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ABSTRACT: Optical information on a water body is often required when only Secchi disk depths are available. Many limnologists and water managers have attempted to estimate diffuse light attenuation in water from Secchi depth data assuming a simple inverse relationship. However, we show theoretically that the product of Secchi depth and the diffuse attenuation coefficient is markedly dependent on the reflectance coefficient (“brightness”) of water. Data from 28 New Zealand lakes of diverse optical character demonstrated this dependence over a wide range of reflectance (1.1 to 35.9 percent). Uncritical estimation of attenuation coefficients for diffuse light from Secchi depths, using the currently available simple inverse expressions, is discouraged because of the possibility of bias.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper describes a multivariate water forecasting procedure that is neither complicated, time-consuming nor expensive to operationalize. The forecasting procedure has been used to estimate the water demand for a proposed subdivision in Barrie, Ontario. Reliability is checked by applying the procedure to two existing subdivisions in Barrie for which metered consumption is available. For comparison, a trend forecasting procedure is also applied to the proposed subdivision and the existing subdivisions. Both the multivariate and trend forecasting procedures provide encouragingly accurate results when compared to actual use. While the multivariate procedure allows more precision, both procedures should be useful in forecasting water demand for smaller municipalities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Color of natural waters strongly influences their aesthetic appeal, suitability for recreational use, and aquatic habitat, but methods for routine specification of color have been lacking. An improved method has been developed for specifying water colors in the field. The water color, seen through an underwater viewer, is matched directly to Munsell standard patches observed simultaneously. The Munsell color-matching method was verified versus measurements of the underwater light field, made with a submersible spectroradiometer in 20 different natural waters in New Zealand (mainly lakes), which varied widely in color and other optical characteristics. Hue, the most important color attribute of natural waters, could be matched accurately; the saturation and brightness less so. Color standard patches are not available covering the full range of typically dark water colors, but fortunately, brightness can be measured with simple submersible light sensors. The Munsell color matching method seems suitable for routine water resources survey and monitoring.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water level data at 16 ground water wells and two sea water gauging stations, coupled with barometric measurements in an alluvial plain in the central‐west region of Taiwan, are analyzed using spectral analysis in the time and frequency domains. The semi‐diurnal component from water level station is observed to be the most noticeable signal while the diurnal component is the less distinct signal recorded at the water level stations. Both semidiurnal and diurnal components are coupled with atmospheric pressure measurements. From the atmospheric pressure data, spectral analysis indicates that both the raw and the pressure adjusted water levels are almost in phase and retain the same amplitude in this area. It implies that the effect of pressure variations is not significant for the sea water and ground water level nearby; the astronomical tidal components, as expected, are the main factor causing fluctuation of ocean water and ground water levels in the Choshuihsi alluvial plain.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Multivariate methods of trend analysis offer the potential for higher power in detecting gradual water quality changes as compared to multiple applications of univariate tests. Simulation experiments were used to investigate the power advantages of multivariate methods for both linear model and Mann-Kendall based approaches. The experiments focused on quarterly observations of three water quality variables with no serial correlation and with several different intervariable correlation structures. The multivariate methods were generally more powerful than the univariate methods, offering the greatest advantage in situations where water quality variables were positively correlated with trends in opposing directions. For illustration, both the univariate and multivariate versions of the Mann-Kendall based tests were applied to case study data from several lakes in Maine and New York which have been sampled as part of EPA's long term monitoring study of acid precipitation effects.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The underwater light field of eight central New York lakes, which represent a wide range of trophic state, was characterized through paired measurements of Sechi disc transparency (SD, m) and diffuse light attenuation (Kd, m?1). A total of 90 paired measurements are included in the data base. Substantial variability in the Kd SD product with time within individual systems, and amongst systems, was observed, which indicates differences in the relative contributions of absorption and scattering to attenuation. More than 50 percent of the temporal variability in Kd was attributable to attendant variations in chlorophyll a (C, mg m?3) in only two of the lakes. Estimates of the adsorption (a, m?1) and scattering (b, m?1) coefficients based on paired Kd and SD measurements compared well with more precise determinations available for one of the lakes. Determinations of a and b for the eight lakes, from SD and Kd measurements, indicated great system-specificity and temporal variability in these characteristics. The temporal variability in relative contributions of a and b to Kd is consistent with covariation of different attenuating components and the lack of correlation between C and Kd in most of the study lakes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A water-sampling apparatus used for the isolation and detection of Giardia cysts in water has been designed and tested. The sampling apparatus uses one of a variety of pumps or waterline pressure to move water through a filter. Two of the optional pumps are lightweight enough to make the apparatus portable and thus suitable for sampling in remote areas. This technique of sample processing produces good cyst recovery in much less time than is required with previously established methods. Giardia cysts are identified using direct immunofluorescence.  相似文献   

: Chemical quality characteristics of the Illinois waterway covering a stretch of 270 river miles were monitored at approximately 10 mile intervals, during the period June to September of 1978 and 1979. A statistical method was used to define the interstation relationships for the chemical parameters. These mathematical models were used to predict the effects of Lake Michigan diversion. The mineral content of the mixed flow resulting from increased diversions are not likely to be altered drastically.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper examines the spatial, temporal and legal aspects of playa lake water utilization on the semi-arid Texas High Plains. These small basins of interior drainage collect and briefly hold an estimated two to three million acre-feet of runoff water annually, representing from one-fourth to one-third the quantity of groundwater pumped from the dwindling Ogallala aquifer. Once considered a detriment to farming operations, there is now increased interest in using playa water more effectively. At present direct pumping is the chief method of utilization, and modification of lake bottoms to concentrate runoff and reduce evaporation is the most widespread conservation practice. The use of playa water for groundwater reacharge is hampered by as yet unsolved technical problems. For many years the question of ownership of playa water remained unsettled. The Texas Water Rights Commission now classes it as diffused surface water, which under Texas law may be used by the landowner, though some legal problems remain. For play lakes to be effectively integrated into the regional water resource it becomes imperative that all present and prospective water utilization problems be identified and resolved.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The impact of forests on water has- been a subject of argument for more than a century. It still is; and many studies conform that there is no single right answer in the debate. In the Lake States, clearcutting natural peatlands will not change annual stream-flow nor will it seriously impact water quality if logging is done on frozen soils. However, clearcutting will cause water tables to fluctuate more, ranging from 9 cm higher to 19 cm lower than in peatlands with mature forests. Clearcutting upland hardwoods or conifers will increase annual strearnflow by 9 to 20 cm (a 30- to 80-percent increase). Streamfiow returns to preharvest levels in 12 to 15 years. Annual peak flows are at least doubled and snowmelt flood-peak increases may persist for 15 years. Water quality is not widely impacted, but operating logging equipment in stream channels will cause channel clogging by filamentous algae and loss of fish habitat. Permanent changes from forest to agricultural and urban land use on two-thirds or more of a watershed will significantly increase the size of flood peaks in the 2- to 30-year return interval storm or snowmelt.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The influence of sediment resuspension on the water quality of shallow lakes is well documented. However, a search of the literature reveals no deterministic mass-balance eutrophication models that explicitly include resuspension. We modified the Lake Okeechobee water quality model - which uses the Water Analysis Simulation Package (WASP) to simulate algal dynamics and phosphorus, nitrogen, and oxygen cycles - to include inorganic suspend. ed solids and algorithms that: (1) define changes in depth with changes in volume; (2) compute sediment resuspension based on bottom shear stress; (3) compute partition coefficients for ammonia and ortho-phosphorus to solids; and (4) relate light attenuation to solids concentrations. The model calibration and validation were successful with the exception of dissolved inorganic nitrogen species which did not correspond well to observed data in the validation phase. This could be attributed to an inaccurate formulation of algal nitrogen preference and/or the absence of nitrogen fixation in the model. The model correctly predicted that the lake is light-limited from resuspended solids, and algae are primarily nitrogen limited. The model simulation suggested that biological fluxes greatly exceed external loads of dissolved nutrients; and sediment-water interactions of organic nitrogen and phosphorus far exceed external loads. A sensitivity analysis demonstrated that parameters affecting resuspension, settling, sediment nutrient and solids concentrations, mineralization, algal productivity, and algal stoichiometry are factors requiring further study to improve our understanding of the Lake Okeechobee ecosystem.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The fact that dendrochronology can be a useful tool in water resources management is demonstrated by a study of past changes in lake levels. The study was necessitated by the recent (1967) closure of the gates on the W.A.C. Bennett Dam on the Peace River in British Columbia, causing a drop in water levels of Lake Athabasca, the lake levels control water level undulations in a series of smaller lakes which lie in the 1.5 million acre delta area along its western edge in Alberta. The W.A.C. Bennett Dam has by its regulation of the Peace River affected the river's historical role of creating a hydraulic dam during early summer flood stages thereby preventing outflow from Lake Athabasca and inducing annual inundation of the delta area. Because the ecololgy of the lake and adjacent delta region has depended on the now attenuated snow-melt flooding from the Upper Peace River Basin, it became necessary to consider some means of artificially inducing this annual inundation. It was not known, however, what the long-term water level changes were around which the present ecology had developed. Continuous historical lake level records exist only for the period 1935–1967. Was this period one of anomalously high or low water levels? Relatively old white spruce trees growing along natural levees of the channels in the delta region were found to contain tree-ring records that reflected the water stages in the channels. Because the water levels in the channels could be correlated with lake levels, it was possible to use the three-ring series to extend the known 33-year record of lake level changes to 158 years. By using canonical analysis and 10-day mean lake levels for three different subperiods in the 33-year period of calibration, along with tree-ring series from appropriately chosen stands of white spruce, reconstructions were made of the long-term record for late May, early July, and late September. The reconstructed record shows that the May 21–30 lake levels have been three times as variable in the past as in the period of historical record (1935–1967), the July 11–20 levels twice as variable, and the September 21–30 levels 10% less variable. However, the mean water level for each of the three subperiods for the long-term record is very close to the means for the period of historical record. The reconstructed record shows that, before the dam gates were closed, there was only one three-year period (1866–1868) in which the lake levels were as low as they have been since closure of the gates (that is, 1967–1970). (Levels were nearly as low, however, during the period 1942–1945.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality uses the Steady Riverine Environmental Assessment Model (STREAM) to establish effluent limitations. While the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has approved of its use, questions arise regarding the model's simplicity. The objective of this research was to compare STREAM with the more commonly utilized Enhanced Stream Water Quality Model (QUAL2E). The comparison involved a statistical evaluation procedure based on sensitivity analyses, input probability distribution functions, and Monte Carlo simulation with site‐specific data from a 46‐mile (74‐km) reach of the Big Black River in central Mississippi. Site specific probability distribution functions were derived from measured rates of reaeration, sediment oxygen demand, photosynthesis, and respiration. Both STREAM and QUAL2E reasonably predicted daily average dissolved oxygen (DO) based on a comparison of output probability distributions with observed DO. Observed DO was consistently within 90 percent confidence intervals of model predictions. The STREAM approach generally overpredicted while QUAL2E generally matched observed DO. Using the more commonly assumed lognormal distribution as opposed to a Weibull distribution for two of the sensitive input parameters resulted in minimal differences in the statistical evaluations. The QUAL2E approach had distinct advantages over STREAM in simulating the growth cycle of algae.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A common framework for the analysis of water resources systems is the input-parameter-output representation. The system, described by its parameters, is driven by inputs and responds with outputs. To calibrate (estimate the parameters) models of these systems requires data on both inputs and outputs, both of which are subject to random errors. When one is uncertain as to whether the predominant source of error is associated with inputs or outputs, uncertainty also exists as to the correct specification of a calibration criterion. This paper develops and analyzes two alternative least squares criteria for calibrating a numerical water quality model. The first criterion assumes that errors are associated with inputs while the second assumes output errors. Statistical properties of the resulting estimators are examined under conditions of pure input or output error and mixed error conditions from a theoretical perspective and then using simulated results from a series of Monte Carlo experiments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A comprehensive data analysis study is carried out for detecting trends and other statistical characteristics in water quality time series measured in Long Point Bay, Lake Erie. In order to glean an optimal amount of useful information from the available data, the exploratory and confirmatory data anslysis stages are adhered to. To test a range of hypotheses regarding the statistical properties of the time series, a wide variety of both parametric and nonparametric techniques are employed. A particularly useful nonparametric method for discovering trends is the seasonal Mann-Kendall test.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The rate of return on invested capital can be used as a guide to resource allocation by municipal water departments (MWD's) in the same way it is used in the private sector. To achieve economic efficiency, the target rate of return for MWD's should be the market rate of return as an approximation to the opportunity cost of capital. The actual internal rate of return for a sample of 30 California MWD's for the period 1970-1982 is calculated for this study. The operating internal rate of return varies across the sample MWD's from less than 2 percent to 14 percent. If 10 percent is taken as the opportunity cost of capital, 25 of the 30 MWD's were inefficient; i.e., earned less than 10 percent. Half the sample earned less than 5 percent. An examination of potential causes of low rates of return shows that low average water prices are the primary reason for the low rates of return. For efficient operation, MWD's should set a target rate of return equal to the opportunity cost of capital and adjust water prices so as to achieve that target.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Suspended sediment causes a range of environmental damage, including benthic smothering, irritation of fish gills, and transport of sorbed contaminants. Much of the impact, while sediment remains suspended, is related to its light attenuation, which reduces visual range in water and light availability for photosynthesis. Thus measurement of the optical attributes of suspended matter in many instances is more relevant than measurement of its mass concentration. Nephelometric turbidity, an index of light scattering by suspended particles, has been widely used as a simple, cheap, instrumental surrogate for suspended sediment, that also relates more directly than mass concentration to optical effects of suspended matter. However, turbidity is only a relative measure of scattering (versus arbitrary standards) that has no intrinsic environmental relevance until calibrated to a ‘proper’ scientific quantity. Visual clarity (measured as Secchi or black disc visibility) is a preferred optical quantity with immediate environmental relevance to aesthetics, contact recreation, and fish habitat. Contrary to common perception, visual clarity measurement is not particularly subjective and is more precise than turbidity measurement. Black disc visibility is inter‐convertible with beam attenuation, a fundamental optical quantity that can be monitored continuously by beam transmissometry. Visual clarity or beam attenuation should supplant nephelometric turbidity in many water quality applications, including environmental standards.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Samples were collected upstream and downstream of Schwatka Lake, Yukon Territory, to examine nutrient transport through a small northern impoundment. Annual loads were estimated for total phosphorus, nitrate plus nitrite, total dissolved nitrogen, silicate, total inorganic carbon, and total organic carbon. Transport of these materials out of the impoundment was greater than estimated for the upstream location. Results of a short term temporal study confirmed that the output exceeded the input to the lake. There are several processes which might be responsible for this occurrence, of these, ground water contributions appear to be the active process.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A comparative study of ground water level predictions on hillside slopes using two models is presented. The models are a simplified mass balance model that has components for evapotran-spiration, recharge, and drainage; and a two-dimensional finite difference model that employs kriging to estimate soil parameters and accounts for non-uniform thickness of the soil layer. These models are representative of a wide range of modeling capabilities and are used to illustrate the sensitivity of ground water level predictions to the sophistication of the modeling techniques. The drainage and recharge components of the two models are evaluated and the importance of unsaturated flow in recharge computations is underscored. Piezometric observations in a small drainage depression on the slope of Kennel Creek Valley in Tongass National Forest, Alaska, were used to evaluate the two models. The results show that, although the predictions differ from the field observations, the simple physically-based mass balance model predicts the ground water levels as well as the two-dimensional model. It is suggested that caution should be exercised in using complex models to validate simpler models.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Changes in water chemistry, water clarity, and planktonic chlorophyll a were measured as hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) abundance increased and then decreased in Lake Baldwin, Florida. Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) were used to eliminate submersed macrophytes. No major trends in lake pH, conductivity, or total nitrogen concentrations occurred in association with changes in hydrilla levels. Increased Secchi disc transparency and reductions in total alkalinity, calcium, magnesium, potassium, total phosphorus, and chlorophyll a concentrations occurred as hydrilla abundance increased. Large increases in the chemical parameters and a reduction in Secchi disc transparency occurred as hydrilla decreased and was eliminated from the lake by grass carp. The effects of hydrilla on lake water chemistry are related to the percentage of the lake's volume infested with hydrilla and macrophyte standing crop.  相似文献   

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