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张庆 《绿色视野》2013,(1):43-46
胡锦涛同志在党的十八大做了题为《坚定不移沿着中国特色社会主义道路前进,为全面建成小康社会而奋斗》的报告。报告首次把大力推进生态文明建设独立成章,把生态文明建设放在突出地位,全面、系统、科学地阐述了生态文明建设的新理念。学习十八大关于生态文明新理念的几点认识推进生态文明建设是党对自然规律和人与自然关系再认识的崭新成果  相似文献   

周生贤部长在《求是》杂志发表署名文章深刻阐述中国特色生态文明建设的理论创新和实践环境保护部部长周生贤在《求是》杂志2012年第19期发表署名文章《中国特色生态文明建设的理论创新和实践》,深刻阐述了党的十六大以来,中国特色生态文明建设的理论创新和实践。周部长在文章中指出,建设生态文明是我们党创造性地回答经济发展与资源环境关系问题所取得的最新理论成果,为统筹人与自然和谐发展指明了前进方向;推进生态文明建设是我们党积极主动顺应广大人民群众新期待进行的重大部署,进一步丰富了我国现代化建设内涵;走出一条  相似文献   

曲格平撰写的《生态文明理念和发展方略》重点阐述了生态文明的重要性,深刻揭示了生态文明的必然性,提出了中国生态文明建设的路径和发展方略,启示我们要更加深刻地认识生态文明的重要现实意义和历史必然性,进一步提高贯彻落实科学发展观的自觉性,努力开辟具有中国特色的人与自然和谐发展的道路,开创环保工作的"战略反攻"的新阶段,积极发展环境科技,培养大批高素质环保科技人才。  相似文献   

郝未宁 《绿叶》2013,(4):107-113
生态文明建设已经成为中国特色社会主义的重要组成部分。推动全社会树立生态文明理念,共同建设资源节约型环境友好型社会,把生态文明建设提高到新水平,需要全社会的共同参与和一致行动。因此,加强环境宣传教育,动员广大公众积极参与生态文明建设,是我国当前及今后一个时期面临的十分紧要的任务。而作为中国北方的经济中心和国际港口城市,天津市则更需加紧推动生态文明建设。一、公众参与生态文明建设的作用与意义生态文明反映了人类处理自身活动与自然界关系的进步程度,体现了先进的世  相似文献   

生态文明建设是一项全民参与的系统工程。公众参与生态文明建设,能够及时反映公众的环境意愿,有助于政府掌握完整的环境信息,避免决策的局限性、盲目性和短期性。党的十八大将生态文明建设与经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设一起,纳入中国特色社会主义事业的"五位一体"总体布局,为实现我国经济、社会、环境全面发展、科学发展、可持续发展,全面建设"美丽中国"指明了方  相似文献   

7月31日,由环境保护部主办、中国环境文化促进会承办的首次全国生态文明意识调查工作在京正式启动,同时,腾讯公益频道“全国生态文明意识调查网上调查问卷系统”也正式开通。本次调查是北京市环保局、腾讯公益频道和全国众多大学生环保社团联合支持的首次全国性公众生态文明意识调查研究项目,旨在客观反映公众生态文明意识水平以及生态文明宣传教育的效果,进一步提升公众的生态意识和环境意识,为各级政府和相关部门决策提供参考。  相似文献   

"生态文明"、"美丽中国"、"五位一体",将生态文明建设纳入总体布局……这组在党的十八大报告中最引人关注的词汇,对于长春环保人来说尤具深意。建设生态文明,关系群众福祉、关乎城市未来。近年来,长春环保人积极探索,主动谋变,以科学发展观为指导,切实加强生态文明制度建设,针对危害群众健康的服务业烟尘、油烟及噪声污染等问题,扎实  相似文献   

2018年是环境经济政策建设取得重要进展的一年,《关于全面加强生态环境保护 坚决打好污染防治攻坚战的意见》等中央文件对环境经济政策建设提出了新形势需求,环境财政、环境价格、生态补偿、绿色金融等政策取得了阶段性突破,但是我国的环境经济政策体系仍不够完善,服务于生态文明建设以及环境质量改善的环境经济政策仍然存在结构性短缺,需要积极推进环保投融资、生态补偿等环境经济政策的创新运用,为环境质量改善、生态文明建设提供长效政策机制。  相似文献   

党的十八大提出了把生态文明建设提升到"五位一体"的总体布局的战略高度。大力推进生态文明建设,建设美丽中国,促进资源节约型、环境友好型社会发展,是今后环保工作主要任务。生态示范创建是推进生态文明建设的重要载体,也是建设美丽中国的有效措施。如何以生态建设示范区创建为抓手,对全力推进吉林省生态文明建设,提出以下几点想法。  相似文献   

党的十六大以来,以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央坚持以科学发展观统领经济社会发展全局,坚持节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,深入实施可持续发展战略,创造性地提出建设生态文明的重大命题和战略任务,为我国实现人与自然、环境与经济、人与社会和谐发展提供了坚实理论基础、远大目标指向和强大实践动力,开辟了中国特色社会主义的新境界。一、大力开展中国特色生态文明建设的重大意义统筹当前发展和长远发展的需要,既积极实现当前的目标,又为长远发展创造有利条件,是我国社会主义现代化建设必须正确处理的一个重大问题。  相似文献   

台湾地区固体废物进出口管理工作起步较早,到现在已经形成了以《废弃物输入输出过境转口管理办法》为核心、台湾地区各级环境保护部门负责具体执行的较为完善的固体废物进出口管理体系。本文对台湾地区固体废物进出口管理目标、政策法规、管理模式,以及固体废物进出口现状等进行了详细介绍,并总结得出了值得大陆地区借鉴学习的经验。  相似文献   

This paper outlines a methodology for the systematic assessment of policy instruments for environmental management and illustrates its application using solid waste management in Hong Kong. The methodology consists of three steps: (i) developing a set of evaluation criteria (and deciding whether certain criteria are to be given greater weight than others), (ii) selecting the relevant combination of potential policy instruments, and (iii) ranking each set of policy instruments on the basis of the evaluation criteria. One advantage of this approach is that the tradeoffs among the various evaluation criteria are made explicit when one policy instrument is chosen over the alternatives, thus making the assessment process more open and potentially less contentious. Unfortunately, in Hong Kong, the assessment of solid waste management options, like that for most other environmental problems, has beenad hoc, piecemeal, and has allowed for very little consultation at early stages from those outside of the principal government agency involved. Largely as a consequence, outside groups (including those from other parts of government) often strongly object to the selected policy and seek to block its implementation.  相似文献   

Disposal of more than 300 tonnes waste glass daily derived from post-consumer beverage bottles is one of the major environmental challenges for Hong Kong, and this challenge continues to escalate as limited recycling channels can be identified and the capacity of valuable landfill space is going to be saturated at an alarming rate. For this reason, in the past ten years, a major research effort has been carried out at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University to find practical ways to recycle waste glass for the production of different concrete products such as concrete blocks, self-compacting concrete and architectural mortar. Some of these specialty glass-concrete products have been successfully commercialized and are gaining wider acceptance. This paper gives an overview of the current management and recycling situation of waste glass and the experience of using recycled waste glass in concrete products in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

This paper compares the public attitudes of three southern Chinese cities/towns, namely Guangzhou, Dongguan, and Yuanzhou on waste recycling and avoidance, and the New Environmental Paradigm (NEP). The latter describes the concept of treating the resources and the ecosystems on Earth as things having their own rights rather than being subordinate and subservient to humans. These three places are chosen to represent areas in different stages of urbanization in the Guangdong province. As Hong Kong is also a southern Chinese city, where data of similar nature are available, comparison with Hong Kong is also made. It was found that the support for source separation of household waste in the rural and urban areas in mainland China was greater than that found in Hong Kong. Concerning actual practices on waste separation, about 85% of the respondents in the cities and almost all of the rural household surveyed have the habit of saving up and selling the recyclables. It is estimated that about 11-13% of the household waste was diverted in such a way. This is higher than the estimated 8% household waste recovery rate of Hong Kong. The majority of the respondents in the three surveyed cities have recovered household recyclables in the past but with higher family incomes, it was now less common. On the contrary, the lower income group tended to recover greater portion of their waste for selling to the waste depots. These findings have implications on the future waste management policy formulation in China. Regarding the acceptance of the New Environmental Paradigm, it was found that the rural population scored better than the urban population and they tended to agree more frequently with the NEP. However, the rural population perceives a greater potential for industrial and urban development without dampening environmental quality. It was also found that the NEP scores of the mainland Chinese are higher, in general, than their Hong Kong counterparts as measured in early 1990s. Insufficient public support has often been a concern for source separation programmes in all countries despite the obvious waste management benefits of recycling. This study shows that there is overwhelming support for source separation of waste in Mainland China, whether it is in rural or urban communities, and that most people are already undertaking source separation due to the redemption value of the recyclables. Therefore, for policy-makers, the concern should not be on whether the public knows how to separate the waste but rather on how to motivate them to separate waste for the good of society, and how to maintain an effective market for recyclables.  相似文献   

随着塑料资源的大量消耗,废塑料的利用引起了社会的高度重视。工艺简单,投入成本少,入行门槛低导致部分废塑料加工利用企业技术水平低、管理模式差、环境污染重。为规范进口废塑料行业,通过调研统计、实验分析、咨询论证和研究了进口废塑料环境保护管理规定,对进口废塑料企业的规模、设备、人员和管理等方面提出了要求,为进一步规范提升进口废塑料行业提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

In a street survey conducted in Hong Kong, it was found that Hong Kong people generally support waste recycling and minimization measures. The results showed that statistically there are associations between sex, accommodation type, education levels and age on one hand and people's attitude toward some waste recycling and minimization measures on the other. A significant number of the surveyed subjects would feel uneasy during the generation of waste if they knew that the recyclable materials would not be recycled. However, this feeling of uneasiness will lessen considerably if the materials are being recycled. With the feeling of uneasiness being lessened, a deterring factor on consumption was weakened. Thus it is plausible that when recycling is more widely carried out, the actual volume of consumption will increase if the urgency of waste minimization is not widely understood. It was also discovered that in an economically prosperous Hong Kong, people can be more supportive to slightly more expensive green products than in Western countries in recession.  相似文献   

This paper presents a critical assessment of the existing Lebanese industrial sector, namely the current status and classification of industrial establishments based on a comparative synthesis and analysis of recent nationwide surveys and studies pertaining to industrial-waste management. Characterisation of solid and liquid industrial wastes generated, including hazardous wastes, is presented together with current and projected waste loads, recycling opportunities, and export/import practices. Institutional capacity and needs pertaining to the enforcement of relevant environmental legislation, staffing and resources, monitoring schemes, and public participation are critically evaluated. Finally, realistic options for industrial-waste management in the context of country-specific institutional economic and technical limitations are outlined. The industrial sector in Lebanon consists of small-scale industries (84% employ less than 10 persons), primarily involved in light manufacturing (96%). These industries which are distributed among 41 ill-defined zones and deficient in appropriate physical infrastructure, generate solid, liquid, and hazardous waste estimated at 346,730 tons/year, 20,169,600 m3/year and between 3000 to 15,000 tons/year, respectively. Although the growth of this sector contributes significantly to the socio-economic development of the country (industry accounts for 17% of the gross domestic product), in the absence of a comprehensive environmental management plan, this expansion may not be sustained into the coming millennium. The anticipated expansion will inevitably amplify adverse environmental impacts associated with industrial activities due to rising waste volumes and improper waste handling and disposal practices. These impacts are further aggravated by a deficient institutional framework, a lack of adequate environmental laws, and lax enforcement of regulations governing industrial-waste management.  相似文献   

Within the context of political democratization, this article explores environmental protection in Hong Kong since the government lauched a ten-year program to “save the environment” in 1989. Examining environmental management by law from a social-choice perspective, it argues that the government has yet to reach an integrative policy orocess. Hence the preconditions for an integrative set of environmental legislation are absent. Institutionally, without a comprehensive green policy, the current arrangements lack a vision as an integrative force to promote effective coordination among various sectoral environmental coordination among various sectoral environmental programs. The dominant approach of policy and law enforcement through consultation has rendered impossible strict enforcement of environmental rules and regulations as local economic growth enjoys a priority over environmental protection. At a time of environmental awakening, the people of Hong Kong are not yet prepared awakening, the people of Hong Kong are not yet prepared to participate in environmental management in a strict legal manner. The overall observation is that Hong Kong has yet to see more mature political, legal, administrative, and social conditions for managing its environment within a legal framework.  相似文献   

On domestic waste recycling, it was found that source separation of domestic waste in mainland China was supported by 85% of the urban population and about 11–13% of the household waste was recovered and sold by the householders for financial gains. It was also found that the lower income group tended to recover a greater portion of waste, indicating that voluntary waste recovery activities in mainland China were carried out largely due to economic reasons. Thus, the Western type of source separation program in which residents are requested to separate recyclables for the community may not be welcomed in mainland China. In Hong Kong, despite the presence of community waste recovery programs, the recovery of domestic waste is only about 6% and is therefore less than those of the mainland Chinese cities surveyed. On the choice of source separation programs, it was found that Hong Kong people ranked familiarity a more important criterion than convenience. Therefore, the collection frequency of recyclables and time and place for setting out recyclables should be as similar to those of normal waste collection as possible to attract high participation in source separation programs.  相似文献   

Environmental justice studies that focus on the management of municipal solid waste (MSW) typically examine the unequal distribution of associated health and environmental risks in minority social groups and the political processes that generate these inequalities. With the aim to complement current views on the field, in this work, we explore whether there is an issue of environmental justice in municipal systems' grade of self-sufficiency in treating the MSW that they generate and in their effort to close their material cycles. The methodology used is based on the concept of urban metabolism and is applied to 12 coastal municipalities of Barcelona's Metropolitan Region in Spain. The metabolism of the MSW flows of each system is analysed to examine (i) the system's efficiency to close its MSW cycles, corresponding to an indicator of environmental sustainability, and (ii) the MSW export and import flows, as an indicator of social sustainability. The results demonstrate a positive correlation between socioeconomic status and the externalisation of MSW treatment-related hazards. The proposed indicator proves to be an excellent tool for the evaluation of both the environmental and social performance of a system considering MSW management.  相似文献   

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