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Background, aim, and scope  Herbicide fate and its transport in soils and sediments greatly depend upon sorption–desorption processes. Quantitative determination of herbicide sorption–desorption is therefore essential for both the understanding of transport and the sorption equilibrium in the soil/sediment–water system; and it is also an important parameter for predicting herbicide fate using mathematical simulation models. The total soil/sediment organic carbon content and its qualitative characteristics are the most important factors affecting sorption–desorption of herbicides in soil or sediment. Since the acetochlor is one of the most frequently used herbicides in Slovakia to control annual grasses and certain annual broad-leaved weeds in maize and potatoes, and posses various negative health effects on human beings, our aim in this study was to investigate acetochlor sorption and desorption in various soil/sediment samples from Slovakia. The main soil/sediment characteristics governing acetochlor sorption–desorption were also identified. Materials and methods  The sorption–desorption of acetochlor, using the batch equilibration method, was studied on eight surface soils, one subsurface soil and five sediments collected from the Laborec River and three water reservoirs. Soils and sediments were characterized by commonly used methods for their total organic carbon content, distribution of humus components, pH, grain-size distribution, and smectite content, and for calcium carbonate content. The effect of soil/sediment characteristics on acetochlor sorption–desorption was examined by simple correlation analysis. Results  Sorption of acetochlor was expressed as the distribution coefficient (K d). K d values slightly decreased as the initial acetochlor concentration increased. These values indicated that acetochlor was moderately sorbed by soils and sediments. Highly significant correlations between the K d values and the organic carbon content were observed at both initial concentrations. However, sorption of acetochlor was most closely correlated to the humic acid carbon, and less to the fulvic acid carbon. The total organic carbon content was found to also significantly influence acetochlor desorption. Discussion  Since the strong linear relationship between the K d values of acetochlor and the organic carbon content was already released, the corresponding K oc values were calculated. Considerable variation in the K oc values suggested that other soil/sediment parameters besides the total soil organic carbon content could be involved in acetochlor sorption. This was revealed by a significant correlation between the K oc values and the ratio of humic acid carbon to fulvic acid carbon (CHA/CFA). Conclusions  When comparing acetochlor sorption in a range of soils and sediments, different K d values which are strongly correlated to the total organic carbon content were found. Concerning the humus fractions, the humic acid carbon content was strongly correlated to the K d values, and it is therefore a better predictor of the acetochlor sorption than the total organic carbon content. Variation in the K oc values was attributed to the differences in distribution of humus components between soils and sediments. Desorption of acetochlor was significantly influenced by total organic carbon content, with a greater organic carbon content reducing desorption. Recommendations and perspectives  This study examined the sorption–desorption processes of acetochlor in soils and sediments. The obtained sorption data are important for qualitative assessment of acetochlor mobility in natural solids, but further studies must be carried out to understand its environmental fate and transport more thoroughly. Although, the total organic carbon content, the humus fractions of the organic matter and the CHA/CFA ratio were sufficient predictors of the acetochlor sorption–desorption. Further investigations of the structural and chemical characteristics of humic substances derived from different origins are necessary to more preciously explain differences in acetochlor sorption in the soils and sediments observed in this study.  相似文献   

Air pollutants or some chemicals applied to plant foliage can alter the ecology of the rhizosphere. Experiments were conducted to distinguish among possible foliage-mediated versus soil- or root-mediated effects of acid deposition on microorganism in the rhizosphere. Seedlings of a sorghum x sudangrass hybrid in pots of non-sterile soil-sand mix in a greenhouse were exposed to simulated rain solution adjusted with H2SO4 + HNO3 to pH 4.9, 4.2, 3.5 or 2.8. Solutions were applied as simulated rain to foliage and soil, foliage only (soil covered by plastic, and deionized water applied directly to the soil), or soil only (solution applied directly to the soil). Solutions were applied on 16 days during a 6-week period (1.5 cm deposition in 1 h per application). Plant shoot and root dry weights and population densities of selected types of bacteria, filamentous actinomycetes and fungi in the rhizosphere were quantified after exposures were completed. Deposition of simulated acidic rain onto foliage alone had no effect on plant biomass or microbial population densities in the rhizosphere (colony-forming units per gram of rhizosphere soil). However, plant growth was stimulated and all microbial populations in the rhizosphere increased 3- to 8-fold with increased solution acidity (relative to pH 4.9 solution) when solution penetrated the soil. Statistical analyses indicated that the acid dose-population response relationships for soil-only and foliage-and-soil applications were not different. Thus, no foliage-mediated effect of simulated acidic rain on rhizosphere ecology was detected.  相似文献   

Chemical and microbial methods are the main remediation technologies for chromium-contaminated soil. These technologies have progressed rapidly in recent years; however, there is still a lack of methods for evaluating the chemical and biological quality of soil after different remediation technologies have been applied. In this paper, microbial remediation with indigenous bacteria and chemical remediation with ferrous sulphate were used for the remediation of soils contaminated with Cr(VI) at two levels (80 and 1,276 mg kg?1) through a column leaching experiment. After microbial remediation with indigenous bacteria, the average concentration of water-soluble Cr(VI) in the soils was reduced to less than 5.0 mg kg?1. Soil quality was evaluated based on 11 soil properties and the fuzzy comprehensive assessment method, including fuzzy mathematics and correlative analysis. The chemical fertility quality index was improved by one grade using microbial remediation with indigenous bacteria, and the biological fertility quality index increased by at least a factor of 6. Chemical remediation with ferrous sulphate, however, resulted in lower levels of available phosphorus, dehydrogenase, catalase and polyphenol oxidase. The result showed that microbial remediation with indigenous bacteria was more effective for remedying Cr(VI)-contaminated soils with high pH value than chemical remediation with ferrous sulphate. In addition, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was proven to be a useful tool for monitoring the quality change in chromium-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

In the present work, the relationships between plant consortia, consisting of 1-4 metallicolous pseudometallophytes with different metal-tolerance strategies (Thlaspi caerulescens: hyperaccumulator; Jasione montana: accumulator; Rumex acetosa: indicator; Festuca rubra: excluder), and their rhizosphere microbial communities were studied in a mine soil polluted with high levels of Cd, Pb and Zn. Physiological response and phytoremediation potential of the studied pseudometallophytes were also investigated. The studied metallicolous populations are tolerant to metal pollution and offer potential for the development of phytoextraction and phytostabilization technologies. T. caerulescens appears very tolerant to metal stress and most suitable for metal phytoextraction; the other three species enhance soil functionality. Soil microbial properties had a stronger effect on plant biomass rather than the other way around (35.2% versus 14.9%). An ecological understanding of how contaminants, ecosystem functions and biological communities interact in the long-term is needed for proper management of these fragile metalliferous ecosystems.  相似文献   

Pyrolysis-gas (Py-GC) chromatography was used to characterize extractable lipids from Bt and non-Bt maize shoots and soils collected at time of harvesting. Py-GC-MS (mass spectrometry) showed that the concentrations of total alkenes identified in non-Bt shoots and soils were 47.9 and 21.3% higher than in Bt maize shoots and soils, respectively. N-alkanes identified were of similar orders of magnitude in Bt and non-Bt maize shoots, but were 28.6% higher in Bt than in non-Bt soils. Bt maize shoots contained 29.7% more n-fatty acids than non-Bt maize shoots, whereas the concentrations of n-fatty acids in Bt soils were twice as high as those in non-Bt soils. Concentrations of unsaturated fatty acids in Bt maize shoots were 22.1% higher than those in non-Bt maize shoots, while concentrations of unsaturated fatty acids were 22.5% higher in non-Bt than in Bt soils. The cumulative CO2-C evolved from soils under Bt and non-Bt crops was 30.5% lower under Bt as compared to non-Bt crops, whereas when maize shoots were added to Bt and non-Bt soils, the decrease in CO2-C evolved were 16.5 and 23.6%, respectively. Our data showed that the cultivation of Bt maize significantly increased the saturated to unsaturated lipid ratios in soils which appeared to negatively affect microbial activity.  相似文献   

The effects of metsulfuron-methyl, a sulfonylurea herbicide, on the wheat soil microorganisms were evaluated by the methods of microbial inoculation culture, and the activities of three enzymes were measured using the colorimetric method. The tolerant microorganisms that can resist 500 microg x g(-1) metsulfuron-methyl in the counting culture medium were studied specially. Metsulfuron-methyl distinctly inhibited the common aerobic heterotriphic bacteria, but the effects on common fungi and common actinomycete were not evident. In the meantime, the number of tolerant fungi increased greatly in the rhizosphere after the application of metsulfuron-methyl in contrast to the significant decrease of the amount of tolerant actinomycete. It indicates that fungi might turn into the dominant microbial type and actinomycete is the sensitive factor in the soil polluted by sulfonylurea residues. The population of aromatic compounds-decomposing bacteria, aerobic azotobacter, and nitrite bacteria all increased in the earlier period, but the aerobic azotobacter decreased rapidly in number 30 days later, and the amount of nitrite bacteria also showed a temporary decrease with time 15 days later. However, the denitrifying bacteria just began to increase significantly after the crops had grown for 50 days. The amount of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria gradually decreased with the growth of crops, and so were the sulfate-reducing bacteria after metsulfuron-methyl application. To all types of microorganisms, there were more microbes in rhizosphere samples than those in nonrhizosphere except aerobic azotobacter. It means the growth of wheat root system can stimulate the growth of most microorganisms. The activities of hydrogen peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase in soil samples after metsulfuron-methyl application were notably lower than those in the control, and the difference of the activities between the samples of rhizosphere and nonrhizosphere was evident. On the contrary, the activity of dehydrogenase was not inhibited by the application of metsulfuron-methyl, and the rhizosphere effect was not obvious either.  相似文献   

The oxidation state of chromium in contaminated soils is an important indicator of toxicity and potential mobility. Chromium in the hexavalent state is highly toxic and soluble, whereas the trivalent state is much less toxic and relatively insoluble. A laboratory study investigated the impact of growing plants and supplemental organic matter on chromium transport in soil. Plants alone had no appreciable effect on the chromium oxidation state in soil. Soil columns with higher organic content were associated with lower ratios of chromate:total chromium than the columns with lower organic matter. Analyses of column leachate, plant biomass, and soil indicate that more chromium leaching occurred in the vegetated, low organic columns. Retention of Cr in the soils was correlated to the Cr(III) content. Plant uptake of chromium accounted for less than 1% of the chromium removed from the soil. Overall, the addition of organic matter had the strongest influence on chromium mobility.  相似文献   

The effects of TiO2 nanoparticles on the transport of Cu through four different soil columns were studied. For two soils (HB and DX), TiO2 nanoparticles acted as a Cu carrier and facilitated the transport of Cu. For a third soil (BJ) TiO2 nanoparticles also facilitated Cu transport but to a much lesser degree, but for a fourth soil (HLJ) TiO2 nanoparticles retarded the transport of Cu. Linear correlation analysis indicated that soil properties rather than sorption capacities for Cu primary governed whether TiO2 nanoparticles-facilitated Cu transport. The TiO2-associated Cu of outflow in the Cu-contaminated soil columns was significantly positively correlated with soil pH and negatively correlated with CEC and DOC. During passage through the soil columns 46.6-99.9% of Cu initially adsorbed onto TiO2 could be “stripped” from nanoparticles depending on soil, where Cu desorption from TiO2 nanoparticles increased with decreasing flow velocity and soil pH.  相似文献   

The rate of volatilisation of the formulated herbicide triallate was investigated in a wind tunnel under controlled wind-speed conditions. An experimental set-up is described which allows the monitoring of wind speed (w.s.), soil-water content, and the temperature of air and soil. A system controlling soil-water content is also described. The influence of air velocity and soil texture was investigated measuring the cumulative volatilisation losses of triallate from soil. The herbicide volatilisation losses after application ranged from 40% at 3 m/s to 53% at 9 m/s for loam soil and from 60% at 3 m/s to 73% at 9 m/s for sandy soil.  相似文献   

Effects of trifluralin on soil microbial populations and the nitrogen fixation activity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria Azotobacter chroococcum and Bradyrhizobium japonicum and the decomposition of trifluralin by soil microorganisms were studied. Trifluralin at lower concentrations from 0.5 mg microg(-1) dry soil to lower than 10.0 mg microg(-1) dry soil appeared to stimulate the growth of soil bacteria, actinomycetes, mould, and the pure cultures of Br. japonicum and A. chroococcum. Not only the colony amounts of these two species of nitrogen-fixing bacteria increased, grown on agar medium containing lower concentrations of trifluralin, but also these colonies also enlarged in size and appeared obviously in shorter formation time. However, trifluralin at higher concentrations would inhibit the development of microbial colonies both in amount and size. Trifluralin inhibited the activity of acetylene reduction of A. chroococcum when it was added at the same time of inoculation with A. chroococcum, but it showed a noteworthy stimulation to nitrogen fixation of A.chroococcum when it was put into culture after the cells of the nitrogen-fixing bacterium had grown well. The observation that soil microorganisms could use trifluralin as sole carbon and nitrogen resources for their growth, indicated that microorganisms could decompose trifluralin well.  相似文献   

Most veterinary drugs enter the environment via manure application. However, it is unclear how these substances interact with soil biota. Therefore, it was the aim of the present study to investigate the effects of manure containing different concentrations of the antibiotic sulfadiazine (SDZ) on the soil microbial communities. It was shown that manure alone has a stimulating effect on microbial activity. Only potential nitrification was negatively influenced by manure application. The addition of SDZ to the manure reduced microbial activity. Depending on the SDZ concentration, levels of activity were in the range of the control soil without manure application. Also, selected processes in nitrogen turnover were negatively influenced by the addition of SDZ to the manure, with nitrification being the only exception. The effects were visible for up to 4 days after application of the manure with or without SDZ and were correlated with the bioavailability of the antibiotic.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbon deposition and soil microflora as affected by highway traffic.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The proximity of a busy highway (90,000 vehicles/day) increased the amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil at the depth of 5-15 cm from 106 ng/g as a grassland background to 3095 ng/g dry soil at the highway verge (a sum of 10 PAH species). The PAH concentration was related to the distance from the source and exhibited a biphasic character, which is interpreted in terms of bimodal distribution of the exhaust microparticles with different rates of deposition. Similarly, the tendency of benz(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, and indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene to decrease their proportion with distance from the highway, in contrast to phenanthrene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo(a)pyrene, and benzo(g,h,i)perylene, was attributed to their prevalent localisation on the heavier particle fraction. The abundance of bacteria (8.33 x background) and fungi (3.17 x background) close to the highway is thought to be a consequence of hydrocarbon deposition from the traffic that serves as a significant energetic input into the soil. The elevated concentrations of hydrocarbon substrates, as indicated by PAHs, increased both the absolute and relative numbers of the microbial degraders of diesel fuel, biphenyl, naphthalene, and pyrene. Their maximum numbers at 0.5-1.5 m from the pavement reached 1.3 x 10(4), 1.2 x 10(5), 1.1 x 10(4), and 6.6 x 10(3) colony-forming units (CFU) or infection units per gramme dry soil, respectively. On the other hand, the number of anthracene degraders (1.1 x 10(3) CFU per g dry soil) remained close to the detection limit of the enumeration technique used (0.1-0.2 x 10(3) per g dry soil), consistently with the absence of anthracene and higher linear PAHs in the investigated soil samples. The amounts of persisting PAHs justify artificial inoculation with effective degrader strains in the vicinity of motorways.  相似文献   

This paper reports the influences of the herbicide butachlor (n-butoxymethlchloro -2', 6'-diethylacetnilide) on microbial populations, respiration, nitrogen fixation and nitrification, and on the activities of dehydrogenase and hydrogen peroxidase in paddy soil. The results showed that the number of actinomycetes declined significantly after the application of butachlor at different concentrations ranging from 5.5 microg g(-1) to 22.0 microg g(-1) dried soil, while that of bacteria and fungi increased. Fungi were easily affected by butachlor compared to the bacteria. The growth of fungi was retarded by butachlor at higher concentrations. Butachlor however, stimulated the growth of anaerobic hydrolytic fermentative bacteria, sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) and denitrifying bacteria. The increased concentration of butachlor applied resulted in the higher number of SRB. Butachlor inhibited the growth of hydrogen-producing acetogenic bacteria. The effect of butachlor varied on methane-producing bacteria (MPB) at different concentrations. Butachlor at the concentration of 1.0 microg g(-1) dried soil or less than this concentration accelerated the growth of MPB, while at 22.0 microg g(-1) dried soil showed an inhibition. Butachlor enhanced the activity of dehydrogenase at increasing concentrations. The soil dehydrogenase showed the highest activity on the 16th day after application of 22.0 microg g(-1) dried soil of butachlor. The hydrogen peroxidase could be stimulated by butachlor. The soil respiration was depressed during the period from several days to more than 20 days, depending on concentrations of butachlor applied. Both the nitrogen fixation and nitrification were stimulated in the beginning but reduced greatly afterwards in paddy soil.  相似文献   

Present analyses of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and Biolog GN substrate utilization pattern are combined to further study the diversity of microbial communities in four soils affected by agricultural chemicals. The results showed that the four soil microbial communities were apparently distinguishable in the diversity at RAPD level in terms of the richness and modified richness in the summer, which supports our previous report using the same soils in winter. A significant difference for the average well color development (AWCD) at 72 h incubation was found among the soils in winter using Biolog GN substrate utilization pattern, but this difference was not found among the soils in summer. However, Shannon-Weaver indices for microbial communities in the summer soils polluted by agricultural chemicals were significantly higher than those in winter at metabolic level; in contrast, no significant difference existed between the two seasons for microbial communities in the soil without chemical pollution. Present results suggest that the combined approach using RAPD and substrate utilization pattern could be used to effectively quantify microbial community diversity and its changes among the seasons in the soils affected by agricultural chemicals, simultaneously at molecular and physiological levels.  相似文献   

A field experiment was performed with the aim to assess the amount of penconazole losses during field application and the spatial variability of penconazole concentration in a vineyard soil, under two different management techniques (tilled and grass covered). The field dissipation of penconazole under the two techniques was also followed for 114 days, highlighting the effects of spatial variability of the initial concentration and of the grass covering in terms of the different soil metabolic activity. Data found show that a high percentage of penconazole, from 42.5 % to 67.43 %, can reach the soil during the treatments, despite the fact that penconazole is applied to the foliage. The high values of the coefficient of variation for data within rows show considerable variability in all applications, ranging from 30 to 65 in the first application, from 35 to 79 in the second and from 36 to 75 in the third. Since the applications of penconazole occurred under almost same climatic conditions in terms of wind speed and direction, the high variability of concentration of penconazole found within mid-rows was attributed to the uneven slope of the vineyard causing an irregular speed of the sprayer equipment. However, least significant differences of the mean values did not end in a significant difference of penconazole concentration among mid-rows for all applications, indicating that the variability between rows does not contribute to the overall variability. The calculated half-life values for penconazole in tilled soil were 62.4 days for tilled and 33.0 for grassed soil, highlighting the tendency of penconazole to faster dissipate in grassed than in tilled soil. Grassed soil was characterised by a higher metabolic activity in terms of microbial biomass carbon content, basal respiration and total hydrolytic activity, than tilled soil. A significant correlation between penconazole dissipation and total hydrolytic activity, was found. The faster dissipation of penconazole in grassed soil was attributed to the higher amount of the total hydrolytic activity which, in grassed soil, was 1.5 fold-higher than in tilled soil.  相似文献   

In agricultural plant production nitrification inhibitors like 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) are used to retard the microbial nitrification process of fertilized ammonium to enhance the nitrogen supply for cultivated crops and to reduce nitrogen losses from the production system. Besides the well-known ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) it is known for a few years that also ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) are able to perform the first step in nitrification, hence being also a target for a nitrification inhibitor. However, so far no information are available concerning the effectiveness of DMPP and its extent towards AOB and AOA, neither in bulk soil nor in the root-rhizosphere complex. We investigated in a field experiment performed according to agricultural practice the effect of DMPP on the abundance of AOB and AOA two, four and eight weeks after fertilization. We observed impaired abundances of AOB but not of AOA in both soil compartments that were still visible eight weeks after application, possibly indicating a reduced effectiveness of the nitrification inhibitor in our study.  相似文献   

Degradation of the fungicide difenoconazole was examined in a silt loam soil under controlled conditions (60% WHC, 30 degrees C) in the laboratory. Difenoconazole was applied at 0.1 and 1.0 mg kg(-1) dry soil, respectively. The experiments were run with non-pretreated and pretreated field soil, respectively, partly mixed with easily decomposable organic matter (leaf powder). In all experiments, degradation curves showed a sigmoidal shape with clear acclimation phases. Pretreatment with difenoconazole in the field decreased the acclimation phases, DT(50)- and, in some cases, DT(90)-values. The incorporation of easily decomposable organic matter decreased both DT(50)- and DT(90)-values and increased the general microbial activity significantly. We conclude that difenoconazole is metabolized by an acclimated part of the soil microflora. However, the degradation seems to be stimulated in the presence of suitable co-substrates.  相似文献   


This study was carried out during two consecutive seasons, 2020 and 2021, on 12-year-old mango (Mangifera indica L.). cv. Ewaise grown in region Idku, El Beheira Governorate, Egypt. The trees were planted at 5?×?4 m apart and grafted on “Sokary” root stock to study the influence of zeolite and biochar on growth, yield, and fruit quality of “Ewaise” mango cultivar irrigated by agricultural drainage water. The trees were treated by the following treatments: zeolite or biochar solely at 1, 2, and 3 kg for tree and their different combinations such as 1 kg zeolite?+?1 kg biochar; 1 kg zeolite?+?2 kg biochar; 1 kg zeolite?+?3 kg biochar; 2 kg zeolite?+?1 kg biochar; 2 kg zeolite?+?2 kg biochar; 2 kg zeolite?+?3 kg biochar; 3 kg zeolite?+?1 kg biochar; 3 kg zeolite?+?2 kg biochar; and 3 kg zeolite?+?3 kg biochar as well as control zero soil application. The obtained results showed that the soil application of zeolite or biochar gave a positive effect on improving the soil characteristics which reflects on the tree trunk thickness, shoot length and thickness, number of inflorescences, yield in kg per tree, and fruit quality. The greatest positive effect on the previous mentioned parameters was obtained by the combined application of the soil application of 2 kg zeolite?+?3 kg biochar; 2 kg zeolite?+?2 kg biochar; 3 kg zeolite?+?2 kg biochar; and 3 kg zeolite?+?3 kg biochar over the rest-applied treatments or control in the two seasons.


Three insecticides, monocrotophos, quinalphos, and cypermethrin, were applied at 0, 5, 10, and 25 microg g(-1) either singly or in combination to a black clay soil to investigate their effects on the soil microflora and dehydrogenase activity. All three insecticides significantly enhanced the proliferation of bacteria and fungi and the soil dehydrogenase activity even at the highest level of 25 microg g(-1). Monocrotophos or quinalphos in combination with cypermethrin at tested levels interacted significantly to yield additive, synergistic, and antagonistic responses toward bacteria and fungi and dehydrogenase activity in soil. Antagonistic interactions were more pronounced toward soil microflora and dehydrogenase activity when the two (monocrotophos or quinalphos + cypermethrin) insecticides were present together in the soil at highest level (25 + 25 microg g(-1)), whereas synergistic or additive responses occurred at lower level with the same combination of insecticides in soil.  相似文献   

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