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Drawing on the example of community forestry in British Columbia, Canada, this paper conceptualises and empirically assesses key contributors to successful community economic development, with a special emphasis on the role of local community support and inclusive participation. Relevant scholarship highlights the importance of these factors for achieving success with any community economic development (CED) initiative. While the initial experiences of 10 community forest initiatives under British Columbia's Community Forest Pilot Project offers evidence to corroborate this view, it is also evident that expertise and leadership, even of the exclusive variety, can substitute for community support and participation, if the goal of CED is to create a profitable community enterprise capable of delivering jobs and revenues to community members.  相似文献   

关于构建企业环境守法引导机制框架的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
当前我国经济发展步入新常态阶段,经济发展速度减慢,部分企业资金缩紧,难免出现逃避监管、偷排漏排等现象。在这种形势下,只有转变对企业的传统监管模式,从单纯的行政执法向行政执法与守法激励相结合模式转变,建立企业环境守法引导机制,才能更好、更快地促进企业自觉调整结构,创新技术,发展绿色产业,从而实现环境效益、经济效益和社会效益共赢。本研究基于环境规制、利益相关者以及企业社会责任等理论基础,提出构建企业环境守法引导机制的基本框架由行政监管、经济激励、企业自律和社会监督等四个方面构成,并分析目前我国企业环境守法引导机制建设存在不完善问题,建议从完善行政监管执法机制、健全经济激励政策、加强企业环保意识培养、完善社会监督机制等方面间接和直接引导企业环境守法。  相似文献   

国家高新区是新时代中国落实创新驱动发展战略、实现经济高质量发展和绿色发展的重要制度安排。本研究以2008年之后设立了国家高新区的城市为实验组,以一直未设立国家高新区的城市为对照组,形成2003—2019年的231个城市的面板数据,采用多期双重差分法实证检验国家高新区的设立对城市绿色发展水平的驱动作用及其机制。研究发现,设立国家高新区能显著提升城市绿色发展水平,但提升效应有待进一步加强。其机制主要是国家高新区通过提高经济增长质量和资源节约利用水平,提升环境治理和生态保护水平,改善居民绿色行为和居住环境,进而提升城市的绿色生产指数、绿色生态指数和绿色生活指数。以上结论表明国家高新区可通过推动产业结构提档升级和节能减排来进一步增强绿色先行示范作用,引领城市绿色发展。  相似文献   

对一个地区经济发展的准确判断是制定一切经济政策、发展战略的必要前提。建立17个指标的评价指标体系,运用评价模型对新疆北疆地区2006-2010年经济发展水平及北疆8个地、州、市经济发展水平进行评价分析。研究发现,北疆地区经济总体发展形势良好,但各地州间发展水平有较大差异。根据评价结果将8个地、州、市分为四类地区,并依据每类地区的发展状况提出政策建议。  相似文献   

This article aims to interrogate manifold features, uses and manifestations of the term sustainability through critical reflection on paradoxes of “sustainable development.” This article will discuss the implication of the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis, postmaterialist values theory, and ecological modernization theory all of which expresses a certain relationship between the wealth of a nation and their environment impact. According to these theories, during early industrialization and development, economies use materially intensive resources, until a threshold is reached after which the economic and technological changes allow for more sustainable material use. Simultaneously, it is believed that concerns about environment are secondary to economic concerns and that satisfaction of material needs will lead to higher environmental awareness. The aim of this article is to reflect upon a gap in the literature of empirical case studies to support or refute these theories. While there is a wealth of publications detailing various unsustainable practices in different countries, studies addressing the implication of the accuracy of the triple theories for the global enterprise of development are rare. To compensate for this oversight, this article will address the case of Dutch Queen’s day celebrations in April 2013, based on the document analysis. In generalizing the case of Dutch Queen’s day celebrations to global consumption patterns, this article considers consequences of Western consumption model for the enterprise of global development. It is argued that the Dutch case supports evidence of the (un)sustainability of a consumptive economy operating within a global market. Alternative framework based on cradle-to-cradle and circular economy approaches is proposed.  相似文献   

A simulation model of a cattle ranch based in southern Alberta, Canada was developed to evaluate the on-ranch economics of adopting different grazing management strategies to improve riparian grazing capacity in natural grass rangeland. Under low-cost scenarios, there are positive economic incentives to adopt strategies to maintain riparian zones that already have high grazing capacity. However, riparian zones that have declined to moderate or low grazing capacity may require additional economic incentives to encourage ranches to adopt more costly management strategies to improve the grazing capacity. The economic incentives to adopt costly management strategies are highly sensitive to the size and shape of the riparian zone and rates of grazing capacity decline or improvement.  相似文献   

如何在经济发展的同时实现有效的环境保护成为企业亟待解决的问题。本文以2011—2017年沪深A股制造业上市公司为样本,检验了双重环境规制、开放广度、开放深度与企业创新投入之间的作用关系。研究发现:政府环境规制对企业创新投入具有显著正向作用,有利于企业响应政府规制加大创新投入力度;公众环境规制对企业创新投入的影响不显著,企业倾向采用公关方式应对公众规制需求;开放广度越大,政府与公众环境规制对企业创新投入的正向影响越强;开放深度不会改变环境规制对企业创新投入的影响。本研究为企业有效整合内外部资源开发节能减排技术,响应对政府和公众双重环境规制的要求提供了一定理论支持和决策参考。  相似文献   

Industrial zones are the main source of soil pollution in Israel. Due to the upcoming approval of the bill on soil contamination and remediation in Israel, it is important to assess the economic feasibility of soil remediation. This study examines the economic feasibility of an extensive remediation project of all contaminated industrial zones in Israel. The estimated economic benefits include both direct benefits, resulting from the increase in the land value of the contaminated site, and indirect benefits, arising from the increase in nearby property values. A cost‐benefit analysis showed a cost benefit ratio of 1:14. Nonetheless, the direct benefits were found to be lower than the costs. Thus, the question of funding requires collaboration between government and the private sector.  相似文献   

The belief that forests, minerals, fisheries, and other exhaustible assets are being depleted at excessive rates in a free enterprise society has led to recurrent demands for the regulation of resource exploitation. Many have believed that further regulations are necessary — for example, the conservation movement accepted as basic tenents that most resources were too cheap, were wastefully exploited, and would become exhausted soon. This paper surveys several interrelated issues in resource depletion from an economist's perspective, in particular, whether the articles of faith of the conservation movement are borne out by economic theory and available empirical evidence. Are resources too cheap? Are they wastefully exploited? Will resources become exhausted prematurely? Are we neglecting the needs of future generations?  相似文献   

基于中原经济区的特点,在全国20多个经济区中选择珠三角经济区、海西经济区、成渝经济区和武汉城市圈4个典型的经济区进行深入分析,通过总结、分析和对比它们各自的发展经验,得出对中原经济区建设和发展的重要启示。  相似文献   

Desertification directly threatens more than 250 million people and one third of the earths land surface. Although it is well known that desertification could be reversed in most cases if the intensity of land use were reduced, there have been no studies on how to achieve this reversed desertification on a large scale. We conducted a case study in Hunshandak Sandland of North China, exploring how creation of a nature reserve might aid restoration of a degraded ecosystem. Experimental data indicated that desertified regions, if designated as a nature reserve, could be restored with conservation of biodiversity. The buffer zones in moderately desertified lands could serve as a base for forage production and/or ecotourism industry. The construction of ecologically designed towns (ecotowns) in transition zones could accommodate migrants moved from core zones so as to develop stock production, related industry, and ecotourism, enabling both economic and environmental development. Up to now, 5778 local inhabitants in the core zones of Zhenglan Banner (county) in the Hunshandak Sandland have been moved out of the severely degraded areas with the financial assistance of the central government. Those people have been moved into three eco-towns of the Banner with an objective of greatly enhancing the economic and social status while restoring the degraded sandlands.  相似文献   

随着市场竞争的日益激烈,石油企业要在市场全球化和经济一体化的国际竞争中求得生存与发展,最重要的是要在企业层面进行管理创新。简述了管理创新的内涵和必要性,分析了国内石油企业管理创新的现状,并指出管理创新亟需解决的诸多问题。在调查研究基础上提出了石油企业管理创新的重点和基本途径,指出管理的新生力量在于不断创新,管理创新是企业生存和发展的主题,这对提高石油企业管理创新的能力和水平有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

在油田井下作业中推行清洁生产已经成为企业节能降耗、控制污染、转变经济增长方式的重要方式,是企业可持续发展的重要组成部分。文章介绍清洁生产的四种模式:减少污染物产生;节能降耗为主;在节能、降耗的基础上以减污为主;可持续发展为目标的清洁生产模式。提出了井下修井作业清洁生产主要措施。清洁生产在修井作业施工中的推行必将促使企业整体环保管理水平、经济效益和竞争能力的提高。  相似文献   

关于推进山海关生态区建设的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对山海关区社会、经济、环境现状进行分析,提出了生态区建设的优势以及存在的困难和问题。从实际出发,对生态区的建设提出要统筹规划,分步实施,特别是在生态产业(农业、工业、旅游业)、生态环境、生态人居和生态文化等方面提出了切实可行的措施。  相似文献   

Human (managerial) actions affect the survival probabilities of the keystone species of an ecological–economic system. In turn, the well-being of these keystone species translates into the well-being or the resilience of the underlying ecological–economic system. What are the theoretical connections between human actions, keystone species survival, and the resilience of ecological–economic systems? In this note, we construct a simple stochastic model to draw out the links between this trinity.  相似文献   

构建以政府为主导、企业为主体的环境治理体系,落实企业环境治理主体责任是我国的重大战略任务。目前地方政府环境监管亟待改善,需要加强企业生产规制,基于"污染者付费"原则促使"三废"达标排放。本研究抓住政府和企业两大主体,建立以政府为上层、企业为下层的双层优化环境治理模型,确定上层-下层目标函数及约束条件,研究地方政府环境奖罚政策与企业利润及环境行为的关联性,提出模型"乐观最优解"与"悲观最优解"及地方政府奖惩机制最优解。该模型可反映地方政府与企业的博弈过程,为寻求合理的污染奖惩方式和税费比例,促使企业在自身利润最大化的同时积极治理"三废"污染,平衡经济效益和社会效益,为企业长期粗放式生产排污严重、地方政府环境监管有待加强、西北生态安全屏障和黄河流域健康发展受到严重威胁的宁蒙沿黄地带及类似地区环境管理实践提供参考。  相似文献   

A systems approach has been applied to the examination of sustainable development in the coastal zone. This complex system is envisaged as comprising three sub-systems: environment and resources, economic development and society. A sustainability indicator system based on these three sub-systems has been set up to evaluate the nature of development in the coastal zone. The administrative regions of the Municipality of Shanghai and Chong Ming Island (in the Yangtze Estuary) have been selected as two coastal zones in which to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the approach. The approach indicated that the development process in Shanghai is one of weak sustainability with relatively rapid social and economic development at the cost of environment and resource degradation. In contrast, social and economic development in Chong Ming County has been limited to protect the regional environment and resources indicating a more sustainable approach to development.  相似文献   

企业征信行业的存在和发展是进一步规范我国市场经济秩序的保证,也是我国加入WTO与国际接轨的需要.我国征信行业刚刚起步,在发展过程中存在很多困难和问题,其中最大的问题就在于信息环境方面的缺陷,如资信信息数据库的缺失和封锁、有关法律的缺位等.这一核心问题严重制约着企业征信行业的发展,因此必须改善信息环境,即完善资信信息数据库的建设、规范企业征信公司行为,以此促进企业征信行业的发展.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to assess the economic and water quality impact of land use change in a small watershed in the Wiregrass region of Alabama. The study compares changes in water quality and revenue from agricultural and timber production due to changes in land use between years 1992 and 2001. The study was completed in two stages. In the first stage, a biophysical model was used to estimate the effect of land use change on nitrogen and phosphorus runoff and sediment deposition in the main channel; in the second stage, farm enterprise budgeting tools were used to estimate the economic returns for the changes in land use condition. Both biophysical and economic results are discussed, and a case for complex optimization to develop a decision support system is presented.  相似文献   

秦岭北坡旅游资源的可持续发展研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
秦岭北坡是陕西省旅游资源密集带之一,由于开发和管理中存在诸多问题,近年发展较缓慢。本文在综合分析其开发优势和存在问题的基础上,提出了要全面规划、合理开发,走可持续发展之路,以实现秦岭北坡经济、社会和生态效益的协调统一  相似文献   

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