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This study reports the concentration levels and distribution pattern of the organochlorine pesticide (OCPs) residues in the soil and surface water samples collected from the northern Indo-Gangetic alluvial plains. A total of 31 soil and 23 surface water samples were collected from the study region in Unnao district covering an area of 2150 km2 and analyzed for aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, HCB, HCH isomers, DDT isomers/metabolites, endosulfan isomers (α and β), endosulfan sulfate, heptachlor and its metabolites, α-chlordane, γ-chlordane and methoxychlor. In both the soil and surface water samples β- and δ-isomers of HCH were detected most frequently, whereas, methoxychlor was the least detected pesticide. The results showed contamination of soil and surface water of the region with several persistent organic pesticides. The total OCPs level ranged from 0.36–104.50 ng g–1 and 2.63–3.72 μg L–1 in soil and surface water samples, respectively.  相似文献   

Rain water samples were collected to study the chemical composition of wet atmospheric precipitation (first event) over the Lucknow city in the northern Indo-gangetic alluvial plains. The samples were collected in the month of July, 2005 from different sites. The wet precipitation samples were analyzed for pH, EC, major ions (, Cl, , , , F, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, ) and heavy metals (As, Cd, Al, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Hg, Pb, Se, Sn, Ti, V, Zn). The pH values of wet precipitation samples ranged between 6.5 and 8.7. The analysis of linear regression applied to the set of studied variables and computation of neutralization factors showed that neutralization occurred in precipitation samples and Ca2+ had the maximum neutralization capacity. It was found that Cl, , Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and K+ in the precipitation samples originated mainly from crustal/anthropogenic sources in the region. On an average Fe, and Al accounted for >72% of the total concentration of trace metals in the wet precipitation samples followed by Zn (>10%). Enrichment factors calculated for heavy metals over reference background level in seawater and Earth’s crust showed relatively higher enrichment of Zn. The principal component analysis (PCA) identified the possible sources of ionic species and heavy metals in the wet precipitation samples.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) accounts for 5%of the total enhanced greenhouse effect and responsiblefor the destruction of the stratospheric ozone. The rice-wheat cropping system occupying 26 million ha ofproductive land in Asia could be a major source ofN2O as most of the fertilizer N in this region isconsumed by this system. Emission of N2O asinfluenced by application of urea, urea plus farm yardmanure (FYM), and urea plus dicyandiamide (DCD), anitrification inhibitor, was studied in rice-wheatsystems of Indo-Gangetic plains of India. Total emissionof N2O-N from the rice-wheat systems varied between654 g ha-1 in unfertilized plots and 1570 g ha-1 in urea fertilized plots. Application of FYM and DCDreduced emission of N2O-N in rice. The magnitude ofreduction was higher with DCD. In wheat also N2O-Nemission was reduced by DCD. FYM applied in rice had noresidual effect on N2O-N emission in wheat. In riceintermittent wetting and drying condition of soilresulted in higher N2O-N emission than that ofsaturated soil condition. Treatments with 5 irrigationsgave higher emissions in wheat than those with 3irrigations. In rice-wheat system, typical of a farmer'sfield in Indo-Gangetic plains, where 240 kg N isgenerally applied through urea, N2O-N emission is1570 g ha-1 (0.38% of applied N) and application ofFYM and DCD reduced it to 1415 and 1096 g ha-1,respectively.  相似文献   

Road sides provide suitable conditions for the establishment and growth of non-native species. The phenomenon of non-native species spread through roads has further increased due to rapid anthropogenic developments. Here we intend to investigate the status of native and non-native species and how the species richness and diversity change in a perpendicular road transect across the three different road use types in the central highlands of India. Presence of 55 non-native species was recorded, of the total 71 species along the road sides. Non-native species richness significantly increased with increasing road use type. Although, the species diversity significantly decreased from road verges to the forest interior in all the road use types. Indicating the role of non-native propagule spread through the roads into the interior forest landscapes. The study gives a management implication, to restrict the non-native species spread from the road sides to the forest interior, irrespective of road use types.  相似文献   

Total arsenic in four different growth forms of lichens growing on old monuments in the city of Mandav, Dhar district of Madhya Pradesh, India was analyzed. Among the different growth forms, foliose lichens were found to accumulate higher amounts of arsenic followed by leprose form. The squamulose and crustose form accumulates the lower concentration of arsenic and ranged between 0.46 ± 0.03 and 20.99 ± 0.58 μg g???1 dry weight, while the foliose and leprose lichens have ranges from 10.98–51.95 and 28.63–51.20 μg g???1 dry weight, respectively. The substrate having high arsenic ranges also exhibit higher ranges of arsenic on lichens growing on them. The cyanolichens exhibit higher concentration of arsenic than the green photobiont-containing squamulose form. The higher concentration of arsenic was found at site having past mining activities. LSD (1%) shows significant difference for As concentration in lichens thallus between the selected sites and species both.  相似文献   

Today, almost every beach on every coastline is threatened by human activities. The inadequate recycling and poor management of waste in developing countries has resulted in considerable quantities of plastic contaminating beaches. Though India has long coastline of 5,420 km along the mainland with 43 % of sandy beaches, data on litter accumulation, particularly the plastics, which are one of the most common and persistent pollutants in marine environment, are scanty. The abundance and distribution of plastic litter was quantitatively assessed in four sandy beaches in Mumbai, India, bimonthly from May 2011 to March 2012. Triplicates of 2?×?2 m (4 m2) quadrats were sampled in each beach with a total of 72 quadrats. Overall, average abundance of 11.6 items m?2 (0.25–282.5 items m?2) and 3.24 g m?2 (0.27–15.53 g m?2) plastic litter was recorded in Mumbai beaches. Plastic litter accumulation significantly varied temporally and spatially at p?=?0.05. Significantly higher plastic litter accumulation was recorded in Juhu beach. Furthermore, the highest abundance by weight was recorded in November and May numerically. More than 80 % of plastic particles were within the size range of 5–100 mm both by number and weight. Moreover, coloured plastics were predominant with 67 % by number of items and 51 % by weight. Probably, the intense use of beaches for recreation, tourism, and religious activities has increased the potential for plastic contamination in urban beaches in Mumbai.  相似文献   

Arsenic in the soil and water of eastern districts of Uttar Pradesh (Ballia and Ghazipur) was estimated. Survey results revealed that arsenic in soil samples ranged from 5.40 to 15.43 parts per million (ppm). In water samples, it ranged from 43.75 to 620.75 parts per billion (ppb) which far exceeded the permissible limit of 10 ppb as recommended by the World Health Organization. Maximum concentration of arsenic in water was found in Haldi village of Ballia (620.75 ppb). However, mean arsenic concentration in water followed the order: Karkatpur (257.21 ppb) < Haldi (310.15 ppb) < Sohaon (346.94 ppb) < Dharmarpur (401.75 ppb). In case of soil, maximum arsenic was detected in soil of Sohaon (15.43 ppm). Mean arsenic levels in soils followed the order: Karkatpur (9.24 ppm) < Haldi (9.82 ppm) < Dharmarpur (11.32 ppm) < Sohaon (14.08 ppm). Arsenic levels were higher in soils collected from 15–30 cm depth than 0–15 cm from the soil surface.  相似文献   

Carbon emission is supposed to be the strongest factor for global warming. Removing atmospheric carbon and storing it in the terrestrial biosphere is one of the cost-effective options, to compensate greenhouse gas emission. Millions of acres of abandoned mine land throughout the world, if restored and converted into vegetative land, would solve two major problems of global warming and generation of degraded wasteland. In this study, a manganese spoil dump at Gumgaon, Nagpur in India was reclaimed, using an integrated biotechnological approach (IBA). The physicochemical and microbiological status of the mine land improved after reclamation. Soil organic carbon (SOC) pool increased from 0.104% to 0.69% after 20 years of reclamation in 0–15 cm spoil depth. Soil organic carbon level of reclaimed site was also compared with a native forestland and agricultural land. Forest soil showed highest SOC level of 1.11% followed by reclaimed land and agriculture land of 0.70% and 0.40%, respectively. Soil profile studies of all three sites showed that SOC pool decreased from 0–15, 15–30, and 30–45 cm depths. Although reclaimed land showed less carbon than forestland, it showed better SOC accumulation rate. Reclamation of mine lands by using IBA is an effective method for mitigating CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and carbon monoxide (CO) exert significant influence on local and regional atmospheric chemistry. Temporal and spatial variability of these gases are investigated using surface measurements by the Central Pollution Control Board (India) during 2005–2009 over six urban locations in and around the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) and supported using the satellite measurements of these gases. The stations chosen are Jodhpur (west of IGP), Delhi (central IGP), Kolkata and Durgapur (eastern IGP), Guwahati (east of IGP), and Nagpur (south of IGP). Among the stations studied, SO2 concentrations are found to be the highest over Kolkata megacity. Elevated levels of NO2 occur over the IGP stations of Durgapur, Kolkata, and Delhi. Columnar NO2 values are also found to be elevated over these regions during winter due to high surface concentrations while columnar SO2 values show a monsoon maximum. Elevated columnar CO over Guwahati during pre-monsoon are attributed to biomass burning. Statistically significant correlations between columnar NO2 and surface NO2 obtained for Delhi, Kolkata, and Durgapur along with very low SO2 to NO2 ratios (≤0.2) indicate fossil fuel combustion from mobile sources as major contributors to the ambient air over these regions.  相似文献   

Carbon studies in tropical rivers have gained significance since it was realized that a significant chunk of anthropogenic CO2 emitted into the atmosphere returns to the biosphere, that is eventually transported by the river and locked up in coastal sediments for a few thousand years. Carbon studies are also significant because dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is known to complex the toxic trace metals in the river and carry them in the dissolved form. For the first time, this work has made an attempt to study the variations in DOC concentrations in space and time for a period of 19 months, and estimate their fluxes in the largest peninsular Indian river, the Godavari at Rajahmundry. Anthropogenic influence on DOC concentrations possibly from the number of bathing ghats along the banks and domestic sewage discharge into the river are evident during the pre-monsoon of 2004 and 2005. The rise in DOC concentrations at the onset of monsoon could be due to the contributions from flood plains and soils from the river catchment. Spatial variations highlighted that the DOC concentrations in the river are affected more by the anthropogenic discharges in the downstream than in the upstream. The discharge weighted DOC concentrations in the Godavari river is 3–12 times lower than Ganga-Brahmaputra, Indus and major Chinese rivers. The total carbon fluxes from the Godavari into the Bay of Bengal is insignificant (0.5%) compared to the total carbon discharges by major rivers of the world into oceans.  相似文献   

This study focuses on mercury (Hg) bioaccumulation in Indian cat fish, Wallagoo attu and Mystus aor, from different rivers. Methyl mercury (MeHg) concentrations were determined in muscle tissue of two different parts, ventral and dorsal part, of each species and the levels of organic mercury were co-related with lipid content of each part. The MeHg concentrations increased in a linear fashion with both weight and age for these river species. The average concentration of MeHg was found to be 0.93?±?0.60 and 1.26?±?0.62 μg Hg g?1 (expressed in wet weight basis) for ventral and dorsal parts, respectively in W. attu and this was above the 0.25 μg Hg g?1 of wet weight, the limit set by the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act for the maximum level for consumption of fish exposed to mercury pollution. In M. Aor the concentration of MeHg was not above the standard limit but threatening, it was 0.22?±?0.07 and 0.23?±?0.08 μg Hg g?1 (expressed in wet weight basis) in dorsal and ventral parts, respectively.  相似文献   

In the present study, the magnitude of contamination of vegetables with heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cd, Cr, Cu and Zn) was determined in a long-term wastewater-irrigated agricultural land. Heavy metal concentrations in vegetables were several folds higher in wastewater-irrigated site compared to clean water-irrigated area. The wastewater-irrigated crops analysed in this study are heavily contaminated with heavy metals. Concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cd and Cr in all the sewage-fed vegetables were beyond the safe limit of FAO/WHO and Indian standard. Contamination is at its highest level in radish and spinach. Daily intake values of Pb, Cd and Ni through consumption of sewage-fed vegetables exceeded the recommended oral dose of metal for both adult and children. The study concludes that wastewater irrigation led to accumulation of heavy metals in vegetables causing potential health risk to consumers.  相似文献   

农业生态监测目标与监测指标体系选择探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文扼要地阐述了农业生态监测的最终目标一农业生态可持续性的重要性,并对其定义、内涵(环境质量和生态完善性、动植物生产的高质性以及社会经济的可行性)、可持续农业的一般过程等三个方面进行了介绍;初步探讨了农业生态可持续性监测指标体系的选择原则和方法.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) is a widespread environmental and food chain contaminant and class I, non-threshold carcinogen. Plants accumulate As due to ionic mimicry that is of importance as a measure of phytoremediation but of concern due to the use of plants in alternative medicine. The present study investigated As accumulation in native plants including some medicinal plants, from three districts [Chinsurah (Hoogly), Porbosthali (Bardhman), and Birnagar (Nadia)] of West Bengal, India, having a history of As pollution. A site-specific response was observed for Specific Arsenic Uptake (SAU; mg kg(-1) dw) in total number of 13 (8 aquatic and 5 terrestrial) collected plants. SAU was higher in aquatic plants (5-60 mg kg(-1) dw) than in terrestrial species (4-19 mg kg(-1) dw). The level of As was lower in medicinal plants (MPs) than in non-medicinal plants, however it was still beyond the WHO permissible limit (1 mg kg(-1) dw). The concentration of other elements (Cu, Zn, Se, and Pb) was found to be within prescribed limits in medicinal plants (MP). Among the aquatic plants, Marsilea showed the highest SAU (avg. 45 mg kg(-1) dw), however, transfer factor (TF) of As was the maximum in Centella asiatica (MP, avg. 1). Among the terrestrial plants, the maximum SAU and TF were demonstrated by Alternanthera ficoidea (avg. 15) and Phyllanthus amarus (MP, avg. 1.27), respectively. In conclusion, the direct use of MP or their by products for humans should not be practiced without proper regulation. In other way, one fern species (Marsilea) and some aquatic plants (Eichhornia crassipes and Cyperus difformis) might be suitable candidates for As phytoremediation of paddy fields.  相似文献   

Toxic cyanobacteria (TCB) are known worldwide for the adverse impacts on humans and animals. Species composition and the seasonal variation of TCB in water bodies depend on interactions between physical and chemical factors. The present investigation delineates temporal variations in physico-chemical water quality parameters, viz. nutrients and density, diversity, and distribution of toxic cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in Lake Ambazari (21°7′52″N, 79°2′22″E) and Lake Phutala (21°9′18″N, 79°2′37″E) at Nagpur (Maharashtra State), India. These lakes are important sources of recreational activities and fisheries. Toxic cyanobacterial diversity comprised Anabaena, Oscillatoria, Lyngbya, Phormidium, and Microcystis, a well-known toxic cyanobacterial genus, as dominant. Chlorophyll-a concentrations in the lakes ranged from 1.44 to 71.74 mg/m3. A positive correlation of Microcystis biomass existed with orthophosphate-P (p?<?0.05) and nitrate-N (p?>?0.05). Identification and quantification of microcystin variants were carried out by high performance liquid chromatography equipped with photodiode array detector. Among all the tested toxin variants, microcystin-RR (arginine–arginine) was consistently recorded and exhibited a positive correlation (p?<?0.05) with Microcystis in both the water bodies. Microcystis bloom formation was remarkable between post-monsoon and summer. Besides nutrient concentrations governing bloom formation, the allelopathic role of microcystins needs to be established.  相似文献   

Use of industrial and wastewater for irrigation is on the rise in India and other developing countries because of scarcity of good-quality irrigation water. Wastewaters contain plant nutrients that favour crop growth but leave a burden of heavy metals which can enter the food chain and is a cause of great concern. The present study was undertaken on the long-term impact of irrigation with treated sewage water for growing vegetables and the potential health risk associated with consumption of such vegetable. Treated sewage water (TSW), groundwater (GW), soil and plant samples were collected from peri urban vegetable growing areas of Northern India (Varanasi) and analysed to assess the long-term effect of irrigation with TSW on Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb build-up in soils and its subsequent transfer into commonly grown vegetable crops. Results indicate that TSW was richer in essential plant nutrients but contained Cd, Cr and Ni in amounts well above the permissible limits for its use as irrigation water. Long-term application of TSW resulted in significant build-up of total and DTPA extractable Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb over GW irrigated sites. TSW also resulted in slight lowering in pH, increase in organic carbon (1.6 g kg − 1) and cation exchange capacity (5.2 cmol kg − 1). The tissue metal concentration and relative efficiency of transfer of heavy metals from soil to plant (transfer factor) for various groups of vegetables were worked out. Radish, turnip and spinach were grouped as hyper accumulator of heavy metals whereas brinjal and cauliflower accumulated less heavy metals. Health risk assessment by consumption of vegetables grown with TSW indicated that all the vegetables were safe for human consumption. However, significant accumulation of these heavy metals in soil and plant needs to be monitored.  相似文献   

Limnochemistry and nutrient dynamics in Upper Lake, Bhopal, India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In limnetic ecosystem, water quality depends upon physical, chemical, and biological factors. Effects of temperature, light scattering, and absorption by suspended and dissolved matter, transport, and mixing of nutrients within the lake are the significant factors as far as water quality is concerned. Nutrient loading into the lake and internal cycling of nutrients is always a matter of concern and critical to number of processes. During the winter season, heat and momentum transfer at the lake surface and the temperature-density relation of water destabilize the water column and drive vertical mixing and transport processes. The deepening of the surface layer produces nutrient transfer from the hypolimnion into the euphotic zone of epilimnion. It may also resuspend sediments that would have settled under stratified conditions, or redistribute particles that may still be in suspension. Thus, there exists a complex connection between the hydrodynamics and water quality issues. Present study is an effort to understand how seasonal changes in the limnetic ecosystem regulate the limnochemistry and movement of nutrient. The study revealed that significant variations of nutrients and organic load were observed between epilimnion and hypolimnion during summer season, and the lake was found in hyper-eutrophic condition throughout the study period.  相似文献   

E-waste scenario in India, its management and implications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Electronic waste or E-waste comprises of old, end-of-life electronic appliances such as computers, laptops, TVs, DVD players, refrigerators, freezers, mobile phones, MP3 players, etc., which have been disposed of by their original users. E-waste contains many hazardous constituents that may negatively impact the environment and affect human health if not properly managed. Various organizations, bodies, and governments of many countries have adopted and/or developed the environmentally sound options and strategies for E-waste management to tackle the ever growing threat of E-waste to the environment and human health. This paper presents E-waste composition, categorization, Global and Indian E-waste scenarios, prospects of recoverable, recyclable, and hazardous materials found in the E-waste, Best Available Practices, recycling, and recovery processes followed, and their environmental and occupational hazards. Based on the discussion, various challenges for E-waste management particularly in India are delineated, and needed policy interventions were discussed.  相似文献   

Chemistry of groundwater in Gulbarga district, Karnataka, India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Groundwater quality of Gulbarga District is extensively monitored for two years of study period from October 1999 to September 2001. Twenty-five different sampling stations were selected for the study purpose in the city and five selected villages in the district. Gulbarga districts lies in the northern plains of Karnataka State, covers an area of 16,244 km2 and lies between 16°-11′ and 17°-19′N latitude and 76°-54′E longitude The study revealed that the water sources in the area are heavily polluted. The major water quality parameters exceeding the permissible limits during all the seasons are total hardness, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, alkalinity and MPN (Bacterial count) and other parameters have shown distinctive variation in different stations and season. Most of these parameters are correlated with one another. Statistical analysis of the data is presented.  相似文献   

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