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PVC废物及其处理技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
PVC广泛应用于工业和日常生活中,PVC废物的产生量将会在将来一段时间内持续增长,对PVC废物处理处置问题研究成为固体废物处理处置的一个方向,目前,PVC废物还缺乏系统、完善的管理手段和处理技术。本文在分析PVC废物特点其环境潜在危害特性的基础上,比较分析各种PVC废物处理技术的优势和存在的问题,及国内外在PVC废物处理处置方面的具体实践,以期探讨PVC废物的处理对策并提出今后PVC废物处理的发展趋势和研究方向。  相似文献   

近20年来,我国在推进医疗废物无害化管理和处理处置方面开展了大量的工作,成绩举世瞩目。但处于新的历史时期,如何更好地基于可行技术,探索与其相匹配的管理模式,解决医疗废物处理处置短板已成为迫在眉睫的工作。我国目前存在针对医疗废物处理处置技术适用性考虑不足、农村及偏远地区医疗废物处置能力缺乏、医疗废物应急处置能力存在短板以及医疗废物领域科技创新能力有待提升等问题。因此,结合各种医疗处置技术特点及适用性,提出基于技术的适用性推进医疗废物处理处置技术布局优化、通过管理和技术进步解决农村和边远地区医疗废物处置难题、合理配置疫情期间应急处置能力以及推进科技创新等建议,为打造新时期医疗废物处理处置技术体系提供参考。  相似文献   

为详细分析我国医疗废物处理处置污染防治管理体系的演进历程并为其进一步完善提出建设性建议,对我国医疗废物管理的发展阶段和历程进行了细致梳理,并阐明了国际医疗废物管理经验对我国管理体系建立的借鉴作用。在法律法规和标准规范层面总结了我国医疗废物处理处置污染防治管理体系,并系统分析了我国医疗废物处理处置环境管理现阶段所面临的问题。结果发现,我国现有医疗废物管理体系仍存在待完善空间,管理要求与技术发展水平需进一步匹配;同时,设施规划布局能力需要进一步提升。最后,提出深入贯彻落实习近平总书记新时代生态文明思想、将医疗废物处理处置的有关内容逐步列入国家“十四五”发展规划、积极推进医疗废物协同处置、借鉴国际经验、加强医疗废物的源头分类管理等建议,以期为我国医疗废物处理处置污染防治管理体系的进一步完善提供决策参考。  相似文献   

危险废物稳定化/固化技术的现状与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对危险废物稳定化/固化处理技术的历史、现状以及今后的发展方向进行了较为系统的论述,对该技术在处理危险废物时所存在的问题进行了探讨,认为今后药剂稳定化技术在废物处置预处理领域将会占据重要的地位。  相似文献   

移动式医疗废物原位处理是解决医疗废物应急处置的重要技术选择,但目前针对移动式原位处理处理的工艺技术、实施效果以及相应的现场应对措施等缺乏系统研究。针对应急处理适用性、处理效果、成本等特性对典型医疗废物原位消毒处理工艺技术及设备进行了分析。微波、高温蒸汽、摩擦热3种原位消毒处理设备,具有占地面积小、集成化程度高、性能稳定的特点,适用于医疗废物原位就地处理,可有效阻断疾病的传播。本研究结果可为确定医疗废物应急处理策略及方法提供参考。  相似文献   

医疗废物污染防治是环境保护工作的重要组成部分,若医疗废物处置不当,将对水体、大气和土壤造成污染,甚至严重威胁人民群众身心健康.在“十一五”期间,中国投入了大量资金用于医疗废物处置设施建设,但大部分医疗废物处置单位的运营存在问题.介绍了医疗废物处置的背景,综合分析了问题产生的原因,提出了完善医疗废物管理的建议.  相似文献   

医疗废物安全处置是阻断疫情蔓延的重要环节。重大疫情期间,由于医疗废物产生量急剧增加,常态下的医疗废物收集、转运、处置能力无法满足需要。通过分析我国医疗废物管理现状、重大疫情期间医疗废物产生特点,讨论疫情期间医疗废物应急处置存在的问题及原因,提出构建新的医疗废物处置模式、建立医疗废物应急处置制度体系、组建国家级和省级医疗废物应急机构、做好医疗废物应急处置设施备用工作等建议,为提升医疗废物应急处置能力提供参考,保障重大疫情期间医疗废物得到及时、安全处置。  相似文献   

日前 ,安徽省环保、卫生部门联合下发通知 ,要求各地针对医疗废水和医疗垃圾处理处置方面存在的问题 ,进一步加强医疗废弃物污染防治工作。通知要求 ,各级环保、卫生部门对医疗废弃物污染防治工作要加强领导 ,落实责任制 ,切实做好医疗废物的环境监督管理工作。进一步督促医疗卫生机构和医疗废物集中处置单位建立有效工作机制 ,严防因医疗废水和医疗废物处置不当造成二次污染或交叉感染。通知强调 ,各级环保部门要加强医疗废水和医疗废物处理处置设施的排放监测 ,严禁未经处理的或处理未达标的医疗废水和医疗废物排放。各医疗卫生机构直接从…  相似文献   

为了解和借鉴韩国医疗废物管理经验,系统研究了韩国医疗废物主要法规政策与管理体系、韩国医疗废物分类现状、韩国医疗废物处理系统以及应对新型冠状病毒期间医疗废物管理的特别对策。结果表明,韩国对医疗废物管理已经形成了从分类、保管、运输到处理的全过程管理体系和突发疫情应急体系,且注重源头减量化和在线监管。对照分析了我国医疗废物管理现状和存在的问题,发现我国可借鉴韩国相关经验,包括完善全过程管控、构建在线监管系统、制定完备的突发疫情应急管控体系。本研究可为当前新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控中医疗废物处理处置相关工作提供有益参考。  相似文献   

为促进相关单位准确理解《医疗废物消毒处理设施运行管理技术规范》 (HJ 1284-2023) 各条款,推动医疗废物集中处置行业全面执行环境管理技术要求,结合行业典型工艺路线、特征污染物排放和环境污染防治措施现状,对新发布的技术规范进行了解读。技术规范的实施将进一步完善我国现行医疗废物环境管理体系,更好的推进我国医疗废物处理处置行业合理发展。  相似文献   

The 1984 Amendments to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), called the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments, (HSWA) direct the EPA to determine if dioxin bearing wastes should be prohibited from landfills. This determination is to made by November 1986. Barring a determination by the Agency that the land disposal of dioxin wastes does not represent a threat to the environment, ot that appropriate alternative treatment technology is not available, a land disposal prohibition would go into effect at that time.1 The purpose of this paper is to discuss the state of the art for several treatment processes for dioxin wastes that have been proposed to be used instead of land disposal for disposing of solid and liquid wastes containing dioxins.  相似文献   

The U.S. Congress and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency believe that treatment and recovery techniques should be given maximum priority when considering methods for managing the nation's generated hazardous waste. A prohibition for the disposal of certain categories of hazardous wastes either directly onto or into the land without being treated to an accepted degree prior to such disposal practice has been promulgated.1 Wastes containing toxic metals and cyanide complexes have been selected as a group to be restricted. Due to the high generation rate associated with this category, a large capacity of waste treatment processing will be required. Existing and emerging treatment alternatives which are or have the potential to be employed for waste treatment of metal bearing wastes are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Raw hide/skins come to the tanners as a by-product of meat industry which is converted into value-added leather as product for fashion market. Leather manufacturing is a chemical process of natural biological matrix. It employs a huge quantity of water and inorganic and organic chemicals for processing and thereby discharges solid and liquid wastes into the environment. One of the potential solid wastes generated from leather industry is chrome-tanned leather shavings (CTLSs), and its disposal is increasingly becoming a huge challenge on disposal to tanners due to presence of heavy metal chromium. Hence, finding a sustainable solution to the CTLS disposal problem is a prime challenge for global tanners and researchers. This paper aims to the deeper review of various disposal methods on CTLS such as protein, chromium, and energy recovery processes and its utilization methodologies. Sustainable technologies have been developed to overcome CTLS solid wastes emanating from leather processing operations. Further, this review paper brings a broader classification of developed methodologies for treatment of CTLSs.  相似文献   

Hazardous wastes in the environment represent one of our most serious problems. Ever increasing quantities of toxic wastes have contaminated our land, air, and water. Lack of adequate hazardous waste disposal facilities is a critical problem. Landfilling toxic wastes is no longer considered safe. The tragedy of the Love Canal has demonstrated the need for proper hazardous waste disposal facilities. The best organic chemical waste disposal method is process incineration. Cement kilns have been used for burning toxic chemical industrial wastes in Canada, Michigan, New York, Sweden, etc. Existing cement kilns, when properly operated, can destroy most organic chemical wastes. Even the most complex chlorinated hydrocarbons, including PCB can be completely destroyed during normal cement kiln operations, with minimal emissions to the environment. Burning toxic chemical wastes in cement kilns, and other mineral industries, is mutually beneficial to both industry, who generates such wastes, and to society and government, who want to dispose properly of such wastes in a safe, environmentally acceptable manner. The added benefit of energy conservation is important, since large quantities of valuable fuel can be saved in the manufacture of cement when such techniques are employed.  相似文献   

餐厨垃圾处置方式及其碳排放分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在综述填埋、好氧堆肥、粉碎直排、厌氧消化产沼气及综合处置等5种餐厨垃圾处置方式原理与特点的基础上,分别罗列出各种处置方式的优缺点、应用场合以及今后仍然需要研究的方向。着眼于餐厨垃圾资源化与碳减排,厌氧消化产沼气被定位为今后餐厨垃圾处置的主要应用方向,特别是与市政污水处理剩余污泥共消化更是今后研究与应用的主流。餐厨垃圾处置全生命周期碳排放分析亦表明,厌氧消化产沼气与其他4种处置方式相比,在资源回收与碳减排方面优势明显,这就决定了厌氧消化今后在餐厨垃圾处置技术中将处于首选位置。餐厨垃圾与剩余污泥厌氧共消化产生的沼气量具有“1+1>2”的能量转化效果,这种方式可以使污水处理厂演变为“能源工厂”的角色,而且还能省去餐厨垃圾单独处置所需的各种设施。  相似文献   

A number of policies adopted by the federal government and the states have been designed to promote waste reduction or influence the choice of waste disposal technologies employed by generators of hazardous waste. Graphic analysis of smoothed time series data for hazardous wastes manifested in New York State for the period between June 1982 and February 1987 suggests that some of these policies have had the intended effects.

Significant shifts in manifested waste volumes are evident that coincide with the following policy interventions: (1) increased state waste-end tax rates; (2) state and federal landfill bans; (3) federal restrictions on burning hazardous wastes and waste oils for energy recovery; and (4) changes in the federal regulatory definition of hazardous waste. Other changes in waste generation and management appear to be attributable to such factors as state and regional economic conditions and changes in instate treatment and disposal facility capacity. Analysis of the management of specific waste types supports evidence from the graphic analysis that waste generators changed from land disposal to “higher” waste handling technologies in response to several policy interventions.  相似文献   

A number of policies adopted by the federal government and the state have been designed to promote waste reduction or influence the choice of waste disposal technologies employed by generators of hazardous waste. Graphic analysis of smoothed time series data for hazardous wastes manifested in New York State for the period between June 1982 and February 1987 suggests that some of these policies have had the intended effects. Significant shifts in manifested waste volumes are evident that coincide with the following policy interventions: (1) increased state waste-end tax rates; (2) state and federal landfill bans; (3) federal restrictions on burning hazardous wastes and waste oils for energy recovery; and (4) changes in the federal regulatory definition of hazardous waste. Other changes in waste generation and management appear to be attributable to such factors as state and regional economic conditions and changes in instate treatment and disposal facility capacity. Analysis of the management of specific waste types supports evidence from the graphic analysis that waste generators changed from land disposal to "higher" waste handling technologies in response to several policy interventions.  相似文献   

Medical (biomedical) wastes pose numerous potential health and safety hazards. In addition to their infectious and toxic characteristics, the highly variable and inconsistent nature of medical waste streams has increased public concern about storage, treatment, transportation, and ultimate disposal.

In recent years, techniques have been developed to reduce human exposure to the toxic and infectious components of medical wastes. The most commonly used techniques include internal segregation, containment, and incineration. Other common techniques include grinding, shredding, and disinfection, e.g., autoclaving and chemical treatment followed by landfilling.

Of all the available technologies for medical waste treatment and disposal, incineration has been found to be the most effective method overall for destroying infectious and toxic material, volume reduction, and weight reduction in the medical waste stream, incineration destroys the broadest variety of medical waste constituents and can recover energy from the medical waste stream. Incineration also is an appropriate alternative to burial of human pathological remains.  相似文献   

Persistent hazardous wastes are produced in the recovery, processing and upgrading of crude petroleum in Nigeria. However, recent developments in environmental pollution control are drawing increasing attention to the problems of hazardous wastes. The ever-increasing need to control these wastes from the petroleum industry often compels the chemical engineer to specify methods of treatment and disposal. Present methods for disposal are becoming increasingly undesirable for a number of reasons, and incineration is being considered as an alternative. This paper reviews the extent of hazardous waste generation from the Nigerian petroleum industry and its environmental implications. It also examines the current disposal methods and the incineration technology option. The major chemical engineering concepts of the incineration process and the principles guiding their operations are discussed. The potential for the use of incineration is examined, as well as information that would aid the choice of incineration system for new applications.  相似文献   


Chromium-containing solid wastes have been generated by chemical and leather/tanning industries, and the management and proper disposal of the same wastes have been challenging tasks. A significant fraction of these wastes contains chromium compounds with chromium present in the hexavalent (Cr+6) form, which is hazardous to human beings, animals, and ecosystems. Since these wastes are discarded largely without proper treatments, soil and groundwater get contaminated and they can cause several health issues to human beings. Conventional methods developed to convert hazardous Cr6+ to Cr3+/Cr metal either generate secondary toxic wastes and unwanted by-products and/or are time-consuming processes. In this work, a plasma-assisted aluminothermic process is developed to convert the toxic waste into non-toxic products. The waste was mixed with aluminium powder and subjected to transferred arc plasma treatment in a controlled air atmosphere. Chemical analysis and Cr leachability studies of the waste material prior to plasma treatment have shown that it is highly toxic. Analysis of the products obtained from the plasma treatment showed that Cr and Fe present in the waste could be recovered as a metallic mixture as well as oxide slag, which were found to be non-toxic. Easy separation of the metallic fraction and the slag from the treated product is one of the merits of this process. Besides converting chromium-containing toxic waste to non-toxic materials, the process is rapid and recovers the metals from the waste completely.


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