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随着特高压交直流电网的不断建设,电力通信系统对超长站间距离、无中继站光传输技术的需求也日益凸显。针对超长距无中继传输技术在实际应用过程中面临的问题,从线路损耗、色散效应以及光信噪比三个关键因素进行分析,结合宁夏电网第一条省内超长距无中继传输系统即六盘山750kV变电站至灵州±800kV换流站通信系统的建设,通过运用光放大器、纠错、色散补偿、拉曼等关键技术,实现2.5 Gbit/s 速率、10 Gbit/s 速率长传系统通信。应用结果表明:超长距光传输技术的应用实现了六盘山750 kV变电站至灵州换流站间的超长站距通信,满足了系统运行的各项性能指标,节省了大量建设资金及维护费用。  相似文献   

为保障灵州换流站配套电源点通信接入方式的可靠性,分析了宁夏电力通信系统已投运电厂通信接入方式现状,基于灵州换流站配套电源点光缆通信资源情况和一次网架结构,提出灵州换流站配套电源点通信系统接入改进方案。应用结果表明:电源点与换流站通信接入方式采用光缆“手拉手”形式,并配置双光端机,可有效保障电源点核心生产业务信息通道的安全运行。  相似文献   

针对± 800 kV 灵州换流站工程 750 kV 气体绝缘金属封闭开关(gas insulatedswitchgear, GIS)设备安装施工环境条件恶劣问题,通过分析工程现场实际情况,提出了设备安装环境条件控制方案。应用结果表明:设备安装环境控制方案保证了灵州换流站750 kV GIS安装条件要求,对环境变化复杂地区的超长GIS设备安装施工具有很好的示范和借鉴作用。  相似文献   

为了安全、高质量地完成智能化变电站通信光缆施工任务,对光缆施工中存在的问题进行分析,提出了改进措施。应用结果表明:改进施工工艺后,通信光缆达到了施工工艺标准,承载业务安全,运行可靠,确保了工程质量。  相似文献   

随着智能电网建设的全面展开,智能化变电站通信网络的优化合理选择成为重要问题。结合智能变电站通信网络的不同需求,通过对站控层、过程层以及对时网络的各种实现方法的对比分析,得出智能变电站站内通信网络选择的最优化方案。研究结果表明:在当前技术条件下,充分考虑网络可靠性及经济性,合理实现不同结构和规模的智能变电站通信网络的建设,对智能电网稳定运行具有重要意义。  相似文献   

对换流变压器风冷控制系统存在的问题,在功能实现、策略选择和风险防范等方面对风冷逻辑进行具体分析,提出了灵州换流站换流变压器风冷系统优化设计方案。应用结果表明:优化后风冷逻辑考虑了更多的运行工况,保证了变压器的安全稳定运行,可为换流站(变电站)风冷逻辑设计及功能实现提供参考。  相似文献   

又是年根岁末(2006年12月26日),台湾西南外海发生了7.2级地震.震中距台湾岛约15公里.距大陆最近海岸线约350公里。据统计地震造成2人死亡,47人受伤.3间民宅倒塌。虽然这次地震造成的房屋倒塌和人员伤亡不是很严重.一般意义上的财产损失也不算太大.但是.地震却造成了海底光缆破坏.导致的后果很严重.其影响波及到诸多的行业和领域.由此造成的经济损失也是相当的可观.同时也充分暴露出互联网通信的脆弱性。  相似文献   

大直径超长桩的桩身混凝土质量检测一直是困扰工程界的一个难题。本文提出和探讨了大直径超长桩桩身混凝土质量的超声波透射检测方法、技术及可靠程度。工程实践证明采用超声波透射法对大直径超长桩检测 ,其检测精度高 ,结果直观可靠 ,可以较详细查明桩身内部缺陷的性质、深度位置、范围大小及严重程度 ,为控制大直径超长桩桩身混凝土质量提供了一种有效的检测方法。  相似文献   

为确保安全生产过程中不发生人为误操作责任事故,分析了银川东换流站联锁防误闭锁软、硬件实现方式,并与综自站微机防误系统实现方式进行了比较,阐述了换流站联锁实现方式的优点及换流站引入微机防误系统的弊端。分析结果表明:换流站联锁防误系统软、硬件实现方式与综自站“五防”闭锁实现方式相比存在实时性好、可靠性高、人为干扰因素少、利于实现顺序控制和集中监控且使用便捷等优点。可考虑在部分综自站推广使用。  相似文献   

在众多诱发滑坡的因素中,人工削坡引发的边坡失稳现象十分普遍。采用布里渊光时域分析技术(以下简称BOTDA 技术),通过模型试验和数值模拟分析,对削坡作用下的边坡变形机理及其演化过程进行了研究。由于传感光缆与土体之间的耦合性直接影响着监测结果的准确性,首先通过不同围压作用下的拉拔试验,掌握了传感光缆与土体耦合变形关系。然后,设计了坡顶加载试验模型,通过在水平向和竖直向植入传感光缆,实现对边坡模型在削坡作用下土体内部变形场的分布式监测。试验结果表明:水平和竖直向传感光缆监测到的应变异常区域与潜在滑动面位置相吻合,并被数值模拟所证实;在 BOTDA 监测数据的基础上提出了边坡模型水平特征最大应变值与安全系数之间的经验公式,对削坡作用下的边坡稳定性状态进行了评价,进而可对边坡失稳做出预警。  相似文献   

Environmental hazards and risk communication   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The paper conducts a retrospective analysis of the relief and recovery efforts in the aftermath of the 2001 flood disaster in the Rawalpindi—Islamabad conurbation in Pakistan. The concept of recovery back to “normal” is questioned because “normal” life in the study area was characterized by extreme poverty, injustice, exposure, and vulnerability to hazards. A strong gender dimension to the experience of relief and recovery was found from the case study. It is suggested that participatory approach to needs assessment and actual relief and recovery, with special attention to gender variables, will go a long way towards linking recovery with long-term vulnerability mitigation.  相似文献   

针对宁夏电力通信同步网存在部分站点时钟精度低、同步网容灾能力相对较差等问题,基于混合同步方式,对宁夏电力通信网的同步区域进行了重新划分,降低了定时链路的长度,将最长的定时链路从 14 跳降低为 6 跳,确保每个站点至少具备一路备用时钟。应用结果表明:混合同步方案利用二级时钟有效提高了宁夏电力通信同步网的时钟精度和容灾性能。  相似文献   

With high profile flooding events and increasing risk and probable damages of flooding in the future flood risk management (FRM) in England and Wales has undergone substantial changes over the last decade. The contextual influences on flood risk communication in the areas of flood forecasting, warning and response, spatial planning and development control and flood insurance at a national level are investigated in this paper. Research is based on qualitative interviews with 21 representatives of key organisations and activities at a national level of FRM. Drawing on communication theory the research highlights the key contextual features at play: the characteristics of communication flow through organisations, the importance of policy as a communication tool informed and constrained by flood events, organisational agendas, communication approaches and the development of knowledge and technology. The paper describes the influence of clear policy guidance on activities in certain government FRM communication initiatives and the commercial imperative driving the insurance industry activities.  相似文献   

With high profile flooding events and increasing risk and probable damages of flooding in the future flood risk management (FRM) in England and Wales has undergone substantial changes over the last decade. The contextual influences on flood risk communication in the areas of flood forecasting, warning and response, spatial planning and development control and flood insurance at a national level are investigated in this paper. Research is based on qualitative interviews with 21 representatives of key organisations and activities at a national level of FRM. Drawing on communication theory the research highlights the key contextual features at play: the characteristics of communication flow through organisations, the importance of policy as a communication tool informed and constrained by flood events, organisational agendas, communication approaches and the development of knowledge and technology. The paper describes the influence of clear policy guidance on activities in certain government FRM communication initiatives and the commercial imperative driving the insurance industry activities.  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(4):313-328
Risk communication plays an increasingly central role in flood risk management, but there is a variety of conflicting advice about what does – and should – get transmitted, why, how, and to whom. The aim of this paper is to elucidate the underlying normative and conceptual models on which those competing assessments of ‘good’ risk communication depend. To that end, the paper identifies four broad models, or approaches, to risk communication: a risk message model of information transfer; a risk instrument model of behavioural change; a risk dialogue model of participatory deliberation; and a risk government model of self-regulation and normalization. These models differ in their theoretical and disciplinary origins and associated philosophical and political commitments, and consequently they define the basic purpose, practice, and future prospects of flood risk communication in quite different ways. Unless these different models of ‘good’ risk communication are acknowledged and understood, efforts to identify best practice for flood risk management are likely to produce inconsistent, if not contradictory, recommendations.  相似文献   

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