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Grover, James P., Jason W. Baker, Daniel L. Roelke, and Bryan W. Brooks, 2010. Current Status of Mathematical Models for Population Dynamics of Prymnesium parvum in a Texas Reservoir. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(1):92-107. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2009.00393.x Abstract: Blooms of the harmful alga Prymnesium parvum have apparently increased in frequency in inland waters of the United States, especially in western Texas. A suite of mathematical models was developed based on a chemostat (or continuously stirred tank reactor) framework, and calibrated with data from Lake Granbury, Texas. Inputs included data on flows, salinity, irradiance, temperature, zooplankton grazing, and nutrients. Parameterization incorporated recent laboratory studies relating the specific growth rate of P. parvum to such factors. Models differed in the number of algal populations competing with P. parvum, and whether competition occurred only by consumption of shared nutrients, or additionally through production of an allelopathic chemical by one of the populations, parameterized as cyanobacteria. Uncalibrated models did not reproduce the observed seasonal dynamics of P. parvum in Lake Granbury, which displayed a maximum population in late February during a prolonged bloom in cooler weather, and reduced abundance in summer. Sensitivity analyses suggested two modifications leading to predictions that better resembled observations. The first modification greatly reduces the optimal temperature for growth of P. parvum, an approach that disagrees with laboratory experiments indicating a strong potential for growth at temperatures above 20°C. The second modification increases the growth rate of P. parvum at all temperatures, in models including cyanobacterial allelopathy. Despite these adjustments, calibrated models did not faithfully simulate all features of the seasonal dynamics of P. parvum.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out to determine the physiological response of few economically important tree species viz., Mango (Mangifera indica), Eucalyptus citriodora, Sagon (Tectona grandis) and Sal (Shorea robusta) to roadside automobile pollution during 2004–2005. By determining some physiological parameters, which included chlorophyll a, and b, total chlorophyll, carotenoids, ascorbic acid, pH and relative water content, impact of automobile exhaust on these species was assessed. The data obtained were further analyzed by using one-way ANOVA and a significant change in all these parameters was found in the leaf samples collected from road side trees, exposed to automobile exhausts in comparison to control. Higher value of air pollution tolerance index (APTI) was recorded for S. robusta (9.02) while the minimum value of APTI was recorded for M. indica (6.76).  相似文献   

Abstract: Evaluating the relative amounts of water moving through the different components of the hydrological cycle is required for precise management and planning of water resources. An important aspect of this evaluation is the partitioning of streamflow into surface (quick flow) and base‐flow components. A prior study evaluated 40 different approaches for hydrograph‐partitioning on a field scale watershed in the Coastal Plain of the Southeastern United States and concluded that the Boughton’s method produced the most consistent and accurate results. However, its accuracy depends upon the proper estimation of: (1) the end of surface runoff, and (2) the fraction factor (α) that is function of many physical and hydrologic characteristics of a watershed. Proper identification of the end of surface runoff was accomplished by using a second derivative approach. Applying this approach to 12 years of separately measured surface and subsurface flow data from a field scale watershed (study area) proved to be accurate for 87% of the time. Estimation of the α value was accomplished in this study using two steps: (1) alpha was fitted to individual hydrographs: and, (2) a regression equation that determines these alpha values based on climatological factors (e.g., rainfall, evapotranspiration) was developed. Using these strategies improved the streamflow partitioning method’s performance significantly.  相似文献   

A modeling assessment of the thermal regime for an urban sport fishery   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Water temperature is almost certainly a limiting factor in the maintenance of a self-sustaining rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, formerlySalmo gairdneri) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) fishery in the lower reaches of the Cache la Poudre River near Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. Irrigation diversions dewater portions of the river, but cold reservoir releases moderate water temperatures during some periods. The US Fish and Wildlife Service’s Stream Network Temperature Model (SNTEMP) was applied to a 31-km segment of the river using readily available stream geometry and hydrological and meteorological data. The calibrated model produced satisfactory water temperature predictions (R 2=0.88,P<0.001, N=49) for a 62-day summer period. It was used to evaluate a variety of flow and nonflow alternatives to keep water temperatures below 23.3°C for the trout. Supplemental flows or reduced diversions of 3 m3/sec would be needed to maintain suitable summer temperatures throughout most of the study area. Such flows would be especially beneficial during weekends when current irrigation patterns reduce flows. The model indicated that increasing the riparian shade would result in little improvement in water temperatures but that decreasing the stream width would result in significant temperature reductions. Introduction of a more thermally tolerant redband trout (Oncorhynchus sp.), or smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui) might prove beneficial to the fishery. Construction of deep pools for thermal refugia might also be helpful.  相似文献   

Gleditsia triacanthos and the native dominant Lithraea ternifolia in montane forests of central Argentina, considering life history and demographic traits of both the alien and the native species and different site conditions for population growth (good and bad sites). Matrix models are applied to project the consequences of differences in vital rates for population growth. Analyzing these models helps identify which life cycle transitions contributed most to population growth. Obtained population growth rates are considered to assess predicted rates of spread using the reaction-diffusion (R-D) model. G. triacanthos presents many of the life history traits that confer plants high potential for invasiveness: fast growth, clonal and sexual reproduction, short juvenile period, high seed production, and high seed germinability. These traits would ensure G. triacanthos invasive success and the displacement of the slow-growing, relatively less fecund native L. ternifolia. However, since disturbance and environmental heterogeneity complicate the invasibility pattern of G. triacanthos in these montane forests, the outcome of the invasion process is not straightforward as could be if only life history traits were considered. Great variation in demographic parameters was observed between populations of each species at good and bad sites. Though both good and bad sites signified increasing or at least stable populations for G. triacanthos, for L. ternifolia bad sites represented local extinction. Analyzing the results of matrices models helps design the optimal management for the conservation of L. ternifolia populations while preventing the invasion by G. triacanthos. The predicted asymptotic rate of spread for G. triacanthos at the good site was fourfold greater than the predicted one for L. ternifolia, although the difference was much smaller considering the bad site. The usefulness of the R-D model to study this invasion system is discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Bivalves are used as bioindicators to assess trends of the chemical quality of coastal and marine environments due to their ability to concentrate chemicals. These shellfish are subject to seasonal physiological changes influencing the chemical concentration. Using quarterly data, we model concentration via linear regression with a biologically based seasonal component. This was applied to cadmium concentration measured in the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) at three sites in the Seine estuary (Normandy, France). In this case we have a high concentration season from January to June and a “low concentration” season from July to December. This season definition was checked a posteriori, using box-and-whisker plots and a statistical test of comparison of pair-wise adjusted least-squares mean differences, and it appears to be very reasonable. We averaged data by season and across sites. Our final model (R2= 0.846 with N= 27 observations) includes highly significant terms: a season effect, which accounts for 45% of the total variability, a linear and a quadratic time term. Outliers were identified by high Studentized residual values and attributed to bias in the temporal sampling schemes. The methodology developed will further be used with other shellfish and/or other trace elements and organic chemicals.  相似文献   

The task of regulating potentially harmful chemicals in the environment is presently hindered by the lack of appropriate concepts and methods for evaluating the effects of anthropogenic chemicals on ecosystems. Toxicity tests at the molecular and physiological levels have been used successfully as indicators of adverse effects on test organisms and have been extrapolated to humans to establish a basis for risk assessment. However, laboratory measurements of effects upon individuals do not translate readily into potential effects upon natural populations, in part because natural populations interact with other populations and with the physical environment. Even more difficult to assess are the deleterious impacts of anthropogenic chemicals on ecosystems, because of effects on species interactions, diversity, nutrient cycling, productivity, climatic changes, and other processes.Effects on ecosystems resulting from chemical stresses are outside the realm of classical toxicology, and an ecosystem-level perspective is essential for the consideration of such effects; but the science that deals with ecosystem-level effects,ecotoxicology, is still developing. This article synthesizes the topics discussed at a workshop on ecotoxicology held by the Ecosystems Research Center at Cornell University. Topics covered include: the regulatory framework in which ecotoxicological research must be applied; ecosystem modification of toxicant fate and transport; how ecosystem composition, structure, and function are influenced by chemicals; methods currently available for predicting the effects of chemicals at the ecosystem level; and recommendations on research needs to enhance the state of the science of ecotoxicology.  相似文献   

Plant morphological characteristics and resistance to simulated trampling   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The relationship between responses of plants to trampling and their morphological characteristics was studied in a glasshouse experiment. Thirteen species with four different growth forms were used in this experiment. They were five tussock species.Chloris gayana, Eragrostis tenuifolia, Lolium perenne, Panicum maximum, andSporobolus elongatus; three prostate grasses,Axonopus compressus, Cynodon dactylon, andTrifolium repens, two herbaceous species,Daucus glochidiatus andHypochoeris radicata; and three woody species,Acacia macradenia, Acrotriche aggregata, andSida rhombifolia. These species were subjected to three levels of simulated trampling. For each species, measurements were taken of aboveground biomass, root biomass, leaf length, leaf width, leaf thickness, leaf number, broken leaf number and plant height. Overall, these measurements were greatest in the control plants, moderate in the level of light trampling, and the lowest in the level of heavy trampling. Biomass was used as a basis of the assessment of plant resistance to trampling. Three tussock species,Eragrostis tenuifolia, Lolium perenne, andSporobolus elongatus had a high resistance. Woody and erect herbaceous plants were more intolerant to trampling. There appear to be two processes involved in the reduction of the plant parameters: direct physical damage with portions of the plants detached, and physiological changes, which slow down vegetative growth rates. Plant height was found to be the most sensitive indicator of trampling damage.  相似文献   

The US Department of Defense (DOD) manages over 10.1 million ha of land, much of which is used for training military personnel. However, vast sections receive little or no use, and military lands have become refuges for many species. At Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, USA, populations of the endangered Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis) are found in oak and pine barren communities where wild lupine (Lupinus perennis), a perennial forb required by Karner blue butterfly larvae, still occurs. Oak and pine barren communities are disturbance-dependent, and the barrens ecosystems in the Midwest have declined in extent by 98% because of fire suppression, succession, and habitat fragmentation. We studied the effects of disturbance by military manuever training on the density of lupine and Karner blue butterfly at Fort McCoy. We also wanted to determine whether military training activity could enhance Karner blue butterfly habitat. At locations where tracked vehicles had driven through lupine patches, the abundance of lupine and nectar-producing plants was greater in the median strip between vehicle ruts than in vehicle ruts or 5 m outside the vehicle ruts. The proportion of lupine stems with Karner blue butterfly larvae feeding sign (the ratio of stems fed upon to stems examined) was greater in areas where military vehicles had traveled than where they had not. The proportion of lupine stems with feeding sign and lupine stem density was also positively related to the occurrence of prior bivouacs and fires caused by military munitions. Shrub and forest canopy abundance were lower in areas traveled by tracked vehicles. At the scale of the lupine patch, lupine abundance and the proportion of lupine stems with feeding sign were positively correlated with military training activities, suggesting that maintenance of lupine habitat can be achieved in concert with military training.  相似文献   

Abstract: Nutrient dose‐response bioassays were conducted using water from three sites along the North Bosque River. These bioassays provided support data for refinement of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model used in the development of two phosphorus TMDLs for the North Bosque River. Test organisms were native phytoplanktonic algae and stock cultured Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (Korshikov) Hindak. Growth was measured daily by in vivo fluorescence. Algal growth parameters for maximum growth (μmax) and half‐saturation constants for nitrogen (KN) or phosphorus (KP) were determined by fitting maximum growth rates associated with each dose level to a Monod growth rate function. Growth parameters of native algae were compared between locations and to growth parameters of P. subcapitata and literature values. No significant differences in half‐saturation constants were indicated within nutrient treatment for site or algal type. Geometric mean KN was 32 μg/l and for KP 7 μg/l. A significant difference was detected in maximum growth rates between algae types but not between sites or nutrient treatments. Mean μmax was 1.5/day for native algae and 1.2/day for stock algae. These results indicate that watershed‐specific maximum growth rates may need to be considered when modeling algal growth dynamics with regard to nutrients.  相似文献   

The potential of periwinkle shell (PS) in enhancing the microbial break down of crude oil spilled in soil were studied. The results revealed that the counts of crude oil degrading bacteria in oil-polluted soil fortified with PS were higher than the counts in unfortified soil. The rates and total extent of crude oil biodegradation in the soil were stimulated by the amendment. About 43.4 percent of crude oil was degraded in unfortified soil after 16 days as compared to 70.1 percent oil biodegradation, which occurred in PS fortified soil during the same period. These values were significantly (P>0.05) different from each other. Amendment of the soil with PS also raised the pH of the soil from acidic to alkaline range. The crude oil degrading microorganisms identified in PS amended soil were of the genus Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Micrococcus, Acinetobacter, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Mucor and Rhizopus. Similarly, Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Micrococcus, Mucor, Aspergillus and Penicillium were identified as crude oil degrading microorganisms in unamended soil. The bacteria formed either stable or unstable emulsions, suggesting that the organisms produce surface-active agents (biosurfactants) during the biodegradation process. The results of this study indicate that PS can be used in reclaiming oil-polluted soil.  相似文献   

Given that they represent the most economical option for disposing of refuse, waste landfills are widespread in urban areas. However, landfills generate air and water pollution and require restoration for landscape development. A number of unsanitary waste landfills have caused severe environmental problems in developing countries. This study aimed to investigate the colonization status of different tree species on waste landfills to assess their potential for restoring unsanitary landfills in South Korea. Plot surveys were conducted using 10 × 10-m quadrats at seven waste landfill sites: Bunsuri, Dugiri, Hasanundong, Gomaeri, Kyongseodong, Mojeonri, and Shindaedong. We determined the height, diameter at breast height (DBH), and number of tree species in the plots, and enumerated all saplings ≤1 m high. Because black locust, Robinia pseudoacacia, was the dominant tree species in the waste landfills, we measured the distance from the presumed mother plant (i.e., the tallest black locust in a patch), height, and DBH of all individuals in black locust patches to determine patch structure. Robinia pseudoacacia, Salix koreensis, and Populus sieboldii formed canopy layers in the waste landfills. The basal area of black locust was 1.51 m2/ha, and this species had the highest number of saplings among all tree species. The diameter of the black locust patches ranged from 3.71 to 11.29 m. As the patch diameter increased, the number of regenerated saplings also tended to increase, albeit not significantly. Black locust invaded via bud banks and spread clonally in a concentric pattern across the landfills. This species grew well in the dry habitat of the landfills, and its growth rate was very high. Furthermore, black locust has the ability to fix nitrogen symbiotically; it is therefore considered a well-adapted species for waste landfills. Eleven woody species were selected for screening: Acer palmatum, Albizzia julibrissin, Buxus microphylla var. koreana, Ginkgo biloba, Hibiscus syriacus, Koelreuteria paniculata, Ligustrum obtusifolium, Liriodendron tulipifera, Pinus koraiensis, Pinus thunbergii, and Sophora japonica. As a result of a comparison of the total ratio (sum of shoot extension and diameter growth at the landfill relative to a reference site) and mortality, six species (Liriodendron tulipifera, Albizzia julibrissin, Ligustrum obtusifolium, Buxus microphylla var. koreana, Hibiscus syriacus, and Sophora japonica), which had a total ratio >1 and experienced low mortality, are recommended as potentially suitable species for waste landfill remediation. We suggest that mixed plantations of ubiquitous adaptable species and naturally occurring black locust will enhance the landscape through synergistic effects.  相似文献   

The plant foliar surface is the most important receptor of atmospheric pollutants. It undergoes several structural and functional changes when particulate-laden air strikes it. In the present investigation, ten annual plant species viz., Abelmoschus esculentus, Celosia cristata, Coleus blumei, Cyamopsis tetragonolobus, Gomphrena globosa, Impatiens balsamina, Ocimum sanctum, Phaseolus vulgaris, Solanum melongena, and Zinnia elegans were studied for their growth parameters and leaf morphological features. They were subjected to dust experimentally for 60 days. The micro-morphological traits like wax, cuticle, epidermis, stomata, and trichomes were observed under light and scanning electron microscopes. Remarkable differences in the growth parameters and micro-morphological features were recorded in the dust-treated plants when compared to the respective controls. The reduction in growth parameters, the size of epidermal cells, and stomata were reduced and cuticle damage was also observed. The relative proportion of fine particles, which play a major role in hampering the overall growth of a plant, was higher in comparison to ultra-fine and coarse particles.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Systematic sampling of waterways and irrigation runoff from agricultural lands in the North Platte Project of Nebraska in July and August of 1972–1974 demonstrated that phytopathogenic organisms were disseminated. The organisms monitored included the bean common blight bacterium Xanthomonas phaseoli, the bean white mold fungus Whetzelinia sclerotiorum and various nematodes. Although many types of nematodes often were recovered from irrigation water, Heterodera sp. cysts which cause significant disease problems in the valley were found infrequently. Patterns of movement of the bacterial and fungal organisms were correlated with previous or current season infection of bean plants. The short-term survival of X. phaseoli in sterile deionized water may explain the detection of this organism only in runoff or ditches receiving runoff from common blight infected bean fields. Sclerotial bodies of W. sclerotiorum remained viable for at least 10–21 days in flowing water and were found throughout the irrigation waterways. Irrigation of beans with contaminated water can result in both common blight and white mold diseases. Dissemination of phytopathogenic organisms in irrigation reuse systems as well as agricultural land runoff should be considered in irrigation planning and system design.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Recent studies suggest that waste generation from the freshwater phase of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) production varies considerably on an annual basis. A fish farm on the West Coast of Scotland was visited regularly during a two-year period to determine inflow and outflow water quality. Waste output budgets of suspended solids (SS), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), total ammonia nitrogen (TAN = NH3+NH4+), dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) and total phosphorus (TP) were produced. The annual waste loadings obtained were 71 kg TN t fish?1 yr?1 (one year of data only), 10.9–11.1 kg TP t fish?1 yr?1, 1.2–2.1 kg DRP t fish?1 yr?1, 422–485 kg BOD5 t fish?1 yr?1, 327–337 kg SS t fish?1 yr?1, and 30–35 kg TAN-N t fish?1 yr?1. Simple linear regression models relating waste parameter production to water temperature and feeding regime were developed. When compared to existing data for other salmonid production systems, greater ranges of daily waste loadings were observed. Wide variations in concentrations of these parameters during a daily cycle were also observed, suggesting that mass balance estimates of waste production will provide more robust estimates of waste output than frequent monitoring of outflow water quality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In 1976–77, benthic invertebrates were sampled at four sites in a 410-kilometer reach of the lower Mississippi River to define the communities in the river and to determine differences between communities upstream and downstream from the industrial and municipal complexes of Baton Rouge and New Orleans, Louisiana. The most common and most numerous organisms collected were Corbicula and tubificid worms. The benthic community structure of the lower Mississippi River is influenced by substrate type and stability, channel geometry, river velocity, vegetation and organic detritus, and salinity. Sampling stations near the left and right banks had low velocities, and substrate types ranged from medium silt to very fine sand. Burrowing organisms such as tubificids, chironomids, and ephemerid-type mayflies dominated these environments. At the center, left-center, and right-center stations, velocities were higher and substrate materials were coarser than at the bank stations; only Corbicula was present in large numbers. Near the river mouth, salinity and aquatic vegetation greatly affect the benthic community structure. Differences in benthic community structure in the Mississippi River are due primarily to different hydrologic conditions. Industrial and municipal wastes discharged into the river appear to have little or no widespread effects on benthic populations.  相似文献   

Effects of landfill gas on subtropical woody plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An account is given of the influence of landfill gas on tree growth in the field at Gin Drinkers' Bay (GDB) landfill, Hong Kong, and in the laboratory. Ten species (Acacia confusa, Albizzia lebbek, Aporusa chinensis, Bombax malabaricum, Castanopsis fissa, Liquidambar formosana, Litsea glutinosa, Machilus breviflora, Pinus elliottii, andTristania conferta), belonging to eight families, were transplanted to two sites, one with a high concentration of landfill gas in the cover soil (high-gas site, HGS) and the other with a relatively low concentration of gas (low-gas site, LGS). Apart from the gaseous composition, the general soil properties were similar. A strong negative correlation between tree growth and landfill gas concentration was observed. A laboratory study using the simulated landfill gas to fumigate seedlings of the above species showed that the adventitious root growth ofAporusa chinensis, Bombax malabaricum, Machilus breviflora, andTristania confera was stimulated by the gas, with shallow root systems being induced.Acacia confusa, Albizzia lebbek, andLitsea glutinosa were gas-tolerant, while root growth ofCastanopsis fissa, Liquidambar formosana, andPinus elliottii was inhibited. In most cases, shoot growth was not affected, exceptions beingBombax malabaricum, Liquidambar formosana, andTristania conferta, where stunted growth and/or reduced foliation was observed. A very high CO2 concentration in cover soil limits the depth of the root system. Trees with a shallow root system become very susceptible to water stress. The effects of low O2 concentration in soil are less important than the effects of high CO2 concentration.Acacia confusa, Albizzia lebbek, andTristania conferta are suited for growth on subtropical completed landfills mainly due to their gas tolerance and/or drought tolerance.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper presents the results of an ex post survey of recreational anglers for the lower Kennebec River, post‐Edwards Dam removal. To the best of our knowledge, this study represents one of the first ex post analyses of fisheries restoration from dam removal. We find significant benefits have accrued to anglers using the restored fishery. Specifically, anglers are spending more to visit the fishery, a direct indication of the increased value anglers place on the improved fishery. Anglers are also willing to pay for increased angling opportunities on the river. These findings have policy implications for other privately owned dams that are currently undergoing relicensing and/or dam removal considerations. Our findings may also hold implications for fisheries that have deteriorated due to historic dam construction.  相似文献   

Summary This literature review indicates how little is known about the growth of introduced bacteria. The available data base is so sparse that one can only speculate on the environmental conditions and the physiological traits that are needed to permit bacterial growth. Although methods are available to label organisms so that their multiplication can be detected under natural conditions, those methods have not been used sufficiently often to provide a meaningful base of information to allow a definition of conditions that favor multiplication of particular species or the organisms that are likely to proliferate in particular environments. However, because methods exist to monitor microbial growth, and new and better methods can be developed easily, it should not be difficult—provided research funds are made available—to expand greatly the data base and provide adequate information to be used for predicting the behavior of genetically engineered organisms in nature.  相似文献   

基于能值理论,结合生态足迹方法,构建能值生态赤字/盈余、渔业足迹强度(D)、社会发展压力指数(I)和经济协调指数(Q)参数评价海岛可持续性,选取典型海岛城市浙江省舟山市作为案例研究。结果显示:2003—2017年舟山能值足迹、能值承载力均呈上升趋势;人均能值生态足迹共增加15.78 hm2,增幅为63.26%;人均能值承载力增加5.20×102 hm2,增幅为82.86%;其中,化石能源用地能值足迹增加最多,社会经济承载力增加最多,而自然承载力却有所下降。能值生态赤字/盈余和经济协调指数不能完全反映区域可持续性,区域渔业足迹强度的不断增加表明当前的渔业经济模式不满足可持续发展要求,社会发展压力指数增大也进一步表明舟山的发展状况偏离了可持续性的轨道。  相似文献   

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