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文章介绍并论述了欧美及俄罗斯、日本等国家环境及其相关部门的职责及其工作。其部分工作体现了其综合性、前端性、支撑性、服务性。国情不同,相关事务自然不能一概而论。但他国以环境为资源,用数据科学的思想、方法对环境资源进行统筹、分析、挖掘,其实践思路和实践也许有借鉴的可能。并指出,我国在借鉴之中,或可加强政府部门之间、社会盈利与非盈利组织之间、政府部门与社会组织之间、以及个人之间的合作,通过数据公开、数据共享,从而降低成本,进行数据挖掘、利用,协力解决环境与人和谐共生问题,同时激发新的经济增长点。真正体现数据来源于自然、来源于人;同时形成数据资源这一新资源,保护并服务于自然与人。  相似文献   

环境安全研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在过去的二十多年里,在北美洲,欧洲和整个世界涌现出了大量探索现有的安全条件和环境之间存在潜在联系的文献。与此同时还探讨了一些想法,这些研究探索包含了一些经典思想的印记,并且是对两个几乎同时发生的重大事件的反应:一个是“冷战”的结束,迫使人们重新思考安全的概念。另一个是把全球变暖的科学证据提到了全球性的政策制定议程上的急迫性得到了广泛的认同和关注。大量的学术文献已经验证了大尺度的环境变化过程,如:气候变化和森林砍伐之间的关系。这些文献在各种尺度上探讨了自然资源的变化对于社会政治的影响。这些文献还从环境前景的角度分析了其对军事活动的影响,以便于了解环境因素对于国家冲突和化解国家冲突的影响。这些研究还从国家安全的角度探索了环境变化对于人类健康的影响。这些研究从不同的层面来考量安全问题,这些等级包括:全球,地区,国家,国家内行政区划以及全人类。这些研究还包括脆弱的人类安全体系在环境变化中可能发生的贫穷和不公正。这些研究还包括在不同的安全背景下的战略对于保护环境以及适应环境压力的影响。  相似文献   

环境监测数据管理系统简介--以湖南省为例   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
介绍了适合地市级环境监测站的数据管理系统,系统的技术路线,技术特征和主要功能。该系统提高了数据管理水平和效率。为实现环境监测数据信息的电脑化管理、质量保证提供了保障,同时为推进环境监测数据管理工作的规范化和标准化提供了有效的现代化手段。  相似文献   

/ The search for sustainable development provides the impetus forexamining the role of indigenous institutions and their ecological knowledgein environmental assessment and local sustainability. This paper attempts totrace the evolution of environmental assessment in Ghana. Focusing on theAshanti Region, the paper further discusses the nature and operations ofindigenous institutions, their ecological knowledge, beliefs, practices, andsocial norms that are relevant to environmental assessment process in thecountry. Some of the challenges that emerge from the discussions arehighlighted. There is a need to establish environmental assessment andcooperative management boards that would include representatives ofindigenous institutions. In addition, the introduction of technicaldictionaries and training manuals based on indigenous ecological knowledgeand their humane environmental practices will further improve theenvironmental assessment process in Ghana.KEY WORDS: Environmental assessment; Indigenous institutions; Indigenousecological knowledge; Sustainable development; Environmental assessmentboards  相似文献   

The China Environmental Management College(CEMC) which is subordinateto the National Environmental Protection Agency(NEPA) is the only adult collegefor environmental management staff training in China. CEMC is located in Qin-  相似文献   

Integrated Environmental Management: Moving from Theory to Practice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Integrated environmental management (IEM) and related concepts promoting holistic approaches to environmental management have been evolving rapidly over the past few decades. Although considerable research has examined the substantive dimensions of these concepts, practitioners have forged ahead applying IEM without a clear operational model. The authors link elements of ecosystem management and related fields with interaction to offer a new operational definition and practice paradigm. Interaction among stakeholders and with the public generally is the key operational component for IEM. Focusing on stakeholder interactions, the authors analyse the principle communication and conflict resolution tools employed in integrated approaches. Two illustrative cases from the state of Wisconsin demonstrate the application of interaction techniques and tools in pursuing integrated environmental management.  相似文献   

Working with suppliers to manage environmental issues can yield significant advantages. But obstacles to effective SCEM still remain. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

本文调查了我国官方环保网站的现状和存在的问题,提出了互联网环境管理的定义、功能、运作机制和官方环保网站的基本要求。  相似文献   

丁里 《四川环境》2002,21(1):61-63,71
本文对我国现行《中华人民共和国环境地》的环境保护监督管理体制是否适应新时期的要求进行了评述,提出了三项存在的不足,并对怎样弥被现行环境体制的缺陷提出一些见解。  相似文献   

The concept of a substantive integrator is introduced as a method for integrated resource and environmental management as a means to assimilate different resource values at the operational or field level. A substantive integrator is a strategic management tool for integrating multiple uses into corporate management regimes that traditionally manage for single values. Wildlife habitat management is presented as a substantive integrator for managing vegetation on electric utility power line corridors. A case study from northern British Columbia provides an example of wildlife habitat management as a means to integrate other resource values such as aesthetics, access and subsistence along British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority's transmission rights-of-way.  相似文献   

强化环境监测管理提高环境监测地位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
总结和回顾了我国环境监测工作开展近三十年来所取得的非凡成绩,阐述了目前环境监测工作同整个环境保护事业相比较,同国外环境监测相比较存在的不足,并进一步提出了以"强化环境监测管理,提高环境监测地位"为核心的几点建议,旨在使我国的环境监测工作能更好地为环境保护和经济建设服务.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a study on the present needs for and management of environmental information in three Swedish municipalities. It was found that there are considerable differences between the municipalities studied, regarding needs for environmental information as well as approaches and tools used for providing the information needed--differences that seem closely related to the structures of the municipalities. The paper ends with a discussion on some general requirements for municipal environmental information management. Besides a need for analytical tools, it is argued that municipalities would have to pay more attention to political aspects of the environmental situation in environmental decision making, and thus in environmental information management.  相似文献   

Communication is the glue that holds together the elements of an environmental management system. This article offers some practical tips on how to ensure that your environmental communication system is doing the job you want it to. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   


This paper presents results from a study on the present needs for and management of environmental information in three Swedish municipalities. It was found that there are considerable differences between the municipalities studied, regarding needs for environmental information as well as approaches and tools used for providing the information needed—differences that seem closely related to the structures of the municipalities. The paper ends with a discussion on some general requirements for municipal environmental information management. Besides a need for analytical tools, it is argued that municipalities would have to pay more attention to political aspects of the environmental situation in environmental decision making, and thus in environmental information management.  相似文献   

本文从多方面论述了环境管理必须坚持严字当头的重要性,深刻分析了地方环境管理严不起来的种种原困,在此基础上,提出了一系列相关的建议和途径。  相似文献   

Environmental Management Systems (EMS) are being trialed for Australian agricultural industries as society becomes more concerned about agricultures environmental performance. EMS is a structured approach used by farm businesses to assess, monitor, and improve environmental performance. Use of EMS in conjunction with other policy tools (such as financial incentives and regulation) in agriculture could enhance management of both on-farm and off-farm environmental issues. Based on the international standard ISO14001, EMS was designed to be applied at the individual business level. However, governments in Australia are exploring its potential to be applied at a catchment scale, among other things, for the purpose of linking farm-level actions to catchment targets. In Australia, governments and catchment management bodies are using Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) as the framework to try to achieve environmental targets set out in catchment plans. In this article, we compare aspects of the EMS and ICM frameworks and comment on the potential of using EMS to achieve catchment-scale environmental outcomes. We conclude that EMS could be a useful policy tool to improve farm management and to contribute, in part, to better off-site outcomes at the catchment/landscape scale. Recommendations on the use of EMS at the catchment scale are discussed. These include using an educational approach for EMS delivery, linking the EMS process to catchment targets, and ensuring catchment targets are realistic and achievable.  相似文献   

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