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This study compares the effectiveness of two regional planning agencies in terms of public support for various planning activities. The Adirondack Park Agency and the Temporary State Commission on Tug Hill have fundamentally different approaches to planning. The Adirondack Park Agency has implemented a restrictive regulatory program with little citizen participation by Adirondack residents. The Tug Hill Commission has implemented an advisory and coordinating program with an emphasis on public input. Residents of two towns in each region were surveyed to determine environmental concern and support for regional planning activities. Respondents from both regions favored a planning agency that incorporates citizen input; controls air, water, and toxic waste pollution; and develops recreation areas. They strongly opposed an agency that regulates private land-use. Basic demographic characteristics and levels of environmental concern were similar in all four towns, but receptivity to various planning activities was consistently greater among residents of the Tug Hill Region. Paired comparisons of the four towns demonstrated no differences between towns of the same region and significant differences between towns of different regions. Public support for regional planning is greater in the Tug Hill Region than in the Adirondack Park.  相似文献   

From a historical point of view, man's concern about the health and protection of water supply is the history of the dramatic reduction in acute communicable diseases due to water-borne micro-organisms. Now that these have been essentially eliminated, there has been a great reduction in concern by scientists and the medical profession with the health aspects of contaminated water. This, in spite of the fact that many concerned people and national advisory groups have reminded us that an increasing number of possible chemical and other hazards find their way into our water supplies and expose human populations to contaminants at low concentration levels without reliable knowledge as to their health effects. Too little research is being done on the health effects of chemicals, pesticides, and viruses. The fact that large populations are being exposed to these possible hazards raises legal and public policy questions. Persons who are largely ignorant of the possible harm of these substances are being exposed to them without consent. Often low level exposure to environmental contaminants is not known or not discovered until considerable time has passed. This raises the question concerning the burden which should be imposed on industry and others who introduce new substances in the environment. The best approach in solving this problem is to prohibit the new substance from being introduced into the environment until it has been shown by reliable studies that even low level exposure is not likely to harm human health.  相似文献   

As complex social phenomena, public involvement processes are influenced by contextual factors. This study examined agency goals for public involvement and assessed the importance of local context in remedial action planning, a community-based water resources program aimed at the cleanup of the 42 most polluted locations in the Great Lakes Basin. Agency goals for public involvement in remedial action plans (RAPs) were agency-oriented and focused on public acceptance of the plan, support for implementation, and positive agency-public relations. Corresponding to these goals, citizen advisory committees were created in 75% of the RAP sites as a primary means for public input into the planning process. Factors that influenced the implementation of public involvement programs in remedial action planning included public orientation toward the remediation issue, local economic conditions, the interaction of diverse interests in the process, agency and process credibility, experience of local leadership, and jurisdictional complexity. A formative assessment of “community readiness” appeared critical to appropriate public involvement program design. Careful program design may also include citizen education and training components, thoughtful management of ongoing agency-public relations and conflict among disparate interests in the process, overcoming logistical difficulties that threaten program continuity, using local expertise and communication channels, and circumventing interjurisdictional complexities.  相似文献   

A survey of 1351 people who lived within 50 miles of one of six US Department of Energy nuclear weapon sites showed that the vast majority of residents prefer strong public health surveillance and land use controls. The sample was stratified so that the same number of responses was obtained at each site. The strongest correlates of wanting the DOE to restrict on-site activities and maintain and expand its surveillance programs were worries about DOE activities on the site, as well as how those activities could damage the off-site environment. Notably, the exceptions, that is, those who demanded less from the DOE and were not particularly worried about the DOE's activities, tended to live near the site, many worked there or knew people who did, and had high socio-economic status, and trusted the DOE. The findings are mostly, but not entirely, consistent with expectations drawn from the risk perception and organizational trust literatures. The challenge is how to establish a stewardship program that represents a consensus among state and local government, community advisory boards and the public that remediation can go on at the same time that some waste is managed on-site until suitable technologies can be safely deployed, which at some sites means 100 years or in perpetuity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The desirable proportion of citizen input into policy making and the proper mechanism for that input engender substantial conflict in the water resources arena. Nevertheless, discussions of citizen participation in water policy formation generally occur within narrow perspectives both with regard to the issues involved and the alternative mechanisms by which that participation can be realized. This paper examines the historical and current contexts of the controversies and presents a discussion of the alternative processes for citizen influence - called linkage. The linkage processes discussed include direct participation, citizen advisory committees, the pressure group model, the electoral model and the bureaucratic model. Each linkage process is discussed in terms of who is considered the public, how the public influence works, the limitations of the process, and what available water policy-related data suggest regarding the adequacy of the process.  相似文献   

This article discusses an 8-year, ongoing project that evaluates the Environmental Protection Agency's Superfund community involvement program. The project originated as a response to the Government Performance and Results Act, which requires federal agencies to articulate program goals, and evaluate and report their progress in meeting those goals. The evaluation project assesses how effective the Superfund community involvement program is in promoting public participation in decisions about how to clean up hazardous wastes at Superfund sites. We do three things in the article: (1) share our experience with evaluating an Agency public participation program, including lessons learned about methods of evaluation; (2) report evaluation results; and (3) address a number of issues pertaining to the evaluation of public participation in environmental decision-making. Our goal is to encourage more environmental managers to incorporate evaluation into their public participation programs as a tool for improving them. We found that written mail surveys were an effective and economical tool for obtaining feedback on EPA's community involvement program at Superfund sites. The evaluation focused on four criteria: citizen satisfaction with EPA information about the Superfund site, citizen understanding of environmental and human health risks associated with the site, citizen satisfaction with opportunities provided by EPA for community input, and citizen satisfaction with EPA's response to community input. While the evaluation results were mixed, in general, community members who were most informed about and involved in the cleanup process at Superfund sites generally were also the most satisfied with the community involvement process, and the job that EPA was doing cleaning up the site. We conclude that systematic evaluation provides meaningful and useful information that agencies can use to improve their public participation programs. However, there need to be institutionalized processes that ensure evaluation results are used to develop and implement strategies for improvement.  相似文献   

The governments of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, and Canada held joint consultations in 1980 to review the available information on acid rain from Western and Northern Canada. It was concluded that acid rain might become a problem in the future and, hence, a research, monitoring, and management strategy for acidic deposition was needed. An overview of the joint governments' management strategy, organization of research and monitoring programs, and accomplishments to date are discussed in this article.The authors are members of the Technical Committee for the Long Range Transport of Atmospheric Pollutants (LRTAP)/Acid Deposition in Western and Northern Canada, and represent Alberta and British Columbia, respectively.  相似文献   

本研究通过对20年来我国生态补偿相关文献的发文数量、重要文献等进行统计,采用文献检索和文献计量等方法,分析我国在生态补偿研究区域、研究领域、关键环节等方面的研究趋势,并基于政策变迁视角,从政策的制定思路、政策文本形式以及政策执行主体等维度来探究我国生态补偿20年政策发展历程,提炼出具有中国特色的生态补偿模式的形成过程。结果显示,热点领域和热点区域研究直接受政策导向影响,区域重大战略催生区域生态补偿研究呈井喷式增长,生态补偿政策实践力度大、范围广、领域多,制度设计从分散体现走向精准聚焦,补偿领域从单点起步走向全面布局,补偿模式由自上而下走向多元参与。随着我国生态文明建设迈入新征程,展望生态补偿未来改革和创新路径,建议围绕“全面”“综合”“多元”“民生”等核心关键词,探索基于多学科交叉的创新性研究,将生态补偿的研究进一步与制度创新、技术创新等相结合,以法制化、多元化、市场化和信息化为核心,推动生态补偿向更加立体、更加纵深和更加系统的方向发展。  相似文献   

In accordance with the Great Lakes Water Quality agreement and the Great Lakes Critical Protections Act, the Great Lakes States have developed (or are developing) remedial action plans (RAPs) for severely degraded areas of concern (AOCs). To provide citizen input into the planning process, state environmental agencies have established citizens' advisory groups (CAGs) for each AOC. These CAGs have been hailed as the key to RAP success, yet little is known about their role in the planning process. In this paper, we examine the constitution, organization and activities of CAGs in three Lake Michigan AOCs by comparing CAGs to municipal planning commissions, citizen advisory commissions and councils of government. We find that CAGs, like other advisory bodies, can provide public input into the planning process, foster communication between government agencies and special interest groups, and facilitate intergovernmental co-ordination. Also like other advisory bodies, however, CAGs can fail to represent all constituencies in the AOCs, have limited influence on agencies plans and activities, and lack the authority to assure the co-operation of local governments.  相似文献   

建立、实施HSE管理体系,从管理的科学性,保护职工的身心健康,保护社会的生态环境,减少事故的发生,改善企业形象,改善企业与当地政府和居民的关系,都具有重要的意义。河南石油勘探局就石油企业如何在重组改制过程中用最少的投入、最短的时间建立HSE管理体系,并就构筑HSE管理体系框架,编写体系程序文件,加快推进HSE管理进程等方面进行了探索性思考。  相似文献   

We are witnessing a growing concern with the global dimension of many environmental issues, reflected in the increase in the number and significance of international environmental organizations. Yet there is no internationally applicable strategy for environmental research which is management oriented. A new type of research policy, which integrates ideas derived from environmental and human ecology, is required in order to deal with cultural and ecological diversity and their interactions as reflected in the ecology of landscapes. The newly defined concept of environmental health is proposed to fill this gap. This concept integrates the latest developments in landscape evolutionary ecology and environmental health, bringing out a conflict between making the environment conducive to human health and increasing the available options for supporting the essential biological and ecological processes of the environment. Lessons derived from the evolution of human environments are used in order to illustrate how health may become un umbrella for developing an environmental research policy, which could also serve as a catalyst for international environmental projects.  相似文献   

Mismanagement of Agrochemicals Plastic Packaging Waste (APPW) constitutes a major environmental problem, resulting in the pollution of soil, air and water resources and compromising the agricultural products safety, the protection of the environment and the public health. Systems for the management of APPW have been established in some European countries and they are operational for several years now. However, these schemes are incompatible while their operational conditions and technical criteria could be improved. In many countries no schemes exist yet for the management of APPW with serious negative consequences for the environment and public health. In response to these problems the European project AgroChePack has developed an environmental friendly, economically viable European APPW management scheme by transferring know-how from existing schemes, designing a new integrated APPW management scheme and testing it through pilot trials in five countries. This work presents the basic design principles established by AgroChePack by identifying problems and bottlenecks faced by existing schemes in Europe, by developing an integrated APPW scheme and by implementing, evaluating and optimising this scheme through pilot trials in Greece.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The growing problem of nonpoint source ground water contamination from agricultural chemicals is conceptualized as an historical outcome of the production environment of capitalist agriculture in the Corn Belt. Chronic overproduction and ground water contamination reveal different aspects of the same technological treadmill. The debate over Iowa's 1987 Ground Water Protection Act symbolizes the contradiction between popular demand for clean water and structural limits on policymaking. Although the Act does provide for expanded research, education, and monitoring, a coalition of commercial farmers, local chemical dealers, and the national chemical industry defeated a tax on pesticide use. Analysis of alternate policy responses - Best Management Practices (BMPs), cross compliance, site-specific regulation of chemical use, and taxation of synthetic chemicals - reveals that all tend to founder on the same structural constraints. Without practical, profitable, low-input technologies that farmers, over time, would choose to adopt, both voluntary and regulatory approaches encounter major political or implementation difficulties. The public agricultural research agenda, therefore, emerges as a central control variable for ground water quality management and a central focus for political struggle.  相似文献   

The apparently unresolvable differences between managing national defense and local conservation, public recreation, and scientific research can be overcome through an advisory committee, with a strong and dedicated entity to drive the processes of governance and change. The case of the Garden Island Environmental Advisory Committee shows how the organizational and political difficulties of integrating state interests and federal concerns were met. Garden Island, off the coast of Perth, the capital of the State of Western Australia, is a base for the Royal Australian Navy which is administered by the federal Department of Defence. Examples are given of the committee's approach to integrated environmental management and the implementation of the Navy's environmental policy.  相似文献   

This study assesses potential environmental impacts of the absorption-based carbon dioxide (CO2) capture unit that is integrated to coal-fired power plant for post-combustion treatment of flue gas. The assessment was performed by identifying potential pollutants and their sources as well as amounts of emissions from the CO2 capture unit and also by reviewing toxicology, potential implications to human health and the environment, as well as the environmental laws and regulations associated with such pollutants. The assessment shows that, while offering a significant environmental benefit through a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the installation of CO2 capture units for post-combustion treatment might induce unintentional and potential burdens to human health and the environment through four emission pathways, including treated gas, process wastes, fugitive emissions, and accidental releases. Such burdens nevertheless can be predetermined and properly mitigated through a well-established environmental management program and mitigation measures. Recommendations to minimize these impacts are provided in this paper.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper presents the significant conclusions of research conducted over a four-year period, the purpose of which was to analyze the operation of three citizen advisory groups established in conjunction with Level B Studies of the New England River Basins Commission. The three Studies were the Long Island Sound Study, the Southeastern New England Study, and the Supplemental Flood Management Study of the Connecticut River Basin Program. The research examined the criteria and procedures used for selection of members, the relevant personal characteristics of the members, the procedures employed for carrying out their responsibilities, and the relative importance of group functions as perceived by both citizen advisors and professional study participants. The impact of these factors upon the effectiveness of citizen advisory groups as a strategy of public participation is evaluated. The paper includes recommendations, derived from the research, for the use of planning agencies seeking to maximize the effectiveness of citizen advisory groups.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: At a time when productive water resources research is essential to protecting the quality of and wisely using our limited water resources, pervasive trends toward consumerism, fiscal restraint, centralized management, and using research for other social objectives threaten research productivity. The research prioritization and management structure that these trends have created was examined in the microcosm of its application at the Utah Water Research Laboratory. The result indicated that ephemeral prioritization and the failure of research users to target researchers to their own particular needs is diluting productivity. Incremental research prioritization and greater use of advisory councils in facilitating user-researcher interaction are suggested as corrective approaches, but the only firm conclusion at this point in time must be that empirical studies of the performance of alternatives in research management structure are solely needed.  相似文献   

This paper describes efforts to bridge the gap between the existing research and proposed recreation access management for public lands in southwestern Alberta, Canada. Recreation access management has been identified as a complex problem and public consultation is one element in addressing the complexity. An Internet-based survey (n = 945) examined the acceptability and desirability of public consultation processes to assist with access management planning. Non-parametric tests indicate significant differences in desirability of public consultation types existed for all variables except gender. Respondents expressed the desire for a diversity of public consultation approaches with a strong preference for face-to-face field visits. Mechanisms for engagement in access management planning should be based on public consultation preferences to ensure broad, on going engagement and subsequent user acceptance and compliance.  相似文献   

In recent years, important changes have occurred in water resources research. There have been major shifts in attitudes of Congress, state legislatures and the general public toward water and related resource issues. Future water research and development will have to be environmentally oriented. Emphasis is shifting to research productivity. To justify research expenditures, hard facts must be produced which demonstrate payoff. Technology transfer (getting research results into the hands of users in an understandable and usable form) is gaining prominence. Research projects must be designed for total problem solution and technology transfer must be incorporated as a part of project objectives. Research must be planned and conducted to meet users' needs. Guidelines for modern research design and technology transfer are presented.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been considerable interest in the health of humans and the environment, restoration of contaminated or otherwise degraded lands, and in long-term stewardship of public lands. Unfortunately, it is unclear whether governmental agencies and the public hold similar views about the meanings of these concepts, making policy decisions about restoration and stewardship difficult. In this paper, I explore how the public conceptualizes restoration and stewardship by examining the relative rating of several attributes of restoration, stewardship, environmental health, ecological health, environmental restoration, and ecological restoration. People were interviewed in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, near the Department of Energy's Los Alamos National Laboratory. The ratings of attributes of environmental health and ecological health reported in this paper can be used to understand how the public understands these concepts. The attributes rated most highly by the subjects were more similar to definitions in the scientific literature for these terms than they were to those used by the Department of Energy. For environmental health, the highest rating related to human sanitation, while for ecological health the highest rating was for maintaining functioning ecosystems. Reduction of exposure to hazardous substances was rated the second highest for both environmental and ecological health. The wise use of natural resources, preservation of natural resources, and hazardous waste site cleanup were rated the highest attributes of stewardship. These data suggest that both expert and nonexpert perceptions about restoration and stewardship should be incorporated into environmental management decisions.  相似文献   

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