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R. J. Davies-Colley W. N. Vant R. J. Wilcock 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1988,24(1):11-18
ABSTRACT: The water color in 14 lakes of diverse optical character has been computed from near-surface upwelling irradiance spectra recorded by a submersible spectroradiometer. In these lakes the hues corresponding to irradiance spectra are in reasonable agreement with Munsell hue matches obtained directly by observation in the field. The simple field technique for hue matching using the Munsell standards was broadly validated by this spectroradiometric study. The technique is recommended for further study by limnologists and water resource managers as a potential additional tool for characterizing waters. 相似文献
David G. Smith Creighton M. Hoover 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1999,35(5):1183-1189
We used a closed-ended viewer box in the measurement of Secchi depth and compared the results with simultaneous naked-eye measurements. We have shown that use of such a viewer box increases Secchi depth measurement by removing the interfering effects of water surface glare and glitter. A viewer box also increases between-observer precision. Measurements made both with and without the viewer box are slightly greater on the shady side of the boat than on the sunny side; the latter is the preferred side if Secchi data are to be related to other optical properties. As expected, the difference between viewer box and naked eye measurements increases with increasing wave height but not with increasing illuminance. Because of the lack of uniformity in the way Secchi depth is estimated, and the inherent optical problems with current Secchi depth procedures, an appeal is made for production of a standardized protocol for Secchi observations, including the use of a closed-ended viewer box on the sunny side of the boat. 相似文献
Steven W. Effler Rakesh K. Gelda Mary Gail Perkins David M. O'Donnell 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2005,41(4):971-984
The development, testing, and application of a probabilistic model framework for the light attenuation coefficient for downwelling irradiance (Kd) and Secchi disc transparency (SD) that resolves the effects of several light attenuating constituents, including phytoplankton and nonliving particles (tripton), is documented. The model is consistent with optical theory, partitioning the magnitudes of the light attenuating processes of absorption and scattering according to the contributions of attenuating constituents as simple summations. The probabilistic framework accommodates variations in the character and concentrations of these constituents and ambient conditions during measurements, and recognizes a linear relationship between the magnitudes of absorption and scattering by tripton. The model is tested and applied for a 21 km reach of the Seneca River, New York, that features optical gradients caused by an intervening hypereutrophic lake and dam, and a severe infestation of the exotic zebra mussel. The model is applied to resolve the roles of phytoplankton and tripton in regulating measured longitudinal patterns of SD along the study reach of the river and increases in SD since the zebra mussel invasion, and to predict decreases in Kd since the invasion. 相似文献
Victor W. Lambou Stephen C. Hern William D. Taylor Llewellyn R. Williams 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1982,18(5):807-813
ABSTRACT: The relationship between chlorophyll u, total phosphorus, secchi disk depth, and trophic state were examined using data on U.S. lakes collected by U.S. EPA's National Eutrophication Survey. By comparing predicted secchi disk depths with observed summer secchi disk depths in 757 lakes, it was determined that in many lakes non-chlorophyll related light attenuation is important in controlling the amount of chlorophyll u produced per unit of total phosphorus. Ranking of 44 lakes by 18 different trophic state measurements and single and multivariable indices were compared with rankings provided by mean summer ambient total phosphorus and chlorophyll u. The trophic state measurements and indices were much more successful in ranking the lakes against total phosphorus than chlorophyll u, indicating that there are differences in the relative trophic rankings of many of the lakes depending upon whether primary nutrients or biological manifestations are used as the ranking mechanism. If the manifestations of nutrients rather than their absolute levels are the primary criteria for beneficial use of lakes, the use of many of the commonly employed trophic state measurements, which assume or imply that there is a constant relationship between total phosphorus or secchi disk and chlorophyll, can lead to erroneous conclusions and unnecessary costly management controls. Secchi disk measurements may be more useful as a predictor of ambient lake total phosphorus concentrations than of chlorophyll. 相似文献
Robert J. Davies-Colley David G. Smith 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1992,28(5):951-957
ABSTRACT: The black disk method for measuring visual water clarity in situ is becoming established as a simple but robust method for optically characterizing natural waters. However, in spite of its virtues, the method is limited by a practical visibility minimum of around 0.1 m and the requirement for direct access to the water body at a point where there is adequate lighting for the visual observations. A method has been devised for measuring black disk clarity off-site on samples of waters, diluted if necessary, and contained in a trough constructed of galvanized steel. In 23 streams, rivers, and lakes of diverse optical and physical character, measurements of visual clarity of water samples contained in troughs agreed closely with in situ measurements and correlated well (inversely) with the beam attenuation coefficient measured by transmissometer. Therefore, at sites where in situ measurement is difficult, visual clarity of waters can be measured offsite on a water sample. Furthermore, the visibility of samples diluted with tap water of known clarity was predictable from a simple balance on light attenuation. This means that useful visual clarity measurements on very turbid waters and effluents can be made in a trough containing volumetrically diluted samples, so extending application of the black disk method to very low visual ranges. 相似文献
Charles P. Newcombe 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2003,39(3):529-544
ABSTRACT: A new type of empirical model described here enables real time assessment of impacts caused by excessive water cloudiness as a function of (a) reduced visual clarity (excessive cloudiness) and (b) duration of exposure to cloudy conditions, in fisheries or fish life stages adapted to life in clear water ecosystems. This model takes the familiar form used in earlier suspended sediment dose effect models where z is severity of ill effect (SEV), x is duration of exposure (h), y is black disk sighting range (y BD, m)—a measure of water clarity, a is the intercept, and b and c are slope coefficients. As calibrated in this study the model is Severity of ill effect is ranked on a 15‐step scale that ranges from 0 to 14, where zero represents nil effect and 14 represents 100 percent mortality. This model, based on peer consultation and limited meta analysis of peer reviewed reports, accomplishes the following: (a) identifies the threshold of the onset of ill effects among clear water fishes; (b) postulates the rate at which serious ill effects are likely to escalate as a function of reduced visual clarity and persistence; (c) provides a context (the “visual clarity” matrix, with its cell coordinates) to share and compare information about impacts as a function of visual clarity “climate” (d) demonstrates changes in predator prey interactions at exposures greater than and less than the threshold of direct ill effects; (e) calibrates trout reactive distance (cm) as function of water clarity in the form where y represents reactive distance (cm) and x represents visual clarity (black disk sighting range, cm), and where a and b are intercept and slope respectively, such that (f) identifies black disk sighting range, in meters, and its reciprocal, beam attenuation, as preferred monitoring variables; and (g) provides two additional optical quality variables (Secchi disk extinction distance and turbidity) which, suitably calibrated as they have been in this study, expand the range of monitoring options in situations in which the preferred technology—beam attenuation equipment or black disk sighting equipment—is unavailable or impractical to use. This new model demonstrates the efficacy of peer collaboration and defines new research horizons for its refinement. 相似文献
Fouad F. Al-Muttair Abdulaziz S. Al-Turbak 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1989,25(4):727-732
ABSTRACT: Reservoir water levels, observation well data, and meteorological parameters were collected at a recharge dam site in Central Saudi Arabia. This data, along with other information on the reservoir and the underlying aquifer, were used to estimate the amounts of recharge through the reservoir bed by applying two water budget models. The first is a water budget model for the reservoir only, while the second is for an aquifer reach extending upstream and downstream from the reservoir. The results of the two approaches were discussed and compared. 相似文献
R. J. Davies‐Colley D. G. Smith 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2001,37(5):1085-1101
ABSTRACT: Suspended sediment causes a range of environmental damage, including benthic smothering, irritation of fish gills, and transport of sorbed contaminants. Much of the impact, while sediment remains suspended, is related to its light attenuation, which reduces visual range in water and light availability for photosynthesis. Thus measurement of the optical attributes of suspended matter in many instances is more relevant than measurement of its mass concentration. Nephelometric turbidity, an index of light scattering by suspended particles, has been widely used as a simple, cheap, instrumental surrogate for suspended sediment, that also relates more directly than mass concentration to optical effects of suspended matter. However, turbidity is only a relative measure of scattering (versus arbitrary standards) that has no intrinsic environmental relevance until calibrated to a ‘proper’ scientific quantity. Visual clarity (measured as Secchi or black disc visibility) is a preferred optical quantity with immediate environmental relevance to aesthetics, contact recreation, and fish habitat. Contrary to common perception, visual clarity measurement is not particularly subjective and is more precise than turbidity measurement. Black disc visibility is inter‐convertible with beam attenuation, a fundamental optical quantity that can be monitored continuously by beam transmissometry. Visual clarity or beam attenuation should supplant nephelometric turbidity in many water quality applications, including environmental standards. 相似文献
Yun-Sheng Yu Manoutchehr Heidari Wang Guang-Te 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1989,25(2):295-300
ABSTRACT: Finite element and finite difference representations of the convective-dispersive equation have been widely used in determining contaminant transport in ground water. Due to inherent uncertainties of the transport process, those representations are inexact and contain errors. Errors in field measurements are unavoidable. By combining a numerical model, a measurement equation, and the Kalman filter, optimal estimates of the state variable (contaminant concentration) can be obtained. This paper describes the algorithm and gives a numerical example of contaminant transport in a two-dimensional ground water flow. The results show significant improvement in the estimated concentration distribution by using the filtering technique. 相似文献
Steven W. Effler Mary Gail Perkins Harry Greer David L. Johnson 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1987,23(2):189-196
ABSTRACT: The effects “whiting” (CaCO3 precipitate) had on the optical properties and turbidity of the epilimnion of Owasco Lake, New York, were studied during the summer of 1985. Turbidity was partitioned according to “whiting” and non-“whiting” components utilizing a simple acidification procedure. Diffuse light attenuation was partitioned according to the attenuating processes of absorption and scattering. “Whiting” was present most of the summer. Two major “whiting” events occurred that caused major increases in turbidity and the attenuation of light. “Whiting” was the principle regulator of turbidity during the study; it caused increases in light attenuation by increasing light scattering. “Whiting” events can easily be mistaken by the public for phytoplankton blooms. 相似文献
D. E. Overton 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1971,7(3):428-440
ABSTRACT Numerous concepts of surface water lag time have been developed and applied in the past. In this report, hydraulic solutions of a lag time derived by Overton [1970] are presented for several idealistic surfaces using the kinematic wave equations. These surfaces are: (1) a uniform plane; (2) hillslope as a cascade of planes; (3) V-shaped watershed; (4) V-shaped watershed with hill-slopes; (5) converging surface; (6) concave surface. The lag times are shown to be related to roughness, length and catchment slope, and the input rate. These relations may be used immediately in predicting lag time as the parameter in a unit response function. A lag relation has been developed for a nonuniform catchment in terms of the lag of a uniform plane and a convergence factor. A numerical procedure is shown whereby the convergence factor can be evaluated for any nonuniform catchment from observed input and output data. 相似文献
H. J. Vaux 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1977,13(3):469-478
ABSTRACT: Liquid dominated geothermal systems are expected to account for most of the growth in geothermal energy production in the coming decades. Production of water from such systems could significantly augment fresh water supplies. The feasibility of water exploitation is clouded by potential problems related to seismic impacts, land subsidence and the composition of geothermal brines. If these problems can be overcome at little cost, desalination of brines may be feasible. Estimates of water production costs are presented for a variety of desalination technologies, plant sizes and brine water compositions. These estimates show that production costs will range from $139.10/A.F. to $436.00/A.F. at the plant boundary. Economies of scale and brine composition are important determinants of cost. Production costs are substantially in excess of the value of water in alternative uses. However, in certain unique situations, it may be efficient to desalt brines for use in upgrading the quality of municipal water, industrial process water and irrigation water. Unique situations aside, geothermal brines are not likely to provide an economical source of fresh water in the absence of striking changes in the patterns of supply and demand for water. 相似文献
Ashok N. Shahane 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1982,18(2):231-237
ABSTRACT: A simple procedure for estimating pre- and post-development water quality loadings from residential communities is discussed. The procedure deals with: (a) gathering basic water quality loading numbers observed by others at several watersheds with various land uses; (b) obtaining the breakdown of proposed land uses at various phases of the community development; and (c) estimating pre- and post-development water quality loading numbers by taking the weighted average of the basic loading numbers in terms of areal coverages of different land uses at various phases of development. Results of this simplified procedure have been verified indirectly by comparing them with the estimates derived independently through a more fundamental but time-consuming approach. The procedure was used to evaluate the anticipated water quality impact of two future residential communities in South Florida by analyzing four water quality parameters: Suspended Soils (SS), Total Nitrogen (TN), Total Phosphorus (TP), and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5). Although computation of loading numbers with mixed land uses is not an exact science at the present time, the recommended approach appears to be the best available technique to analyze quantitatively the water quality-quantity-land use interactions. 相似文献
Dennis P. Lettenmaier Stephen J. Burges 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1976,12(1):83-99
ABSTRACT. A relatively straightforward illustration of the potential uses of State Estimation techniques in water resources modeling is given. Background theory for Linear and Extended Kalman Filters is given; application of the filter techniques to modeling BOD and oxygen deficit in a stream illustrates the importance of model conceptualization, model completeness, uncertainty in model dynamics and incorporation of measurements and measurement errors. Potential applications of state estimation techniques to measurement system design; model building, assessment and calibration; and data extension are explored. 相似文献
Walter J. Maier Jeffrey DeZellar Raina M. Miller 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1981,17(4):672-677
: Substantial reductions in municipal water use are feasible without reducing the quality of life. If conservation measures are preplanned, properly engineered, and coordinated, reductions in utility bills for water, waste water, and energy are estimated at $30+per person per year. Installation of devices to reduce water use, engineering plans to prevent malfunctioning of collecting sewers, and engineered process modifications of treatment facilities must be coordinated to achieve full benefits of water conservation. Pollutant discharges to the aquatic environment are reduced in direct proportion to the reduction in water use. 相似文献
S. F. Shih 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1987,23(3):435-442
ABSTRACT: Values of dry biomass of corn, sugarcane, sorghum, rice, taro, millet, cotton, cowpeas, soybeans, and velvet beans as related to the evapotranspiration (ET) were studied. The linear regression model was sufficiently accurate to establish the crop dry biomass and ET relations. A water-use efficiency index (WUE), which is defined as the additional crop dry biomass per unit ET, is used in this study. The WUE were grouped into high, medium, and low categories. The WUE varied from greater than 35 kg ha-1/mm for the high category, between 15 and 35 kg ha-1/mm for the medium category, and less than 15 kg ha-1/mm for the low category. Application of the established model to the Everglades Agricultural Area, Florida, showed that the regional El can be predicted from the known regional crop yields. The crop yield and ET relations could be used as a potential tool to improve water resources planning and management practices for crop production. 相似文献
Stephen K. Sorenson John L. Riggs Peter D. Dileanis Thomas J. Suk 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1986,22(5):843-845
ABSTRACT: A water-sampling apparatus used for the isolation and detection of Giardia cysts in water has been designed and tested. The sampling apparatus uses one of a variety of pumps or waterline pressure to move water through a filter. Two of the optional pumps are lightweight enough to make the apparatus portable and thus suitable for sampling in remote areas. This technique of sample processing produces good cyst recovery in much less time than is required with previously established methods. Giardia cysts are identified using direct immunofluorescence. 相似文献
ABSTRACT: Bivalves are used as bioindicators to assess trends of the chemical quality of coastal and marine environments due to their ability to concentrate chemicals. These shellfish are subject to seasonal physiological changes influencing the chemical concentration. Using quarterly data, we model concentration via linear regression with a biologically based seasonal component. This was applied to cadmium concentration measured in the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) at three sites in the Seine estuary (Normandy, France). In this case we have a high concentration season from January to June and a “low concentration” season from July to December. This season definition was checked a posteriori, using box-and-whisker plots and a statistical test of comparison of pair-wise adjusted least-squares mean differences, and it appears to be very reasonable. We averaged data by season and across sites. Our final model (R2= 0.846 with N= 27 observations) includes highly significant terms: a season effect, which accounts for 45% of the total variability, a linear and a quadratic time term. Outliers were identified by high Studentized residual values and attributed to bias in the temporal sampling schemes. The methodology developed will further be used with other shellfish and/or other trace elements and organic chemicals. 相似文献
ABSTRACT. The objective of this investigation was to determine the selectivity of withdrawal which is possible in southwestern reservoirs. Two stratified flow solutions were examined to test their applicability under field conditions. Although both appeared capable of accurate prediction of the outflow velocity profile, the Bohan-Grace solution, which required less input data, was utilized to predict the chemical constituents of single and simultaneous releases from several southwestern impoundments. Prediction of outflow water quality was within fifteen percent for southwestern reservoirs as shallow as fifty-five feet. The withdrawal layer thickness for the subject Texas impoundments included the entire hypolimnion or epilmnion depending on outlet location. The sensitivity of the velocity profile to seasonal changes, reservoir discharge rate and withdrawal port dimensions also is illustrated. 相似文献
Otis W. Templer 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1980,16(2):305-311
ABSTRACT: This paper examines the critical interaction between existing Texas water law and the state's water resources. Conjunctive use and management of interrelated water resources, though seldom practiced, is generally considered desirable. However, a significant barrier to the coordinated, efficient use and management of water resources is the legal division of water in the various phases of the hydrologic cycle into different classes and recognition of well-defined water rights in the separate phases. Several examples of the problems which relate to, or result from, present Texas water law and which prevent correlated water resource management are discussed. Any substantive revision of Texas law, particularly ground water law, will apparently be difficult to achieve in the immediate future, primarily because of the large number of recognized private water rights and the political power inherent in them. Data necessary for operation of conjunctive management systems are gradually being acquired, and perhaps someday other hydrologic phases can be integrated with surface and ground water. Nevertheless, Texas courts and the legislature have sufficient information on the interrelated hydrologic cycle so that prospective water conflicts should be anticipated and avoided. Great care must be exercised in the recognition of new types of private water rights or extension of existing rights, because this institutional structure, once established, presents a formidable obstacle to desirable revisions of the law. 相似文献