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为了实现重大危险源分级监管,基于风险管理理论,建立贮罐类重大危险源定性三维分级模型和风险定量分级模型。提出风险评价敏感性因素,选取可能性影响因素、严重性影响因素、敏感性影响因素3类风险评价指标。使用层次分析法(AHP)计算贮罐风险分级指标权重。根据风险可接受准则,将贮罐类重大危险源风险等级划分为4级,实现基于三维风险模型的贮罐类重大危险源快速分级。结果表明:用贮罐类重大危险源三维风险分级模型,通过简单数学模型计算贮罐风险值,能为企业提供风险分级标准,有助于实现政府对贮罐类重大危险源分级监管。  相似文献   

麦广森 《安全》1994,(3):20-21
我华粤公司特种蜡制品厂拥有大小油品贮罐37个,其中500m~3的贮罐有10个。随着时间的推移,技术的进步,每年都有一批贮罐进行动火改造,我担任安全技术指导工作,现就1~#贮罐为例,浅谈油品贮罐安全动火技术。 1~#油品贮罐容积500m~3,贮存着蜡膏,含油量20%左右,还有小部份挥发性组份,属易燃性物质。蜡膏虽己抽空,但有小部份蜡膏和油仍然留在罐的壁上和底部,罐体内充  相似文献   

某油品罐区火灾危险性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
某油品罐区中新鲜苯贮罐2个,均为2000m3;苯乙烯贮罐3个,均为 2000m3.下面以火灾危险性较大的新鲜苯贮罐为例,进行定量分析.  相似文献   

某油品罐区火灾危险性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
某油品罐区中新鲜苯贮罐2个,均为2000m^3.苯乙烯贮罐3个,均为2000m^3。下面以火灾危险性较大的新鲜苯贮罐为例,进行定量分析。  相似文献   

盛装液化石油气的贮罐属压力容器,压力通常有1.57MPa,一旦发生爆炸,危害极大。贮罐爆炸时,破裂口处冲出的液体和气体迅速膨胀并扩散,遇到明火立即产生猛烈的爆炸。如果在贮罐区发生一台贮罐爆炸,邻近的贮罐就会相继爆炸并着火,造成周围建筑物的严重损坏和人员伤亡。1984年墨西哥某液化石油气贮备站,一个球型和枕型贮罐相继发生爆炸着火,爆炸半径达400m,碎片飞出最远的达1200m,死亡500余人,伤2000余人,损失达5000万美元。在我国,贮罐爆炸火灾事故也时有发生,应引起高度重视。 液化石油气贮罐发生爆炸火灾事故,扑救难度相当大,因此,要求各使用单位和管理部门加强安全管理,做好预防工作。 (1)确保贮罐安全附件灵敏可靠。对于安全阀,应每月自检一次,每年送锅检部门校验一次;压力表和温度计每半年校验一次;玻璃板式液位计应及时排污,并定期清洗玻璃板。凡发现安全附件失灵和损坏,应及时更新。  相似文献   

今年1月3日凌晨5时,黑龙江省阿城糖厂综合制品厂酵母车间两名工人死在酵母贮罐里。 当日零点,甲班工组主操工邵丰和女工赵梅从发酵罐往贮罐里放酵母料液。放料液管于出口处系着纱布滤网,由于料液压力较大,纱布滤网掉进贮罐。赵梅关闭阀门,从贮罐入孔钻入罐内取纱布。这时,邵车走近贮罐,发现赵在罐内浑身哆哆,一手抓着扶手,一手拿着木棍挑纱布,已无力上来。邵便大声呼救。值班长张殿学等六人下罐去救,均先后昏迷。张、赵两人经抢救无效死亡。 两人为何死在贮罐里?这是由于在发酵过程中,贮罐里产生大量二氧化碳(浓度超过2%),并严重缺氧,因而人…  相似文献   

根据事故隐患分析,采取安全措施,成功地用中和法清洗发烟硫酸贮罐,并提出了贮罐的改进措施。  相似文献   

通过对数十个液化石油气新罐场的设计审核和在用罐场调研分析,深入比较常用几种贮罐液面计之优劣与使用特点,介绍了适用于小型贮配站改造用简易价廉的钢瓶倒残系统,提出采用地下掩埋式贮罐设计方案,争取实现贮罐使用安全性和投资回报的优化组合。  相似文献   

液化石油气罐区危险性的定量评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
液化石油气罐区的主要危险是贮罐区发生火灾、爆炸事故。运用数学模型对液化石油气贮罐的危险性进行定量化评价,估算其爆炸事故的严重程度、波及范围、影响程度等  相似文献   

袁宝华 《安全》1994,(2):34-36
随着科学技术的发展,石油和石油化学工业已趋于大型化、连续化和复杂化。大型的化工企业,在制取一种主要产品时,可联产或副产出数种其它产品。这样就形成了一个化工企业要贮存、运输、处理多种物料的局势。 固定贮罐储存是目前国内外最广泛采用的储存方式。一般情况下,由于管理和工艺的需要,贮罐需成组布置,组与组之间又组成一个大型贮罐群,也称为罐区。在这种场  相似文献   

Based on an analysis of two methods for the modification of the F&EI for the DOW Guide, it is found that the effects of safety measures are not classified. Moreover, the efficiency of the measures is magnified to various degrees, as the positive impact of the loss reduction measures are applied to the rate reduction of the intrinsic hazard in the evaluated unit. For this reason, a modification method using classified safety measures is proposed, in which safety measures are classified into process protection measures and loss reduction measures. The calculation of the modified F&EI involves the credit factors of process protection measures, whereas the determination of the maximum probable property damage incorporates the loss reduction measures. This method could provide more reasonable reference data for hazard units because of its more objective and reasonable evaluation results.  相似文献   

安全措施在定量风险评价中量化表征的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
良好安全措施可以降低重大危险源的事故风险,而在一般的定量风险评价中较少考虑到安全措施对风险结果的影响。本文对一些重要安全措施如何体现在定量风险评价的计算结果中进行了研究。将安全措施分为降低事故频率安全技术措施、降低事故后果的安全技术措施、土地利用规划安全措施和安全管理措施四个方面来分析降低风险结果的作用。并以一个液化石油气罐区为实例应用进行对比分析,实例计算结果表明良好的安全措施能有效地降低罐区的个人风险。  相似文献   

Cleveland and Shore (1992) suggested that four perceptual age measures could be grouped into person-oriented and context-oriented factors. This study examined longitudinal data from their same sample, and tested three propositions related to the distinctiveness and usefulness of the age measures. Confirmatory factor analyses showed that the factor structure proposed by Cleveland and Shore was invariant over time, and that new multi-item scales measuring two types of age loaded on appropriate factors. As hypothesized, context-oriented measures showed less temporal stability than person-oriented measures, and the temporal relationships among person-oriented measures were more easily explained in terms of a strict simplex structure than was the case for context-oriented measures. Perceptual age measures accounted for variance in self-ratings and managers' ratings of employee health, self-ratings of retirement intentions, and managers' ratings of promotability not accounted for by chronological age. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

战时火力发电厂防护措施优选方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对火力发电厂的核心部位薄弱环节现状,从现代战争攻击的目标看,发电厂必须采取有针对性的防护措施。结合火力发电厂的防护措施,根据其防护性能,建立指标体系,并利用灰色关联分析建立模型。通过模型对指标体系进行分析,达到对防护措施进行优选的目的。该评估指标体系的建立及基于灰色理论评估模型的建立,对于火力发电厂防护措施的优选具有一定的现实意义,对于大坝、核电站、机场等重要目标防护措施的优选具有借鉴和参考价值。  相似文献   

事故风险控制中的组织管理措施研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述事故风险控制中组织管理措施的内涵与作用机制,并分析实践中由组织管理措施缺失而导致的典型事故案例。指出组织管理措施有助于提升个体的行为安全水平、加强工程技术措施的有效性,以及促进企业安全目标的实现,进而达到降低企业事故风险的目的。在实践中,应将组织管理措施与工程技术措施、行为安全措施紧密结合,相互补充,共同实现控制事故风险的目的。  相似文献   

现代工业控制系统面临着越来越严峻的信息安全问题,因此信息安全措施越来越广泛地应用于工业控制系统当中。然而,这些信息安全措施是否会对原有的功能安全措施产生影响,两者之间是否存在潜在的矛盾和冲突,两者如何有效兼容运行,业内并无公认的、可落地执行的解决方案。为保证工业控制系统安全功能的可靠执行,同时又能有效抵御越来越严重的信息安全攻击,须探索一种适用于工业控制系统的、有效确保信息安全与功能安全措施相互兼容的技术方案。以典型的SIL3和SL3工业控制系统为例,基于功能安全措施,逐一遍历信息安全措施,识别出两者潜在的矛盾问题,采用事件树和风险分析相结合的方法给出功能安全与信息安全协同解决方案,最终得到工业控制系统功能安全与信息安全一体化防护措施。  相似文献   

Rune Elvik 《Safety Science》2010,48(9):1189-1196
This paper discusses how incentives for setting efficient priorities in road safety policy can be strengthened. Efficient priorities are characterised by the use of cost-effective road safety measures. Cost-effective road safety measures can be identified by means of cost-benefit analyses. Studies of the actual priorities in road safety policy, in particular in the Scandinavian countries, suggest that these priorities are inefficient, i.e. characterised by the non-use or sub-optimal use of cost-effective road safety measures as well as an extensive use of ineffective road safety measures. This occurs despite the fact that road safety policy analyses have included extensive cost-benefit analyses of road safety measures. It would thus appear that cost-benefit analyses do not necessarily generate a sufficient incentive to implement cost-effective road safety measures. Possible reasons for this are discussed in the paper. It is argued that a large part of the monetary benefits of road safety measures, as estimated in cost-benefit analyses, are not subject to market transactions, and do therefore not manifest themselves in the form of increased income or higher profits. While cost-benefit analyses are indispensable as a means of identifying cost-effective road safety measures, their influence on actual road safety policy needs to be strengthened by providing additional incentives for the use of cost-effective road safety measures. It is suggested that a system of road pricing could generate such incentives. A brief sketch of a hypothetical system of road pricing is given and some problems associated with the implementation of this system are discussed.  相似文献   

导弹核武器核事故应急有关问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对导弹核武器核事故应急的主要任务、特点、组织指挥以及力量运用等问题进行了探讨 ,导弹核武器核事故的应急问题是一项涉及体制、人员、装备、技术、科学理论等方面的复杂系统工程 ,笔者结合实际 ,有针对性的研究了事故应急有关的问题 ,可为导弹核武器核事故应急提供理论指导  相似文献   

Emotional intelligence measures vary widely in both their content and in their method of assessment. In particular, emotional intelligence measures tend to use either a self‐report personality‐based approach, an informant approach, or an ability‐based assessment procedure. In this paper, the measurement and psychometric properties of four of the major emotional intelligence measures (Emotional Competence Inventory, Emotional Quotient Inventory, Multifactor Emotional Intelligence Scale, Mayer–Salovey–Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test) are reviewed, the comparability of these measures is examined, and some conclusions and suggestions for future research on emotional intelligence measures are provided. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Filmed traffic conflicts were evaluated in terms of their severity using an objective measure and two subjective measures obtained from two groups of subjects. Each observer rated the same conflicts three times. Correlations among the subjective measures and between the subjective measures and the objective measure were used to evaluate some aspects of the reliability and validity of the subjective traffic conflict technique. The results yielded high intrarater and interrater reliabilities (.82≤r≤.99) and moderate concurrent validity relative to the objective measures (.43≤r≤.66). Implications for future use of subjective measures of traffic conflicts are discussed.  相似文献   

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