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Examination of the benthic nematode fauna of the soft surface sediments of a turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum König) bed in Biscayne Bay (Miami, Florida) has revealed a high degree of homogeneity exemplified by the dominance of four species out of approximately 100 nematode taxa from the area. The dominant species, Metoncholaimus scissus, Theristus fistulatus, Spirinia parasitifera and Gomphionema typica, regularly comprised between 87 and 95% of the total number of nematodes present in samples collected during the winter and spring of 1966. T. fistulatus showed an abundance of 56% over the course of the study, i.e., 160 samples collected over a period of 14 months. Maximal peaks in population densities were noted and correlated with physiographic alterations in the environment. The M. scissus population declined concurrent with changes in the community; at the same time, with accumulation of sediment, the Terschellingia longicaudata population increased. Ratios of species, and especially shifts in the dominantforms present, with repeated collections, are extremely useful indicators of important biological and physical changes in a particular environment. Analysis of distributional data on dominant species in 64 samples from eight closely approximated positions showed that observed temporal and spatial variations were not significant statistically at the 5% level. It is concluded that erroneous observations can be made from ecological studies based on field data derived without proper replication or consideration of seasonal factors. The latter as well as intrinsic variability within the particular locality itself contribute to the basic faunistic composition of benthic communities.This work was supported by Grant 12482 from the National Institute of Health to the Institute of Marine Science, University of Miami, and is a contribution (No. 819) from the Institute of Marine Science and from the Nematology Section, Entomology Research Institute, Research Branch, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa.  相似文献   

The calanoid copepods, Acartia clausi Giesbrecht and Acartia tonsa Dana, are maintained at high densities in continuous culture at 15°C. Synthetic sea-water medium is recirculated through filters and a foam tower which limits accumulation of dissolved wastes and various metabolites. The ciliate Euplotes vannus Müller is associated in culture with the copepods, and effectively controls bacterial population and accumulation of algal debris. The copepods graze upon the ciliates as well as upon the phytoflagellates Isochrysis galbana Parke and Rhodomonas baltica Korsten.Contribution No. 119 from the Institute of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami.  相似文献   

Gravimetric analyses of cellulose (Solka Floc) utilization by representative marine Ascomycetes, including Lulworthia floridana, Lindra sp., Torpedospora sp. and Halosphaeria mediosetigera, have shown noteworthy activity based on loss of weight of cellulose by the various fungi. Particularly striking activity is evidenced by L. floridana and Torpedospora sp., with >50% cellulose degradation after 3 weeks of fungal growth. Comparable studies with the deuteromycete, Dendryphiella salina, showed >50% loss within 6 days. Dissimilar responses by various L. floridana isolates are noted. Intensive degradative activity at pH's of 6 to 8 is common along with negligible amounts of cellulase (Cx units). Adsorption of the enzyme to the mycelia or to the cellulose particles in the medium is suggested. Earlier laboratory analyses of fungal degradation of Manila cordage compare favorably with present gravimetric studies and support field observations on the significance of fungal infestation of wood, particularly that incited by the Lulworthia floridana group.This work was supported by Grant GM 12482 from the National Institute of Health and Office of Naval Research Contract No. 137-792 to the Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Miami. Contribution No. 950 from the Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Miami.  相似文献   

Siderastrea siderea and Montastrea annularis were labeled in situ with NaH14CO3. The corals were sampled over a period of 11 days and the radioactivity remaining in the ethanolsoluble and ammonia-soluble fractions measured. Total radioactivity in the corals fell to about 1/3 after one night and then to about 1/3 in the next 10 days. The ethanol-soluble radioactivity is probably converted to the less soluble, ammonia-extractable, material in the dark.Contribution No. 1514 from the University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, 10 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida 33149, USA.  相似文献   

Measurements in situ were made of oxygen exchange and 14C fixation in calcareous sediments off the coast of Florida, USA, and at various sites in the Caribbean Sea at depths to 60 m. Sediment samples were analyzed for total organic carbon, nitrogen and photosynthetic pigments. In some cases, measurements were made of the pH of sediment interstitial water and its concentration of total CO2. In the Caribbean Sea, routine hydrological sampiing was undertaken and in situ plankton productivity determined.Contribution No. 1522 from the University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, 10 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida 33149, USA.  相似文献   

Biodeposition by salt-marsh invertebrates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The importance of salt-marsh invertebrate biodeposits in biogeochemical cycles is discussed. Yearly biodeposition rates of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, maganese, copper, zinc, and molybdenum are reported for 5 invertebrate species. The 5 species (Littorina irrorata, Arcatula demissa, Polymesoda caroliniana, Uca pugnax and U. pugilator) deposit 1709 g dry weight m2 year-1, of which 455 g m2 year-1 is organic material. Calculations suggest that the invertebrates are capable of processing 53% of the marsh's yearly production, but the actual amount utilized is probably substantially less than this.Contribution No. 716 from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, and Contribution No. 295 from the University of Georgia Marine Institute.  相似文献   

Twenty stomiatoid fish larvae (3.1 to 21,9 mm) belonging to the genera Bathophilus, Cyclothone, and Stomias were collected in plankton nets from surface waters over depths of 3 to 4 m from Biscayne Bay, Florida, USA. The adults are mesopelagic in the open water of the Florida Current and, therefore, these larvae were presumably advected in parcels of high salinity water into the shallows of Biscayne Bay by winds, tides, or currents. The presence of these larvae suggest that sewage discharged into the Florida Current may be recycling into coastal waters as well as into Biscayne Bay.Scientific Contribution No. 1403, University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. The support of Environmental Protection Agency Contract FW QA 18050 DIU, Water Quality Office, Division of Water Quality Research is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Pelagic primary production and benthic and pelagic aerobic metabolism were measured monthly at one site in the estuarine plume region of the nearshore continental shelf in the Georgia Bight. Benthic and water-column oxygen uptake were routinely measured and supplemented with seasonal measures of total carbon dioxide flux. Average respiratory quotients were 1.18:1 and 1.02:1 for the benthos and water column, respectively. Benthic oxygen uptake ranged from 1.23 to 3.41 g O2 m-2 d-1 and totalled 756 g O2 m-2 over an annual period. Water column respiration accounted for 60% of total system metabolism. Turnover rates of organic carbon in sediment and the water column were 0.09 to 0.18 yr-1 and 6.2 yr-1, respectively. Resuspension appeared to control the relative amounts of organic carbon, as well as the sites and rates of organic matter degradation in the benthos and water column. Most of the seasonal variation in benthic and pelagic respiration could be explained primarily by temperature and secondarily by primary productivity. On an annual basis, the shelf ecosystem appeared to be heterotrophic; primary production was 73% of community metabolism, which was 749 g C m-2 yr-1. The timing of heterotrophic periods through the year appeared to be closely related to both river discharge and the periodicity of growth and death of marsh macrophytes in the adjacent estuary. The results of this study support the estuarine outwelling hypothesis of Odum (1968).This is Contribution No. 530 from the University of Georgia Marine Institute. This work was supported by the Georgia Sea Grant College Program maintained by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Department of Commerce  相似文献   

Benthic community respiration and the cycling of N and P were seasonally investigated in the unprotected, sandy sediments (Z5m) of the nearshore zone of the Georgia Bight, USA in 1981 and 1982. Nutrient exchange across the sediment-water interface was calculated from a diffusive model, measured by in-situ enclosure experiments and estimated from whole core incubations. Seasonally changing pore water profiles indicated that the sediments were not in steady-state with respect to N and P and showed the characteristics of enhanced interstitial water movement by benthic animals. Over an annual period the total flux of nitrogen measured in situ averaged 1812 mol m-2 d-1 from the sediments. NH 4 + flux accounted for the vast majority of the total directly measured N flux (77%), followed by nitrate + nitrite (14%), and dissolved organic nitrogen (9%). Phosphorus flux averaged 537 mol m-2 d-1. A large ratio of in-situ fluxes to calculated diffusive fluxes (5.2:1) indicated flux enhancement due to benthic animal activity. ammonium fluxes measured in situ did not agree well with the rate of NH 4 + produced in incubated whole cores (11.7 mmol m-2 d-1). Relative rates of C, N and P release throughout the year fluctuated considerably. Generally, nutrient fluxes were not simply related to respiration or temperature. As respiration was highly correlated with temperature, however, this suggested that respiration-regeneration was temporarily decoupled from exchange across the sediment-water interface. The annual C-N-P flux stoichiometry was 130:3.1:1. Using the rate at which NH 4 + was produced in incubated cores the stoichiometry was 120:21:1. The anomalously low N flux measured in situ was attributed to a combination of denitrification and wave-and current-induced sediment nutrient flushing. The potential for sediment flushing is high as experiments showed that sediments were fluidized or resuspended down to 25 cm during large storms. Benthic nutrient flux contributed 40% to the annual P but only 11% to the annual N requirements of the pelagic primary producers.This is Contribution No. 558 from the University of Georgia Marine Institute. This work was supported by the Georgia Sea Grant College Program maintained by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Department of Commerce, under Grant No. NA80AA-D-00091  相似文献   

The boundaries as well as the macro-epibenthic biomass distribution and composition of a North Adriatic benthic community, dominated by the brittle star Ophiothrix quinquemaculata (D.Ch.), the sponges Reniera ssp., and the ascidians Microcosmus ssp. were determined. Transects totalling more than 80 km (i.e., a recorded area of approximately 150 000 m2) were taken by means of a combined TV- and photocamera sled. The observations, TV-recordings, and photos, together with 392 diver-collected quantitative samples were evaluated. The biomass values were used to establish isobenths. Within the community, the mean biomass, measured as wet weight, amounted to 370 (±73) g/m2 with maxima of more than 1000 g/m2. 64% of the biomass was due to the designating group Ophiothrix-Reniera-Micrcosmus, 87.5% were represented by filter- and suspension-feeding species alone. The mean biomass in the peripheral areas was evaluated at 166 (±62) g/m2. Biomass distribution and composition is examined, and the ecological function and meaning of the observed patterns is discussed.This investigation was carried out within the frame of a joint programme between the Lehrkanzel für Meeresbiologie, University of Vienna, and the Marine Biological Station, Portoroz, University of Ljubljana.  相似文献   

Gut analyses of the green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (O. F. Müller) demonstrated that perennial phaeophytes, mostly fucoids and Alaria esculenta, were predominant in the diet. Ephemeral species, coralline algae and animals, were consumed in smaller amounts when available. Grazing by the urchins is evidently responsible for the dearth of non-coralline sublittoral algae in Newfoundland waters. Lobsters, rock crabs, purple sea stars, other urchins, and a variety of fishes and birds feed on S. droebachiensis, but predation is apparently not effective in limiting the abundance of the urchin.Studies in Biology from the Memorial University of Newfoundland No. 234.Contribution from the Marine Sciences Research Laboratory No. 66.  相似文献   

Quantitative (0.25 m2) samples of macrofaunal (>1.0 mm) invertebrates were taken in each season from one habitat of an intertidal sandbar in the North Inlet estuary near Georgetown, South Carolina, USA. During all seasons the community inhabiting the sample site was numerically dominated by two species of haustoriid amphipods (Acanthohaustorius millsi and Pseudohaustorius caroliniensis). Seasonal changes at the community level were clearly controlled by the population dynamics of the numerically dominant species, and qualitative information on life histories was important to the interpretation of analyses' results.This work was supported by the Environmental Technology Center of Martin Marietta Corporation and the Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine Biology and Coastal Research. It is Contribution No. 138 of the Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine Biology and Coastal research.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the life history of various representatives of the meiofauna associated with decaying mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) leaves was investigated. Life cycles, recorded in days, for 6 species of marine nematodes cultured at a temperature of 24°C are as follows: Rhabditis marina 2 1/4; Diplolaimelloides sp., 7; Diplolaimella ocellata, 11 1/2; Enoplus paralittoralis, 22; Oncholaimus sp., 29; Haliplectus dorsalis, 34. In general, life cycles become shorter with increased temperatures; however, as temperatures approach the upper limits which support reproduction, life cycles become slightly lengthened. For most species, the ability to complete a life cycle was inconsistent within the temperature range of 33° to 35°C. Studies with two harpacticoid copepod and two foraminifera species tend to support the 33° to 35°C range as being the thermal stress zone.Contribution No. 1697 from the University of Miami, Rosentiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, 10 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida 33149, USA.  相似文献   

A population of the regular sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus was sampled, and the gonad volume and test diameter recorded at monthly intervals for 10 years. Parameters abstracted from the data included the size and date when the gonads were full and when they were spent, the spawning pattern, and the spawn output. Environmental parameters available were sea temperature and rainfall. Correlations were determined among these. A correlation was also found between the appearance in successive years of a brood of young urchins on the shore and the temperature and rainfall.Contribution No. 1490 from Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, 10 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida 33149, USA. We are indebted to the Federal Water Quality Administration for supporting this work under Grant No. DI WP-01433.  相似文献   

Observations were made on the brooding behavior of 10 laboratory reared female Octopus joubini, including egg laying, care of the eggs, feeding during brooding, and survival of the female from the onset of egg laying. Data concerning the numbers of eggs laid by each female and hatching (duration, frequency, correlation of duration to water temperature, etc.) are given. The newly hatched octopuses (whose ages were determined within 24 h) were fed Uca spp. to determine their growth rate from hatching to 4 months of age. In addition, some specimens were presented with a variety of foods that were easily accessible in the laboratory or field in an effort to find a food suitable for mass culture.Contribution No. 1830 from the University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science.  相似文献   

The ecology, defensive behavior and toxicity of three species of reef flat holothurians (Actinopyga mauritiana, Holothuria atra and Holothuria difficilis) were studied at Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands. The average diurnal population density of H. difficilis ranged from 1.4 to 32 holothurians/900 cm2; resting respiratory rates (0.05 ml O2/g wet wt/h) were comparable during day and night; nourishment in H. difficilis may be primarily from bacteria and foraminifera in which about 2% of the dry weight of sediment consumed is utilized, and the species probably passes at least 3 g dry wt of sediment/m2/day (>1 kg/m2/year). A fundamental difference in energy flow is suggested: considerably more energy is passed from benthic algae to grazing and browsing fishes to predatory fishes on coral reefs whereas, in extra-tropical latitudes, more energy is shunted from benthic algae to invertebrates to predators. The effects of holothurin leading to death in fishes are irreversible. Holothuria difficilis is best protected from predation. Its body wall is toxic and it can accurately eject Cuvierian tubules, which are also toxic. The discharge of tubules was regulated by a circadian rhythm in May. Studies on holothurians and sponges suggest that many exposed coral reef invertebrates have evolved effective defensive mechanisms in association with high intensity predation.Supported by A.E.C. Contract AT (29-2)-226 with the University of Hawaii.  相似文献   

Growth rates and intracellular-dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) concentrations of five green algal species collected from different geographic regions in 1986 and 1989 were determined under four photon flux rates. InUlothrix implexa, U. subflaccida andAcrosiphonia arcta from Antarctica, growth was light-saturated at lower irradiances than in temperateUlva rigida from Southern Chile andBlidingia minima from Germany. The DMSP content ofUlothrix implexa, A. arcta andUlva rigida was directly correlated with the light factor: with increasing irradiance, algal DMSP level increased. In contrast, inUlothrix subflaccida andB. minima DMSP concentrations gradually decreased up to a photon flux rate of 30µmol m–2 s–1, then increased markedly under the highest photon flux rate tested. In non-growing, dark-incubatedA. arcta DMSP content was reduced by 35%, while the DMSP pool of all other species remained unchanged, at the level of pre-culture conditions. Under full darkness all plants exhibited a significantly higher DMSP concentration compared with algae grown at low photon flux rates of 2 to 30µmol m–2 s–1. These data show a correlation between growth pattern and DMSP biosynthesis, and may point to a species-specific minimum amount of light energy necessary for DMSP accumulation.Contribution no. 302 of the Alfred Wegener Institute of Polar and Marine Research  相似文献   

The food web of Izembek Lagoon, Alaska draws most of its carbon from eelgrass (Zostera marina) and phytoplankton. The13C:12C ratios of these primary producers are sufficiently different to enable their contributions to consumers to be estimated from consumer13C:12C ratios. Although the technique is conceptually simple, carbon inputs from other sources and isotope fractionations occurring in the food web limit its precision. Isotopic data nevertheless helps to establish the major carbon fluxes through the community and to assess the importance of eelgrass carbon to individual animals. It is particularly useful when dealing with detritus food chains, where direct observations of animal feeding habits are difficult to make. The Izembek community draws much of its carbon from eelgrass. Detritus food chains provide the major pathway for assimilation of eelgrass carbon by the community, but grazers are also important. Eelgrass carbon is more important to benthic animals than to the eelgrass epibiota and the fishes, which depend mainly on phytoplankton carbon.Publication No. 381 of the Institute of Marine Science, University of Alaska.  相似文献   

The study was carried out in the neritic and estuarine waters of Porto Novo, Coromandel Coast, Bay of Bengal, India during the period January, 1960 to December, 1967. The average displacement volume of plankton usually varied between 2 and 4 c2/m2. During summer, with a season of high plankton productivity, the average plankton displacement volume rose to 8 c2/m3. Generally speaking, the average zooplankton density (standing crop) was usually between 80,000 and 100,000 organisms/m3, of which copepods alone comprised usually between 70,000 and 90,000 organisms/m3. The average copepod density per sample varied from 30,000 to 50,000 organisms/m3. However, in the summer months, the copepod density was usually not less than 100,000 organisms/m3; in some years this was even higher (from 125,000 to 170,000 organisms/m3). Copepods comprised between 80 and 95% of the zooplankton population. The maximum non-copepod population in the zooplankton seldom reached 30%, was ofter below 25%, and usually less than 20%. During the period March to October (in some years as early as February, and in some years up to November), either an increasing or a steady trend of plankton production was evident. It would appear that salinity and rainfall determine the occurrence and distribution of plankton in Porto Novo.Contribution No. 189 from the Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology, Marine Biological Station of Annamalai University, Porto Novo, Tamilnadu, India.  相似文献   

Nitrogenous excretion by meiofauna from coral reef sediments: Mecor 5   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nitrogenous excretion rates of meiofauna from coral sediments of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia were studied at winter temperatures. Data on single taxa fitted a geometric regression: Log N excretion=-0.206+0.865 log x where log x=dry weight in g. Abundance and biomass data on meiofaunal taxa were obtained from Lizard Island, Orpheus Island and Davies Reef. Using excretion rates and biomass data, meiofauna were calculated as contributing 10.18, 12.32, and 1.60 mg N m-2 h-1 at the above areas respectively.Contribution No. 5 from the workshop Microbial Ecology of coral Reefs (MECOR), sponsored by the Australian Institute of Marine Sciences and the US National Science Foundation, July–August 1984  相似文献   

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