been distinguished. The least stable zoocenoses are formed in deteriorating parks. More favorable ecological conditions exist in public gardens and regular parks, where not only synanthropic but also hemisynanthropic rodents can be found. The fauna of small mammals in landscape parks is similar to that in forest cenoses, but this fauna in park forests better complies with the concept of forest community.  相似文献   

Coping with global environmental change demands new forms of civic engagement and interaction able to transform passive audiences attending to the drama of unsustainability into committed actors for sustainability. This entails linking diverse sources of scientific knowledge with personal experiences, emotion and ethical judgments. In this paper, we assess the potential as well as the limitations of innovative theatre-based participatory tools and methods aimed at supporting sustainability learning and agent transformation. To this aim, we first review a series of experiences using theatrical performance and introduce the notion of performative methods. Second, we assess to what extent these new approaches can be of relevance in environmental action research and sustainability science, practice and learning. Finally, we list a series of key research questions to further guide methodological innovation in this promising area of sustainability science and practice. Our findings show a growing and successful use of such methodologies worldwide, both in academia and in implementation-oriented approaches. An increasing number of topics and complexity is being embraced by these methods, offering a fertile ground for innovation in participatory sustainability science.  相似文献   

中国城市创新网络模式划分及效率比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新活动由个体创新向合作创新和由封闭式创新向开放式创新不断转变趋势下,城市创造、积累和吸收知识的差异成为解释城市创新效率差异的关键。基于289个城市合作专利数据,从城市内部和跨界创新联系强度视角划分中国城市创新网络模式,并对不同创新网络模式的创新效率进行比较。结果表明:(1)城市内部创新联系强度整体偏低,作为省域教育和科技中心的省会和对外开放度较低的老工业城市成为内部合作创新高地,城市跨界创新联系强度具有明显空间异质性,呈现东强西弱的空间格局,高水平创新联系强度的城市主要集中于东部沿海地区的京津翼、长三角、珠三角、海峡西岸城市群等主要城市群;(2)创新联系强度视角下中国城市创新网络模式呈现网络创新城市、外部创新城市、地方创新城市和孤立创新城市4种类型,其中东部地区城市创新网络模式空间格局呈现以网络创新城市为中心、外部创新城市为第二圈层、地方创新城市和孤立创新城市为外围圈层的同心圆分布格局;(3)不同创新网络模式的创新效率具有显著差异,处于创新网络核心位置的网络创新城市创新效率最高,其次是外部创新城市和地方创新城市,孤立创新城市创新效率最低。  相似文献   

产业集聚与生态工业园的建设   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
区域经济发展靠产业集群的支撑。在我国的压缩型工业化进程中,自然资源短缺和环境污染问题日益严重。粗放的经济增长方式维持其可持续性的空间愈来愈小。循环经济是一种新的制度安排和经济发展方式,产业生态化趋向是发展循环经济的重要依托.而产业集聚为产业生态化创造了条件。加强生态工业园的建设能够为产业集群可持续发展提供重要保证。以“3R”为原则.根据资源条件和产业特点,运用循环经济发展方式引导产业集聚。在重、化工产业优先创建生态工业园.按照生产者、“消费者”和分解者的功能引入企业和集聚产业,构成资源循环链.形成具有竞争力的产业集群。改造原有的特色工业园区和高新技术开发区促使其向生态化层次升华.引导新的产业集聚.实现产业集群的升级和可持续发展。对于欠发达地区的资源开发型产业.推行保护性开发。产业集聚与生态园建设并举.形成优势产业集群.促进区域经济发展。  相似文献   

The contribution of scientific knowledge and innovation to sustainability is demonstrated. Theory, discoveries, programmes and activities in both the natural as well as social sciences fields have greatly helped with the environmental, economic and social challenges of the past and current centuries, especially in the past 50 years or so. Nowadays, we increasingly realize the intimate link between science and society, and the need not only for science to inform policy but also to address requests by governments and the multiple stakeholders confronted with the challenge to achieve sustainable development. Current barriers to how science is conceived and related education is delivered hamper true interdisciplinarity, and the emerging field of sustainability science attempts inter alia to clarify how ‘a new generation of science’ can be designed so as to promote more integrated thinking to tackle complex societal issues. At the international level, and more specifically in the context of the United Nations, the practice of science has always entailed the need to solve problems such as climate change, ozone depletion, disaster risk, lack of food security, biodiversity loss, social instability and ineffective governance—to cite a few. In this regard, science in an intergovernmental context is by definition science that has to assist with the struggle for sustainability. Yet, a higher level of integration and cross-fertilization among disciplines as well as of participation among concerned stakeholders in the design and implementation of science-based programmes and activities carried out by the United Nations (and, in this article, the specific case of its Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization—UNESCO—is presented) seems to be needed. The debate on sustainability science carried out in the academic circle and the experience of UNESCO in this area can be mutually supportive in further elucidating how, practically, the approach of sustainability science can enhance the achievement of sustainable development at multiple scales.  相似文献   

长江流域重要生态环境敏感区分布现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用叠图法、数学统计等方法,对长江流域自然保护区、风景名胜区、地质公园、森林公园、世界文化和自然遗产地的数量、面积、分布等基本情况进行了识别、整理、统计分析与制图,从长江流域内分布的具有全球保护意义、国家保护意义、流域保护意义、区域保护意义的角度,辨识长江流域存在的不同类型的生态环境敏感区,同时分析了水能资源丰富的长江上游区重要生态环境敏感区分布状况。长江流域已形成了以自然保护区、风景名胜区、地质公园、森林公园、世界文化和自然遗产地等多类型、多层次的自然与文化资源保护体系,对中国自然与文化资源保护具有重要作用  相似文献   

上海市工业园区投资环境评价研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在回顾大量关于投资环境评价方法相关文献的基础上,考虑了传统的区位因子和现代工业园区布局要素条件,建立了区位条件、腹地支撑能力、微观环境、规模及发育程度和创新能力5个子系统,并相应选取了16项评价因素和40个评价指标。选用主成分分析方法计算出权重值,然后根据权重计算出上海工业园区综合评价值,最后对上海市工业园区的投资环境做出总体评价。总体上,上海市级以上工业园区的投资环境接近中等水平,整体水平仍有待于进一步提高。各子系统对综合评价值的贡献程度不一,综合评价值高的园区,每个子系统的贡献率比较均匀,差异性比较小。综合评价值比较低的园区,各子系统的贡献率不均匀,差异性比较大。尤其在创新能力方面,所有工业园区都表现出不足, 今后要重点改善,以进一步提升上海市整体工业园区的投资环境。  相似文献   

分析我国各省森林公园旅游产业竞争力演变及其影响因素,有助于为处于不同发展阶段和不同发展水平的省份提供产业竞争力方面的指导。首先构建我国港澳台外31省(市、自治区)森林公园的旅游产业竞争力指标体系,然后计算各省旅游产业竞争力得分并分析其时空演变特征,最后采用分位数回归研究影响森林公园旅游产业竞争力空间差异的主要因素。结果表明:中国森林公园旅游产业平均竞争力值较低,区域差异较大,呈现东部向中西部递减的状态;2004~2014年期间西部各省森林公园旅游产业竞争力进步较小,主要原因是受到“短板效应”的制约,表现为西部各省在产业效益方面与东、中部省份存在较大差距;中国的森林公园存在东北和东南两个高层次旅游产业竞争力集聚中心,并存在逐渐向周边地区扩散,带动周边省份提升发展的趋势;回归表明,国家扶持力度、管理投入、资源禀赋、经济基础、品牌效应和交通便利性会在不同分位点上对各省森林公园旅游产业竞争力产生影响。森林公园旅游产业竞争力在不同分位点上影响因素的差异为有针对性的提高各地区竞争力提供了良好的参考。  相似文献   

国家公园是被国际社会公认的自然生态保护的有效模式,在生态文明、环境保护等问题上具有重要价值。建立国家公园体制、实施主体功能区制度在中国国家层面得到重视,有关国家公园的学术探讨逐渐成为学界研究热点。从利益相关者角度,运用CVM法测算三峡国家公园利益相关者对公园开发后保护和门票的支付意愿(WTP值),并对二者进行比较,从货币支付角度测度各利益主体对三峡国家公园的重视程度。然后运用Logistic回归模型分析不同利益主体对三峡国家公园保护支付意愿的影响因素。在此基础上探讨三峡国家公园的社区参与、门票管理、机构设置及经营管理,是国家公园体制在三峡库区实施的可行性探索。研究结论对未来三峡国家公园乃至国内其他国家公园建设具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

新时期区域公共管理创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息社会发展与全球化趋势,出现了区域集群、区域竞争、区域创新、学习区域等新特征,给区域管理者带来了新的挑战。区域发展需要创新,区域公共管理同样需要创新。本文从新公共管理、区域创新系统、区域核心竞争力、支持系统等方面对区域管理创新进行了探讨。  相似文献   

At the aim of solving the increasing conflicts among the economic growth, resource shortage, and environmental aggravation, the eco-industrial park becomes a significant research issue to achieve sustainable development and circular economy. Therefore, evaluating the comprehensive benefit of eco-industrial parks and providing references and policy formulation in supporting the improvement of construction and management level for eco-industrial parks are of great significance. In this paper, a hybrid framework was proposed to assess the comprehensive benefit of eco-industrial parks in terms of circular economy and sustainability. Firstly, the evaluation index system was constructed by using grey-Delphi method, which included economic benefit criteria, social benefit criteria, and environmental benefit criteria with nine quantitative sub-criteria and four qualitative sub-criteria. Then, a new comparison-based method, namely the best-worst method, was employed to determine the weights of all sub-criteria and the performance values of all selected eco-industrial parks with respect to the qualitative sub-criteria. Finally, five selected representative eco-industrial parks in China were ranked in terms of comprehensive benefit, and the optimal eco-industrial park was selected. According to the results of comprehensive benefit evaluation for eco-industrial parks, the strengths and weaknesses of each eco-industrial park were obvious. At the end, the recommendations for the effective and rapid development of eco-industrial parks were formulated.  相似文献   

矿业遗迹保护研究--以浙江遂昌金矿国家矿山公园为例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
资源枯竭型矿业城市的经济转型问题是日前非常受关注的热点问题。保护好矿区内存留的矿业遗迹,建立矿山公园,是该类矿业城市进行经济转型实现可持续发展的最佳选择之一。矿业遗迹是矿山公园的核心景观,探讨矿业遗迹保护的理论与实践,对矿山公园建设意义重大。本文以浙江遂昌金矿国家矿山公园为例,对矿区内各类矿业遗迹进行科学全面的分类与等级评价.探讨矿业遗迹保护的理论与原则,提出保护模式及具体的保护措施。文中结合实例进行的矿业遗迹保护理论与实践的综合性探索研究。对我国矿业遗迹保护和矿山公园建设具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

建立科学有效的评价方法将有助于稳步推进我国的生态工业园建设.而园区所处区域的特点对于评价指标的选择和评价体系的建立具有重要影响。本研究在借鉴国内外最新研究成果的基础上.针对北京工业开发区的发展现状和特点.考虑相关性、可操作等原则,初步提出了一套生态工业园评价指标体系框架及其计算评价方法。评价指标共分为6大类准则,共计25个具体指标.划分为“控制性”指标和“指导性”指标。前者包括:信息基建共事类指标、管理与发展类指标、减量消耗类指标、园区环保类指标。后者包括:循环利用类指标和产业共生类指标。该指标体系蕴涵的思想和理论方法已成为推进北京生态工业园建设的重要借鉴,也可作为国家生态工业园评价方法研究的有益补充。  相似文献   

一种工业园区生态系统健康评价方法及其应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用生态系统健康理论分析工业园区生态环境问题为优化生态系统结构和完善系统功能提供科学依据,具有较强的理论意义和现实意义。构建了工业园区生态系统健康评价的指标体系,该指标体系包括了复合生态系统中社会、经济、自然3个子系统,反映了活力、组织结构、恢复力的状况。并着重采用全排列多边形图示指标评价方法,对苏州工业园区生态系统在各个规划时期的健康状况进行了定量评价,进而指出制约因子并提出相应的诊断方案。评价结果表明,苏州工业园区生态系统健康的综合指数在2002规划年为054,在2005规划年为065,在2010规划年将为078,在2020规划年将为088。  相似文献   

生态产业园是循环经济在产业集中区的具体体现,随着传统产业园区建设及实践过程中出现的运行效率及稳定性问题,虚拟产业园及其运行模式已成为国内外学者关注的重点。本文以郑州国家经济技术开发区食品加工行业的生态链建设为例,探讨了农-工复合型虚拟园区的模式,即突破传统产业限值,建立以食品加工为核心,带动第一产业及第三产业共同发展的一种产业网络模式。本文最后对建立这种新型产业园区所面临的生态设计及体制转型和利益分配等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

A small part of the scientific community is seeking hard to enhance the contribution of science, knowledge and capacity building to environmentally sustainable and socially fair human development around the world. Many researchers over the globe share the same commitment – anchored in concerns for the human condition. They believe that science and research can and have influenced sustainability. Therefore their main goals are to seek and build up knowledge, know-how and capacity that might help to feed, nurture, house, educate and employ the world's growing human population while conserving its basic life support systems and biodiversity. They undertake projects, that are essentially integrative, and they try to connect the natural, social and engineering sciences, environment and development of communities, multiple stakeholders, geographic and temporal scales. More generally, scientists engaged in sustainable development are bridging the worlds of knowledge and action. This pro-active, heavily ethics- and wisdom-based "science for sustainability" can be seen as the conclusion of all dialogues and discussions amongst scientists at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) 2002 in Johannesburg. The "Plan of Implementation" after WSSD will be based on political will, practical steps and partnerships with time-bound actions. Several "means of implementation" are going to be proofed and initiated: finance, trade, transfer of environmentally sound technology, and, last but not least, science and capacity building.Some characteristics of working scientific sustainability initiatives are that they are regional, place-based and solution-oriented. They are focusing at intermediate scales where multiple stresses intersect, where complexity is manageable, where integration is possible, where innovation happens, and where significant transitions toward sustainability can start bottom-up. And they have a fundamental character, addressing the unity of the nature – society system, asking how that interactive system is evolving and how it can be consciously, if imperfectly, steered through the reflective mobilization and application of appropriate knowledge and know-how. The aims of such sustainability-building initiatives conducted by researchers are: first to make significant progress toward expanding and deepening the research agenda of science and knowledge-building for sustainability; secondly to strengthen the infrastructure and capacity for conducting and applying science, research and technology for sustainability – everywhere in the world where it is needed; and thirdly, to connect science, policy and decision-making more effectively in pursuit of a faster transition towards real sustainable development. The overall characteristic is, that sustainability initiatives are mainly open-ended networks and dialogues for the better future. A world society that tries to turn towards sustainable development has to work hard to refine their clumsy technologies, in "earthing" their responsibility to all creatures and resources, in establishing democratic systems in peace and by heeding human rights, in building up global solidarity through all mankind and in commit themselves to a better life for the next generations.  相似文献   

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