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保护性耕作对土壤有机碳、氮储量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以辽宁彰武县保护性耕作示范推广基地土壤为研究对象,通过实地调查和取样分析,对比研究了传统犁耕和6年免耕秸秆覆盖条件下的土壤有机碳、氮储量,为广泛评价保护性耕作的土壤碳、氮截获功能和合理选择农业耕作方式提供科学依据。研究结果表明,与犁耕相比,免耕覆盖不同程度地提高了0~5cm和5~15cm土层的有机碳、氮储量,对15cm以下土层没有影响,从而增加了0~100cm土体总的有机碳、氮储量,证明了免耕覆盖的土壤碳、氮截获功能,年均截获率分别为1.37Mg·hm-2和0.84Mg·hm-2。有机碳、氮在犁耕土壤0~30cm剖面的垂直分布较为均匀,免耕覆盖后则发生明显的分层,产生表聚现象。  相似文献   

保护性耕作对土壤有机碳、氮储量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡宁  娄翼来  梁雷 《生态环境》2010,(1):223-226
以辽宁彰武县保护性耕作示范推广基地土壤为研究对象,通过实地调查和取样分析,对比研究了传统犁耕和6年免耕秸秆覆盖条件下的土壤有机碳、氮储量,为广泛评价保护性耕作的土壤碳、氮截获功能和合理选择农业耕作方式提供科学依据。研究结果表明,与犁耕相比,免耕覆盖不同程度地提高了0-5cm和5~15cm土层的有机碳、氮储量,对15cm以下土层没有影响,从而增加了0~100em土体总的有机碳、氮储量,证明了免耕覆盖的土壤碳、氮截获功能,年均截获率分别为1.37Mg·hm-2和0.84Mg·hm-2有机碳、氮在犁耕土壤0~30cm剖面的垂直分布较为均匀,免耕覆盖后则发生明显的分层,产生表聚现象。  相似文献   

郭月峰  姚云峰  秦富仓  祁伟 《生态环境》2013,(10):1665-1670
选择燕山典型流域6个林龄序列的小叶杨(Populus simonii)和5个林龄序列的山杏(Prunus sibirica)主要造林树种为研究对象,利用时间替代空间样地测量法量化退牧还林后生物量碳储量、凋落物碳储量和土壤碳储量及生态系统碳储量的变化规律,同时以各组成碳库-林龄序列中的最大碳储量之和作为生态系统饱和碳储量,以未退牧的天然草地生态系统碳储量作为初始植被类型的碳储量,分析总结了退牧还林对生态系统碳储量和碳循环的影响。结果表明,退牧还林后生态系统的生物量碳储量、凋落物碳储量基本随退牧年限的增加而增加,土壤碳储量随退牧年限的增加呈现先减小后增加的趋势。在没有人为干扰的情况下,9、15、18、22及29 a生小叶杨林的生态系统碳储量分别为7147.45、7461.67、7509.895、8468.375及8247.85 g·m^-2,9、15、18、22及26 a生山杏林的生态系统碳储量分别为6695.44、6700.82、8011.86、8001.92及7981.92 g·m^-2;9、15、18、22、29及36 a生小叶杨林的生态系统固碳潜力分别为757.08、1071.3、1119.53、2078.01、1857.48及1312.21 g·m^-2,9、15、18、22及26 a生山杏林的生态系统固碳潜力分别为310.45、1621.49、1611.55、1591.55及757.08 g·m^-2。长期来看,研究区退牧还林对提高生态系统碳汇能力是可观的、积极的。研究结果对提高造林对碳汇影响的估测能力提供数据支持,也为政府参与国际全球气候变化的谈判提供一个很好的案例研究和科学根据。  相似文献   

A. Hatcher 《Marine Biology》1994,121(1):161-166
The present study was designed to measure the relative turnover of nitrogen and phosphorus during a standard period of metabolism among several co-occurring species of benthic invertebrates: chitons (Poneroplax albida Blainville 1825); albalones (Haliotis roei Gray, 1826); gastropods [Turbo (ninella) torquatus Gmelin, 1791]; ascidians [Herdmania momus (Savigny)]; and sponges (Aplysina sp. and Iotrochata baculifera Ridley, 1884). Five of the six species (collected at Wreck Rock, Western Australia in 1985) exhibited a high turnover of phosphorus (P) relative to nitrogen (N). In contrast to N, P turnover was related to the concentration of P in body tissues. A relatively high demand for P in the diet is required to support the observed rapid turnover of P with respect to N. This observation suggests that the evaluation of potential foods would be better accomplished by the measurement of the C:P or the N:P ratio, rather than the commonly used C:N ratio.  相似文献   

Loss of macroalgae habitats has been widespread on rocky marine coastlines of the eastern Korean peninsula, and efforts for restoration and creation of macroalgal beds have increasingly been made to mitigate these habitat losses. Deploying artificial reefs of concrete pyramids with kelps attached has been commonly used and applied in this study. As a part of an effort to evaluate structural and functional recovery of created and restored habitat, the macroalgal community and food web structure were studied about a year after the establishment of the artificial macroalgal bed, making comparisons with nearby natural counterparts and barren ground communities. Dominant species, total abundance, and community structure of macroalgal assemblage at the restored macroalgal bed recovered to the neighboring natural bed levels during the study period. The main primary producers (phytoplankton and macroalgae) were isotopically well separated. δ13C and δ15N values of consumers were very similar between restored and natural beds but varied greatly among functional feeding groups. The range of consumer δ13C was as wide as that of primary producers, indicating the trophic importance of both producers. There was a stepwise trophic enrichment in δ15N with increasing trophic level. A comparison of isotope signatures between primary producers and consumers showed that, while suspension feeders are highly dependent on pelagic sources, invertebrates of other feeding guilds and fishes mainly use macroalgae-derived organic matter as their ultimate nutritional sources in both macroalgal beds, emphasizing the high equivalency of trophic structure between both beds. Isotopic signatures of a few mollusks and sea urchins showed that they use different dietary items in macroalgal-barren grounds compared with macroalgal beds, probably reflecting their feeding plasticity according to the low macroalgal biomass. However, isotopic signatures of most of the consumers at the barren ground were consistent with those at the macroalgal beds, supporting the important trophic role of drifting algae. Our results revealed the recoveries of the macroalgal community and trophic structure at the restored habitat. Further studies on colonization of early settlers and the following succession progress are needed to better understand the process and recovery rate in the developing benthic community.  相似文献   

中国农田固碳减排发展现状及其战略对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自20世纪80年代以来,农田固碳减排的动态变化日益成为全球的研究热点,它对于正确评价农业产业对全球气候变化的影响具有重要的理论意义。采取农业分区的方法,将我国划分为4个不同的农业区,并从区域植被覆盖、地理气候、品种、土壤性质、种植制度和施肥情况等方面,综合分析了各区域农田固碳减排的基本现状。通过对我国农田固碳减排的各个影响因素进行系统阐述,探明了耕作措施、水田种植面积、秸秆还田、施肥情况、轮作制度、土地利用方式和农田生态系统等是影响我国农田固碳减排的主要关键因素。同时,针对目前我国农田固碳减排的基本状况,提出了适合我国农田固碳减排的主要对策。文章认为,应从加强农田碳循环和土壤碳汇效应、合理调整农田土地利用结构、加强农田管理技术体系创新、加强农田生物固碳减排技术研究和注重降低农业生产温室气体的排放等方面开展系统研究,从而进一步增强农田的土壤固碳能力和减少温室气体的排放,达到我国农田固碳减排的最终目的。  相似文献   

Afforestation, the conversion of unforested lands to forests, is a tool for sequestering anthropogenic carbon dioxide into plant biomass. However, in addition to altering biomass, afforestation can have substantial effects on soil organic carbon (SOC) pools, some of which have much longer turnover times than plant biomass. An increasing body of evidence suggests that the effect of afforestation on SOC may depend on mean annual precipitation (MAP). The goal of this study was to test how labile and bulk pools of SOC and total soil nitrogen (TN) change with afforestation across a rainfall gradient of 600-1500 mm in the Rio de la Plata grasslands of Argentina and Uruguay. The sites were all former grasslands planted with Eucalyptus spp. Overall, we found that afforestation increased (up to 1012 kg C x ha(-1) x yr(-1)) or decreased (as much as 1294 kg C x ha(-1) x yr(-1)) SOC pools in this region and that these changes were significantly related to MAP. Drier sites gained, and wetter sites lost, SOC and TN (r2 = 0.59, P = 0.003; and r2 = 0.57, P = 0.004, respectively). Labile C and N in microbial biomass and extractable soil pools followed similar patterns to bulk SOC and TN. Interestingly, drier sites gained more SOC and TN as plantations aged, while losses reversed as plantations aged in wet sites, suggesting that plantation age in addition to precipitation is a critical driver of changes in soil organic matter with afforestation. This new evidence implies that longer intervals between harvests for plantations could improve SOC storage, ameliorating the negative trends found in humid sites. Our results suggest that the value of afforestation as a carbon sequestration tool should be considered in the context of precipitation and age of the forest stand.  相似文献   

Johnson DW 《Ecology》2006,87(1):64-75
Field studies have shown that elevated CO2 can cause increased forest growth over the short term (<6 years) even in the face of N limitation. This is facilitated to some degree by greater biomass production per unit N uptake (lower tissue N concentrations), but more often than not, N uptake is increased with elevated CO2 as well. Some studies also show that N sequestration in the forest floor is increased with elevated CO2. These findings raise the questions of where the "extra" N comes from and how long such growth increases can continue without being truncated by progressive N limitation (PNL). This paper reviews some of the early nutrient cycling literature that describes PNL during forest stand development and attempts to use this information, along with recent developments in soil N research, to put the issue of PNL with elevated CO2 into perspective. Some of the early studies indicated that trees can effectively "mine" N from soils over the long term, and more recent developments in soil N cycling research suggest mechanisms by which this might have occurred. However, both the early nutrient cycling literature and more recent simulation modeling suggest that PNL will at some point truncate the observed increases in growth and nutrient uptake with elevated CO2, unless external inputs of N are increased by either N fixation or atmospheric deposition.  相似文献   

Soils from two typical tidal salt marshes with varied salinity in the Yellow River Delta wetland were analysed to determine possible effects of salinity on soil carbon sequestration through changes in soil microbiology. The mean soil respiration (SR) of the salt water–fresh water mixing zone (MZ) was 2.89 times higher than that of the coastal zone (CZ) (4.73 and 1.63?μmol?m?2?s?1, respectively, p?Pseudomonas sp. and Limnobacter sp. that might have led to its higher dehydrogenase activity and respiratory rates. Additionally, the CZ possessed more Halobacteria and Thaumarchaeota with the ability to fix CO2 than the MZ. Significantly lower soil salinity in MZ (4.25?g?kg?1) was suitable for β-Proteobacteria, but detrimental for Halobacteria compared with CZ (7.09?g?kg?1, p?相似文献   

We investigated the temporal and spatial changes in the floristic composition and abundance in sand dunes along a coastal strip in the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina). Firstly, we analysed changes over a span of 70 years, comparing 41 of our own inventories carried out in 14 beach resorts in 2005–2006 with 18 inventories made in the first half of the XXth century (1930–1940) in the same study area. We grouped sampled plots into four categories for comparison, taking into account the time period (1930–1940 or 2005–2006) and location at each end of the surveyed coastal strip in the northern or southern ‘tourist’ sectors. Secondly, we analysed the effect of afforestation with exotic trees on extant sand dune vegetation for the period 2005–2006. A total of 74 plant inventories were carried out in afforested and natural dunes at the same resorts. In both comparisons we contrasted plant richness, percentage plant cover, similarity and diversity. A cluster analysis was used to classify categories taking into account plant abundance and composition. Significant differences in total diversity were observed between sampling years, suggesting an increase in diversity at the present time due to urbanization and recreation related activities. Nevertheless, no single exotic plant species was clearly dominant across the sampled sites, suggesting that these coastal areas are, up to now, resistant to alien invasion. Diversity indexes discriminated by plant groups indicating different habitat conditions and exotics were shown to be more sensitive to existing changes than to total richness and cover.  相似文献   

Five standing stocks were measured together at similar latitudes and longitudes on seasonally repetitive cruises in 3 areas — western, eastern, and southern — of the eastern tropical Pacific. The stocks were chlorophyll a at 0 to 150 m depth (mg/m2), night and day zooplankton at 0 to 200 m depth (ml/1000 m3), and night crustacean micronekton and fish-pluscephalopod micronekton at 0 to 200 m depth (ml/1000 m3). The logarithms of the measurements of each stock in each area were subjected to analysis of variance with the following factors: season (2 month period), latitude, and longitude. Seasonal coverage was most comprehensive, with 7 successive periods, in the western area (approximately 16° N to 3° S latitude, 100° to 122° W longitude). Most stocks in most parts of the western area had a simple seasonal cycle of low amplitude, with a single maximum and minimum that usually differed by a factor <2; some stocks in some parts of the area exhibited no seasonal cycle; all statistically significant cycles, except for fish-plus-cephalopod micronekton, were similar in phase. In the other two areas, located broadly to the east and south of the western area, suitable measurements were made at only 2 periods (opposite seasons) of the year. There were indications of phase differences between chlorophyll a and zooplankton in the eastern area, which should be further investigated. Most standing stocks declined gradually from east to west, and were higher in known upwelling areas and areas of shoal thermocline than elsewhere.  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - With the increasing focus on renewable materials and sustainability issues, the development of non-conventional materials from natural resources and possessing...  相似文献   

The red bishop (Euplectes orix) is a highly polygynous and colonial weaverbird. Males construct several nests within their territories to which they try to attract females, and females are solely responsible for incubation and raising offspring. In this paper, we describe the characteristics of the red bishop’s mating system as a biological market and investigate the role of nests built by males as a traded commodity in a mating market. As timing of breeding in red bishops in arid and semi-arid zones depends on rainfall patterns which are often unpredictable, there are temporal changes in demand for and supply of nests within a breeding season, with breeding activities of males and females being highly synchronised. We found that males increased their nest-building speed with increased female breeding activity independently of rainfall, indicating that supply follows demand in this mating market. The supply of nests was always larger than the demand for nests. Construction costs for nests increased with demand for nests as indicated by shorter nest-building duration and shorter building delays between two consecutively built nests at times of high breeding activity. Males as a trading class are chosen according to the age of their nests offered, with young nests having a higher probability of being accepted by females. Furthermore, female choosiness with regard to nest age decreased when their own market value decreased, as predicted by biological market theory. The temporal changes of breeding activity together with the female preference for young and fresh nests require that males quickly adjust nest-building activity to varying female demand for new nests. However, males with a better adjustment of building speed to female breeding activity did not gain higher mating success.  相似文献   

The Dutch Delta Region (S-W Netherlands) originally consisted of interconnected estuaries, interfacing the rivers Rhine, Meuse and Schelde with the North Sea. The ecosystems were immature, with physical rather than biological control of population dynamics. Main functions were shipping and shellfisheries. An emergent function of the interconnected estuaries was the buffering and upgrading of river-borne substances before they entered the sea. Execution of the Delta Project in the period 1960–1986 resulted in isolation of several water systems disconnected from rivers and sea, and loss of gradients within these systems. Population dynamics were now controlled by chemical and biological rather than physical factors. Vulnerability to external perturbation increased. These changes also affected the buffering capacity, i.e. reduced the utility of the area as stabiliser of the geosystem. Recreational use and appreciation of natural values increased, potentially conflicting with shipping and shellfisheries. Retrospective analysis of the environmental policy and management revealed three consecutive strategies in the Delta Project. 1. Reactive one-issue management, focusing on safety against flooding only. This strategy aimed at complete closure of the estuaries thus transforming them into fresh water lakes. It has destroyed feed-backs and buffering between coastal and inland waters. This strategy has not promoted sustainable development and has increased the vulnerability of the area to future catastrophes. 2. Protective bio-ecological management focused on the preservation of existing values of landscape and environment, and resulted in the maintenance of saline conditions and preservation of marshes by shore protection measures. The drawback of this passive orientation to existing values ?where they are now? is the necessity of continuous intensive care because the natural adaptive ability is not being restored. 3. Constructive geo-ecological management is based on understanding functional properties within and between ecosystems as integrated elements of the landscape structure. This strategy aims at environmental protection, restoration and development of values ?where they must be?. Re-establishment of gradients by e.g. re-introducing tidal influence and by restoring salt marshes should contribute to sustainable development.  相似文献   

The Dutch Delta Region (S-W Netherlands) originally consisted of interconnected estuaries, interfacing the rivers Rhine, Meuse and Schelde with the North Sea. The ecosystems were immature, with physical rather than biological control of population dynamics. Main functions were shipping and shellfisheries. An emergent function of the interconnected estuaries was the buffering and upgrading of riverborne substances before they entered the sea. Execution of the Delta Project in the period 1960–1986 resulted in isolation of several water systems disconnected from rivers and sea, and loss of gradients within these systems. Population dynamics were now controlled by chemical and biological rather than physical factors. Vulnerability to external perturbation increased. These changes also affected the buffering capacity, i.e. reduced the utility of the area as stabiliser of the geosystem. Recreational use and appreciation of natural values increased, potentially conflicting with shipping and shellfisheries. Retrospective analysis of the environmental policy and management revealed three consecutive strategies in the Delta Project. 1. Reactive one-issue management, focusing on safety against flooding only. This strategy aimed at complete closure of the estuaries thus transforming them into fresh water lakes. It has destroyed feed-backs and buffering between coastal and inland waters. This strategy has not promoted sustainable development and has increased the vulnerability of the area to future catastrophes. 2. Protective bio-ecological management focused on the preservation of existing values of landscape and environment, and resulted in the maintenance of saline conditions and preservation of marshes by shore protection measures. The drawback of this passive orientation to existing values Ôwhere they are nowÕ is the necessity of continuous intensive care because the natural adaptive ability is not being restored. 3. Constructive geo-ecological management is based on understanding functional properties within and between ecosystems as integrated elements of the landscape structure. This strategy aims at environmental protection, restoration and development of values Ôwhere they must beÕ. Re-establishment of gradients by e.g. re-introducing tidal influence and by restoring salt marshes should contribute to sustainable development.  相似文献   

Changes in sea-ice conditions can affect locomotion on land, diving behavior, and corresponding foraging success of penguins. In this study, locomotion on land and diving behavior were compared between early and late stages of the guard phase with different sea-ice conditions using miniaturized time-depth-acceleration data loggers for Adélie penguins Pygoscelis adeliae from 18 December 2001 to 11 January 2002 in Dumont d’Urville, Adélie Land (66.7°S, 140.0°E), Antarctica. Differences were found between early and late stages in the ratio of walking vs. tobogganing, proportion of time spent diving, diving depth as well as in the rate of parental tissue accumulation. In contrast, trip duration, distance traveled on land, and meal delivery rate to chicks did not differ between the stages. This study suggests that physical changes in sea-ice during the penguins’ chick-rearing period may affect certain on-land and/or at-sea behaviors which, in turn, may affect how resources are allocated to self-maintenance or chick-provisioning.  相似文献   

Changes in the distribution pattern of cells in the ganglion cell layer were studied in the retina of the European hake, Merluccius merluccius (L.), to identify the possible adaptations of visual capabilities to different bathymetric distributions and feeding habits. From early juveniles to adults, the eye diameter increased eightfold; thus, retinal surface increased dramatically with size also. In early juveniles the retinal topography of the cells in the ganglion cell layer showed a concentric arrangement with respect to the centre of the retina. Two specialised areas were found, located at the ventral and dorso-rostral periphery, where the cell density reached 47,900 cells mm-2, which corresponds to a theoretical visual acuity of 21' (minutes of arc). The visual axes were located upwards and downwards at around 80° from the geometric centre of the retina. In juveniles, the retina underwent important changes as the concentric topographic pattern transformed: the ventral specialised area progressively disappeared, the dorso-rostral area relocated to a rostral position and a new specialised area formed in the temporal retinal region. The visual axes were directed forward and backward. For fish with a total length of 12 cm or more, a horizontal visual streak formed along the rostro-temporal axis of the retina and a new specialised area was formed in the temporo-central region of the visual streak. In adults, acute vision could be identified with the two specialised areas at the temporal and rostral periphery, where the ganglion cell density peak decreased to 3,200-3,600 cells mm-2 and the resolving power increased to 10'. As visual acuity is partially dependent on the cell types in the ganglion cell layer, cell populations in this layer were distinguished into either ganglion cells or displaced amacrine cells, using morphometric and histological criteria. The proportion of displaced amacrine cells was fairly uniform throughout the retinal surface, always representing between 32% and 39% of all cells in early and advanced juveniles. Only in adults did their density increase to 50%, probably as an adaptation to low light levels, which fish encounter as their distribution increases in depth. A small population of giant ganglion cells was also present in the retina. In the young and adult retinae, they represented 1.2% and 2.7% of the total cell population, respectively. Therefore, it has been shown how in M. merluccius the retinal topography undergoes important changes in relation to varying environmental demands.  相似文献   


The world is experiencing an energy crisis and environmental issues due to the depletion of fossil fuels and the continuous increase in carbon dioxide concentrations. Microalgal biofuels are produced using sunlight, water, and simple salt minerals. Their high growth rate, photosynthesis, and carbon dioxide sequestration capacity make them one of the most important biorefinery platforms. Furthermore, microalgae's ability to alter their metabolism in response to environmental stresses to produce relatively high levels of high-value compounds makes them a promising alternative to fossil fuels. As a result, microalgae can significantly contribute to long-term solutions to critical global issues such as the energy crisis and climate change. The environmental benefits of algal biofuel have been demonstrated by significant reductions in carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and sulfur oxide emissions. Microalgae-derived biomass has the potential to generate a wide range of commercially important high-value compounds, novel materials, and feedstock for a variety of industries, including cosmetics, food, and feed. This review evaluates the potential of using microalgal biomass to produce a variety of bioenergy carriers, including biodiesel from stored lipids, alcohols from reserved carbohydrate fermentation, and hydrogen, syngas, methane, biochar and bio-oils via anaerobic digestion, pyrolysis, and gasification. Furthermore, the potential use of microalgal biomass in carbon sequestration routes as an atmospheric carbon removal approach is being evaluated. The cost of algal biofuel production is primarily determined by culturing (77%), harvesting (12%), and lipid extraction (7.9%). As a result, the choice of microalgal species and cultivation mode (autotrophic, heterotrophic, and mixotrophic) are important factors in controlling biomass and bioenergy production, as well as fuel properties. The simultaneous production of microalgal biomass in agricultural, municipal, or industrial wastewater is a low-cost option that could significantly reduce economic and environmental costs while also providing a valuable remediation service. Microalgae have also been proposed as a viable candidate for carbon dioxide capture from the atmosphere or an industrial point source. Microalgae can sequester 1.3 kg of carbon dioxide to produce 1 kg of biomass. Using potent microalgal strains in efficient design bioreactors for carbon dioxide sequestration is thus a challenge. Microalgae can theoretically use up to 9% of light energy to capture and convert 513 tons of carbon dioxide into 280 tons of dry biomass per hectare per year in open and closed cultures. Using an integrated microalgal bio-refinery to recover high-value-added products could reduce waste and create efficient biomass processing into bioenergy. To design an efficient atmospheric carbon removal system, algal biomass cultivation should be coupled with thermochemical technologies, such as pyrolysis.


Gorgonians are widespread sub-littoral benthic suspension feeders in the world oceans. However, data on their trophic ecology and role in benthic–pelagic coupling and biogeochemical cycles remain limited. This study assesses the trophic ecology of Leptogorgia virgulata in the Skidaway River estuary, USA (31.9896N, 81.0242W) by analysing carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures of its soft tissue and different-sized fractions of particulate organic matter (POM) in its environment. Samples were taken in 5 April, 2 August, and 15 October 2012 and 11 January 2013. Results support a distinct temporal shift in the diet of L. virgulata from the POM fraction <10 µm (i.e. pico- and nanoplankton) to the 10–63-µm fraction (i.e. microplankton). This trophic regime is likely associated with the natural abundance of prey items within these size classes, thus suggesting that L. virgulata may be an opportunistic feeder, and seasonal shifts in food availability in the water column affect its diet. As such small prey items affect the bioenergetics of L. virgulata, it is important to understand the implications of changes in food availability associated with environmental drivers on the physiology and population dynamics of this dominant species in the western Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Caroni Swamp Ramsar Site, the largest mangrove dominated wetland in Trinidad and Tobago, continues to be impacted by human activities. This study examines changes in land cover and land use from 1942 to 2007 using remote sensing technology, geographic information systems (GIS) and extensive field surveys. Land cover maps were produced for 1942, 1957, 1986, 1994, 2003 and 2007 from aerial photos and high resolution satellite imagery. Caroni Swamp’s hydrology was altered in the 1920’s to facilitate rice cultivation. This resulted in the formation of large tracts of freshwater marsh. From 1942 to 1957, freshwater marsh and agriculture lands increased, but after this period there was a steady decline in both, as freshwater was diverted away from the wetland and salt water intruded further inland. Although mangrove forest was cleared for built development, its coverage has consistently increased in the Swamp from 1957, with the exception of 2003 when there was a decrease by less than 100 ha. This is in contrast to most areas in the tropics where mangrove coverage continue to decline. In this case, the mangrove trees are out-competing/shading marsh vegetation, causing shift in the wetland communities. In the Caroni Ramsar Site, the natural wetland communities generally increased from 1942 to 2003, but declined in 2007, as built development more than doubled. The paper provides spatial coverage, and quantifies land cover from 1942 to 2007. It also identifies reasons for the changes in land cover and uses, and the implications for management.  相似文献   

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