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Cherie V. Miller Janet M. Denis Scott W. Ator John W. Brakebill 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1997,33(6):1155-1171
ABSTRACT: A regional assessment of water quality in small streams was conducted within four areas of distinct physiography and lithology in the upper Potomac River Basin. The Potomac River is a major tributary to the Chesapeake Bay, and this study provides new insight on the relationships between nutrient concentrations in small streams and watershed characteristics within this river basin. Nutrient concentrations were compared to land-use data including categories for agriculture (cropland and pasture), urban areas, and forests. Among agricultural areas, streams draining areas of intense row cropping typically contained higher nitrate concentrations than did those draining pastures. Streams draining forested areas typically had the lowest nutrient concentrations. Streams in areas underlain by carbonate bedrock were more likely to contain elevated concentrations of inorganic nitrogen and potassium than did streams in areas underlain by fractured siliciclastic or crystalline rocks, and we suggest that this is a physical phenomenon related to high hydraulic conductivities in carbonate ground-water systems. The median nitrate concentrations were highest in the Great Valley portion of the Valley and Ridge physiographic province, particularly in watersheds that have both carbonate bedrock and intensive row cropping. Values of nitrate in these streams ranged up to 8.99 mg/L as nitrogen. The soluble phosphorus concentrations during baseflow were generally low in all sub-units, even in some settings with potential for high phosphorus inputs such as urban areas with municipal point sources or agricultural areas. The mobility of phosphorus in these environments may be hindered by adsorption and geochemical reactions. 相似文献
G. L. Rolfe M. A. Akhtar L. E. Arnold 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1978,14(5):1220-1226
ABSTRACT: Nutrient fluxes in precipitation, throughfall, and stemflow were studied in an oak-hickory forest in southern Illinois for a three-year period beginning in 1973. Nutrient inputs in these water related pathways were approximately one-half those of litterfall; a major nutrient return mechanism. Considering these water carried nutrients (116 kg/ha/yr), 38% was contributed by precipitation, 35% by throughfall and approximately 27% by stemflow. Although the total nutrient input is only one-half that of litterfall, the net impact on short-term nutrient requirements is considerable because of their immediate availability. Nutrient inputs in litter represent a delayed return mechanism because of the relatively slow decomposition process. 相似文献
William F James John W. Barko Harry L. Eakin Daniel R. Helsel 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2000,36(3):647-656
ABSTRACT: The distribution of sediment physical characteristics, sediment phosphorus (P) pools, and laboratory‐based rates of P release from the sediments were used to identify regions and dosage for alum treatment in Wind Lake, Wisconsin. Using variations in sediment moisture content, we identified an erosional zone at depths < 1.4 m and an accumulation zone at depths > 2.6 m. Mean concentrations of porewater P, loosely‐bound P, iron‐ and aluminum‐bound P, and mean rates of P release from sediments under anoxic conditions were high in the accumulation zone compared to sediment P characteristics in the erosional zone, indicating focusing of readily mobilized sediment P pools from shallow regions and accumulation to deep regions. We determined that a future alum treatment for control of internal P loading would be most effective at depths > 2.6 in the accumulation zone. The mean rate of anoxic P release from sediments encountered in the accumulation zone (8.3 mg m‐2 d‐1) was used in conjunction with a summer anoxic period of 122 d, and a treatment area of 1.6 km2 to estimate an internal P load of 1,600 kg to be controlled. Our results suggest that an understanding of the distribution of sediment P pools and P fluxes in lakes provides a strategy for estimating alum dosage and application areas. 相似文献
ABSTRACT. This paper describes the methodology for a nutrient balance to evaluate the sources and distribution of nutrients in a small river basin. Loadings for total nitrogen and phosphorus are calculated from measured nutrient concentration and river discharge data. Using a special retrieval program and a data storage and processing system, loadings are accumulated over a given time period to allow for time of passage through the basin and seasonal changes in nutrient distribution. Nutrient balances are made with the accumulated loadings to obtain the relative contribution of each nutrient source and the retention of nutrients within the basin through sedimentation and aquatic growth. The methodology has been used to study nutrients in the Qu'Appelle River Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada. 相似文献
R. D. DeLaune C. W. Lindau R. S. Knox C. J. Smith 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1990,26(4):621-631
ABSTRACT: Nitrogen and P fluxes, transformations and water quality functions of Lake Verret (a coastal Louisiana freshwater lake), were quantified. Ortho-P, total-P, NH4+-N NO3 -N and TKN in surface water collected from streams feeding Lake Verret averaged 104, 340, 59, 185, and 1,060 mg 1?1, respectively. Lake Verret surface water concentrations of ortho-P, total-P, NH+-N, NO3?-N and TKN averaged 66, 191, 36, 66, and 1,292 μg 1?1. The higher N and P concentrations were located in areas of the lake receiving drainage. Nitrification and denitrification processes were significant in removing appreciable inorganic N from the system. In situ denitrification rates determined from acetylene inhibition techniques show the lake removes 560 mg N m?2 yr?1. Laboratory investigations using sediment receiving 450 μg NH+4-N (N-15 labeled) showed that the lake has the potential to remove up to 12.8 g N m?2 yr?1. Equilibrium studies of P exchanges between the sediment and water column established the potential or adsorption capacity of bottom sediment in removing P from the overlying water. Lake Verret sediment was found to adsorb P from the water column at concentrations above 50 μg P 1?1 and the adsorption rates were as great as 300 μg P cm?2 day?1 Using the 137C s dating techniques, approximately 18 g N m?2 yr?1 and 1.2 g P m?2 yr?1 were removed from the system via sedimentation. Presently elevated nutrient levels are found only in the upper reaches of the lake receiving nutrient input from runoff from streams draining adjacent agricultural areas. Nitrification, denitrification, and adsorption processes at the sediment water interface over a relatively short distance reduces the N and P levels in the water column. However, if the lake receives additional nutrient loading, elevated levels will likely cover a larger portion of the lake, further reducing water quality in the lake. 相似文献
Claire L. Schelske 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1989,25(6):1119-1130
ABSTRACT: Lake Okeechobee, the third largest lake in the United States, is a shallow, mixing basin with annual total phosphorus concentrations ranging from 50–100 μg P/L. Data, mainly from unpublished agency reports, are analyzed to determine if nutrients limit phytoplankton, to describe spatial and temporal variability in trophic state parameters, and to evaluate conclusions obtained from empirical trophic state models. Algal bioassay experiments that have been used to assess nutrient limitation have produced equivocal results. However, seasonal minima in orthophosphorus and inorganic nitrogen indicate that both nutrients may be limiting seasonally. Strong, but reverse north-south gradients and large seasonal changes in phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations, show that empirical models based on annual phosphorus loadings or concentrations are not adequate to predict chlorophyll concentrations or other trophic state variables. Spatially-segmented, multi-class phytoplankton-nutrient models of seasonal phytoplankton responses that are coupled with hydrodynamic models may provide predictability in assessing effects of changing nutrient loads on phytoplankton composition and standing crop. Successful modeling efforts of responses to nutrients also must deal with resuspended and benthic algae, periphyton, and emergent and submergent aquatic plants that must play important trophic roles in some of the lake basin. 相似文献
Walaiporn Intarapapong Diane Hite Murat Isik 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2005,41(6):1361-1376
To reduce nonpoint source pollution from nutrient, chemical, and sediment runoff, a number of environmental policy standards have been proposed. Such standards could be used to reduce nonpoint source pollution from nutrient, chemical, and sediment runoff to impaired water bodies. State governments can use voluntary approaches to meet nonpoint source pollution reduction goals. However, the practices that lower net returns will not be voluntarily adopted by farmers. Crop rotations and tillage practices may help producers to comply with the environmental standards while minimizing losses in farm profits. This study compares runoff from crop rotation practices and conventional continuous row cropping systems in Mississippi. The results are compared for different tillage systems in order to examine robustness of results. Nutrient runoff and sediment runoff are simulated using the Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator (EPIC). Sensitivity analysis of the sediment and nitrate reductions at 15 percent, 25 percent, and 35 percent are conducted. Under these scenarios, net returns are optimized under environmental constraints, and the marginal cost of sediment reduction ranges from US$1.61 to US$9.63 per ton depending on soil conditions, while the corresponding nitrate and phosphorus reductions costs range from US$1.21 to US$7.08 per kg and from US$0.09 to US$31.91, respectively. The empirical results from this study indicate that a nitrate reduction policy is relatively less costly than a sediment reduction policy. The results also demonstrate the importance of geophysical conditions and policy costs, which vary across regions. 相似文献
ABSTRACT: As part of a basinwide water-quality study, nitrogen and phosphorus data for the Upper Colorado River Basin from the Colorado-Utah State line to the Continental Divide were analyzed for spatial distributions, concentrations associated with various land uses, and temporal trends. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations generally increased in a downstream direction. Some nutrient concentrations were elevated at some sites in the upper parts of the basin in areas influenced by increasing urbanization. Sites were grouped according to land use and site type, and median nutrient concentrations were compared among groups. Sites within the agricultural areas of the basin generally had the highest concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus; concentrations for main-stem, tributary, and urbanization sites were slightly lower than for the agricultural sites. Background sites, or sites with minimal land-use impacts, had very low median nutrient concentrations. Several sites with long-term data were analyzed for temporal trends in concentrations. Several statistically significant downward trends of low and moderate magnitude were observed for nitrogen and phosphorus species. No upward trends were observed in the data at any site. 相似文献
Spencer A. Peterson 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1982,18(3):423-436
ABSTRACT: Fresh water lake sediment removal is usually undertaken to deepen a lake and increase its volume to enhance fish production, to remove nutrient rich sediment, to remove toxic or hazardous material, or to reduce the abundance of rooted aquatic plants. Review of more than 60 projects and five case histories reveals that the first three objectives are usually met through sediment removal. Dredging to control aquatic plants has not been well documented. Disadvantages of dredging include cost, temporary phosphorus release from sediment, increased phytoplankton productivity, noise, lake drawdown, temporary reduction in benthic fish food organisms, the potential for toxic material release to the overlying water and potential for environmental degradation at the dredged material disposal site. The technique is recommended for deepening and for long range reduction of phosphorus release from sediment. Sediment removal to control toxic materials is possible with minimal environmental impact when proper equipment is used, but it may more than double the cost. Lack of definitive information about rooted plant regrowth rates in dredged areas prohibits explicit recommendations on sediment removal to control plant growth. 相似文献
R. Thomas. James James Martin Tim Wool P F Wang 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1997,33(3):661-678
ABSTRACT: The influence of sediment resuspension on the water quality of shallow lakes is well documented. However, a search of the literature reveals no deterministic mass-balance eutrophication models that explicitly include resuspension. We modified the Lake Okeechobee water quality model - which uses the Water Analysis Simulation Package (WASP) to simulate algal dynamics and phosphorus, nitrogen, and oxygen cycles - to include inorganic suspend. ed solids and algorithms that: (1) define changes in depth with changes in volume; (2) compute sediment resuspension based on bottom shear stress; (3) compute partition coefficients for ammonia and ortho-phosphorus to solids; and (4) relate light attenuation to solids concentrations. The model calibration and validation were successful with the exception of dissolved inorganic nitrogen species which did not correspond well to observed data in the validation phase. This could be attributed to an inaccurate formulation of algal nitrogen preference and/or the absence of nitrogen fixation in the model. The model correctly predicted that the lake is light-limited from resuspended solids, and algae are primarily nitrogen limited. The model simulation suggested that biological fluxes greatly exceed external loads of dissolved nutrients; and sediment-water interactions of organic nitrogen and phosphorus far exceed external loads. A sensitivity analysis demonstrated that parameters affecting resuspension, settling, sediment nutrient and solids concentrations, mineralization, algal productivity, and algal stoichiometry are factors requiring further study to improve our understanding of the Lake Okeechobee ecosystem. 相似文献
Nicholas L. Clesceri Sidney J. Curran Richard I. Sedlak 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1986,22(6):991-1000
ABSTRACT: A comparison of municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and nonpoint source nutrient loads to Wisconsin's 14,927 inland lakes was performed. Only 65 of the 2,925 Wisconsin lakes having surface areas of at least eight ha and a maximum depth of at least 2.4 m had one or more WWTP's located within 40 km upstream; 99 of Wisconsin's 477 WWTP's were identified to be upstream of these 65 lakes. WWTP total nitrogen and total phosphorus loads to these 65 lakes were estimated using per capita influent loads and removal efficiencies based on wastewater treatment types. Nonpoint source nutrient loads were calculated utilizing nutrient export coefficients derived specifically for Wisconsin. Total nitrogen inputs to the lakes were dominated by nonpoint sources. The effectiveness of various phosphorus control programs to produce water quality improvements visible to the public was estimated to be as follows (going from most to least effective): municipal phosphorus removal and agricultural reductions, municipal phosphorus removal alone, agricultural reduction plus phosphate detergent ban, agricultural reductions alone, and phosphate detergent ban alone. The last option would not be expected to produce water quality improvement visible to the public in any Wisconsin lakes. The differences between the distributions in Wisconsin of population and inland lakes highlights the need to consider regional characteristics in any statewide water quality management plan. 相似文献
Benjamin F. McPherson Ronald L. Miller 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1990,26(1):67-80
ABSTRACT: The sources and distribution of nutrients in the Charlotte Harbor estuarine system were evaluated using nutrient dilution curve models. Except for ammonia, nutrient concentrations were highest and most variable in the rivers, and generally decreased with increasing salinity. Observed and theoretical dilution curves for phosphorus were generally in close agreement, which suggests conservative behavior. Phosphorus concentrations sagged below a straight line because phosphorus-rich water from the upper Peace River basin was diluted by tributaries in the lower basin. The concentrations of dissolved silica appeared to be conservative on some occasions. On other occasions, dissolved silica appeared to be removed at low salimties or released at higher salinities. Concentrations of ammonia were highly variable along the salinity gradient, presumably because of variations in ammonia regeneration and uptake. Concentrations of nitrite plus nitrate were well below conservative dilution curves, probably due to phy-toplankton uptake. At salinities greater than 20%, nitrite plus nitrate concentrations were usually at or below the detection limit and may limit phytoplankton productivity. Projected increased nitrogen loadings from urban development in the basin would favor undesirable increases in phytoplankton and benthic algal growth in waters where sufficient light is available. 相似文献
Matthew Pocernich David W. Litke 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1997,33(1):205-214
ABSTRACT: Accurate data about nutrient concentrations in wastewater treatment plant effluents are needed for river basin water-quality studies. As part of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment Program in the South Platte River Basin, nutrient data were requested from 31 wastewater-treatment plants located in the basin. This article describes the types of nutrient data available from the plants, examines the variability of effluent nutrient concentrations, and discusses methods for estimation of nutrient concentrations where data are lacking. Ammonia was monitored at 88 percent of the plants, nitrite plus nitrate was monitored at 40 percent of the plants, and organic nitrogen and phosphorus were monitored at less than 25 percent of the plants. Median total nitrogen concentrations and median total phosphorus concentrations were small compared to typical literature estimates for wastewater-treatment plants with secondary treatment. Nutrient concentrations in effluent from wastewater-treatment plants varied widely between and within plants. For example, ammonia concentrations varied as much as 5 mg/L during a day, as much as 10 mg/L from day to day, and as much as 30 mg/L from summer to winter within a plant. In the South Platte River Basin, estimates of median annual ammonia and nitrite plus nitrate concentrations can be improved based on plant processes; and nitrite plus nitrate and organic nitrogen concentrations can be estimated based on ammonia concentrations. However, to avoid large estimation errors, more complete nutrient data from wastewater-treatment plants are needed for integration into river basin water quality studies. The paucity of data hinders attempts to evaluate the relative importance of point source and nonpoint source nutrient loadings to rivers. 相似文献
James R. Gosz Carleton S. White Peter F. Ffolliott 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1980,16(5):927-933
ABSTRACT: Most studies of nutrient loss from small study watersheds ignore a potentially important loss transported by the suspended sediment load. We proposed that the geology and vegetation of a watershed are predictors of the nutrient and heavy metal transporting capacity of its suspended sediment. Analyses of acid-digestable and extractable nutrients showed differences for sediments derived from ponderosa pine forests in the Southwest on different geologies. These differences were similar for soil, stream bank, and stream channel material for a given site. Suspended sediment collections had nutrient concentrations similar to those of stream channel collections. Different vegetation on a given geology affected primarily the organic matter content, cation exchange capacity, total P, and levels of extractable nutrients in sediment. 相似文献
Lora L. Dickerhoff Delwiche Douglas A. Haith 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1983,19(6):951-959
ABSTRACT: A loading function methodology is presented for predicting runoff, sediment, and nutrient losses from complex watersheds. Separate models are defined for cropland, forest, urban and barnyard sources, and procedures for estimating baseflow nutrients are provided. The loading functions are designed for use as a preliminary screening tool to isolate the major contributors in a watershed. Input data sources are readily available and the functions do not require costly calibrations. Data requirements include watershed land use and soil information, daily precipitation and temperature records and rainfall erosivities. Comparison of predicted and measured water, sediment, and nutrient runoff fluxes for the West Branch Deleware River in New York, indicated that runoff was underpredicted by about 14 percent while dissolved nutrients were within 30 percent of observed values. Sediment and solid-phase nutrients were overpredicted by about 50 percent. An annual nutrient budget for the West Branch Delaware River showed that cornland was the major source of sediment, solid phase nutrients, and total phosphorus. Waste water treatment plants and ground water discharge contributed the most dissolved phosphorus and dissolved nitrogen, respectively. 相似文献
Christina M. Rohm James M. Omernik Alan J. Woods John L. Stoddard 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2002,38(1):213-239
ABSTRACT: In order to establish meaningful nutrient criteria, consideration must be given to the spatial variations in geographic phenomena that cause or reflect differences in nutrient concentrations in streams. Regional differences in stream nutrient concentrations were illustrated using stream data collected from 928 nonpoint‐source watersheds distributed throughout the country and sampled as part of the U.S. EPA National Eutrophication Survey (NES). Spatial patterns in the differences were compared and found to correspond with an a priori regional classification system based on regional patterns in landscape attributes associated with variation in nutrient concentrations. The classification consists of 14 regions composed of aggregations of the 84 U.S. EPA Level III Ecoregions. The primary distinguishing characteristics of each region and the factors associated with variability in water quality characteristics are presented. The use of the NES and many other extant monitoring data sets to develop regional reference conditions for nutrient concentrations in streams is discouraged on the basis of sample representation. The necessity that all sites used in such an effort be regionally representative and consistently screened for least possible impact is emphasized. These sampling issues are rigorously addressed by the U.S. EPA Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP). A case‐study, using EMAP data collected from the Central and Eastern Forested Uplands, demonstrates how regional reference conditions and draft nutrient criteria could be developed. 相似文献
Bruce Anderson Donald F. Potts 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1987,23(4):681-690
ABSTRACT: Forest management activities in a second order drainage basin increased suspended sediment yields 7.7 fold in the first year following road construction, and two-fold following logging in the second year. Sediment supply limitations resulted in poor correlations between sediment concentrations with discharge. Sediment transport was strongly hysteretic, with the highest sediment concentrations occurring on the rising limbs of snowmelt hydrographs and individual peaks. In addition to discharge, hydrograph characteristics such as limb, dQ/dt, and the product of dQ/dt and limb aided in explaining variability of observed sediment concentrations. Sediment-turbidity relationships were strongly discharge dependent, reflecting the changing composition of the suspended load with stream power and sediment supplies. 相似文献
Kazuhiro Sonoda J. Alan. Yeakley Christopher E. Walker 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2001,37(6):1517-1532
ABSTRACT: We investigated spatial and temporal relationships among surface and subsurface watershed attributes and stream nutrient concentrations in urbanizing Johnson Creek watershed in northern Oregon. We sampled stream water at eight urban and five nonurban locations from March 1998 through December 1999. We sampled eight wells distributed over the two primary aquifers in the watershed. Using a Geographic Information System (GIS), percentages of landuse attributes within a radius of 30, 91, and 152 m from each sample site were quantified. We analyzed relationships between (1) nutrient concentrations and percentage cover of different landuse attributes, and (2) nutrient concentrations and underlying hydrologic units. We did not find a significant relationship between ground water chemistry and stream water chemistry. We found elevated levels of phosphorus (P) concentrations correlated with urban landuse, while higher nitrogen (N) concentrations were correlated with nonurban (primarily agricultural) landuse. We concluded that elevated levels of N in nonurban areas of Johnson Creek watershed were associated with agricultural practices. We further concluded that urban development factors such as increases in storm drains, dry wells, and impermeable surfaces may be responsible for higher input of P to the stream in urbanizing areas of the Johnson Creek watershed. 相似文献
Marty D. Matlock Monty E. Matlock Daniel E. Storm Michael D. Smolen William J. Henley 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1998,34(5):1141-1147
ABSTRACT: The decline of water quality in United States’ lotic ecosystems (streams and rivers) has been linked to nonpoint source nutrient loading (U.S. EPA, 1990). Determining limiting nutrients in streams is difficult due to the variable nature of lotic ecosystems. We developed a quantitative passive diffusion periphyton nutrient enrichment system, called the Matlock Periphytometer, to measure the response of attached algae (periphyton) to nutrient enrichment. The system is simple to build and provides quantitative nutrient enrichment of a surface for periphytic growth. The periphyton grow on a glass fiber filter, which allows complete recovery of periphyton for chlorophyll a analysis. A 14-kilodalton dialysis membrane was used as a biofilter to prevent bacterial and algal contamination of the nutrient solution. We determined the rates of diffusion of nitrogen and phosphorus ions across the Matlock Periphytometer's dialysis membrane and glass fiber filter over a 21-day period (42 and 22 μg/cm2/hr, respectively). We used the Matlock Periphytometer to determine the limiting nutrient in a woodland stream. Six replicates each of a control, nitrogen, and phosphorus treatment were placed in the stream for 14 days. The results indicated that phosphorus was the limiting nutrient in the stream for the period and location sampled. 相似文献