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The purpose of this study was to quantify the influences of tubificid worms on the biogeochemical functioning of an infiltration system impacted by a stormwater sediment deposit. Effects of worms with stormwater sediment deposit were compared with effects of worms with two other natural sediment deposits (one low and one rich-particulate organic matter deposits). We measured the effects of invertebrates on sediment reworking, organic matter processing, solute fluxes, microbial characteristics, and pollutant release from stormwater deposit to water. Our results showed that tubificid worms had slight effects on microbial activities in presence of the stormwater deposit whereas they significantly stimulated microbial activities in columns impacted by the other two deposits. High contents of labile organic matter contained in stormwater sediments probably led to very strong microbial activities that could not be easily stimulated by worm activities. In our experimental conditions, no significant influence of tubificid worms on the fate of pollutants (heavy metals and PAHs) contained in the stormwater deposit was measured. In conclusion, our study demonstrated that the organic matter characteristics of the stormwater sediments limited the efficiency of tubificid worms to stimulate organic matter mineralization in infiltration systems.  相似文献   

Constructed wetlands (CWs) are used to reduce the pesticide inputs from tile drainage or run-off to surface water. Their effectiveness appears variable and remains to be better characterized and understood. The aim of this study was to assess the influences of two hydraulic parameters (i.e., dynamics and water level) on the sorption process occurring in CWs. Then, two solid/liquid ratios were studied (1/1 and 1/5) to mimic the water level variation in the field, and two agitation speeds were used (none and gentle agitation) to simulate different water dynamics (stagnation and flow pass, respectively). Sorption kinetics and isotherms were obtained for four pesticides with contrasting properties. The pesticide adsorption coefficients were classified as follows: boscalid (BSC) > cyproconazole (CYP) > isoproturon (IPU) ~ dimethachlor (DMT) at any ratio or agitation, in agreement with their water solubilities and K ow values. The effect of the solid/liquid ratio was evidenced for all conditions. Indeed, the adsorption equilibrium time was reached more quickly for the 1/1 ratio (24–72 h) than for the 1/5 ratio (96–120 h). In addition, the adsorption coefficients (K f ads) were larger for the 1/1 ratio (1.8–11.2 L kg?1) than for the 1/5 ratio (1.0–5.9 L kg?1). The agitation effect was ?more evidenced for the 1/5 ratio and for the more hydrophobic molecules, such as BSC and CYP, for which adsorption equilibrium time was never reached with agitation (>120 h), while it was reached at 96 h without agitation. Moreover, the K f ads values were larger with agitation than without agitation for BSC and CYP, whereas they were similar for the two agitations for IPU and DMT. Our results demonstrated that the hydrodynamic function of CWs could influence pesticide sorption with variable effects according to the molecular properties and consequently influence the mitigation effect of CWs throughout the year.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of bivalves is regulated by several natural environmental factors but exposure to chemical pollutants can also interfere and may result in advanced or delayed spawning season. To our knowledge, the gametogenic cycle of the suspension-feeder bivalve Donax trunculus has not yet been used as biomonitoring tool in ecotoxicological surveys. The aim of this study was to examine over a year physiological reproductive endpoints (sex-ratio, gametogenic and energy reserve cycles) and biological indices (condition index, allometry) in D. trunculus originating from two sites differing by their level of contamination. Specimens were collected bimonthly from November 2008 to October 2009 from a polluted site (Radès Méliane) and a comparatively reference site (Sidi Jehmi) in the Gulf of Tunis (Tunisia). Five stages were depicted by histological examination of gonads: undifferentiated, developing, mature, spawn and spent. Differences in the gametogenic cycle according to the site of origin of bivalves were observed. The spawning period began in March and was maximum in May in bivalves from both sites, but the percentage of spawning animals was higher in the polluted site vs the reference site. The spawning period was shorter in animals from the polluted site comparatively to the reference site. Energy reserves (glycogen, lipids) were higher in March and May comparatively to the other studied periods in bivalves from both sites. Lower energy reserves levels were usually observed in animals from the polluted site compared to the reference site. Seasonal variations of the condition index were associated to the reproductive and nutritive status of bivalves. Differences in allometry were depicted between bivalves from both studied sites. If we try to link allometry, energy reserves and reproduction, it can be hypothesized that for bivalves from the reference site, energy reserves are allocated to gametogenesis and length growth. For bivalves from the polluted site, energy reserves could be devoted to tolerance to chemical stress and to reproductive processes. Therefore, D. trunculus appears as a suitable sentinel species for the assessment of the ecotoxicological risk of contaminants such as endocrine disruptors.  相似文献   

In many densely populated areas, riverine floodplains have been strongly impacted and degraded by river channelization and flood protection dikes. Floodplains act as buffers for flood water and as filters for nutrients and pollutants carried with river water and sediment from upstream source areas. Based on results of the EU-funded “AquaTerra” project (2004-2009), we analyze changes in the dynamics of European river-floodplain systems over different temporal scales and assess their effects on contaminant behaviour and ecosystem functioning. We find that human-induced changes in the hydrologic regime of rivers have direct and severe consequences on nutrient cycling and contaminant retention in adjacent floodplains. We point out the complex interactions of contaminants with nutrient availability and other physico-chemical characteristics (pH, organic matter) in determining ecotoxicity and habitat quality, and draw conclusions for improved floodplain management.  相似文献   


A simple technique was demonstrated for determining the potential for synthetic organics to stress microbial populations. Oxidized Crowley and Cecil soil materials were amended with varying concentrations of 2,4‐D and methyl parathion, flooded, and then analyzed for changes in pH, redox potential, and levels of soluble plus exchangeable Fe, Mn, and Zn, all of which may be directly or indirectly influenced by the activity of soil microorganisms. At the concentrations tested (up to 75 ppm), there was little effect of 2,4‐D, but methyl parathion apparently did affect microbial activity contributing to changes in the measured soil properties upon flooding. This approach may be a useful technique for screening various compounds for their potential to stress microbial activity that, for many researchers, would be easier than direct observations of microbial parameters such as population numbers and classifications, and enzyme levels.  相似文献   

In urban area, management of stormwater leads to the accumulation of polluted sediments at the water-sediment interface of various aquatic ecosystems. In many cases, these sediments are colonised by dense populations of tubificid worms. However, the influence of tubificid worms on the fate of stormwater sediments has never been tackled. The aim of this study was to measure in sediment columns the influence of tubificid worms on sediment reworking, organic matter processing (O(2) uptake and release of NH(4)(+), NO(3)(-), PO(4)(3-), and dissolved organic carbon), release of hydrocarbons and heavy metals, and microbial characteristics. Results showed that tubificid worms increased the release of NH(4)(+), PO(4)(3-), and dissolved organic carbon by 2-, 4-, and 3-fold, respectively. O(2) uptake also increased by more than 35% due to tubificid activity. The increase in the percentages of active bacteria and hydrolytic activity in the presence of worms indicated that the higher sediment respiration was caused by the stimulation of microbial communities. A reduction of the number of sulphate-reducing bacteria in the uppermost layers of the sediment was attributed to the penetration of O(2) due to worm activity. These significant effects of tubificid worms were probably linked to the dense network of burrows, which enhanced the exchange surface between the water column and the sediment. No release of heavy metals and hydrocarbons to the water phase was detected in the sediment columns. Understanding the fate and effect of organic stormwater sediments in the natural environment requires the integration of the role of bioturbation in urban pollution studies.  相似文献   

Logarithmic values of the subcooled liquid vapor pressure (log PL) were estimated for 1436 polychlorinated and polybrominated congeners of benzenes, biphenyls, dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans, diphenyl ethers and naphthalenes by employing the Quantitative Structure–Property Relationships (QSPR) approach. The QSPR model developed with GA–PLS technique was characterized by satisfactory goodness-of-fit, robustness and the external predictive performance (R2Y = 0.970, QCV2 = 0.970, QExt2 = 0.966, RMSEC = 0.21, RMSECV = 0.22 and RMSEP = 0.22). The externally validated model has been applied to predict subcooled liquid vapor pressure of uninvestigated halogenated persistent organic pollutants. Moreover, a simple arithmetic relationship between logarithmic values of subcooled liquid vapor pressures in pairs of chloro- and bromo-analogues has been found. This relationship can be used for estimating log PL of a brominated compound, whenever log PL of its chlorinated counterpart is known, without necessity of performing any time-consuming computations.  相似文献   


Background and aim  

The biosorption of Basic Violet 5BN (BV) and Basic Green (BG) by waste brewery’s yeast (WBY) from single and binary systems was investigated.  相似文献   

When plants are observed under a low dose of ozone, some physiological and metabolic shifts occur. Barring extreme injury such as tissue damage or stomata closure, most of these disruptive changes are likely to have been initiated at the level of gene expression. The belief is oxidative products formed in ozone exposed leaves, e.g. hydrogen peroxide, are responsible for much of the biochemical adjustments. The first line of defense is a range of antioxidants, such as ascorbate and glutathione, but if this defense is overwhelmed, subsequent actions occur, similar to systemic acquired resistance or general wounding. Yet there are seemingly unrelated metabolic responses which are also triggered, such as early senescence. We discuss here the current understanding of gene control and signal transduction/control in order to increase our comprehension of how ozone alters the basic metabolism of plants and how plants counteract or cope with ozone.  相似文献   

A new type of automobile catalyst based on an active Pd/Rh-layer is presently being introduced into the European market. Accordingly, in order to establish baseline information, this work attempts to assess the magnitude of Pd emissions by automobile catalysts to date. Thus, a survey is presented on Pd and Pt levels detected in polluted environmental matrices (grass, soil, dust, sludges) as available from the literature. Additionally, Pd data measured by selective preconcentration/GF-AAS-detection in polluted grass, in a time series of sewage sludge ashes back to 1972, in dust, as well as in urban rain are presented. Since the data basis from the literature is partly inconsistent, the possible impact of different analytical attempts on the data is discussed. The relationship between Pt and Pd concentration from most of the results is between 5 and 10 (Pt/Pd). However, relations down to 0.04 are also reported, thus implying anthropogenic Pd input from additional sources.  相似文献   

There is an ongoing discussion whether in the environmental risk assessment for chemicals the so called 'deterministic' approach using point estimates of exposure and effect concentrations is still appropriate. Instead, the more detailed and scientifically sounder probabilistic methods that have been developed over the last years are widely recommended. Here, we present the results of a probabilistic effect assessment for the aquatic environment performed for the pesticide methyl parathion and compare them with the results obtained with the common deterministic approach as described in the EU Technical Guidance Document. Methyl parathion was chosen because a sufficient data set (acute toxicity data for about 70 species) was available. The assumptions underlying the probabilistic effect assessment are discussed in the light of the results obtained for methyl parathion. Two important assumptions made by many studies are: (i) a sufficient number of ecologically relevant toxicity data is available, (ii) the toxicity data follow a certain distribution such as log-normal. Considering the scarcity of data for many industrial chemicals, we conclude that these assumptions would not be fulfilled in many cases if the probabilistic assessment was applied to the majority of industrial chemicals. Therefore, despite the well-known limitations of the deterministic approach, it should not be replaced by probabilistic methods unless the assumptions of these methods are carefully checked in each individual case, which would significantly increase the effort for the assessment procedure.  相似文献   

Oltenacu PA  Algers B 《Ambio》2005,34(4-5):311-315
In many European countries, milk production per cow has more than doubled in the last 40 years. The increase in production has been accompanied by declining ability to reproduce, increasing incidence of health problems, and declining longevity in modern dairy cows. Genetic selection for increased milk yield increasingly is viewed as increasing profit at the expense of reducing animal welfare. The economic future of the dairy industry is related directly to public acceptance of its breeding and production practices. It is important to the dairy industry that welfare problems should be addressed before there is widespread condemnation of breeding and management practices. A new breeding goal aimed at improving fitness and tolerance of metabolic stress is necessary to prevent the decrease in the quality of life of dairy cows and instead, perhaps, enhance it.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of investigations on the suitability of lugworms (Arenicola marina) to study the bioaccumulation potential of Hg, PCB and PAH compounds from dredged sediments upon laboratory exposure. The results of tissue concentrations for several sediments from Spanish ports showed that it is possible to identify increased levels of contaminants in lugworms just after 10 days of exposure although different bioaccumulation trends were shown amongst compounds and sediments. Total and organic Hg compounds were accumulated following a non-linear trend, with a sharp increase of tissue concentrations in lugworms exposed to levels of contamination associated to a significant increase in mortality. Interestingly organic Hg compounds accounted for an average of 40% of the total Hg in lugworms exposed to sediments presenting sublethal concentrations while, when exposed to sediments presenting lethal concentrations, organic Hg compounds only accounted for 4% of the total Hg accumulated in lugworms. While lugworms seem to readily accumulate Hg and PCB compounds, with some variability explained by the organic matter content in sediments or other factor for which it accounts for, the results for PAHs suggest a more complex process of bioaccumulation as no relationship was observed between the measured concentrations in sediments and in lugworms, not even after correcting the results for this factor. Besides, the differences in the calculated BSAFs for each compound and for each sediment supported the use of bioassays for evaluating the bioaccumulation potential of sediment-bound contaminants as part of the assessment framework required in pre-dredging investigations, as they still offer unique information about the bioavailability of sediment-bound contaminants.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Sharks are top predators and play an important role in the regulation of marine ecosystems at lower trophic position. Mustelus californicus, Sphyrna...  相似文献   

We aimed to evaluate whether environmental factors affect the persistence of bromadiolone in baits in field treatment. Baits were distributed in three soils according to two types of distribution: (1) artificial galleries conform to agricultural practices; (2) storage cavities to mimic bait storage by voles. Persistence was evaluated for 30 days in galleries and 80 days in storage cavities in autumn and spring. The decrease of bromadiolone concentrations was described by a first-order kinetic model. In galleries, the half-lives ranged from 3.0 to 5.1 days in autumn and from 5.4 to 6.2 days in spring. The half-lives were similar between soils and seasons but the pattern of persistence differed lightly for two soils between seasons. Half-lives in storage cavities, 42.7 and 24.6 days in autumn and spring respectively, were longer than in galleries. To conclude, both soil characteristics and climatic conditions weakly influence persistence, while bait storage lengthens it dramatically.  相似文献   

Six groups participated in an international study of springtime atmospheric mercury depletion events (AMDEs) at Ny-Ålesund in the Norwegian Arctic during April and May 2003 with the aim to compare analytical methods for measurements of atmospheric mercury species and study the physical and chemical processes leading to AMDEs. Five groups participated in the method comparison that was conducted at three different locations within Ny-Ålesund. Various automated and manual instrumentation were used to sample, measure and compare gaseous elemental mercury (GEM), reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) and mercury associated with particles (Hg-P). The concentration of GEM was reproducible during background conditions. For the first time using ambient air, the statistics associated with round robin test procedures were applied. This was found to be an appropriate tool to investigate the reproducibility of GEM measurements in ambient air. The precision for each group measuring GEM concentrations was found to be consistently good (within 5%). Five AMDEs were recorded during the study. Using four different methods, including single and replicate samples, all groups recorded higher values of RGM and Hg-P during AMDEs. The results show that measuring comparable atmospheric mercury species at both the same and different locations (within the Ny-Ålesund area) is difficult. Not only do site location and site characteristics create challenges when trying to intercompare results but there are difficulties, as well, in obtaining comparable results with similar sampling and analysis methods. Nevertheless, with our current procedures for atmospheric mercury identification we can differentiate with certainty between “high” and “low” concentration values of RGM and Hg-P.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Green building development(GBD) plays an important role in improving carbon emission reduction efficiency of the construction industry(CEEOCI), and...  相似文献   

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