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Pharmaceuticals in the river Elbe and its tributaries   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Medicinal drugs were found to be ubiquitous in the river Elbe, its tributary the river Saale and in other tributaries at their points of entry into the Elbe. The distribution of concentration peaks along the investigated river stretches provides an indication that they are mainly due to the emission of treated waste water from municipal sewage treatment works. This leads to the conclusion that medicinal substances can be regarded as faecal indicators for water pollution caused by human activity. The main substances found in the Elbe in 1998 were diclofenac, ibuprofen and carbamazepine as well as various antibiotics and lipid regulators in the concentration range of <20-140 ng/l. The more thorough investigations carried out in 1999 and 2000 show that in addition to the drugs (phenazone, isopropyl-phenazone and paracetamol) metabolite concentrations contributed significantly to the total concentration of pharmaceuticals in the Elbe. The metamizole metabolites N-acetyl-4-aminoantipyrine (AAA) and N-formyl-4-aminoantipyrine (FAA) were found in concentrations from <20 to 939 ng/l. A multivariate statistical analysis revealed a high correlation in respect of the distribution of persistent substances. The metoprolol distribution throughout the Saale demonstrated that the tributaries cause either an increase (Weisse Elster, Unstrut, Ilm) or a reduction (Wipper, Bode) in the concentration, depending on the respective load of waste water. Wide scale sampling in Saxony during 2002 showed the ubiquitous occurrence of carbamazepine in surface waters. The ecotoxicological effects of this contamination cannot be assessed at present. This is due to the fact that no legal framework in respect of these medicinal drugs for human consumption has been established and therefore little research and no risk assessment has been carried out. Therefore it is urgently necessary to include at least the quantitatively most significant substances in the new assessment concept of the EC White Paper.  相似文献   

Eight sediment samples collected between Hamburg and Cuxhaven were analysed for organic micropollutants. Using three different methods the following compounds were determined: α-HCH, γ-HCH, HCB, PCB, DDT-family, pentachlorobenzene and octachlorostyrene.  相似文献   

Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric (GC/MS) analysis of particulate matter of the Elbe river and its tributaries Havel, Spree and Mulde revealed a group of three dinaphthylsulfone isomers as sedimentary and suspended particulate matter (SPM) contaminants. The mass spectra of dinaphthylsulfones are characterized by the molecular ion (m/z 318), and the naphthyl fragment ion m/z 127. Losses of HSO(2) and C(10)H(7)O from the molecular ion lead to different mass spectra for each isomer. The gas phase infrared spectra exhibit isomer specific bands in the spectral region between 900 and 700 wave numbers. A synthetic mixture of dinaphthylsulfones was used for isomer identification and the assignment of the gas chromatographic retention behaviour of the dinaphthylsulfone isomers. Quantitative GC/MS analysis of dinaphthylsulfones in 44 sediment and SPM samples provided comprehensive information on the overall distribution and distinct sources of dinaphthylsulfones in the Elbe river drainage system. The results indicate emissions of these compounds over prolonged times and their environmental stability in anaerobic sediments.  相似文献   

A series of periphyton, sediment, and water samples has been collected from the Kolubara River and its tributaries at selected locations, characterized by heavy industrialization, and analysed for stable isotopes by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry. The results of measurements for stable metals revealed that the anthropogenic contribution essentially overwhelms the natural system of the catchment. Thus, concentrations of heavy metals near points of industrial discharge were significantly higher than background concentrations. The existing primary and secondary waste water-treatment plants associated with heavy industry of the area must therefore be revived, and control should be instituted at the sources of pollution. The bioaccumulation factors (BF), and sediment distribution coefficients (K(D)), and concentration ratios (CR) for sixteen stable isotopes were calculated. It is shown that the concentration ratios of periphyton over sediment for Mn, Zn, As, Sb, I, Ba, and Pb exceeded unity. Furthermore, the recorded partition coefficients were indicative of the distribution and mobility of the stable metals in the Kolubara River environment.  相似文献   

Artificial-lawn mats were used as sediment traps in floodplains to measure sediment input and composition during flood events. To estimate the natural variability, 10 traps were installed during two flood waves at three different morphological units in a meander loop of the River Elbe. The geochemical composition of deposited and suspended matter was compared. The sediment input showed weak correlations with concentration and composition of river water. It also correlated poorly with flood duration and level as well as distance of trap position from the main river. This is due to the high variability of the inundation, different morphological conditions and the variability of sources. The composition of the deposits and the suspended matter in the river water was comparable. Hence, for the investigated river reach, the expected pollution of the floodplain sediments can be derived from the pollution of the suspended matter in the river during the flood wave.  相似文献   

Long-term changes in stream water chemistry in the upper Duddon catchment (southwest Lake District, UK) were investigated. Ten streams were sampled and analysed weekly during 1998, and the results compared with data for the early 1970s and 1986. The waters exhibited a range of pH, average values for 1998 being 5.04-7.04. For all the streams, the average pH in 1998 was greater than that during 1971-73. Statistical analysis was carried out, using the 1970s data to estimate the magnitude of inter-annual variation, and taking discharge into account on the basis of antecedent rainfall. The results showed that for two of the streams the pH increase was significant at the 2.5% level, while for a further three it was significant at the 10% level. Comparison of the 1998 concentrations of nitrate and non-marine sulphate with data obtained for five streams in 1973-74 showed that average nitrate concentration had increased from 11 to 20 microeq dm(-3) while that of non-marine sulphate had decreased from 94 to 50 microeq dm(-3). For four of the streams, comparisons were also made between the 1998 data and those for 1986. In three cases, pH in 1998 was generally higher, and Al generally lower, than the values for 1986, but in the fourth case little difference was evident. The present results support observations for five nearby standing waters, strengthening the evidence for a general reversal of acidification in the southwest part of Lake District, due to a decline in the deposition of pollutant sulphur.  相似文献   

A bioassay-directed fractionation and identification (toxicity identification evaluation procedure) was performed on extracts of 10 1 River Elbe water samples. The experimental method included a SDB-1 solid phase extraction followed by RP-HPLC fractionation and subfractionation. Chemical analysis by GC-MS as well as acute toxicity testing using a luminescent bacteria assay were conducted in the respective fractions. Many substances were identified, among which were pesticides and pharmaceuticals, but many compounds remained unknown.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation of sediment toxicity in the Rivers Dommel and Elbe   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Contaminated sediment in the river basin has become a source of pollution with increasing importance to the aquatic ecosystem downstream. To monitor the temporal changes of the sediment bound contaminants in the River Elbe and the River Dommel monthly toxicity tests were applied to layered sediment and river water samples over the course of 10 months. There is an indication that contaminated sediments upstream adversely affected sediments downstream, but this process did not cause a continuous increase of sediment toxicity. A clear decrease of toxic effects in water and upper layer sediment was observed at the River Elbe station in spring related to high water discharge and algal blooms. The less obvious variation of sediment toxicity in the River Dommel could be explained by stable hydrological conditions. Future monitoring programmes should promote a more frequent and intensive sampling regime during these particular events for ecotoxicological evaluation.  相似文献   

Yao X  Zhang Y  Zhu G  Qin B  Feng L  Cai L  Gao G 《Chemosphere》2011,82(2):145-155
Taihu Basin is the most developed area in China, which economic development has resulted in pollutants being produced and discharged into rivers and the lake. Lake Taihu is located in the center of the basin, which is characterized by a complex network of rivers and channels. To assess the sources and fate of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in surface waters, we determined the components and abundance of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) within Lake Taihu and 66 of its tributaries, and 22 sites along transects from two main rivers. In Lake Taihu, there was a relative less spatial variation in CDOM absorption aCDOM(355) with a mean of 2.46 ± 0.69 m−1compared to the mean of 3.36 ± 1.77 m−1 in the rivers. Two autochthonous tryptophan-like components (C1 and C5), two humic-like components (C2 and C3), and one autochthonous tyrosine-like component (C4) were identified using the parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) model. The C2 and C3 had a direct relationship with aCDOM(355), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and chemical oxygen demand (COD). The separation of lake samples from river samples, on both axes of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), showed the difference in DOM fluorophores between these various environments. Components C1 and C5 concurrently showed positive factor 1 loadings, while C4 was close to the negative factor 1 axis. Components C2 and C3 showed positive second factor loadings. The major contribution of autochthonous tryptophan-like components to lake samples is due to the autochthonous production of CDOM in the lake ecosystems. The results also showed that the differences in geology and associated land use control CDOM dynamics, such as the high levels of CDOM with terrestrial characteristics in the northwestern upstream rivers and low levels of CDOM with increased microbial characteristics in the southwestern upstream rivers. Most of river samples from the downstream regions in the eastern and southeastern plains had a similar relative abundance of humic-like fluorescence, with less of the tryptophan-like and more of the tyrosine-like contributions than did samples from upstream regions.  相似文献   

The occurrence of xenoestrogens in the Elbe river and the North Sea   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
The xenoestrogens Bisphenol A (BPA), p-alkylphenols and p-alkylphenol ethoxylates were determined in water samples of the North Sea, the Elbe river, and its tributaries Schwarze Elster, Mulde, Saale and the Weisse Elster. The sampling sites of the Elbe river reached from Schmilka at the German-Czech border to Cuxhaven at the estuary. Samples of the North Sea were taken in the German Bight. Additionally, freshly deposed sediments of the River Elbe and its tributaries were analyzed. Partitioning coefficients of these compounds for the distribution between suspended particulate matter (SPM) and the aqueous phase were calculated for samples of the River Elbe at sampling site Geesthacht. The analytical procedure consisted of liquid-liquid extractions of the acidified water samples using dichloromethane. Sediments and SPM samples were extracted by Accelerated Solvent Extraction with n-hexane/acetone. Following a clean-up by HPLC, the analytes were derivatized with heptafluorobutyric acid anhydride and quantified using GC-MSD. The concentration ranges of the compounds analyzed in water samples of the Elbe river were as follows (in ng l(-1)): BPA 9-776, alkylphenols 10-221 and alkylphenol ethoxylates 18-302. In sediment samples the concentrations were (in microg kg(-1) dry mass): BPA 66-343, alkylphenols 17-1378 and alkylphenol ethoxylates 30-1797. In samples of the North Sea the concentrations were generally about 1 order of magnitude lower. As shown by the concentration profiles following the River Elbe into the North Sea, the Elbe river must be considered as a major pollution source for the North Sea concerning the compounds analyzed. The SPM/water-partitioning coefficients calculated (mean values) amounted to: BPA 4.50, alkylphenols 5.52-5.58 and alkylphenol ethoxylates 5.60-6.38. A comparison of the results with data from other surface waters showed that concentrations of these xenoestrogens in the River Elbe and its tributaries were relatively low. The evaluation of the data based on the lowest observable effect concentration (LOEC) for alkylphenols (endpoint: vitellogenin synthesis in male trout) indicated that the concentrations were well below the effectivity threshold.  相似文献   

Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) are widely used industrial chemicals, residues of which can be nowadays found in all environmental compartments. The widespread presence of BFRs in various environmental compartments and food chain is a consequence of both their broad application area and physico-chemical properties, such as resistance to degradation and high lipophilicity. Alike in the case of other halogenated persistent organic pollutants (POPs), fish can be used as a bioindicator of aquatic environment pollution. In presented study, conducted in the year 2005, altogether 80 samples representing the most abundant fresh water fish species, viz. chub (Leuciscus cephalus), bream (Abramis brama), and perch (Perca fluviatilis) collected in 11 sampling sites located at Elbe and Vltava (Moldau) rivers were examined for levels of major BFRs. Without any exception, BFRs were detected in all fish samples. BDE 47 was the dominating congener in all fish species. This fact was not surprising, since it used to be the main component in various kinds of technical mixtures. With regard to relatively high levels of BDE 47 in fish tissue, as compared to other BFRs, and considering strong correlation with the total PBDEs content, simplified laboratory examination and, consequently, increased samples throughput can be obtained when only this congener is monitored. The potential of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GCxGC-TOFMS), to provide more comprehensive information on the bioaccumulating chemicals occurring in fish samples, has been demonstrated in this study.  相似文献   

The first study aimed to investigate the polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentration level, spatial distribution pattern, and ecological risk assessment of water and sediment samples from two tributaries (Nullah Aik and Palkhu) of the River Chenab, Punjab Province, Pakistan. A total of 32 PCB congeners were analyzed, and PCB concentration in sediment and water samples ranged between 0.80 and 60 ng/g and 0.20 and 28 ng/L, respectively, where tetra-CBs and tri-CBs dominated over other studied PCB homologs. Dioxin toxicity equivalency (TEQ) was calculated and PCB-126 and PCB-169 showed the higher TEQ values compared with the WHO guidelines, and sediment samples were more toxic than the water samples. The results of the present study should be considered seriously by government authorities to take a proper action against unchecked discharge of contaminants in ecological integrities; otherwise, there may be drastic results in the near future.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are present in the environment and can have serious effects on humans and wildlife. For the establishment of environmental quality guidelines and regulation of EDCs, a better understanding and knowledge of the occurrence and the behavior of environmental EDCs is necessary. The aim of the present study was to comprehensively identify substances that are responsible for the estrogenic effect of an environmental sediment sample taken from the river Elbe/Germany. DISCUSSION: The estrogenic effect of the organic sediment extract was determined using the yeast-estrogen-screen (YES). The sample was fractionated by liquid chromatography (LC) for effect directed analysis. The composition of estrogen-active fractions was further investigated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and high-resolution LC-MS analysis. The composition of the environmental sample was rebuilt with pure compounds in order to assess the partition of estrogenic activity caused by the identified compounds. The organic sediment extract showed an estrogenic potential of 1.9?±?0.4 ng/g ethinylestradiol equivalents in the sediment. The most prominent contaminants with an estrogenic potential were 17β-estradiol, estrone, and 4-iso-nonylphenols, but other xenoestrogens like bisphenol A and stigmasterol could be found as well. A rebuild of the sample was measured in the YES in order to investigate mixture effects. About 67 % of the observed estrogenic effect in the sediment extract could be explained by a mixture which contained all identified compounds. Chlorophene (o-benzyl-p-chlorophenol)-a widely used antiseptic that was also identified in the sediment extract-has xenoestrogenic properties in the YES that are in the range of other xenoestrogens like 4-n-nonylphenol. This is the first report on chlorophene acting as a xenoestrogen.  相似文献   

Ranking tributaries for setting remediation priorities in a TMDL context   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stringfellow WT 《Chemosphere》2008,71(10):1895-1908
The San Joaquin River (SJR) in the Central Valley of California has been designated an impaired waterbody based on its loss of fisheries-related beneficial uses and the river is now subject to regulation under total maximum daily load (TMDL) rules. For impaired waterbodies, numeric standards alone may not be sufficient to establish remediation priorities and priorities must be established by comparing drainages to each other. Data collected as part of regional water quality (WQ) studies in the SJR Valley were not normally distributed, so nonparametric methods based on ranking were used to compare the WQ of individual tributaries and drainages. Normalized rank means (NRMs) were calculated from ranked data and NRMs were mapped to identify priority drainages for WQ improvement activities. NRMs for individual parameters were combined into indexes that are useful for examining the relative importance of different drainages for multiple parameters simultaneously. Indexes were developed for eutrophication and overall WQ. This ranking approach is being proposed as an easily understood, transparent, and scientifically rigorous method to assess the relative WQ impact of individual drainages and set watershed remediation priorities.  相似文献   

Floodplain soils at the Elbe river are frequently polluted with metals and arsenic. High contents of these pollutants were detected down to subsoil layers. NH4NO3-extractable (phytoavailable) Cd, Ni, and Zn were elevated in horizons with high acidity. Among five common floodplain plant species, Artemisia vulgaris showed highest concentrations of Cd, Cu, and Hg, Alopecurus pratensis of As and Phalaris arundinacea of Ni, Pb, and Zn. Relationships were weak between metal concentrations in plants and phytoavailable stocks in soil. As and Hg uptake seems to be enhanced on long submerged soils. Enrichments of Cd and Hg are linked to a special plant community composition. Grassland herbage sampled in July/August revealed higher concentrations of As (+122%), Hg (+124%), and Pb (+3723%) than in May. To limit harmful transfers into the food chain, low-lying terraces and flood channels revealing highest contaminations or phytoavailabilities should be excluded from mowing and grazing.  相似文献   

自2003年6月三峡水库蓄水以来,库区支流富营养化和水华问题备受关注。对库区12条重点支流2010—2020年的水质、水华监测数据进行了统计分析,结果表明:12条重点支流均发生过典型水华,近几年水华发生次数减少;水华主要发生在3—9月,以蓝藻和硅藻水华为主。暴发水华的根本原因是水体营养盐充足。支流监测数据表明,水体均处于中营养状态及以上。适宜的温度、光照和缓慢的水动力条件则是暴发水华的重要原因。目前,开展营养盐削减是控制三峡库区重点支流库湾水华的根本途径;通过物理方法、化学方法和生物操控方法消除水华的应用尚且较少;而通过水库生态调度抑制水华为可行方法。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This article aims to evaluate the impact of urbanization on land use changes and the effects of land use changes on catchment’s runoff. The...  相似文献   

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