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Within the rotational scheme developed by the Programme to fight the resistance of Simulium damnosum to chemical larvicides, there was an operational gap at discharges between 5 and 70 m3 s−1 for the treatment of rivers where resistance to organophosphates was present. The use of permethrin and carbosulfan was precluded because of risk of environmental impact and, Bacillus thuringiensis ser. H-14 treatments were not envisageable due to cost and logistics constraints. Among the possible complementary groups of larvicides tested, the pseudo-pyrethroids, held promise, because of a mode of action similar to that of pyrethroids, but along with a usually lower toxicity for fish. Etofenprox, one of the pseudo-pyrethroids tested, shows a global detachment of non-target insects in 24 h close to that of pyraclofos, an organo-phosphorus compound (27 against 23%). In laboratory conditions, six times the operational dose which is 0.03 mg l−1 10 min, is needed to cause 50% mortality of Caridina sp. (a small shrimps species) and 30 times this same dose for 95% mortality. For fish species, a safety margin of 400–800 times the operational dose is observed for Oreochromis niloticus and 200–400 times for Tilapia zillii.  相似文献   

This study investigated the accumulation features and temporal trends of PCDD/Fs, dioxin-like PCBs (DL-PCBs) and non-dioxin-like PCBs (NDL-PCBs) in the blubber of Baikal seals collected in 1992 and 2005. DL-PCBs (480-3600 ng/g) and NDL-PCBs (980-35,000 ng/g) were dominant contaminants. Concentrations of PCDDs and PCBs in males were significantly higher than in females. In males, age-dependent accumulation was observed for PCDDs, mono-ortho PCBs and NDL-PCBs. PCDFs and non-ortho PCBs showed no such trends, implying that exposure of seals to these contaminants has been decreasing in recent years. No decreasing temporal trend was observed for PCDDs, mono-ortho PCBs and NDL-PCBs, suggesting that Baikal seals are still exposed to PCDDs and PCBs. TEQs of PCDDs and mono-ortho PCBs in seals collected in 2005 accounted for 62-77% of total TEQs. The TEQ levels in 40% of the specimens exceeded the threshold level for immunosuppression observed in harbor seals (209 pg/g).  相似文献   

The non-dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (NDL-PCBs) highly contribute to the PCB dietary intake of total PCBs. Most of the NDL-PCBs are assumed through ingestion of contaminated fish and fishery products. Therefore, it is important to quantify their presence in aquatic organisms to evaluate human risks associated with fish consumption. The European catfish is a top food-chain predator and is considered a reliable bio-monitoring tool reflecting the state of the environmental organic pollution. From 2006 to 2009, 54 European catfish were captured in four sites covering the area of the Po River (North Italy), and their muscles were analysed to determine the levels of 18 PCBs congeners. All samples presented detectable levels of 18 congeners and, on average, results showed an important presence of NDL-PCBs. The sum of the six congeners (28, 52, 101, 138, 153, 180 IUPAC) was used as indicator of the total PCBs concentration. The 33% of the samples analysed exceeded the maximum levels of 125 ng g−1 set by European regulations in fish. The values measured ranged from 19.7 to 1015.4 ng g−1 (mean 135.6 ± 149.8 ng g−1).  相似文献   

Short-term exposure to ambient or attenuated ultraviolet (UV) radiation resulted in shifts in plant metabolite concentrations of the Brassicaceae Sinapis alba and Nasturtium officinale. Leaf quality also varied between plant species and within species due to age. Larvae of the oligophagous leaf beetle Phaedon cochleariae were raised on these different host leaves, in order to investigate the effects of variable plant chemistry on this herbivore. The performance of P. cochleariae was influenced by chemical differences between and within plant species but it responded with high plasticity to plants stressed by ultraviolet radiation. Body mass increase and developmental times of larvae were exclusively affected by plant species and leaf-age. However, developmental differences were fully compensated in the pupal stage. We suggest that the plasticity of herbivores may depend on the degree of specialisation, and insect performance may not necessarily be altered by stress-induced host plants.  相似文献   

A population of the non-migratory estuarine fish Fundulus heteroclitus (Atlantic killifish) resident to New Bedford (NB), Massachusetts, USA, an urban harbor highly contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), demonstrates recently evolved tolerance to some aspects of PCB toxicity. PCB toxicology, ecological theory, and some precedence supported expectations of increased susceptibility to pathogens in NB killifish. However, laboratory bacterial challenges of the marine pathogen Vibrio harveyi to wild fish throughout the reproductive season and to their mature laboratory-raised progeny demonstrated comparable survival by NB and reference killifish, and improved survival by NB males. These results are inconsistent with hypothesized trade-offs of adaptation, and suggest that evolved tolerance in NB killifish may include mechanisms that minimize the immunosuppressive effects of PCBs. Compensatory strategies of populations persisting in highly contaminated environments provide a unique perspective for understanding the long-term ecological effects of toxic chemicals.  相似文献   

Leaching using EDTA applied to a Pb, Zn and Cd polluted soil significantly reduced soil metal concentrations and the pool of metals in labile soil fractions. Metal mobility (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure), phytoavailability (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid extraction) and human oral-bioavailability (Physiologically Based Extraction Test) were reduced by 85-92%, 68-91% and 88-95%, respectively. The metal accumulation capacity of the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber (Crustacea) was used as in vivo assay of metal bioavailability, before and after soil remediation. After feeding on metal contaminated soil for two weeks, P. scaber accumulated Pb, Zn and Cd in a concentration dependent manner. The amounts of accumulated metals were, however, higher than expected on the basis of extraction (in vitro) tests. The combined results of chemical extractions and the in vivo test with P. scaber provide a more relevant picture of the availability stripping of metals after soil remediation.  相似文献   

Trace metals are one of the groups of pollutants that reduce genetic variability in natural populations, causing the phenomenon known as “genetic erosion”. In this study we evaluate the relationship between trace metals contamination (Hg, Cd and Cu) and genetic variability, assessed using fluorescent Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (fISSRs). We used eight populations of a well-established biomonitor of trace metals on sandy beaches: the amphipod Talitrus saltator. The trace metals analysis confirmed the ability of sandhoppers to accumulate Hg, Cd and Cu. Moreover, populations from sites with high Hg availability had the lowest values of genetic diversity. Our results validate the use of fISSR markers in genetic studies in sandhoppers and support the “genetic erosion” hypothesis by showing the negative influence of Hg contamination on sandhopper genetic diversity. Therefore, genetic variability assessed with fISSR markers could be successfully employed as a biomarker of Hg exposure.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to assess the impact of a candidate mosquito larvicide, spinosad (8, 17 and 33 μg L−1) on a field population of Daphnia magna under natural variations of water temperature and salinity, using Bti (0.16 and 0.50 μL L−1) as the reference larvicide. Microcosms (125 L) were placed in a shallow temporary marsh where D. magna was naturally present. The peak of salinity observed during the 21-day observation period may have been partly responsible for the decrease of daphnid population density in all the microcosms. It is also probably responsible for the absence of recovery in the microcosms treated with spinosad which caused a sharp decrease of D. magna abundance within the first two days following treatment whereas Bti had no effect. These results suggest that it may be difficult for a field population of daphnids to cope simultaneously with natural (water salinity and temperature) and anthropogenic (larvicides) stressors.  相似文献   

Despite the extensive maritime transportation of Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS), there is a current lack of knowledge on the effects posed by HNS spills on the marine biota. Among the HNS identified as priority, acrylonitrile was selected to conduct ecotoxicological assays. We assessed the acute and subletal effects of acrylonitrile in seabass, followed by a recovery phase to simulate the conditions of a spill incident. The work aimed at testing a broad range of biological responses induced by acrylonitrile. Sublethal exposure to the highest two doses increased the fish mortality rate (8.3% and 25% mortality in 0.75 and 2 mg L−1 acrylonitrile concentrations), whereas no mortality were observed in control and 0.15 mg L−1 treatments. Additionally, important alterations at sub-individual level were observed. Acrylonitrile significantly induced the activities of Catalase– CAT and Glutathione S-Transferase – GST; and the levels of DNA damage were significantly increased. Conversely, Superoxide Dismutase– SOD – activity was found to be significantly inhibited and no effects were found on Lipid Peroxidation– LPO and ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase – EROD – activity. Following a 7 d recovery period, the levels of CAT, GST and EROD fell to levels at or below those in the control. In the 2 mg L−1 group, SOD remained at the levels found during exposure phase. This study has gathered essential information on the acute and subletal toxicity of acrylonitrile to seabass. It also demonstrated that 7 d recovery allowed a return of most endpoints to background levels. These data will be useful to assist relevant bodies in preparedness and response to HNS spills.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to biomonitor metropolitan areas of Porto Alegre (Brazil) for PAHs associated with atmospheric particles and check their effects on the DNA of the land mollusk Helix aspersa. The sampling sites are located in an urban area with heavy traffic: (i) Canoas, (ii) Sapucaia do Sul, and (iii) FIERGS/Porto Alegre. The samples were collected during a continuous period of 24 hours during 15 days using Stacked Filter Units (SFU) on polycarbonate filters (two separated size fractions: PM10-2.5 and PM<2.5). The concentrations of 16 major PAHs were determined according to EPA. Comet assay on H. aspersa hemolymph cells was chosen for genotoxicity evaluation. This evaluation shows that, in general, the smaller PM-size fractions (PM<2.5) have the highest genotoxicity and contain higher concentrations of extractable organic matter. In addition, associations between chemical characteristics and PM carcinogenicity tend to be stronger for the smaller PM-size fractions.  相似文献   

The effect of different sewage concentrations (0, 20, 60 and 100%), vegetation (Bare, Avicennia marina or Rhizophora mucronata) and immersion periods (immersion/emersion period of 12/12 h or 3/3 days just for 100%) conditions were studied for 6 months on survival and growth rates of Terebralia palustris (Linnaeus, 1767). Gastropods' activity and ecosystem engineering preformed at bare and A. marina planted cells and 3 sewage conditions (0, 20 and 60%) were determined. Survival rates were higher than 70% in all treatments. Growth rate decreased significantly with increasing sewage concentrations (mainly at unplanted conditions) and longer immersion periods. A complete shift (from immersion to emersion periods) and a significant decrease in mobility and consequently its engineer potential, due to sewage contamination, lead to a 3-4 fold decrease in the amount of sediment disturbed. Sewage contamination, primary producers' abundance and environmental conditions may have influenced the gastropods survival, growth and its ecosystem engineering potential.  相似文献   

Mining activities affect the surrounding environment by increasing exposure to metals. In this study, metal accumulation and its effects on reproduction and health of pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) nestlings were monitored before and up to five years after a lead mine and enrichment plant closed down. The lead concentration in moss, nestling blood, liver and feces all indicated decreased lead exposure by at least 31% after closure, although only blood lead decreased significantly. Although the birds responded fairly well to the changed atmospheric deposition (based on moss samples), concentrations were still higher compared with birds in a reference area, and breeding was affected at the mine (smaller clutches and higher mortality). Surviving nestlings suffered from lower hemoglobin levels, mean cell hemoglobin concentrations and inhibited δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity. Lead poisoning contributed to poor health and adverse reproductive effects, but other factors (e.g. increased parasitic load) probably also affected the birds.  相似文献   

Concentrations of the elements Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn were measured in the leaves and bark of Robinia pseudoacacia and the soil in which it grew, in the town of Ole?nica (SW Poland) and at a control site. We selected this town because emission from motor vehicles is practically the only source of air pollution, and it seemed interesting to evaluate its influence on soil and plants. The self-organizing feature map (SOFM) yielded distinct groups of soils and R. pseudoacacia leaves and bark, depending on traffic intensity. Only the map classifying bark samples identified an additional group of highly polluted sites along the main highway from Wroc?aw to Warszawa. The bark of R. pseudoacacia seems to be a better bioindicator of long-term cumulative traffic pollution in the investigated area, while leaves are good indicators of short-term seasonal accumulation trends.  相似文献   

Fish gill importance in toxicants uptake, bioconcentration and excretion allied to meagre knowledge on branchial damage/protection responses substantiate this study. Five critical sites in Ria de Aveiro (Portugal) were assessed in comparison with a reference site (Torreira), focusing on Liza aurata gill antioxidant defences versus damage (oxidative and genetic). Only in Barra fish displayed damage (lipid peroxidation) though no differences were found in antioxidants. In all other sites, except Rio, antioxidant alterations were found. Thus, fish from Gafanha, Laranjo and Vagos showed higher total glutathione, glutathione peroxidase and catalase. Higher glutathione reductase and glutathione S-transferase activity was also found in the first and the last sites, respectively. In Laranjo, metallothionein levels were higher though lower in Gafanha and Vagos. In general, damage was not accompanied by defences weakening confirming that predicting damage based on antioxidants depletion is not straightforward. The integrated biomarker response index ranked sites as: Gafanha > Barra > Laranjo > Vagos > Rio > Torreira.  相似文献   

Numerous successful examples of CFC and SF6 groundwater dating applications were recently published. However the proposed CFC/SF6 method needs various hydrodynamic parameters that are not always available. In order to predict groundwater-quality trends in areas where the hydrogeological context is poorly known, a dating method using tritium, CFC and SF6 was successfully implemented in Martinique. Hydrogeological understanding is limited in this volcanic island where groundwater contamination by pesticides and nitrate has been recently proven in various areas. A negative correlation was observed between nitrate concentrations and groundwater ages while pesticide contamination showed a more complex schema. Consequently the presence of old groundwater clearly explained the absence or low pesticide and nitrate concentrations in some areas. However a possible degradation of the water quality is to be feared in the future. In view of the relatively long transfer times and the complexity of the remobilization processes of solutes, the expected effects of any modifications in the use of fertilizers, or of changes in pesticide-use legislation, would take a long time to become apparent.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 (CYP450) genes play an important role in catalyzing oxidative metabolism of toxicants. Recently, CYP1 subfamily were discovered and reported in fish, however, little is known regarding the CYP2 isoforms in fish. In the present study, the cDNA fragments of CYP 1B1 and 1C1 and CYP2Aa, 2Y3, and 2K of rare minnow were cloned and exhibited a high amino acid sequence identity compared with their zebrafish orthologs. Basal expression showed CYP1C1 and CYP 2Aa expression were observed in all eight tissues analyzed (liver, gill, intestine, kidney, spleen, brain, skin, and muscle). CYP 1A, and 1B1 expression was found in all tissues except for muscle and skin. However, CYP 2Y3 was expressed in liver, spleen, intestine and muscle whereas CYP 2 K in liver, kidney and intestine. 4 and 100 μg L−1 Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) induced patterns showed that CYP 1A, 1B1 and 1C1 expression in liver, gill, and intestine was strongly up-regulated (p < 0.05). Furthermore, CYP 2Y3 was strongly induced in liver from BaP treatments (p < 0.05). The high induction on mRNA level of CYP1s and CYP 2Y3 by BaP could be associated with catalyzing detoxification and indicated that CYP2s may also be potential biomarker to screen AHR agonist. The high responsiveness of CYP1 and 2 genes suggested Chinese rare minnow is feasible to screen and assess pollution with AHR agonist.  相似文献   

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