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针对石化企业中可能造成毒气泄漏的装置或设备,从工程实际出发,建立了3种毒气泄漏和扩散的数值模型.根据模型和给定的扩散条件,对毒气的泄漏和扩散进行数值模拟和动态仿真,得到毒气泄漏后人员死亡区域、危险区域和有感区域的动态变化结果.对石化企业有毒物质源进行毒性分级,并确定了相应的毒气泄漏危险性参数.通过给定的装置和设备泄漏危险性参数计算得到毒气泄漏的危险性矩阵,进而对石化企业有毒有害气体泄漏进行危险性评估.  相似文献   

依据高斯模型瞬间泄漏原理,以Visual Basic 6.0和Oracle 8i为开发工具,建立了一个毒气瞬间泄漏后伤害区域的评估系统.该系统根据有毒气体泄漏时的各条件参数,按照高斯模型将毒气浓度视为时间和位置的函数,参考中毒人员在毒气中的暴露时间,计算出中毒人员毒气吸入量,并以该吸入量为标准,该系统将毒气泄漏后的影响区域划分为致死区、重伤区和致伤区.系统输出的结果为二维的伤害区域的边界,使其计算结果科学、直观和实用.  相似文献   

对于毒气泄漏的处理是有特殊要求的。遇到毒气泄漏时,应立即报告安全主管部门,同时应按毒气泄漏处理的常识去做。  相似文献   

针对深水钻井作业过程中的井喷溢油问题,基于计算流体力学(CFD)方法,通过UDF函数给定海流流剖面、波浪入口边界条件和海水静压分布情况,结合标准k-ε方程,采用VOF模型实现对油、气、水三相自由面的追踪,建立了溢油扩散事故数值仿真模型,评估深水条件下溢油扩散危害区域,研究海流流速、溢油量对原油扩散的影响。结果表明,海流流速和溢油量是原油扩散行为和危害区域分布范围的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

风险严重度指数法在毒气泄漏评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为评价某区域或某设备潜在的毒气泄漏事故场景的风险水平,以对不同的风险等级进行风险控制和安全规划,详细介绍了工业事故风险评估方法ARAMIS所采用的风险严重度指数法.首先基于事故频率和后果的风险矩阵选取毒气泄漏事故场景;然后运用毒气当量浓度计算任意暴露时间下不同风险严重度等级所对应的特征距离,并根据同一风险等级内风险严重度指数与距离的线性关系计算任意点的风险严重度指数;最后应用1个实例分析了考虑所研究区域的风向概率后对风险严重度指数的真实影响,便于工厂或企业识别不同的风险等级,进行不同场景下风险水平的对比性研究,为其安全设计及风险分析提供了一种新的评估方法.  相似文献   

毒气泄漏会对公众生命财产安全构成威胁,为了有效的监测毒气泄漏事故现场情况、预测事故影响范围、快速进行预警通知,研究了毒气泄漏事故现场监测预警系统。结合毒气泄漏事故的特征、事故处置流程等搭建移动式监测预警平台,平台采用无线传输方式集成便携式气象站、气体浓度传感器、单兵等前段采集设备,通过毒气扩散的快速预测模型进行风险预测分析,运用地理信息系统(GIS)空间分析和短信群发功能实现预警通知。研究结果可为泄漏事故的应急处置提供科学的决策支持。  相似文献   

用伴随方法对毒气泄漏事件进行危害评估   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
由于自然、人为等因素造成的有毒气体泄漏事件随时威胁着人们的生命安全。对于这类突发事故进行危害评估 ,在应急救援中 ,可以给决策者提供参考 ,使之采取有效措施 ,最大限度地降低事故危害程度 ,减少事故恶果及引起的恐慌。由于毒气泄漏位置事先无法确定 ,如果用常规方法进行逐点评估 ,将面临着巨大的计算量而难以进行。笔者发展了一种伴随方法 ,对风险函数的表达式进行等价变形 ,通过求解伴随方程 ,可以一次求得任意位置的毒气泄漏的风险值 ,大大降低计算量和工作量。此法在化学工厂和仓库设置 ,煤气网铺设和监测点选取 ,城市应急中心设置等多种安全规划中均有重要价值 ,为快速危害评估 ,降低化学事故危害提供了有力的研究工具和实用方法。  相似文献   

对毒气泄漏扩散及其事故人员应急疏散的研究是事故应急救援的基础.针对近年来日益增多的毒气泄漏事故,系统评述了国内外毒气泄漏扩散及事故人员应急疏散方面的研究,在此基础上,提出了一套切实可行的研究方法和进一步的研究方向.  相似文献   

毒气泄漏场景下基于蒙特卡罗的工厂布局研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于在工业生产中使用危险化学品会引起各种工业事故的发生,为了减小事故风险,降低由此产生的经济损失,必须将安全问题考虑在内,对工厂进行合理布局。采用蒙特卡罗模拟技术,研究某生产设施发生有毒气体泄漏的场景下,气象条件的不确定性对工厂布局的影响。以风向、风速及大气稳定性作为随机变量,通过扩散模型、概率函数和蒙特卡罗模拟得到中毒死亡概率。将上述随机方法应用在天津某个处于规划布局阶段的工厂内,以氨气泄漏为例,根据该地区常年风向分布及所得风险等值线图对工厂设施布局提出建议。案例分析表明:该工厂需要进行重新布局,应将受体设施布置在风险较小、风频较小的方位上;同时该随机方法能够为工厂布局提供决策支持。  相似文献   

有毒气体泄漏扩散受很多不确定性因素的影响,为了分析和评估影响毒气泄漏扩散的风速和泄漏速率的变化和不确定性,采用蒙特卡罗模拟和基于Wilks公式容许限的非参数统计法,通过抽样计算得到“95/95准则”下的毒气泄漏扩散地面浓度分布,计算了有毒气体泄漏扩散的不同风险等级的影响范围和风险概率曲线。以氨气泄漏事故为例进行实例分析,结果表明,相对于以确定性参数得出的氨气泄漏扩散浓度分布,引入参数的不确定性评估,更能贴合泄漏现场存在不确定性因素的实际情况,更有利于人员的安全和应急疏散管理。  相似文献   

Accidental releases of toxic gas in the chemical plants have caused significant harm to the exposed occupants. To evaluate the consequences of these accidents, a dynamic approach considering the gas dispersion and behavior evacuation modelling has been proposed in this paper. This approach is applied to a hypothetical scenario including an accidental chlorine release in a chemical plant. CFD technique is utilized to calculate the time-varying concentration filed and evacuation modelling is used to obtain the evacuation routes. The exposure concentrations in the evacuation routes are calculated by using the code of data query. The integrated concentration toxic load model and probit model are used to calculate the probability of mortality of each occupant by using the exposure concentrations. Based on this dynamic approach, a new concept of average probability of mortality (APM) has been proposed to quantify the consequences of different accidental scenarios. The results show that APM decreases when the required detection time decreases or emergency evacuation mode is implemented. The impact of the detection time on APM becomes small as the wind speed increases. The effect of emergency evacuation mode is more obvious when the release occurs in an outdoor space.  相似文献   

More than thirty-five years ago, the Bhopal disaster shook the whole world and investigators found out that many people survived just because they turned on the fans in their bedrooms. It was postulated that the forced ventilation played an important role in diluting the toxic gas and saved these people. In order to provide evidence to solve this old mystery, this research employed FLACS software to assess the hazardous degree of a toxic gas (hydrogen sulfide) leakage within a petrochemical process. Series of gas dispersion simulations were performed to actualize the hazardous characteristics and the corresponding risks of the release accident. The study shows that the hazardous level and the hazard range can be greatly influenced when parameters, such as the gas leakage circumstances (atmospheric conditions and wind speed) and the mitigation measures (direction of fans and their speed) are altered.By using explosion-proof fans in different positions and ventilation directions, combined with the natural wind in a certain direction, this research attempts to detect the best combination from various mitigation designs and to compare the influence of fan directions on hazard mitigation. It is also the first time of its kind to simulate the effect of forced ventilation on hazard mitigation within a process plant. The results show that the hazardous level of a toxic release can be effectively alleviated, when the direction of the mechanical ventilation is against the natural wind direction. With the help of the CFD simulation and the quantitative risk analysis technique, different loss prevention strategies can be tested via this method in order to establish a safer working environment.  相似文献   

The present work is aimed at analyzing the evolution of accidental scenarios deriving from the release of toxic materials inside a tunnel. This scenario, compared to the more frequently investigated cases of fire, followed by smoke dispersion, may involve a large variety of common products characterized by widely differing physical properties; nonetheless it has been analysed in the literature less than expected. The present study compares the dispersion of two common toxic chemicals (chlorine and ammonia), in order to derive some preliminary information about the influence of the physical properties and the release rate. A reference road tunnel geometry is assumed, while the release occurs from ground level, at the centre of one lane and in the middle of the tunnel. Two study cases involving a road tanker, transporting the product as liquefied gas under pressure, were considered: a catastrophic release, from a 220 mm hole, emptying the tanker in a few tens seconds (case A), and a continuous release, from a much smaller hole (15 mm), lasting 5 min (case B). For the sake of simplicity, the release is assumed to be in gaseous phase; the dispersion of the toxic is simulated for the 5 min period following the start of the release using a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) analysis, according to an RANS (Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes) approach with the standard kε turbulence model, assuming no ventilation conditions. Structured curvilinear grids with hexaedric cells, refined according to the local concentration gradient, are used. For case A scenarios, especially for the whole release duration, dispersion is mainly governed by the “plug-flow” effect caused by the large volume of toxic entering the tunnel in a rather short time; then, the role of diffusivity and gravity becomes more important. Chlorine, heavier than air and with lower diffusivity than ammonia, progressively accumulates towards the floor; the dispersion of ammonia, which is lighter than air, appears more influenced by diffusivity than by gravity, since a limited stratification is observed. These trends are more evident for case B scenarios, where the toxic flow rates are much lower. It is expected the results will give some useful insight into the dispersion phenomenon within highly confined spaces and maybe also provide some suggestion about ventilation systems design and emergency procedures.  相似文献   

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach has been successfully applied to simulate the small-scale instantaneous flashing release experiment by Pettitt. A model for dispersion of the release event is provided based on relevant theories and existing experimental data. An application of the CFD method to the dispersion simulation is illustrated. Furthermore, a new methodology based on discrete phase model for setting computational initial conditions is provided. An initial expansion and subsequent turbulence dispersion can be characteristically identified from both volume and temperature variation of the cloud obtained by the simulation. The possible mechanism for these phenomena has also been discussed and analyzed. The study deepens the understanding of the physical process of this event and provides one more reliable tool for relevant safety systems.  相似文献   

A new approach to quantitative assessment of reliability of passive systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The objective of this paper is to show how probabilistic reliability can be assessed for complex systems in the absence of statistical data on their operating experience, based on performance evaluation of the dominant underlying physical processes. The approach is to distinguish between functional and performance probabilities when dealing with the quantification of the overall probability of a system to perform a given function in a given period of time (reliability). In the case of systems where sufficient statistical operating experience data are available, one can focus the quantitative evaluation entirely on the assessment of the functional probability for a given active item (e.g. a pump) by assuming that the specification, layout, construction and installation is such that the item is providing the assigned performance, e.g. in the form of generating the required flow rate. This is how traditional probabilistic safety assessments (PSAs) focus the reliability analysis for the various safety features on the calculation of values for the availability per demand. In contrast, for various systems relevant in advanced technical applications, such as passive safety features in innovative reactor designs, it is essential to evaluate both functional and performance probabilities explicitly and combine the two probabilities later on. This is of course due to the strong reliance of passive safety systems on inherent physical principles. In practice, this means that, for example, in case of a passive cooling system based on natural circulation of a given medium, one has to evaluate and to assess the probability to have a medium condition and a flow rate such that a cladding temperature, represented by a probability distribution, can be hold at a required level. A practical example of this method is given for the case of the reliability assessment of a residual passive heat removal system. General conclusions are drawn regarding reliability estimation of complex, interconnected systems in the absence of statistical performance data, such as for infrastructures.  相似文献   

农业环境污染事故损失评价方法研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对农业环境污染事故的分析,将农业环境污染事故造成的损失分为4部分.即农业生物污染损失、人体伤害造成的损失、农业资源损失和控制污染物扩散及治理污染所需费用.对各污染损失的计算、评估方法进行了探讨,在此基础上对已有方法进行了必要的改进,提高了各种方法的可操作性,并提出了农业环境污染事故损失评估中应注意的问题.研究成果对农业环境污染事故损失评估具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

我国大坝数量多,一旦溃坝,将给下游人民生命和财产安全带来不可估量的损害,及时恰当地将大坝风险管理纳入实际应用显得极为迫切。大坝风险后果综合评价作为大坝风险管理中不可或缺的一环,评价过程涉及众多相关性及不确定性因子,主要包括生命损失、经济损失、社会影响和环境影响4个方面。以可变模糊集理论为基础,构建溃坝后果综合评价的评价指标体系及评价等级标准,结合层次分析法确定各评价指标权重,建立了基于可变模糊集理论的溃坝后果综合评价模型,并将该模型应用于江西省5座水库溃坝后果综合评价。结果表明,基于可变模糊集理论建立的综合评价模型所得评价结果全面合理,能够较完善地反映大坝的风险后果,具有操作步骤简单、计算过程严密等特点,实用性良好。  相似文献   

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