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The influence of ionic strength, index cations and competing anions on arsenate (AsV) adsorption–desorption kinetics was studied in an Alfisol soil. A flow-through reactor system similar to that developed by Carski and Sparks (Soil Sci Soc Am J 49:1114–1116, 1985) was constructed for the experiments. Arsenate adsorption kinetics for all the treatments were initially fast with 58–91% of AsV adsorbed in the first 15 min. Beyond 15 min, AsV adsorption continued at a slower rate for the observation period of the experiments. Changes in the solution composition had differing effects on the cumulative amount of AsV adsorbed by the soil. Ionic strength and different index cations had little effect on the amount of AsV adsorbed, while the presence of phosphate decreased the amount of AsV adsorbed from 169 to 89 and 177 to 115 g AsV μg−1 in 0.03 M sodium nitrate and 0.01 M calcium nitrate, respectively. Considerably less AsV was desorbed than was adsorbed, with only between 2 to 17% of the adsorbed AsV desorbed. The presence of phosphate increased the amount of AsV desorbed by 17%, but other changes in the solution ionic strength or index cation had little effect on the amount of AsV desorbed.  相似文献   

Stream sediment, stream water, and fish were collected from a broad region to evaluate downstream transport and dispersion of mercury (Hg) from inactive mines in the Monte Amiata Hg District (MAMD), Tuscany, Italy. Stream sediment samples ranged in Hg concentration from 20 to 1,900 ng/g, and only 5 of the 17 collected samples exceeded the probable effect concentration for Hg of 1,060 ng/g, above which harmful effects are likely to be observed in sediment-dwelling organisms. Concentrations of methyl-Hg in Tiber River sediment varied from 0.12 to 0.52 ng/g, and although there is no established guideline for sediment methyl-Hg, these concentrations exceeded methyl-Hg in a regional baseline site (<0.02 ng/g). Concentrations of Hg in stream water varied from 1.2 to 320 ng/L, all of which were below the 1,000 ng/L Italian drinking water Hg guideline and the 770 ng/L U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) guideline recommended to protect against chronic effects to aquatic wildlife. Methyl-Hg concentrations in stream water varied from <0.02 to 0.53 ng/L and were generally elevated compared to the baseline site (<0.02 ng/L). All stream water samples contained concentrations of As (<1.0–6.2 μg/L) and Sb (<0.20–0.37 μg/L) below international drinking water guidelines to protect human health (10 μg/L for As and 20 μg/L for Sb) and for protection against chronic effects to aquatic wildlife (150 μg/L for As and 5.6 μg/L for Sb). Concentrations of Hg in freshwater fish muscle ranged from 0.052–0.56 μg/g (wet weight), mean of 0.17 μg/g, but only 17 % (9 of 54) exceeded the 0.30 μg/g (wet weight) USEPA fish muscle guideline recommended to protect human health. Concentrations of Hg in freshwater fish in this region generally decreased with increasing distance from the MAMD, where fish with the highest Hg concentrations were collected more proximal to the MAMD, whereas all fish collected most distal from Hg mines contained Hg below the 0.30 μg/g fish muscle guideline. Data in this study indicate some conversion of inorganic Hg to methyl-Hg and uptake of Hg in fish on the Paglia River, but less methylation of Hg and Hg uptake by freshwater fish in the larger Tiber River.  相似文献   

就国内外有关磷酸盐在土壤中的吸附与解吸的研究进行了简要的综述,重点是关于磷酸盐的吸附研究包括磷酸盐在土壤中吸附的数学模拟、土壤吸附磷酸盐的机制、影响磷酸盐吸附的土壤组分、磷酸盐在土壤中解吸及其与吸附的关系以及有机无机土壤改良剂对磷酸盐吸附的影响,并提出了有待进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

无机阴离子对镉、铅解吸特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈苏  孙丽娜  晁雷  孙铁珩 《生态环境》2008,17(1):105-108
土壤中重金属的解吸直接影响重金属在环境中的形态转化和植物有效性.而地表水环境及土壤中的无机阴离子能与重金属离子络合,影响重金属在环境中的迁移和作物的吸收.因此,有关无机阴离子对重金属解吸特性影响的研究,将有利于了解重金属的吸附-解吸机制及其控制措施.文章以我国东北地区草甸棕壤作为研究对象,采用静态解吸实验研究无机阴离子(C1-、SO42-、F-)对土壤中镉、铅的解吸行为的影响.结果表明,土壤中镉、铅的解吸率与无机阴离子类型、浓度密切相关;随着解吸液中无机阴离子(C1-、SO42-、F-)浓度的增大,土壤镉、铅的解吸率随之提高.C1-、SO42-、F-这3种无机阴离子对解吸土壤中镉的影响力顺序是:C1- > SO42- > F-;对解吸土壤中铅的影响力顺序是:SO42- >C1- > F-.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the production of nanoscale ions via the liquid phase reduction method and the effectiveness of the removal of nitrate nitrogen (NO3?–N) as well as measure the products and kinetics of the reactions. The nanoparticles obtained were approximately 50 nm in diameter and the main component was iron (Fe). This custom-made nanoscale Fe was highly positively charged, and reacted rapidly with NO3?–N in oxygen-free and neutral conditions at room temperature. A 90% removal rate was achieved when the reaction occurred for 30 min in simulation sample water with vigorous shaking at 250 r/min at NO3?–N concentrations of 30, 50, 80 or120 mg N/L. The nanometer Fe dosage was maintained throughout the experiment at 4 g/L. A first-order kinetics equation was applied to the obtained experimental data which followed a pseudo first-order reaction. Data demonstrated that the removal of nitrate nitrogen from polluted groundwater using a nanoscale Fe iron was effective and rapid.  相似文献   

土壤中镉的吸附解吸研究进展   总被引:40,自引:6,他引:40  
宗良纲  徐晓炎 《生态环境》2003,12(3):331-335
首先概述了国内外关于土壤对镉的吸附解吸的基本研究方法与实验条件。用于吸附解吸实验的土样以通过20目筛为宜,而不同形式的支持电解质及其离子浓度的选择对实验结果有很大影响,应由实验的具体目的和要求确定合适的实验条件。位于土壤颗粒表面的各吸附点位与镉的结合能的能量高低不一,可将土壤对镉的吸附作用区分为专性吸附和非专性吸附。可用传统的或融入新参数的吸附等温线表达土壤对镉的吸附过程,土壤对镉的吸附性能可用综合因子来形容,如吸附势、吸持率、平均分配系数、Langmuir方程的常数k和Freundlich方程的系数k等表达方式,同时寻找这些综合因子与土壤基本理化性质之间的关系。文章最后讨论了影响吸附过程的主要环境因子,并就土壤pH和水分条件的影响机制进行了分析。  相似文献   

土壤中铅的吸附-解吸行为研究进展   总被引:39,自引:4,他引:39  
铅是重要的土壤重金属污染元素之一,了解铅在土壤中的物理化学行为,有利于预防和修复土壤的铅污染。土壤中铅的吸附-解吸行为,依吸附机理的不同,分为专性吸附和非专性吸附。土壤铅吸附的机理还存在不同的观点,如水解吸附/非水解吸附机理,单分子吸附/双分子吸附机理等。影响土壤中铅吸附-解吸行为的主要因素,有土壤矿物组成、土壤有机质、pH、温度、竞争离子等。文章最后对描述土壤铅吸附过程的主要数学方程(Langmuir方程、Freundlich方程和Temkin方程)作了论述。  相似文献   

Pymetrozine is a selective insecticide with a unique chemical structure and mode to control hemipteran and homopteran. While pymetrozine has brought great benefits to crop production by killing insects, its residues in soil may have a detrimental effect on environment. Therefore, it is of great importance to investigate its behaviors in soil. In this study, the sorption and desorption of pymetrozine on six Chinese soils were investigated using a batch equilibrium approach to understand its mobile behavior in the soils. Both sorption and desorption isotherms of pymetrozine were in good agreement with the Freundlich model. The sorption coefficient KF varied between 3.37 and 58.32 mL∙g−1 and the sorption isotherms were nonlinear, with 1/n ranging from 0.57 to 0.91. A regression equation was proposed to predict the sorption of pymetrozine on six different soil samples: log KF = 4.3708 − 4.5709 × log (pH in 0.01mol·L−1 CaCl2) + 0.4700 × log OC% + 0.0057 × sand (%) + 0.0022 × CEC(clay), with R2 = 0.9982. The organic carbon content of soil positively affected the sorption of pymetrozine, but soil pH had a negative effect on the sorption. Additionally, effects of CaCl2 concentration, soil to solution ratio and pesticide form were investigated. The sorption was promoted with an increase in soil to solution ratio and a decrease in CaCl2 concentration. The possible variation of the five formulated products of pymetrozine was also investigated.  相似文献   

通过系统的区域土壤地球化学调查,珠江三角洲部分地区土壤存在Hg高含量区,主要分布于广州市、佛山市等城市及周边地区。通过多种方法调查分析,认为Hg高含量区属人为污染引起。土壤垂直剖面测量显示:土壤Hg低含量区自地表往2m深处Hg含量变化甚微,而大部分Hg高含量区的土壤从表面往2m深处Hg含量则显著降低。通过相态分析和重砂分析等方法,证实土壤污染区Hg主要以硫化物存在,部分硫化物为结晶态(即辰砂);污染区土壤在酸性→弱酸性→中性→弱碱性环境下,活泼相态Hg含量极低且变化极小。通过壤中Hg气测量和模拟大气Hg试验,推测污染区土壤Hg极可能有部分进入大气层。通过对部分农作物Hg含量调查,显示土壤Hg污染对不同种类农作物的影响差异较大,初步表明土壤Hg污染已影响部分农产品的质量但对质量安全构成的威胁并不大。  相似文献   

测定了95份土壤样品、94份水样以及292份蔬菜样品中汞的含量,探讨了广州市蔬菜地土壤-蔬菜中重金属Hg污染状况.发现蔬菜中的Hg含量与土壤中的Hg含量较为密切.广州市土壤、蔬菜中Hg的含量水平均比过去大幅度降低.蔬菜中Hg含量与其它城市比较,污染情况较轻,处于其它城市的中低水平.  相似文献   

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