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Silvicultural chemicals include fertilizers and pesticides applied for forest management. All states east of the Rockies have at least some form of silvicultural chemical best management practices (SCBMPs) and it is widely accepted that SCBMPs effect some protection of water quality. All SCBMPs recommend handling and application precautions and a minimum width streamside management zone (SMZ) on each side of streams for protection of water quality and aquatic ecosystems. Typically these zones increase in width as stream width increases. In areas where cold-water fish are present, additional widths are designated for their protection. Minimum SMZ widths range from 8 to 91 meters on each side of the stream bank for intermittent and perennial streams. Most SMZ recommendations do not cover ephemeral drainages, ditches or canals. SMZs are generally described as being site specific with width dependent on slope, soil type and other conditions as well as the stream's designation as perennial or intermittent. The science behind SCBMPs is often elusive. Spray drift can be controlled through proper selection and use of application technology while considering site specific conditions. SMZs greatly reduce the amount of herbicides reaching streams. Available toxicological data and research on aquatic ecosystem impacts from herbicide use suggest that additional protection from silvicultural chemicals may not be necessary. However, there is evidence to suggest that protection of ephemeral and intermittent channels can further reduce entry of silvicultural chemicals into streams and also reduce sedimentation. This may be the most fruitful area of research we can pursue in light of the knowledge gaps listed.  相似文献   

Many of the eastern states that have published best management practices (BMPs) or forest management guidelines have also developed compliance monitoring programs to assess the application of these BMPs or guidelines on public and private forest land. The approaches among these states to collecting on-site monitoring data (measuring compliance) and evaluating sites are variable. A survey of eastern states found that almost all southern states monitor application of BMPs, but proportionally fewer of the northern states have established compliance monitoring programs. The state forestry agencies provide the leadership for these programs in most of the eastern states. States that monitor tend to evaluate all public and private forest landowner categories located within their states. In general, northern states monitor a broader array of site resources (e.g., cultural resources, visual quality) as compared to southern states which focus on water quality and wetlands protection. However, northern states focus their monitoring on timber harvesting, forest road construction and maintenance as compared to southern states which tend to monitor a broader array of forest management activities (e.g., site preparation, reforestation). When selecting sites for monitoring, the most common approach is to select some sites from all landowner categories within the state. Many states do not specify any criteria to identify sites for monitoring so that all sites have an equal chance for selection. Some states do use specific criteria to filter sites for monitoring, most commonly size of forest management activity and proximity to water.  相似文献   

Forestry Best Management Practices (BMPs) were developed to protect water quality. In the eastern US, those BMPs were often expanded to include maintenance of site productivity. Generally, BMPs recommend the use of pre-harvest planning and careful design for construction of roads and other activities that expose bare soil, minimizing trafficking and areas of bare soil, maintaining streamside management zones, ensuring rapid revegetation following harvesting, minimizing soil disturbance, and ameliorating severe trafficking with site preparation. This review of peer-reviewed research from the past 20 years examined the effects of forest harvesting and site preparation on water quality and site productivity in the eastern US. The review was subdivided into areas having relatively similar physiography and land management (New England, Lake States, Appalachian Plateau, Ridge and Valley, Blue Ridge, Piedmont, Atlantic Coastal Plain, Gulf Coastal Plain, and Ouachitas-Ozarks). In general, data from steeper physiographic regions indicated that forest harvesting and site preparation can increase erosion, sediment and nutrient losses to streams. However, the quantities introduced into streams tended to be relatively low, generally below the values that are considered acceptable for alternative land uses. Also most research indicated that water quality recovers within two to five years following forest operation disturbances, particularly if BMPs are employed. Research from the less mountainous and often more poorly drained Lake States and Coastal Plain regions indicated that soil compaction and rutting may or may not cause site productivity effects, depending on soil types, natural ameliorative properties and site preparation. Overall, the research supports the forestry BMPs recommended in the eastern states.  相似文献   

In response to federal and state clean water laws, forestry best management practices (BMPs) have been developed and implemented to prevent nonpoint source water pollution. Ellefson and Miles (1985) found that estimated BMP costs in the Midwest could amount to more than half of the net returns on national forest timber sales. Henly et al. (1988) found that government costs to implement forest practice rules ranged from as little as $100,000 per year in Idaho and Nevada to more than $4 million annually in California. A review of studies in the South indicates that estimated BMP costs have increased over time. Lickwar et al. (1992) estimated Southeast average costs of $12.45 per acre, $2.34 per MBF, or 2.87% of gross stumpage values based on 1987 BMPs and prices. Woodman and Cubbage (1994) estimated Georgia average BMP costs of $24.33 per acre or $3.02 per MBF for forest industry lands and $41.65 per acre or $5.39 per MBF for NIPF lands. For Virginia, Shaffer et al. (1998) estimated median BMP costs of $18.90 per acre. These moderate cost increases could be attributed to a higher level of standards in the revision of each state BMP guidelines manual, as well as moderate price inflation. BMPs such as better road construction, water bars, culverts, and broad-based dips have been most expensive so far. To date streamside zones have not been very expensive because the rules allow most of the valuable residual tees to be harvested as long as heavy equipment does not operate near the streams. However, this limitation may become much more difficult and costly – as indicated by Kluender et al. (2000) – as fewer chainsaw fellers and cable skidders are available. Stricter BMPs, such as those already adopted to implement forest certification standards in the South or those used to protect salmon habitat in the West, could prompt more expensive southern BMPs for landowners and state agencies in the future.  相似文献   

Bioassessment is a useful tool to determine the impact of logging practices on the biological integrity of streams and wetlands. Measuring biota directly has an intuitive appeal for impact assessment, and biota can be superior indicators to physical or chemical characteristics because they can reflect cumulative impacts over time. Logging can affect stream and wetland biota by increasing sedimentation rates, altering hydrologic, thermal, and chemical regimes, and changing the base of food webs. Biotic impacts of logging on streams compared to wetlands probably differ, and in this paper we review some of those differences. In streams, invertebrates, fishes, amphibians, algae, and macrophytes have been used as indicators of logging impacts. In wetlands, bioassessment is just beginning to be used, and plants and birds are the most promising indicator taxa. Various best management practices (BMPs) have been developed to reduce the impacts of logging on stream and wetland biota, and we review quantitative studies that have evaluated the efficacy of some of these techniques in streams and wetlands in the eastern United States. Remarkably few studies that address the overall efficacy of BMPs in limiting biotic changes in streams and wetlands after BMP implementation have been published in scientific journals, although some work exists in reports or is unpublished. We review these works, and compile conclusions about BMP efficacy for biota from this body of research.  相似文献   

The major forest nonpoint source control programs in the West are largely regulatory, either under forest practices acts (California, Idaho, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington) or a streamside management act (Montana). These programs and the specific rules they enforce continue to undergo intensive scrutiny. Still, the questions are the same for these regulatory programs as for states that base nonpoint source control on voluntary BMPs (Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming). Are the rules or BMPs being applied, and are they effective in reducing nonpoint source pollution to levels that protect beneficial uses of water? The level of debate about forestry in the West has resulted in detailed monitoring and research to answer these questions. In the past, state agencies have assumed levels of BMP compliance based on the percent of operations without enforcement actions. These estimates are being replaced by statistically valid and reproducible monitoring of forest practices rules and BMP compliance levels. BMP effectiveness is being assessed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. This can involve field assessments, process-based research, and control watershed studies. Some trend monitoring is also beginning. With the regional implementation rate for forestry BMPs at about 94% and rising, it is likely that effectiveness testing will continue to be a priority and consume the majority of assessment resources for this region.  相似文献   

A multi-year study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of Florida's Best Management Practices (BMPs) for protecting aquatic ecosystems during intensive forestry operations and forest chemical applications. Five silviculture sites adjacent to stream systems were selected for study from major eco-regions of the state. Replicate stream bioassessments, using a multimetric approach (the Stream Condition Index), were conducted as part of a `before-after, control-impact' (BACI) study design. Bioassessment stations were established above and below the treatment area to determine pre-treatment reference and test conditions. Silviculture treatments of clearcut harvesting, intensive mechanical site preparation and machine planting were then completed, during which all applicable BMPs were adhered to. In addition, two sites received an herbicide application and one site was fertilized. Following the treatments, the sites were re-sampled at the same points both one year, and two years after the first bioassessment. No significant differences in the SCI were observed between the reference and test portions of the streams that could be attributed to the silviculture operations using BMPs. Hence, the study showed that BMPs provided protection to adjacent stream ecosystems, even during intensive silviculture and forest chemical applications.  相似文献   

An important aspect of a best management practices (BMP) program is providing credible information on the extent to which BMPs are being applied within the state. This paper, summarizing the responses of a survey to states about their BMP monitoring program, indicates nearly three of four states in the eastern U.S. have monitoring programs to determine if voluntary or mandatory forest practices are being applied. BMP compliance monitoring programs vary extensively among states in such areas as: the agency(s) responsible for undertaking the monitoring, the types of practices monitored, reasons for establishing the monitoring program, and the frequency and costs of compliance monitoring implementation. The survey found that information from compliance monitoring is used to modify forest practice rules or guidelines, redirect education and training programs, and inform policy makers and the general public of forest practice application rates. Major issues associated with implementing compliance monitoring programs as indicated by the survey include: specifying the types of information to be gathered, selecting harvest sites, accessing private property, determining monitoring responsibility, and reporting and using the information collected.  相似文献   

The distribution of coarse woody debris (CWD) was analyzed in three Appalachian watersheds in eastern Kentucky, eighteen years after harvest. The three watersheds included an unharvested control (Control), a second watershed with best management practices (BMPs) applied that included a 15.2 m unharvested zone near the stream (BMP watershed), and a third watershed that was harvested without strict BMPs with harvesting occurring up to the stream edge and slash left within the stream and riparian zones (No BMP watershed). We assessed the CWD occurring both within the riparian zone and stream in the three watersheds. Within both stream and riparian zones, the BMP and No BMP watersheds contained more CWD biomass than in the Control, however, the No BMP watershed CWD was in a more advanced state of decay than in either the BMP or Control watersheds. Nitrogen content in CWD was also greater in the No BMP watershed because of the more advanced state of the decay. The CWD present in the Control is the result of natural forest processes such as death and self-pruning. The CWD in the No BMP watershed is a result of the slash left behind after the harvest since little opportunity exists for new recruitment of CWD from the surrounding area. From our decay class data, it is apparent that at least some of the CWD in the BMP watershed has occurred since harvest, and, based on our biomass data, at a much greater rate of recruitment than in the Control watershed. We hypothesize that the harvest outside of the riparian zone in the BMP watershed may have led to greater windthrow and/or slumping than in the Control watershed. As such, our data suggest that riparian zones of 15.2 m may not be effective in maintaining the short-term integrity of the CWD pool within steep gradient Appalachian systems.  相似文献   

The over-use of agrochemicals may have adverse effects on soils along with surface and groundwater. An assessment of alternative management practices to reduce the application of agrochemicals and minimise the pollution of water resources was carried out in the vegetable agro-ecosystem in the Rattaphum Catchment. This paper details the factors that govern the volume of agrochemicals used on high intensity crops in this area, covering the choice of crop and cropping patterns, level of pest and weed infestation and the socio-economic status of farmers such as capital, size of holding and labour availability. Alternative management practices tested included (i) a reduction in the use of pesticides and chemical fertilisers; (ii) the use of bio-insecticides and bio-fertilisers; and (iii) the development of buffer zones near streams to reduce nutrient leaching into surface water systems. The results showed that when compared with bio-insecticides, synthetic insecticides were more effective in controlling major insect pests during chaisim vegetable production and were associated with higher net incomes. The high rate of application of chemical fertilisers in home gardens and commercial farms led to the accumulation of phosphorous and potassium in the top soil, with the traditional method of combining organic and chemical fertilisers producing the highest total nitrogen soil content. A fifty percent reduction in chemical fertilisers in the commercial farms produced the lowest total nitrogen soil content, without any apparent change in crop yield. The three types of tested buffers seem to be effective in reducing runoff and sediment load and were particularly efficient in lowering nutrient leaching to streams; the best results were obtained with an effective length of 2.5 m.  相似文献   

Reference Conditions of Alpine Streams: Physical Habitat and Ecology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Natural and near-natural streams are rare in the densely populated areas of the Alps. A variety of anthropogenic impacts have resulted in the alteration and sometimes even complete destruction of these systems. Nowadays it is difficult to find un-impacted streams that are strongly needed to define the natural variability and ecosystem processes. The results from freshwater inventories and habitat assessments conducted in protected areas in Austria (Nationalpark Hohe Tauern) and Italy (Naturpark Rieserferner-Ahrn) were used to develop a comprehensive typology of Alpine streams. Three different levels were used to discriminate between the distinct stream/river types: source (glacial vs. non-glacial), hierarchy (i.e. location within the stream system) and topography/ channel morphology. Important characters defining the structure and function of these stream types are gradient, substrate composition, flow pattern and riparian vegetation. Benthic fauna assemblages from 99 near-natural stream segments in glacial and non-glacial systems demonstrated the effect of glaciation on abundance levels of the total macroinvertebrate fauna, EPT taxa (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera) and the chironomid subfamily Diamesinae in different altitudes. A general decrease of abundances with increasing altitude was found. While stream segments with a degree of glaciation >10% primarily showed reduced abundances at all altitudes, lower (<10%) or no glaciation did not influence invertebrate abundances at lower reaches. Due to the near-natural conditions of the selected stream segments, a valuable definition of reference conditions of Alpine streams based on habitat characteristics is available. As a basis it offers excellent opportunities to conduct holistic interdisciplinary studies in protected areas in the future.  相似文献   

Numerous studies in the United States have shown that, in addition to accomplishing their primary objective of preventing or reducing non-point source (NPS) pollution, silvicultural Best Management Practices (BMPs) provide additional direct and indirect benefits. These benefits are valuable to a host of forestry-related groups because they improve forest habitat, improve the public's perception of the timber industry, and increase the overall value of the timber asset. In an effort to gauge the perceived value that forestry-related groups place on BMPs, Mississippi non-industrial private forest (NIPF) landowners (n=63), forestry consultants (n=30), and timber industry professionals (n=8) were surveyed using a combination of in-person, telephone interviews, and mail surveys in spring 2001. Each group was asked to rank 35 potential benefits from 1 to 5 (1 being least beneficial; 5 being most beneficial) according to their perceived value of the benefit. Results showed little variation in the overall mean response for all benefits among groups. In general, all groups assigned a ranking of average, more beneficial, or most beneficial to 31 of 35 (88%) potential benefits. Results indicated that, although these groups may have differing perceptions of the value of some benefits, all have a largely positive perception of the potential benefits from BMPs.  相似文献   

Cleanup activities often focus on the initial and final concentration levels of contaminants. What happens in-between, during implementation of treatment technologies, has raised major concerns by several environmental groups. To address this issue, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has undertaken the task of developing a guidance that would identify the potential for cross-media transfer during implementation of various soil treatment technologies and recommend best management practices (BMPs) to prevent or control these cross-media transfers. The soil treatment technologies have been grouped into seven major categories in this effort. This article provides some details of the seven soil treatment technology groups and the general BMPs recommended in the draft BMP guidance document. One case history of existing control practices is also presented in this article and compared with the recommended BMPs.  相似文献   

Reduced emissions of acidifying pollutants have changed the acidification process, and as a result, forest soils and surface waters are slowly recovering in Sweden. However, model calculations show that some areas may never recover completely unless further measures, such as liming, are undertaken. Liming of surface waters (lakes, rivers and wetlands) has been successfully practised in Sweden since the 1970s, but repeated treatments are necessary. A full recovery of acidified lakes and streams without frequent liming is however not possible until soil acidification is reversed in the most strongly affected areas. In this study, the recovery of acidified streams was examined using ‘the total catchment approach’ i.e. treatment of both recharge and discharge areas. The aim was to compare the quantitative effect of different treatments on run off chemistry and the recovery of brown trout. Catchments in southwest Sweden were treated with a combination of 2 tons of wood ash and 4, 6 or 12 tons of crushed limestone per hectare in 1998/1999. Treatment of both recharge and discharge areas resulted in fast and significant changes in stream water quality, e.g. increased concentrations of calcium, higher pH and ANC and a decreased concentration of inorganic aluminium. The initial changes were dependent on the distribution of the applied lime between discharge and recharge areas rather than the average dose on the total catchment. Treatment of recharge areas only, resulted in smaller but still significant effects on calcium, pH and ANC in stream water. Furthermore, there was an initial leaching of nitrate but it was only minor compared with the elevated leaching that occurs after a clear-cut. As a result of the treatments, brown trout is now successfully reproducing. Olle Westling (deceased).  相似文献   

Sediment dredge disposal options were reviewed to improve cost‐effectiveness and environmental safety for dredging of coastal sediments at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Small Craft Harbours (DFO‐SCH) program in Canada. Historically, contaminated dredge sediments exceeding federal guidelines were disposed of in nearby landfills. Recent federal regulatory changes in sediment quality guidelines adopted by provincial regulators in Canada has resulted in updates to guidelines for disposal of contaminated solids in landfills. Updates now require specific and general disposal options for contaminated dredge material destined for land‐based disposal, resulting in more expensive disposal in containment cells (if contaminated sediments exceed federal guidelines). However, as part of this study, a leachate testing method was applied to contaminated sediments to simulate migration of potential contaminants in groundwater. Using this approach, leachate quality was compared to federal freshwater criteria and drinking water quality guidelines for compliance with new regulations. Leachate testing performed on the highest sediment contaminant concentrations triggered less than 2 percent potable water exceedances, meaning that most dredge spoils could be disposed of in privately owned or provincially operated landfill sites, providing less expensive disposal options compared to containment cell disposal. Current dredge disposal practices were reviewed at 35 harbor sites across Nova Scotia and their limitations identified in a gap analysis. Improved site management was developed following this review and consultation with interested marine stakeholders. New disposal options and chemical analyses were proposed, along with improvements to cost efficiencies for management of dredged marine sediments in Atlantic Canada. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The timing of forestry operations relative to weather conditions is a consideration in applying Forestry Best Management Practices (BMPs). Harvesting during different seasons can result in degrees of soil disturbance, the distribution of logging debris, and potentially future stand productivity. The purpose of this study is to examine the response of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) stands after wet- and dry-weather harvesting combined with three site preparation treatments. A 20 × 20 meter grid was established in fifteen 20-year-old, 3.3-ha loblolly pine plantations in South Carolina. A census of soil physical disturbance and slash distribution was made after harvesting. Growth was measured on 1/125th-ha plots at ages two and five. Dry-weather harvested (DWH) sites were 91% undisturbed, and 9% compressed. Wet-weather harvested (WWH) sites were 41% undisturbed, and 59% disturbed. WWH sites averaged 9% bare soil, while DWH sites averaged 16% with 1 kg m-2 less logging residue; primarily in the form of heavy and light slash. At age five, the green-weight biomass of flat-planted DWH and WWH sites were 13.3 and 12.6 kg tree-1 respectively, and on the bedded DWH and WWH sites were 18.6 and 22.8 kg tree-1. Wet weather harvesting did not seem to adversely affect stand growth, and may have improved it. Due to a prolonged drought, bedding had a larger effect on WWH sites than DWH harvested sites. The effects of droughty conditions may be influencing treatment response on these highly productive sites; however, the long-term effects of harvesting on stand growth remain to be seen.  相似文献   

The study was conducted in Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh in India. Hospitals/nursing homes and private medical practitioners in urban as well as rural areas and those from the private as well as the government sector were covered. Information on (a) awareness of bio-medical waste management rules, (b) training undertaken and (c) practices with respect to segregation, use of colour coding, sharps management, access to common waste management facilities and disposal was collected. Awareness of Bio-medical Waste Management Rules was better among hospital staff in comparison with private medical practitioners and awareness was marginally higher among those in urban areas in comparison with those in rural areas. Training gained momentum only after the dead-line for compliance was over. Segregation and use of colour codes revealed gaps, which need correction. About 70% of the healthcare facilities used a needle cutter/destroyer for sharps management. Access to Common Waste Management facilities was low at about 35%. Dumping biomedical waste on the roads outside the hospital is still prevalent and access to Common Waste facilities is still limited. Surveillance, monitoring and penal machinery was found to be deficient and these require strengthening to improve compliance with the Bio-medical Waste Management Rules and to safeguard the health of employees, patients and communities.  相似文献   

The results from measuring PAH and metal contamination together with macroinvertebrate communities at 62 headwater stream sites gives a significant insight into the range and scale of contamination. Monitoring streambed sediments at 62 sites from rural to inner city and in industrial locations presented a unique opportunity to distinguish the conditions that enhance pollution runoff at sites that are less obviously `at risk' and to compare these results with sites of expected high contamination, for example in industrial areas and at motorway junctions. We used pCCA (partial Canonical Correspondence Analysis) to tease out the relationships between individual macroinvertebrate families and specific metal and PAH contaminants, and showed that it is not always the metals and PAHs with the greatest total concentrations that are doing the damage to the ecology. Ni and Zn are the critical metals, while benzo(b)fluoranthene, anthracene and fluoranthene are the most contaminating PAHs. The results identify previously unrecognized `high risk' pollution sources, lay byes used for commercial parking, on-street residential parking areas, and the junctions at the bottom of hills with traffic lights, where surface runoff feeds rapidly to the streams. While this study looks at sites across Yorkshire, UK, it clearly has a broader significance for understanding contamination risks from diffuse runoff as a prerequisite for effective sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS) agendas and the protection of urban stream ecology.  相似文献   

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