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为了解决目前各系统安全分析方法侧重点不同,而分析对象又各有差异,在安全分析过程中各方法无法协同交叉使用,导致危险源辨识不够全面的问题。采用“霍尔三维模型”中,“逻辑维”分析问题的方法,研究了系统安全分析过程中的思维方式,提出了一种适用于企业安全分析的“系统安全分析四阶段法”。该方法明确了安全分析方法的选择过程,提出了系统安全分析方法循环使用的组合矩阵,并构建了系统自己的多阶段安全分析的普适性模型。  相似文献   

A major chemical company established a formal incident investigation and reporting system several years ago. The original system focused heavily on worker-related injuries, illnesses, and near-misses and was used primarily to track statistics reportable to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). This Occupational Injury and Illness (OII) approach has been recognized to be an ineffective tool for measuring, predicting, and preventing process safety incidents. The Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) recently published guidelines on how to establish safety metrics for the measurement and reduction of process safety incidents. The process safety metrics approach relies upon leading and lagging metrics to improve organization process safety. This paper is a case study of the analysis of one organization’s incident database, which represents approximately five years of data from over a dozen facilities. The aim of this investigation was to extract useful process safety metrics from the incident investigation and reporting system, which would be pertinent to the types of process units and process functions at these facilities. This paper will discuss the approach taken to extract process incident information from an OII-based database and present the difficulties of performing an analysis on such a database. This paper provides guidance on how to migrate an existing OII-based reporting system to a program that includes process safety metrics in accordance with industry best practices.  相似文献   

为能够评估出企业安全文化建设水平,以系统论、安全管理、现代信息技术等多学科理论为基础,深入挖掘安全文化体系要素,分析各要素理解要点及实施要点,探讨企业安全文化体系评估程序和内容,提出基于熵权-TOPSIS 深度分析模型的定性和定量相结合方法对安全文化结果进行深度分析;在“互联网+”背景下充分利用现代信息技术发展的最新成果,针对企业安全文化评估要点,设计企业安全文化评估系统。结果表明:该评估体系可为实现企业安全文化评估的信息化、数据化和可视化提供解决方案。  相似文献   

安全文化的概念被提出以来,国内外出现了多种安全文化的定义,对企业优秀安全文化特征的论述也多种多样。总体看来,优秀的企业安全文化应具有鼓励报告性、公平公正性、持续改进性和灵活可塑性四种基本属性。此外,在拥有优秀的安全文化的企业中,组织的全体成员应具有积极的安全态度、较高的风险认知能力和安全行为能力。优秀的安全文化不是自然形成的,需要正确的安全文化建设方法。基于对如何建设优秀安全文化的分析,建立了安全文化建设和安全管理体系运行之间的关系,分析了优秀安全文化的特征内容和安全管理体系要素之间的对应关系,提出了通过企业安全管理体系的有效运行来建设安全文化的思路,避免了企业安全文化建设和安全管理工作的重复和交叉。  相似文献   

提出了一种将组合评价方法(AHM方法和TOPSIS方法)应用于煤矿安全文化的评价思路和方法。根据煤矿安全文化的特点,构建了由10个指标(企业精神、安全目标、安全风气、企业形象、人文环境、安全管理体制、安全操作规程、安全措施、安全防护设施和安全工作条件)组成的煤矿安全文化评价模型,利用AHM方法确定指标的权重,采用改进的TOPSIS方法对煤矿企业的安全文化进行评价。同时,简要介绍了基于Web技术的评价系统实现的主要功能、评价模块。最后以某煤矿公司作为该评价模型的实例,对其下辖的5家企业安全文化方面进行了评价分析。结果表明,该组合评价方法较传统的定性评估更为科学、客观,为煤矿公司对下辖企业的安全文化评价提供了可靠参考,也为煤矿企业在安全文化建设方面指明了方向。  相似文献   

A framework to measure safety culture maturity in the Brazilian oil and gas companies was formulated based on the model of Hudson (2001). Following a review of the safety culture literature, a questionnaire was designed to measure five aspects of organisational safety indicative of five levels of cultural maturity. The questionnaire was completed by the safety managers of 23 petrochemical companies based in Camacari, Bahia, Brazil and they were interviewed one month later. The reliability of the questionnaire was tested by asking the same questions in an interview and comparing the results (alternate forms reliability). The correlation coefficients between the questionnaire and interview scores on each dimension ranged from r = 0.7 to 0.9, demonstrating good reliability of the measures used. The research findings demonstrated that the 23 companies studied showed characteristics of different levels of safety culture maturity. Most scores were at the level of proactive. The model of Hudson (2001) and the revised framework and questionnaire were found to be practical to use, making it possible to identify levels of safety culture maturity in the context of the Brazilian petrochemical industry.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2007,45(6):697-722
This paper reports on the implementation of an advanced safety culture in a major oil and gas multi-national. The original proposal came from the company after it had become clear that expectations had been raised after the successful implementation of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Management Systems subsequent to the Piper Alpha disaster. The proposal made by the company, to develop a workforce intrinsically motivated for HSE, was operationalised as the development of an advanced safety culture after a review of the literature on motivation. The model used was the HSE Culture Ladder that had become the industry standard accepted by the OGP (International Association of Oil and Gas Producers). This model was intended to show that there were considerable opportunities for improvement even after HSE-MS had been implemented and that the more advanced cultures were ones people felt were desirable and achievable for themselves. Once top management had provided the initial support for the development of a more advanced safety culture, a number of supporting tools were developed, under the Hearts and Minds brand, and a strategy for implementation was developed that relied more on bottom-up ‘pull’ rather than top-down ‘push’ – the standard implementation model for new initiatives. The tools were designed to provide a clear direction, a road map to an advanced culture defined in terms provided by people within the industry, to support lasting changes in attitudes and beliefs, to promote an increased feeling of control when solving HSE-specific problems – all components of a more advanced culture. The tactics employed, using a pull rather than a push approach, had to allow for local variation within the general limits set by the strategy that eventually became a mixed top-down and bottom-up approach. Next there is a discussion of the current status and the lessons to be learnt from the implementation so far: moving away from command and control is hard for large organizations; such programs have to be driven by different performance indicators; managers have to learn to disperse their control; it is essential to communicate both successes and failures. Finally there is a discussion about the respective roles of academia and the industry in such endeavours, the requirement to concentrate on more than a single cultural characteristic such as reporting, and the difficulties of evaluating such programs in a worldwide environment that is continuously changing.  相似文献   

尾矿库安全管理是一项非常复杂的系统工程,针对湖南黄金集团高流坑尾矿库安全管理工作人工依赖性强、智能化程度低,灾情实时判断与预警控制决策效率低等不足特点,提出物联网技术,结合先进的数据感知技术,将数据采集、处理、分析及决策等环节进行一体化综合集成,研究设计尾矿库安全物联网决策支持系统。使尾矿库建设运营参与各方加强认知和揭示尾矿库安全灾变规律,为实现尾矿库安全管理智能预警决策提供有力的辅助支持。  相似文献   

以系统论的思维方法分析了煤矿本质安全文化系统的要素及其相互关系, 绘制了由人员、要素、过程三方面构成的煤矿本质安全文化系统构成示意图。从企业视角, 空间视角和时间视角多角度出发建立了由理念目标子系统、过程控制子系统、发展动力子系统和形象传播子系统四部分组成的煤矿本质安全文化系统建设模型。指出在具体实践中,应避免激励偏差,注重建设“以人为本”的煤矿本质安全文化系统。  相似文献   

In this study, a survey instrument was developed to measure safety climate. A review of the scientific literature as well as consultation with an expert panel was used to determine the survey's dimensions. Next, the survey was administered, first as a pilot study (n = 15) and then as a full scale study (n = 229), to employees of the City of Cincinnati Department of Public Works. The psychometric integrity of the survey was assessed according to validity, reliability and utility criteria. Results are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Regulatory bodies in the U.K. have emphasized the importance of ‘a positive health and safety culture’ to the safety performance of companies. A key feature of a company's safety culture is shared perceptions amongst managers and staff concerning the importance of safety. This study recorded the perceptions of 312 British Rail train drivers, supervisors and senior managers concerning the relative importance of 25 railway factors. Each level also gave their estimates of the ratings of the other levels. The study found that whilst there was a shared perception of the importance of safety, intergroup perceptions were not realistic. It is argued that accurate intergroup perceptions are essential to the development of mutual trust and understanding between levels, which forms the basis for a positive safety culture. Suggestions for establishing the foundations for a positive safety culture are discussed. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

从提高安全监控系统的可靠度出发,以平均损失最小为约束条件,给出了针对安全监控系统关键元件所进行的定期更换模型,并指出通常寿命服从指数分布的元件不符合进行预防性更换的条件。  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2007,45(6):723-743
Questionnaires have not been particularly successful in exposing the core of an organisational safety culture. This is clear both from the factors found and the relations between these and safety indicators. The factors primarily seem to denote an overall evaluation of management, which does not say much about cultural basic assumptions. In addition, methodology requires that levels of theory and measurement are properly recognised and distinguished. That is, measurements made at one level cannot be employed at other levels just like that unless certain conditions are met.Safety management has been described through nine separate processes that together encompass the safety management system (SMS) of an organisation. Policies developed at the organisational level shape the organisational context and working conditions of the group and individual levels and therefore also attitudes within the organisation. The questionnaires seem to expose only those attitudes that are shared throughout the whole of the organisation. The workforce could very well recognise the safety policies of higher management as concern for their well-being and the overall value attached to safety. Pictured this way, safety climate (attitudes) and safety culture are not separate entities but rather different approaches towards the same goal of determining the importance of safety within an organisation.  相似文献   

Based on the sociotechnical systems approach, an understanding of safety culture as deeply rooted assumptions about the interplay of people, technology, and organization in their relation to safety is presented. As a complement to audit methods aimed at assessing formal safety management, a questionnaire was developed which allows some indications of these assumptions to be captured by providing data on perceptions regarding operational safety, safety and design strategies, and personal job needs. Analyzing response patterns of different occupational, hierarchical, and organizational groups within a company in combination with formal audit results and the communicative validation of both in a feedback meeting can help the auditors as well as the members of the company to gain a deeper understanding of safety management and safety culture in that company. Results from seven audits in petrochemical plants are presented and discussed with respect to the validity and practicability of the chosen approach.  相似文献   

HSE管理体系是近些年石油石化系统从国外引进的健康、安全和环境管理标准体系,中国石化集团河南石油勘探局、中国石化股份有限公司河南油田分公司(本刊以下都简称"河南油田")2003年2月开始正式启动运行这一体系,在近3年的运行中,他们克服国外管理模式在中国本土经常出现的"水土不服"的困难,在河南油田这块土壤上,逐渐培育形成了具有自己特色的HSE文化,这一文化渗透于河南油田安全生产管理的方方面面,使得油田近两年安全生产状况明显好转.2004年,河南油田生产原油188万吨,在册职工3万多人,工业生产中事故千人死亡率、千人重伤率均为0.2005年度到目前为止,工业伤害事故千人死亡率、千人重伤率、交通千台车死亡率均为0,被中石化集团公司评为"安全生产先进单位".  相似文献   

高校安全工程专业课程体系成熟度评估模型(DCS-MAM)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着科学技术和工业生产的发展,安全科学作为一门综合性学科得到了不断的发展.本文对我国安全工程专业教育现状进行了分析,提出了现阶段安全工程专业存在的问题.认为安全工程专业的课程设置体系应是弹性模块结构,其结构应有5大模块(公共基础课、专业基础课、工程专业课、选修专业课、教学实践).基于课程体系弹性模块结构,初步构建了安全工程专业课程体系成熟度评估模型(DCS-MAM).从课程计划、课程组织、课程管理等三方面分析了DCSMAM的结构和内容.同时对某高校的安全工程专业课程的状态用DCS-MAM进行了计算,其结果与该校安全工程专业课程的实际情况较吻合.  相似文献   

The focus of the present study is on the implementation and some of the results of an evaluation of a safety culture campaign that partly was aimed at increasing workmate interventions (care). I focus on three groups either working on or with a Norwegian offshore platform: onshore managers, crane operators and process operators. The research questions are: “Has the safety culture campaign contributed to new safety cultures related to care in the three groups, why/why not and what can we learn from this?”. The study indicates that two of the groups have developed new safety cultures that sensitize them to new hazards, motivate and legitimize new preventive practices. In accordance with the interpretive approach to culture in organizations, these changes are discussed in light of members’ of each group’s negotiation over the meaning and relevance of campaign efforts on workmate interventions. Lessons that can be learned from the study are discussed.  相似文献   

为适应系统复杂性的提高和智能科学及数据技术的涌现,分析现代系统安全观点,并提出系统的分层安全模型,以应对系统安全及可靠性面临的质疑和变革。根据Leveson提出的学术观点,提出分层的系统安全模型。通过论述7个系统安全研究的新观点,提出系统安全的层级结构,分为社会层、系统层、技术层和运行层;建立系统安全的虫洞模型;结果表明:通过该方法可得到系统故障过程区划图和故障过程有向图,同时空间故障树理论也可用于该模型的定量计算。  相似文献   

大力加强安全文化建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱义长 《安全》2005,26(2):4-5
文化是人类社会的精神财富.先进文化是人类社会文明进步的结晶,是能够顺应社会发展规律,揭示未来发展方向,为文明进步提供强有力的思想保证、精神动力和智力支持的文化.  相似文献   

中国核工业集团公司(以下简称"中核集团公司")是1999年7月1日经国务院批准,在原中国核工业总公司基础上组建起来的中央直接管理的特大型企业,也是国资委直接监管的全国大型企业,现有成员单位100余个,在职职工约10万人。中核集团公司涉及地质、矿冶、燃料、核电、放射性废物治理以及民品开发等业务,安全生产工作点多、面  相似文献   

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