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As in most areas of psychology, a negative bias permeates the study of the subject of Conservation Psychology: sustainable behavior (SB). SB constitutes the set of actions aimed at protecting the socio-physical environment. This behavior is sometimes addressed as having negative antecedent-instigators (fear, guilt, shame), activated to avoid undesirable outcomes from environmental degradation. Also, psycho-environmental researchers often visualize negative psychological consequences (discomfort, inconvenience, sacrifice) of SB. Yet, a number of studies reveal that positive psychological antecedents (capacities, emotions, virtues and strengths) as well as positive psychological consequences (satisfaction, psychological well-being, and happiness) of SB are also significant determinants of pro-environmental actions. In this paper, I argue that SB is positive behavior originated by positive dispositional factors, and maintained by psychological benefits. By combining the emergent fields of positive psychology and the psychology of sustainability, an alternative approach for the study of the positive psychology of sustainable behavior is outlined.  相似文献   

As environmental issues changed its focus from pollution and endangered species to fulfilling basic human needs, such as health, education, shelter, sanitation, hygiene, on the one hand and social justice on the other hand, it widened in its scope. People questioned about adequacy of ecological knowledge in solving daily questions in their life, and also contribution of their values, objective life situations and idea of quality of life for ecological well-being. Two core and complimentary values strongly emerged from the concept of sustainable development; namely environmental protection and justice. Unfortunately, there is lack of awareness on dimensions of human life and its linkages with the wider environment. To combine the values, dimensions of human life and its linkages with external environment, fundamental changes in human behaviour for human development is required. Present article reflects on dimensions of life, essential skills and practical tools for environmental protection and human development.  相似文献   


The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between environment and personal well-being using a sample of 562 urban employees from three cities in Liaoning province in the People’s Republic of China. In contrast to previous studies, this study controlled positive affectivity (PA), negative affectivity (NA), job satisfaction and Big Five personality traits. In addition, the research variables of personal well-being index (PWI), positive affectivity, negative affectivity, job satisfaction, Big Five, and environmental satisfaction are measured with multi-item scales. The research finds that environmental satisfaction is positively related to personal well-being, suggesting that improvement of the natural surroundings in the cities can improve people’s well-being.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between environment and personal well-being using a sample of 562 urban employees from three cities in Liaoning province in the People’s Republic of China.In contrast to previous studies,this study controlled positive affectivity (PA),negative affectivity (NA),job satisfaction and Big Five personality traits.In addition,the research variables of personal well-being index (PWI),positive affectivity,negative affectivity,job satisfaction,Big Five,and environmental satisfaction are measured with multi-item scales.The research finds that environmental satisfaction is positively related to personal well-being,suggesting that improvement of the natural surroundings in the cities can improve people’s well-being.  相似文献   

This paper reports structural associations between psychological states, pro-environmental behavior, and present and future subjective well-being. A mailed questionnaire surveyed residents in Stockholm County, Sweden, to gather data on pro-environmental behaviors in water and energy saving at home, universalism and intrinsic satisfaction as motivational factors, and present and future subjective well-being. Results of path analysis suggest that: (1) Psychological factors (i.e., universalism, frugality, and participation categories of intrinsic satisfaction) correlate with pro-environmental behavior; (2) pro-environmental behavior could enhance not only present subjective well-being but expectations of future subjective well-being; and (3) expectations of future subjective well-being are negatively associated with current pro-environmental behavior. An important implication of this study is that expectation of better future subjective well-being may not always facilitate pro-environmental behavior. These results suggest that psychological factors both as antecedents and consequences play a significant role in building a sustainable society and improving our quality of life.  相似文献   

Aggregated analyses of the benefits from ecosystem services (ES) to well-being neglect important differences among beneficiaries and fail to capture the complexity of factors that mediate the ES–well-being relationship. Based on 25 group interviews, we disaggregated the ES–well-being relationships across six groups of potential beneficiaries in a farming landscape in central Romania, Eastern Europe. We explored what mediates distributional patterns of needs and benefits among beneficiaries and identified six contextual factors: (1) characteristics of the appropriated ES; (2) policies, formal institutions, and markets; (3) social and power relations, and informal institutions; (4) household decisions and individual contexts; (5) different perceptions and understandings of equity; and (6) individually held values. Based on these empirically derived factors, we developed a conceptual model of mediating factors that holistically takes into account the contextual space between ES and human beneficiaries. This model provides a framework for unpacking ES–well-being relationships that may guide ES research across varying socioeconomic cases. Notably, this model of mediating factors incorporates an equity perspective that is more refined than the dominant discourse on the relation between poverty and ES (which typically emphasizes that poor people are most dependent on ES, but neglects factors such as power relations and held values). Recognizing multiple contextual factors that shape the contribution of ES to well-being opens doors for harnessing new interdisciplinary collaborations and can help to inform more holistic policy interventions.  相似文献   

From the ontological point of view, environmental health problems do not differ from problems of unsustainability. This leads us to think that sustainability science could contribute to resolve important questions that studies on environmental health are not resolving. A literature review was made in order to analyse the scope and limitations of studies on environmental health problems. Based on the characteristics of environmental health studies, we highlighted some examples of questions that are being ignored and analysed four contributions that sustainability science could make to solve them. These contributions come from three key components of sustainability science: (1) the unit of analysis—social–ecological systems, (2) a theory—resilience theory and, specifically, social–ecological resilience, (3) and the approaches of complex systems and transdisciplinarity. From a sustainability science perspective, four contributions could be made: environmental health problems are redefined as social–ecological systems; environmental health is assumed to be the result of adaptation processes; the environment and society are recognized as systems, not as matrices of factors; and human action acquires content and structure and, in turn, explains the behaviour of environmental health problems.  相似文献   

水电工程的建设对区域环境会产生不可逆转的重大扰动,生态环境监测与预警作为大型水电工程建设的重要环节,为工程区域环境问题分析与研究提供详实的数据支撑,对区域生态环境的修复至关重要。以向家坝水电站为例,分析水电工程建设对区域环境产生扰动的特点,结合产生扰动的各环境要素,构建工程施工区环境监测体系。收集、整理相关监测数据,采用环境因子综合评价法对监测的相关数据进行分析和评价,结合各种环境因子的现状以及变化过程、总结区域环境总体状况的变化规律及空间分布。结果表明:自2007年工程大规模动工以来,区域的生态脆弱度大幅度升高,2008年达到顶峰,自2009年起环境开始改善,保持优于2007、2008年的状况;最脆弱区域为主体工程和云天化生产区交接地区,低度脆弱区域为河流及工程量少的加工工程区域;工程扰动最大的区域、当地工业区及交通枢纽集中地带是建设区环境最脆弱的区域,工程建设、工业及交通是建设区的主要扰动因素  相似文献   

Throughout the development sector, there is increasing recognition of links between the environment and aspects of development such as poverty alleviation, health, income generation, and agriculture. While furnished with a diverse range of perspectives and approaches, development practice is in need of ways to better conceptualize the interactions between the social, environmental, and economic dimensions of sustainability so that opportunities for simultaneous improvement in human and ecological well-being can be identified more readily. Critical systems thinking is proposed as a way for development practitioners to conceptualize and act toward the integration of these economic, social, and environmental dimensions and, in so doing, support communities to nurture both human and ecosystem well-being. Four desirable attributes of a critical systems thinking approach to development are identified based on development literature, critical systems literature, and the author’s research into sustainability in semi-rural communities in Vietnam. The four attributes are ‘a systems thinking approach;’ ‘an ethical base to action and choices;’ ‘critical reflection permeates processes;’ and ‘appreciation of diverse views and application of diverse approaches.’ These attributes are described and then offered as the basis for further discussion of the ways in which simultaneous improvement of human well-being and ecosystem health can become an integral part of development practice.  相似文献   

基于2014年中国质量观测调查的数据,实证测度了转型时期中国中等收入阶层的幸福感,并运用统计描述、相关性分析以及结构方程模型等方法,从财富拥有、社会福利与个体能力三个维度分析了幸福感的影响因素与作用机制。研究结果表明:1中等收入阶层幸福感女性高于男性,农村人群高于城市人群,已婚人士高于未婚人士,在不同的年龄阶段、教育程度、职业类型以及家庭结构中,幸福感呈现明显差异;2个人目标实现能力、社会公平与物价稳定是影响中等收入阶层幸福感最为显著的因素,而家庭消费、消费环境以及社会治安是相对不显著的影响因素;3财富拥有、社会福利会以及个体能力三个维度的因素均与幸福感显著正相关,其中个体能力维度对幸福感的正向作用最大;个体能力除了直接正向作用于幸福感之外,还会通过正向地影响财富拥有及社会福利来间接作用幸福感。因此,当前中国中等收入阶层幸福感的关键影响因素在于个体能力维度。进一步优化经济社会发展结构与环境,为中产阶层个体能力展现提供公平畅通的渠道,是转型时期提升中等收入阶层幸福感的首要之义。  相似文献   

正确评价区域水资源可持续利用,对区域社会、经济的可持续发展以及生态环境的良性循环都具有重要意义,而区域水资源可持续利用指标体系及评价方法研究是水资源可持续利用研究的基础。借鉴现有评价指标体系的优点,并充分考虑现有评价指标体系所忽略的某些环境因素对水资源可持续利用的影响,针对区域社会-经济-环境复合系统的特点,提出了由区域水资源条件、水资源开发利用程度、区域水资源与社会协调程度、区域水资源与环境协调程度4个子系统及评价指标组成的区域水资源可持续利用评价指标体系。根据水资源系统的随机性、模糊性等特性以及系统评价的公正、客观要求,为规避评价方法的主观性与客观性影响,分别应用主观性较强的模糊层次分析法(FAHP)与客观性较强的投影寻踪模型(PP)对区域水资源可持续利用水平进行评价,并将两种方法的评价结果进行加权求和以实现优势互补,以此建立了区域水资源评价的一种新模型(FAHP PP),然后通过以上海市1998~2007年水资源可持续利用情况为例对该评价指标体系的合理性及方法的有效性进行了说明.  相似文献   

企业环境信息披露的外部影响因素实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以111家重污染行业的A股上市公司为样本,对企业环境信息披露的外部影响因素进行研究,对政府环保投入、公众环保意识、区域经济水平和社会监督水平等因素与企业环境信息披露水平之间的关系进行了理论分析和实证检验.研究结果显示:从整体上来说外部因素与企业环境信息披露水平呈负相关关系,说明现阶段企业环保工作所处的外部环境不容乐观;其中,区域经济发展水平与企业环境信息披露水平显著负相关;政府环保投入与企业环境信息披露水平显著正相关,但其影响程度随着经济发展水平的提高而减小;公众环保意识和社会监督水平对企业环境信息披露水平无显著影响.最后,提出了转变经济发展方式、加强政府宏观调控和完善企韭环境信息披露制度等政策建议.  相似文献   

基于STIRPAT模型的甘肃省环境影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能源短缺已成为全球资源环境的主要问题之一,辩明人类活动各因素对能源消费的影响程度,并据此制定和实施可持续的能源消费政策是当前的研究热点。以STIRPAT模型为分析工具,以甘肃省1991~2009年能源消费总量为环境影响指标,分解了人文因素对环境影响的作用大小。结果表明,富裕程度的提高和城市化进程的推进都能够加剧环境的恶化,而且城市化对环境影响的弹性系数是富裕对环境影响弹性系数的278倍。在观测数据范围内,尚未出现环境Kuznets曲线的拐点,仍然处于曲线的上升段。居民消费结构的多样化有利于降低能源消费,其对环境影响的抑制作用略低于富裕对环境影响的加剧作用。最后讨论了STIRPAT模型的优缺点,并指出甘肃省主要相关因子对环境影响的作用机理还有待更深一步的研究  相似文献   

This essay proposes a heuristic conservation between the emerging field of environmental communication and the “crisis discipline” of conservation biology in order to generate a set of ethical postulates for research, teaching, and professional consultation. To the extent that social/symbolic representations of “environment” embody interested orientations, such discourses potentially constrain and/or enable societal responses to environmental signals, including signs of ecological crises. The essay argues that, implicit in this and other functional premises, lies a principal ethical duty of environmental communication: the obligation to enhance the ability of society to respond appropriately to environmental signals relevant to the well-being of both human communities and natural biological systems.  相似文献   

推进农户应用清洁能源对于促进农村生态建设至关重要。本文将农户清洁能源应用行为视为是一个"外部情境因素-内部心理因素-农户清洁能源应用行为"的过程,基于环境行为理论和技术接受模型,构建出农户清洁能源应用行为影响因素概念模型。利用江西省农户的调查数据,运用结构方程模型从农户购买行为和使用行为两个维度,研究农户清洁能源应用行为的影响因素,以及这些因素的作用机理。研究表明,情境因素(经济激励政策、自愿活动、宣传教育、清洁能源产品属性)以农户感知为中介,进而正向影响农户清洁能源使用行为,从众心理、行为便利性直接正向影响农户清洁能源使用行为;生态价值观和感知因素在经济激励政策与农户清洁能源购买行为之间起到部分中介效应,行为便利对农户清洁能源购买行为有直接正向影响;相对于经济激励政策,农户自愿活动对提升农户生态价值观会更有效;在影响农户感知的四个情景因素(经济激励政策、自愿活动、宣传教育、清洁能源产品属性)中,自愿活动对农户感知的正向影响程度最大;对农户清洁能源购买行为正向影响程度最大的是经济激励政策,对农户清洁能源使用行为正向影响程度最大的是行为便利性。基于上述结论,提出以下政策建议:政府要扩大清洁能源产品补贴的范围,加大农户购买清洁能源产品的补贴力度,降低农户购买清洁能源产品的成本;加强清洁能源知识、环境保护的宣传教育,提升农村居民的环境责任感,增强农村居民的生态环境价值观;完善农村清洁能源应用服务体系,提升农户应用清洁能源的易用性感知;充分发挥清洁能源示范村的辐射效应,增强农户应用清洁能源有用性感知;引导基层村干部、党员或环保意识强的农户率先应用清洁能源,在从众心理作用下,促使更多的农户应用清洁能源。  相似文献   

Bangladesh and India are among the world’s most populous but also most vulnerable countries to environmental risks. In addition to storms, sea-level rise, floods and droughts, local communities face a multitude of pre-existing and concomitant economic and socio-political risks. To understand these risks and how communities respond to them is critical in securing community livelihoods. We therefore ask what are the livelihood risks; how do they impact the human security of environment sensitive communities in Satkhira, Bangladesh and in Odisha, India; and, what are the responses of these communities to the livelihood risks? The communities studied in Bangladesh depend mainly on the shrimp and fish resources of the Sundarbans mangrove forest. The two communities researched at Lake Chilika in India depend on fishing and salt farming, respectively. The field research, conducted in 2012 and 2013, shows that the communities face multiple and interacting livelihood risks. While storms and floods are common environmental risks in both countries, related livelihood risks are case-specific. In Bangladesh, attacks by criminals are the major threat to human well-being, while in India, it is violent conflict between lake users. Unsustainable resource extraction is found in both study countries. In Bangladesh, shrimp farming weakens the flood protection, while in India, illegal prawn farming marginalizes poorer lake users. Accessing loans and labor migration are responses observed in both countries. We conclude that adaptation to environmental changes needs to be sensitive to the interaction between governance, local institutions and socio-economic developments.  相似文献   

榆林煤炭矿区生态环境改善支付意愿分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用榆林煤炭矿区居民为改善当地生态环境支付意愿(WTP)的调研资料,得出每户每年平均的支出金额介于229.56-347.92元之间,由此推断出榆林煤炭矿区每年因煤炭开发而造成的生态环境破坏价值损失大约在13 822.09万-20 948.69万元之间。通过运用D-H模型和Tobit模型对调研资料分别进行分析,发现,D-H模型对被调查者支付意愿影响因素的分析明显优于Tobit模型。D-H模型的结果显示,被调查者"决定是否参与支付"与"决定支出多少金额"两个行为的影响因素不完全相同。被调查者对当地生态环境状况的满意程度对其"决定是否参与支付"呈负向影响;反映被调查者所在行政区域对其"决定是否参与支付"呈正向影响。被调查者的家庭年收入、受教育状况、年龄、职业状况、对当地生态环境状况的满意程度均对其"决定支出多少金额"具有显著的正向影响;被调查者的家庭人口数、对环境保护政策的了解程度对其"决定支出多少金额"有显著的负向影响。最后,提出了提高当地居民参与生态环境改善活动积极性的一些措施。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONStrategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is the application of EIA(Environment Impact Assessment) to strategic actions such as policies, plans or programs (PPPs). More specially, SEA is: 'The formalized, systematic and comprehensive process of evaluating the environmental impacts of a policy, plan or program and its alternatives, including the preparation of a written report on the findings of that evaluation, and using the findings in publicly accountable decision-ma…  相似文献   

环境和人类的生存和发展息息相关,随着全球工业化进程进一步的推进,自然环境在人类的盲目生产活动中经常遭到毁灭性的破坏,同时被破坏的环境反过来又会影响人类正常的生产活动。因此,如何有效地检测和控制由人类生产活动引起的环境风险显得尤为重要。本文通过研究信息扩散理论在环境风险评价领域的应用成果,在改进和优化现有的研究成果前提下,同时融入了模糊评判等相关评估理论,建立了一种复合的空间信息扩散法的环境风险评价模型。该模型在现有的基础上引进环境影响因子,修正了由普通的信息扩散模型所引起的不准确性。通过该模型,能提高在环境风险扩散预测和控制领域的准确率,为降低和控制风险后果提供有效的参考。最后通过一个示例,应用本模型进行环境风险分析,证明模型的实用性,并且对比普通的扩散模型更具有优越性。本文所研究的成果对重大工程发生事故和危机后的环境风险评估具有借鉴的意义。  相似文献   

This article reviews critical linkages between land-use transition and human health in the Himalayan region by applying ecosystem approaches to human health (or EcoHealth). Land-use transition in the Himalayan and similar regions includes sedentarization, agricultural intensification, habitat modification, migration, change of livelihoods and lifestyles, biodiversity loss, and increasing flash floods. These transitions, which can have impacts on human health, are driven by state policies, a market economy, and climate change. Human health is dependent on access to ecosystem services for food, nutrition, medicine, fiber and shelter, fresh water, and clear air. Ecosystem management has been a key means of controlling disease vectors and creating suitable habitats for human well-being. The paper identifies the web of environmental factors that influence human health. Institutional and policy issues for land-use and health transitions are also discussed.  相似文献   

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