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海水淡化因成本较高,制约了我国海水淡化产业的进一步发展,国内某公司在已建热法海水淡化的基础上,研究开发了汽轮发电机组与热法海水淡化耦合、浓海水资源化利用、低品质余热资源利用、大型热法海水淡化装置加工制造等低成本海水淡化技术,并进行了实际应用,取得了良好效果,提高了我国海水淡化技术的竞争力。  相似文献   

高峰 《绿色视野》2015,(2):68-69
海水淡化,这个被寄予厚望的产业一直步履蹒跚,始终未能迎来发展的春天。同样被寄予厚望的"南水北调"工程也一直伴随着诸多质疑。水资源短缺、水污染严重、水资源分布不均衡……水危机频现的中国该如何解决"水"的问题?"‘南水北调’只是保障淡水供应的一个方面,不可能完全解决水资源紧缺的问题。"日前,在北京举行的第六届世界非并网风电与能源  相似文献   

"要充分认识发展海水淡化产业的重要性和紧迫性,要明确海水淡化的战略定位,要认真贯彻落实国办13号文件精神,完成《意见》所提出的各项任务,实现‘十二五’海水淡化产业发展目标。"  相似文献   

6月4日,我国首台拥有全部自主知识产权的大型蒸馏法海水淡化装置在青岛华欧集团黄岛电厂建成并一次试车成功。据悉,此台3000吨/日低温多效海水淡化装置是“十五”国家重大科技攻关项目示范工程,由天津海水淡化与综合利用研究所负责设计,青岛华欧集团建设完成。此套装置成功建成出水,标志着我国完全能够依靠自主开发的科技成果建设大型蒸馏法海水淡化设备,对我国海水淡化事业的发展具有里程碑性的意义。据国家海洋局天津海水淡化与综合利用研究所惠绍棠所长和项目负责人阮国岭博士介绍,该示范工程是该所继“九五”国家重点科技攻关项目取得重…  相似文献   

目前,我国已将开发和合理利用淡水资源提升到战略层面,海水利用已成为"十三五"海洋经济创新发展区域示范重点支持的三大产业之一。文章分析介绍了国内应用较为广泛的海水淡化工艺以及海水淡化产业发展现状。  相似文献   

栾韶华  孙国瑞  王奇 《四川环境》2010,29(1):97-99,105
苦咸水淡化是解决水危机的一个重要途径。针对苦咸水的淡化水处理方法,分别介绍了不同方法的原理和优缺点。通过对各种方法的对比,提出CARIX工艺是一种环保、有效的苦咸水淡化技术。  相似文献   

某钢铁公司采用量子管通环技术处理热法海水淡化装置的结垢现象,结果表明,量子管通环技术可有效减缓热法海水淡化装置的结垢速率,并大幅度提高热法海水淡化装置的产水量,经济效益显著,可在热法海水淡化装置上推广应用。  相似文献   

李杨 《中国环境管理》2017,9(4):109-110
正首钢是国内引入热法工艺进行海水淡化的较早企业之一,已建成4套单机日产1.25万吨的低温多效海水淡化装置,并已经稳定运行8年以上,且热法海水淡化装置的负荷率和作业率均在国内名列前茅。在海水淡化相关领域,首钢已申请国家专利10余项,编写行业标准和国家标准3部,具备大型低温多效海水淡化工程自主设计、自主制造、自主建设、自主运营的系统化能力。基于多年海水淡化的研发和运行经验,为了发挥国  相似文献   

国家发展和改革委员会、国家海洋局、财政部10月12日联合对外公布了《海水利用专项规划》(以下简称《规划》)。《规划》以大幅度提高海水利用规模和水平为目标,促进沿海地区经济社会可持续发展。《规划》的内容包括海水淡化、海水直接利用、海水化学资源利用及相关产业的发展,重点强调了海水淡化和海水直接利用;涉及的区域包括全国沿海地区(不  相似文献   

正海水利用进展顺利根据国家海洋局海洋科学技术司发布的《2012年全国海水利用报告》,截至2012年底,全国已建成海水淡化工程95个,日产淡化水总规模达到77.4万吨,其中最大的海水淡化工程规模达到日产20万吨,全国海水利用工作进展顺利。我国沿海9个省市的城市及海岛都分布有海水淡化工程,主要集中在天津、河北、浙江、辽宁、山东等水资源严重  相似文献   

Seawater desalination has become the focus of many countries to solve the problem of lacking freshwater resources. Seawater desalination in China launched in the 1960s and has developed rapidly since entering into the 21st Century. However, the technology of seawater desalination causes marine environmental pollution. After exploring the regulatory framework and legal system of reducing environmental risks of seawater desalination in China, it can be found that the existing regulatory framework and legal system have played a positive role in the treatment of seawater desalination, but it is undeniable that there are still many problems. How to effectively prevent or reduce the marine environment risks caused by seawater desalination and improve the existing regulatory framework and legal system in China are discussed. Specifically, in addition to further improve the Marine Environmental Protection Law, China shall integrate seawater desalination into unified regulation of marine resources, clarify statutory functions of various regulatory departments, improve the coordination mechanism, and promote marine environment and ecology protection by institutional construction.  相似文献   

大连石化公司采用反渗透膜法海水淡化工艺为生产装置提供淡水资源,其用水取自炼化装置冷却换热后的海水,不额外增加海水的取用量,降低了成本。装置采用常规预处理加三级反渗透膜分离技术,同时配备了能量回收装置,将反渗透高压"浓水"的能量转换到低压的原海水中,使得能耗大大降低。文章介绍了该工艺的流程及其技术特点,该装置节能、节水,其产品水质量达到甚至超过了中压锅炉补给水的要求。工程运行稳定,对沿海同类企业有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Parts of the USA are facing impending shortages of freshwater. One proposed solution is the construction of desalination plants to turn seawater into freshwater. Although seawater desalination plants are widely used in the Middle East, especially Saudi Arabia, there are few desalination plants in the USA. In 2003, Tampa Bay Water built the largest desalination plant in North America. Persistent operating problems and escalating costs have caused the utility to re-evaluate its reliance on the seawater desalination plant as part of a long-term regional water supply strategy. In addition, environmental effects of the plant are uncertain. Advances in reverse osmosis technology have significantly reduced desalination costs. However, desalination of seawater is still more expensive than other freshwater supply sources and demand management measures. With time and research, seawater desalination may prove to be a sustainable, cost-effective source of new freshwater supplies, especially if plants are coupled with renewable energy sources. Until then, the development of small-scale groundwater desalination plants, the re-use of water, water conservation, and a more efficient allocation of water through higher prices and rising block rates will be important strategies in meeting growing water demand. Moreover, it is important to improve the coordination between water supply planning and land use planning as populations continue to increase.  相似文献   

电导率法在海水入侵监测中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
海水入侵是人类不合理开采地下淡水而导致的一种环境恶化的地质灾害,其发生过程是一个可监测和可预报的过程。目前海水入侵的监测方法主要为物探和水化学方法,本文讨论了电导率法在海水入侵实际监测中的原理及应用。  相似文献   

The risk associated with storage of carbon dioxide in the subsurface can be reduced by removal of a comparable volume of existing brines (e.g. Buscheck et al., 2011). In order to avoid high costs for disposal, the brines should be processed into useful forms such as fresh and low-hardness water. We have carried out a cost analysis of treatment of typical subsurface saline waters found in sedimentary basins, compared with conventional seawater desalination. We have also accounted for some cost savings by utilization of potential well-head pressures at brine production wells, which may be present in some fields due to CO2 injection, to drive desalination using reverse osmosis. Predicted desalination costs for brines having salinities equal to seawater are about half the cost of conventional seawater desalination when we assume the energy can be obtained from excess pressure at the well head. These costs range from 32 to 40¢ per m3 permeate produced. Without well-head energy recovery, the costs are from 60 to 80¢ per m3 permeate. These costs do not include the cost of any brine production or brine reinjection wells, or pipelines to the well field, or other site-dependent factors.  相似文献   

河北省高等教育在全国排名榜中相对落后,与人口大省、经济大省不适应,其原因是多方面的。进一步发展高等教育对河北省实现向经济强省、文化强省跨越至关重要,为此河北省应将努力发展高等教育纳入"十二五"规划,适度扩大办学规模;加大投入;分类指导,突出重点,增强特色,推动内涵式发展;办强师资队伍及师德师风建设;鼓励高校开展科技创新。  相似文献   

秦皇岛市海水入侵现状及防治对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海水入侵是一种严重的地质灾害,它可引起机井报废、土壤盐渍化、地下管线腐蚀等一系列生态环境问题。秦皇岛市自20世纪80年代开始,在沿海的石河、汤河、洋河、戴河等入海口以及昌黎县、抚宁县灌区,先后发生了海水入侵现象,且有范围越来越广、程度越来越重的趋势,给当地工农业生产带来了巨大影响。通过分析秦皇岛市海水入侵的原因,提出修建沿海防护工程是治理海水入侵的有效措施,合理开采地下水、节约用水、进行污水和雨水资源化、海水淡化等减少淡水开采或补充地下淡水层是解决海水入侵的根本措施。  相似文献   

从理论计算和国内外已投运工程的实际运行监测两方面,对海水脱硫排水水质进行了分析,结果表明在采用成熟工艺的前提下,海水脱硫的排水水质包括重金属等指标,全部可以达到我国海水三类标准,绝大部分指标满足海水一类标准,而且通过对国内外已经投运项目的长期监测,也未发现对周围海域的生态环境造成不利影响。  相似文献   

以可持续发展相关理论为基础,利用系统工程的理论和方法建立了河北省县域可持续发展指标体系及其评价标准,并在全省范围应用,对全省136个县(市)可持续发展能力做出了评价。结合评价结果,阐述了河北省县域可持续发展能力的特征,提出了河北省县域可持续发展的方向和思路。  相似文献   

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