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The depletion of airborne pollutant plumes resulting from dry deposition on ground surfaces should be taken into account when estimating pollutant concentrations in air at distances downwind from their sources. This can be done by using a reduced release rate instead of the actual release rate for the pollutant in atmospheric dispersion equations. The reduced release rate is the actual rate of release multiplied by a depletion fraction. Depletion fractions for use with the Gaussian atmospheric dispersion equation of Pasquill and Gifford were calculated by numerical integration for downwind distances ranging from 35 to 90 000 m for release heights from 1 to 400 m, and they are tabulated for convenient interpolation for intermediate values of distance and release height. Pasquill atmospheric stability categories A-G are included. The listed values are for a deposition velocity of 0.01 m/s and a wind speed of 1 m/s but can be easily converted to apply to other deposition velocities and wind speeds. The tabulated values may be applied for downwind distances close enough to the point of release that the Gaussian model may be assumed to be realistic and where the vertical dispersion of the plume has not yet been significantly affected by the overlying atmospheric lid.  相似文献   

This study attempts to validate the applicability of a simple Gaussian dispersion model for predicting long-range dispersion of continuous releases from an industrial site, by comparison with a Lagrangian particle dispersion model. The United Kingdom Meteorological Office model NAME has been used to predict annual average concentrations of radionuclides over Western Europe, resulting from discharges from the British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) site at Sellafield, UK. The results are compared here to calculations performed using a conventional Gaussian type of dispersion model, PLUME. The results of the Gaussian model were compared at 14 locations within Western Europe at long range (up to 1700 km). The differences in predictions between the models were explained readily by differences in the way dispersion and deposition processes are represented in the two models. However, differences are generally small compared to the expected precision of the models. The implementation of environmental processes in NAME is more complete and realistic than in PLUME, and as such the results from this model may be considered more realistic. However, given that PLUME is much simpler to use, and appears to over-estimate, rather than under-estimate, environmental concentrations, its use for radiological assessments appears appropriate.  相似文献   

For wide-area atmospheric monitoring, krypton-85 is the best indicator for clandestine plutonium separations. The detection and false alarm rates were determined from weekly samples at five different distances from the Karlsruhe reprocessing plant between 1985 and 1988. The detection rate for the separation of 4 kg of plutonium per week was found to be as high as 80-90% at a distance of less than 1 km, 70% at 5 km, 40% at 39 km, and 15% at 130 km. At distances up to 40 km, the false alarm rate is less than 3.5%. On average, the fuel released 28 TBq krypton-85 per kg plutonium. For weapons-grade plutonium, the krypton signal would be lower by a factor of 2. Hence, the given percentages correspond to the detection probabilities for the separation of a significant quantity (8 kg) of plutonium per weekly sample under the specific meteorological conditions of the WAK. The minimum separation rates that could have been detected are 2 gram of weapons-grade plutonium per week at a distance of less than 1 km, 40 g/week at 5 km, 200 g/week at 39 km, and 1000 g/week at 130 km.  相似文献   

The IRSN (Institut de Radioprotection et de S?reté Nucléaire, France) has started an in situ study of the behaviour of atmospheric releases close-by the COGEMA La Hague nuclear reprocessing plant. The study is designed to improve information on the dispersion of radioactive pollutants very close to the emission point--a 100 m height chimney. In this situation, close to the emission and height of the emission, Gaussian models generally used to predict the behaviour of atmospheric releases are not well adapted. The study is based on the characterisation of the 85Kr emitted during normal operations of the reprocessing process. Temporal and spatial variations of the plume shape were investigated with intensive in situ measurements. Live in situ techniques to measure the electrons and the photons emitted by the 85Kr have been implemented and will be described. Preliminary results showing the interest of the techniques were presented. Variations of the dose rates created by the photon flux of a plume were directly measured and correlated to other quantities.  相似文献   

The Chernobyl accident and unfortunately the recent accident at the Fukushima 1 Nuclear Power Plant are the most serious accidents in the history of the nuclear technology and industry. Both of them have a huge and prolonged impact on environment as well as human health. Therefore, any technological developments and strategies that could diminish the consequences of such unfortunate events are undisputedly the most important issues of research. Numerical simulations of dispersion of radionuclides in the atmosphere after an accidental release can provide with a reliable prediction of the path of the plume. In this study we present a short (one month) and a long (11 years) term statistical study for the Fukushima 1 Nuclear Power Plant to estimate the most probable dispersion directions and plume structures of radionuclides on local scale using a Gaussian dispersion model. We analyzed the differences in plume directions and structures in case of typical weather/circulation pattern and provided a statistical-climatological method for a “first-guess” approximation of the dispersion of toxic substances. The results and the described method can support and used by decision makers in such important cases like the Fukushima accident.  相似文献   


ADMS-Urban is the most widely used advanced dispersion model for urban areas, being used extensively in China and worldwide, providing a practical tool for assessing and managing urban air quality. In this paper we briefly describe the ADMS dispersion models and give an overview of their use in China. And it describes in more detail the use of ADMS-Urban in Fushun in Liaoning province and in Jinan in Shangdong province respectively, for studies of urban air quality. Finally the conclusions are presented.  相似文献   

In order to quantify tritium impact on the environmental, we studied vegetation continuously exposed to a tritiated atmosphere. We chose lichens as bio-indicators, trees for determination of past tritium releases of the Valduc Centre, and lettuce as edible vegetables for dose calculation regarding neighbourhood. The Pasquill and Doury models from the literature were tested to estimate tritium concentration in the air around vegetable for distance from the release point less than 500m. The results in tree rings show that organically bound tritium (OBT) concentration was strongly correlated with tritium releases. Using the GASCON model, the modelled variation of OBT concentration with distance was correlated with the measurements. Although lichens are recognized as bio-indicators, our experiments show that they were not convenient for environmental surveys because their age is not definitive. Thus, tritium integration time cannot be precisely determined. Furthermore, their biological metabolism is not well known and tritium concentration appears to be largely dependent on species. An average conversion rate of HTO to OBT was determined for lettuce of about 0.20-0.24%h(-1). Nevertheless, even if it is equivalent to values already published in the literature for other vegetation, we have shown that this conversion rate, established by weekly samples, varies by a factor of 10 during the different stages of lettuce development, and that its variation is linked to the biomass derivative.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION According to the Environmental Protection Law of P.R. China, and the Environmental Protection Management Method on Construction Projects the Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) (HJ/T 2.1~2. 3-93) have defined how environmental impact assessment should be carried out for construction projects, in terms of the general principle, methodology, contents and requirements. Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment on the Atmosphe…  相似文献   

Environemtnal 14C levels around various types of nuclear installations within the UK have been monitored during recent years. Enhanced 14C levels have been detected around both the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant as Sellafield and the thermal nuclear power station complex at Hunterston. From these measurements, the radiological impact of the 14C discharges on the local population is assessed. It is conservatively estimated that the 14CO2 emissions from Sellafield between 1952 and 1985 could have delivered an 8·4 man Sv collective effective dose equivalent commitment to the population living within 40 km of the site. The maximum possible collective dose to the population within 15 km of Hunterston in 1984 was 15 × 10−3 man Sv. Conservative estimates of maximum annual effective dose equivalents to individuals around Sellafield and Hunterston are 0·2 mSv (in 1982) and 12 μSv (in 1984), respectively. These dose levels do not exceed the limits recommended by ICRP but the former value clearly indicates that, for the larger discharges at least, consideration and optimisation of 14C releases are fully justified. The same 14C measurements are also used to test the validity of two atmospheric dispersion models, the Gaussian plume and the so-called ‘hyperbolic’ models. The former is excellent in predicting downwind 14C levels around Hunterston but is unsatisfactory when applied to Sellafield, whereas the latter proves reliable at both sites. Further investigations suggest that the Gaussian plume model's poor performance at Sellafield can be explained by inaccurate input data.  相似文献   

Using ADMS models for Air Quality Assessment and Management in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 INTRODUCTION Many cities and regions are undertaking studies of air quality in cities to determine both the current state of the environment and the effect of future economic and environmental strategies in order to manage local air quality. Often these studies are driven by legislation such as the European Union requirement to model agglomerations or the Chinese requirements to study air quality capacity and to forecast air quality. ADMS-Urban is the most widely used advanced dispers…  相似文献   

Radionuclide concentrations in air from uranium milling emissions were estimated for the town of Uravan, Colorado, USA and the surrounding area for a 49-yr period of mill operations beginning in 1936 and ending in 1984. Milling processes with the potential to emit radionuclides to the air included crushing and grinding of ores; conveyance of ore; ore roasting, drying, and packaging of the product (U(3)O(8)); and fugitive dust releases from ore piles, tailings' piles, and roads. The town of Uravan is located in a narrow canyon formed by the San Miguel River in western Colorado. Atmospheric transport modeling required a complex terrain model. Because historical meteorological data necessary for a complex terrain model were lacking, meteorological instruments were installed, and relevant data were collected for 1 yr. Monthly average dispersion and deposition factors were calculated using the complex terrain model, CALPUFF. Radionuclide concentrations in air and deposition on ground were calculated by multiplying the estimated source-specific release rate by the dispersion or deposition factor. Time-dependent resuspension was also included in the model. Predicted concentrations in air and soil were compared to measurements from continuous air samplers from 1979 to 1986 and to soil profile sampling performed in 2006. The geometric mean predicted-to-observed ratio for annual average air concentrations was 1.25 with a geometric standard deviation of 1.8. Predicted-to-observed ratios for uranium concentrations in undisturbed soil ranged from 0.67 to 1.22. Average air concentrations from 1936 to 1984 in housing blocks ranged from about 2.5 to 6 mBq m(-3) for (238)U and 1.5 to 3.5 mBq m(-3) for (230)Th, (226)Ra, and (210)Pb.  相似文献   

This article presents the application of variational data assimilation to a simple Gaussian plume model for radionuclides. Adjoint modeling is applied to the model in order to minimize discrepancies between contamination observations and model outputs. The interest of such an approach is to get a better estimation of some parameters such as emissions or dispersion parameters. A second-order analysis is also performed to assess the sensitivity of the optimized parameters to some poorly known parameters. Sensitivity with respect to network design is also done.  相似文献   

This article presents the application of variational data assimilation to a simple Gaussian plume model for radionuclides. Adjoint modeling is applied to the model in order to minimize discrepancies between contamination observations and model outputs. The interest of such an approach is to get a better estimation of some parameters such as emissions or dispersion parameters.A second-order analysis is also performed to assess the sensitivity of the optimized parameters to some poorly known parameters. Sensitivity with respect to network design is also done.  相似文献   

The origin of a series of atmospheric radioxenon events detected at the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO) International Monitoring System site in Melbourne, Australia, between November 2008 and February 2009 was investigated. Backward tracking analyses indicated that the events were consistent with releases associated with hot commission testing of the Australian Nuclear Science Technology Organisation (ANSTO) radiopharmaceutical production facility in Sydney, Australia. Forward dispersion analyses were used to estimate release magnitudes and transport times. The estimated 133Xe release magnitude of the largest event (between 0.2 and 34 TBq over a 2 d window), was in close agreement with the stack emission releases estimated by the facility for this time period (between 0.5 and 2 TBq). Modelling of irradiation conditions and theoretical radioxenon emission rates were undertaken and provided further evidence that the Melbourne detections originated from this radiopharmaceutical production facility. These findings do not have public health implications. This is the first comprehensive study of atmospheric radioxenon measurements and releases in Australia.  相似文献   

The tradition in tritium washout modeling is to unite the washout model with a Gaussian plume model describing dispersion of tritium vapour in the atmosphere. In the present study, an alternative approach is proposed. A numerical Eulerian model that describes washout independently of dispersion is developed.The sensitivity analysis to model parameters has shown that the washout process is influenced most significantly by rainfall parameters and air temperature: different raindrop size distributions cause differences of up to about 70% in the washout outputs; a change of 15 °C in the air temperature causes an effect of about 50%.Results are presented showing calculated values of washout outputs (tritium concentration in rain, tritium downward flux, washout coefficient) for different tritium vapour profiles, rainfall rates and air temperatures. The general conclusion is that the washout process is too complex to be described comprehensively by the simple washout coefficient concept. We suggest the approach proposed here for directly calculating the tritium downward flux and concentration in the rainwater is preferable.  相似文献   

Models for inhabited areas are used in a variety of applications for accidental or continuous releases of radioactivity to atmosphere. Pathways of interest are external exposure from radioactive material in the cloud or deposited on indoor and outdoor surfaces and people, inhalation from the plume and from material resuspended from the ground. In developing a model for inhabited areas it is necessary to consider what the end users may need and ensure that the model is appropriate for the application; different levels of detail may be appropriate for different applications. This paper considers the main processes governing exposure in inhabited areas, commenting on the extent to which we understand them and how well current models reflect this understanding. It also identifies where the authors believe future modelling is needed and the key areas where the current inhabited area models could be improved.  相似文献   

The RTMOD system is presented as a tool for the intercomparison of long-range dispersion models as well as a system for support of decision making. RTMOD is an internet-based procedure that collects the results of more than 20 models used around the world to predict the transport and deposition of radioactive releases in the atmosphere. It allows the real-time acquisition of model results and their intercomparison. Taking advantage of the availability of several model results, the system can also be used as a tool to support decision making in case of emergency. The new concept of ensemble dispersion modelling is introduced which is the basis for the decision-making application of RTMOD. New statistical parameters are presented that allow gathering the results of several models to produce a single dispersion forecast. The devised parameters are presented and tested on the results of RTMOD exercises.  相似文献   

Using data obtained from 435 radiation sampling stations in the Red Forest, 1.5 km W if the Chernobyl Nuclear Complex, we reconstructed the deposition pathway of the first plume released by the accident, Chernobyl's Western Trace. The dimensions and deposition rates of the plume remain sharply defined 15 years after the accident. Assuming a uniform particle distribution within the original cloud, we derived estimates of plume dimensions by applying geometric transformations to the coordinates at each sample point. Our derived estimates for the radioactive cloud accounted for 87% of the variation of radioactivity in this region. Results show a highly integrated bell-shaped cross-section of the cloud of radiation, approximately 660 m wide and 290 m high, traveling at a bearing of 264 degrees from reactor IV. Particle sizes within Chernobyl's Western Trace were within the most dangerous range for inhaled aerosols (2-5 microm). Therefore, reconstruction of the dispersion of such particles is critical for understanding the aftermath of nuclear and biological aerosol releases.  相似文献   

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