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A novel technique has been developed for determining the 212Pb activity of fresh waters. This is of interest to environmental monitoring programmes that utilise gross α-activity methods to screen for anthropogenic radionuclides. The contribution from 212Pb varies, and is difficult to experimentally measure due to its relatively short half-life (t½ = 10.6 h) and low environmental activity (<0.1 Bq l−1). The use of a three-stage technique that encompasses a unique form of pre-concentration, separation and analysis by liquid scintillation counting allows a lower detection limit of 0.006 Bq l−1 with a chemical yield of 92.5 ± 5.6%. The measurement can be obtained within 7 h of sample collection, and is calculated using the radioactive decay of 212Bi. Other naturally occurring radionuclides may also be extracted using the pre-concentration stage of the technique, with efficiencies above 90% at a range of pH values.  相似文献   

In case of an accidental release of radioactive substances into the environment, it is important to quickly and reliably estimate the radiation dose received by people in the affected area, and to determine the extent of the contamination. Measurements of the extent of the release and the subsequent contamination can be facilitated if there are predetermined reference sampling sites with known background radiation and inventory of radionuclides. Since 1996, 34 reference sites for soil sampling, field gamma, and intensimeter measurements have been established in western Sweden. Time series data for dose rates and radioisotope inventory have been collected at these sites, allowing for the investigation of changes in these parameters over time. The mass activity densities for the uranium and thorium series elements varied approximately between 10 and 50 Bq/kg and between 10 and 40 Bq/kg, respectively. The mass activity density of 40K was approximately in the range 300–800 Bq/kg. The radiation exposure due to 137Cs was rather small in this area. The dose rates calculated from in situ measurement data showed that the contribution to the total dose rate was almost entirely due to naturally occurring radionuclides. The measured dose rate was about twice as high as the calculated rate, even after subtracting the contribution from cosmic radiation. This may be explained by the fact that intensimeters generally are calibrated to measure the quantity ambient dose equivalent, which should not underestimate the effective dose.  相似文献   

A new laboratory for the spectroscopy of natural radioactivity with a good energy resolution is presented. It consists of two distinct parts equipped, respectively, the first one with a HpGe γ-ray detector, whose setup has been already completed, and the second one with large area Silicon α-ray detectors and a radiochemical section for thin α-samples preparation, whose setup is yet in progress and will be the argument of a separate work.The γ-ray spectrometer was calibrated by means of IAEA Reference Materials n. 312, 313, 314 and 375. A large difference from the predictions of secular equilibrium emerged between the activities of 234Th and 230Th in Materials n. 312, 313 and 314.  相似文献   

The activity concentrations and fluxes of natural (210Pb, 210Po) and anthropogenic (239,240Pu, 137Cs) radionuclides have been determined in the different water masses crossing the Strait of Gibraltar. New data have been gathered during four multidisciplinary and multinational sampling campaigns, performed between 1997 and 1999 within the framework of the CANIGO-FLUGIST Project. Mean activity concentrations of 210Po (1.53+/-0.34 Bq m(-3), n = 30) and 210Pb (1.16+/-0.50 Bq m(-3), n = 31) in the Atlantic water entering the Mediterranean basin are about double those measured in the Mediterranean outflow, namely 0.84+/-0.34 Bq m(-3) (n = 22) for 210Po and 0.66+/-0.34 Bq m(-3) (n = 22) for 210Pb. The opposite trend is observed for 231,240Pu, with average concentrations of 9.9+/-3.0 mBq m(-3) (n = 29) in the incoming Atlantic flow and 22.0+/-3.0 mBq m(-3) (n = 22) in the outpouring Mediterranean water. In the case of 137Cs, the same concentrations were quantified in the waters moving inwards (2.52+/-0.28 Bq m(-3), n = 27) and outwards (2.14+/-0.52 Bq m(-3), n = 21) from the Mediterranean Sea. On this basis, the Mediterranean basin experiences a net annual input flux of 14 TBq of 210Pb and 19 TBq of 210Po, and a net annual loss of 0.34 TBq of 239,240Pu, while--at present--137Cs input and output fluxes appear to be balanced.  相似文献   

Australian guidelines recommend that tailings materials from uranium (U) mining and milling be contained without any detrimental impact on the environment for at least 1000 years. Natural analogue sites are being investigated to determine if they can provide data on the rates of natural erosion processes which occur over these timescales, for input into predictive geomorphic computer models. This paper presents radionuclide, metal and stable lead (Pb) isotope data from sediment cores and surface soils in the vicinity of two mineralised areas in the Alligator Rivers Region.Surface scrapes from the natural Anomaly #2, south of the Ranger mineral lease, exhibit radiogenic 206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/207Pb ratios, and elevated U and metal concentrations typical for a near surface U anomaly. In contrast, samples taken from the Koongarra mineral lease (KML) show radionuclide activity and metal concentrations similar to natural areas elsewhere in the Alligator Rivers Region and Pb isotope ratios are closer to present day average crustal ratios (PDAC), as the orebodies at KML are covered by surficial sand. A sediment core collected from Anbangbang Billabong, downstream of KML, exhibits small variations in Pb isotope ratios that indicate that approximately 1% of the upper sediments in the sediment core may be derived from material originating from the U anomaly at Koongarra.  相似文献   

Settled house dust can be a source of human exposure to toxic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) through non-dietary ingestion and dermal contact. Information regarding the concentrations of various contaminants in house dust would be useful in estimating the risk associated with exposure to these compounds. This study reports on the surface loading, variability and distribution of PAHs in settled house dust collected from homes in three locations: Sumgayit, Azerbaijan; Shanxi Province, China; and southern Texas, United States. The highest PAH floor surface loadings were observed in China, followed by Azerbaijan and Texas. Median concentrations of high molecular weight (four ring and larger) PAHs ranged from a low of 0.11 microg/m(2) in Texas, to 2.9 microg/m(2) in Azerbaijan and 162 microg/m(2) in China. These trends in total surface loading and relative carcinogenicity indicate that the risk of health effects from exposure to PAHs in house dust is highest in the Chinese population and lowest in the Texas population. As anticipated, variability among dust samples from different houses within the same region was high, with coefficients of variation greater than 100%. Alkylated PAHs comprised 30-50% of the total mass of PAHs. Based on a comparison of the composition of specific components, PAHs in China and Azerbaijan were determined to be derived mainly from combustion sources rather than from unburned fossil fuels such as petroleum. These results, coupled with ongoing investigation of appropriate PAH exposure biomarkers in humans, will guide future efforts to identify ways to reduce exposures in the study areas.  相似文献   

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