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Passive samplers are used to measure dissolved nonionic organic contaminants (NOCs) in environmental media. More recently, reverse polyethylene samplers (RePES) have been used with spiked sediments to recreate interstitial water exposure concentrations and observed toxicity. In the present study, RePES were used with field contaminated sediments. The RePES was not capable of recreating the pattern of toxicity with the amphipod and mysid observed with intact field sediments. Decreased survival in the RePES exposures as compared to the whole sediment exposures was most likely caused by an overexposure to NOCs due to a lack of surrogate black carbon in the RePES system. As an alternative, aqueous phase studies were performed in which polyethylene was allowed to equilibrate with slurries of intact sediments for 3 weeks. Three weeks was found to be an insufficient amount of time for the polyethylene to equilibrate with the sediment. An additional study demonstrated 3 months was sufficient for lower contaminant concentrations, but might not be an adequate amount of time for more highly contaminated sediments. The aqueous phase transfer approach may be useful if equilibration is sufficiently long, although this length of time may be impractical for use in certain applications, such as toxicity identification evaluations (TIEs).  相似文献   

Simpson SL  Ward D  Strom D  Jolley DF 《Chemosphere》2012,88(8):953-961
Acid-volatile sulfides (AVS) are an important metal-binding phase in sediments. For sediments that contain an excess of AVS over simultaneously extracted metal (SEM) concentrations, acute or chronic effects should not result from the metals Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn. While AVS phases may exist in surface sediments, the exposure to dissolved oxygen may oxidize the AVS and release metals to more bioavailable forms. We investigated the role of oxidation of AVS, and specifically copper sulfide phases, in surface sediments, in the toxicity to juveniles of the epibenthic amphipod, Melita plumulosa. Sediments containing known amounts of copper sulfide were prepared either in situ by reacting dissolved copper with AVS that had formed in field sediments or created in sediments within the laboratory, or by addition of synthesised CuS to sediments. Regardless of the form of the copper sulfide, considerable oxidation of AVS occurred during the 10-d tests. Sediments that had a molar excess of AVS compared to SEM at the start of the tests, did not always have an excess at the end of the tests. Consistent with the AVS-SEM model, no toxicity was observed for sediments with an excess of AVS throughout the tests. However, the study highlights the need to carefully consider the changes in AVS concentrations during tests, and that measurements of AVS and SEM concentrations should carefully target the materials to which the organisms are being exposed throughout tests, which in the case of juvenile M. plumulosa is the top few mm of the sediments.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to assess the potential ecotoxicological effects of contaminated sediments treated with mineral additives. The Microtox solid phase test was used to evaluate the effect of mineral additives on the toxicity of sediment suspensions. Four Mediterranean port sediments were studied after dredging and bioremediation: Sample A from navy harbor, sample B from commercial port and samples C and D from pleasure ports. Sediment samples were stabilized with three mineral additives: hematite, zero-valent iron and zeolite. Results show that all studied mineral additives can act as stabilizer agent in highly contaminated sediments (A and C) by decreasing dissolved metal concentrations and sediment toxicity level. On the contrary, for the less contaminated samples (B and D) hematite and zeolite can provoke toxic effect towards Vibrio fischeri since additive particles can favor bacteria retention and decrease bioluminescence emission.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show that concentrations of manufactured carbon-based nanoparticles (MCNPs) in aquatic sediments will be negligible compared to levels of black carbon nanoparticles (BCNPs). This is concluded from model calculations accounting for MCNP sedimentation fluxes, removal rates due to aggregation or degradation, and MCNP burial in deeper sediment layers. The resultant steady state MCNP levels are compared with BCNP levels calculated from soot levels in sediments and weight fractions of nanosized fractions of these soot particles. MCNP/BCNP ratios range from 10−7 to 10−4 (w:w). This suggests that the often acclaimed effect of MCNPs on organic pollutant binding and bioavailability will likely be below the level of detection if natural BCNPs are present, even if binding to MCNP is one to two orders of magnitude stronger than to BCNPs. Furthermore, exposure and toxic effects of MCNPs in sediments and soils will be negligible compared to that of BCNPs.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven surface sediment samples were collected from the mainstream and eight tributaries of the Wuhan reach of the Yangtze River, China, in 2005, in order to assess the distribution, possible sources, and potential risk of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the environment. The total concentrations of PCBs (the sum of 39 congeners) ranged from 1.2 to 45.1 ng g−1 dry weight, with a mean value of 9.2 ng g−1. Sediment samples with the highest PCB concentrations came from the tributary sites, which are closer to PCB sources. Conversely, PCB concentrations in the sediment from the mainstream sites of Yangtze River were relatively low. The observed PCB levels were higher than those found in the sediments of other rivers in China, but lower than those in river sediments from other urban areas and harbors around the world. Low-chlorinated PCBs, dominated by tetra-PCBs and penta-PCBs, were identified as being prevalent in the surface sediments. Correlation analyses between the PCBs and the geochemistry and heavy metal content of the sediments suggest that the washing of these compounds from the land into the river by floods and heavy rains, or industrial wastewater and domestic sewage, may be the major sources of the PCBs. According to established sediment quality guidelines, the risk of adverse biological effects from the levels of PCBs recorded at most of the studied sites should be insignificant, although the higher concentrations at other sites could cause acute biological damage.  相似文献   

Zheng W  Lichwa J  Yan T 《Chemosphere》2011,84(4):376-382
PAHs are ubiquitous environmental pollutants that can cause adverse health and ecological effects. In the present study, we examined the impact of land use on the concentration and composition of PAHs in 28 coastal stream sediments on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii. In densely populated urban areas, the concentration range of total PAHs in the stream sediments affected by mixed residential and industrial activities (RI) are 0.40-9.05 ppm, which is significantly higher than the 0.36-4.21 ppm detected in the stream sediments affected predominantly by urban residential land uses (UR). The stream sediments affected by agricultural activities (AG) reported a concentration range of 0.09-2.14 ppm, which is lower than those of the RI and UR stream sediments. The molecular weight of PAH is a factor, as only high molecular weight (HMW) PAHs were significantly affected by land uses (ANOVA P = 0.009). Correlation analysis showed that only in the UR stream sediments were significant correlations observed between PAH concentration and two anthropogenic indicators: population density (r = 0.57, P = 0.027) and vehicle density (r = 0.55, P = 0.034). The fractional concentrations of PAHs were analyzed by using PCA analysis, which led to the separate clustering of the RI and AG stream sediments and suggest distinct PAH sources between the two land uses. Two PAH source indicators, including Ant/(Ant + Phe) and Fl/(Fl + Py), indicates that PAHs sources in the RI stream sediments are most likely of petroleum origin, while PAHs in the UR and AG stream sediments most likely came from combustion activities. In addition, the concentration and relative potency of carcinogenic PAHs in the coastal stream sediments exhibited similar patterns as the total PAH concentration with respect to land uses.  相似文献   

The behaviour and effects of atorvastatin (ATO), carbamazepine (CBZ), and 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) were investigated in spiked lake sediments, at concentrations up to 56.5 mg kg−1 dry weight (dw), with the benthic invertebrates Chironomus dilutus and Hyalella azteca. Desorption constants were calculated in the presence and absence of animals, using linear isotherms, yielding Kd values of 28.2, 189.0 and 125.1 L kg−1 (ATO), 73.7, 201.7 and 263.2 L kg−1 (CBZ), and 114.9, 114.2 and 519.2 L kg−1 (EE2) for C. dilutus, H. azteca, and without animals, respectively. For ATO and CBZ, Kd values were smaller in the presence of C. dilutus, indicating greater desorption to the overlying water from bioturbation, which is consistent with the predominantly benthic occurrence of C. dilutus compared to H. azteca. In contrast, due to its greater hydrophobicity, bioturbation did not significantly affect desorption of EE2. No significant toxicity was observed, indicating decreased bioavailability of the chemicals sorbed to sediments compared with water-only toxicity assays.  相似文献   

The toxicological sensitivity and variability of a range of macrophyte endpoints were statistically tested with data from chronic, non-axenic, macrophyte toxicity tests. Five submersed freshwater macrophytes, four pesticides/biocides and 13 endpoints were included in the statistical analyses. Root endpoints, reflecting root growth, were most sensitive in the toxicity tests, while endpoints relating to biomass, growth and shoot length were less sensitive. The endpoints with the lowest coefficients of variation were not necessarily the endpoints, which were toxicologically most sensitive. Differences in sensitivity were in the range of 10-1000 for different macrophyte-specific endpoints. No macrophyte species was consistently the most sensitive. Criteria to select endpoints in macrophyte toxicity tests should include toxicological sensitivity, variance and ecological relevance. Hence, macrophyte toxicity tests should comprise an array of endpoints, including very sensitive endpoints like those relating to root growth.  相似文献   

- In current biotest approaches, intact organisms or in vitro systems are exposed to sediments using different exposure scenarios. The most important issue in sediment toxicity testing protocols is the question which test phase (solid or liquid) should be used. Whole-sediment exposure protocols represent the most realistic scenario to simulate in situ exposure conditions in the laboratory. However, until now there is no agreement in how to acquire and to evaluate the data of the various available sediment contact assays. The SeKT joint research project was initiated with the aim to compare recently developed sediment contact assays by addressing reference conditions, control sediments and toxicity thresholds for limnic sediment contact tests.  相似文献   

Dimethyldioctadecylammonium chloride (DODMAC, CAS No. 107-64-2) is the principal active component of Di(hydrogenated tallow alkyl) dimethylammonium chloride (DHTDMAC, CAS No. 61789-80-8), a cationic surfactant formerly used principally in laundry fabric softeners. After discharge to water, DODMAC partitions strongly to sediment, therefore the assessment of the effects of DODMAC to benthic organisms is essential in any risk assessment. Chronic toxicity studies were conducted with Lumbriculus variegatus (Oligochaete), Tubifex tubifex (Oligochaete) and Caenorhabditis elegans (Nematode). NOECs were greater than 5738, 1515 and 1351 mg/kg dw, respectively, even for sub-lethal effects. Measurement of the route of uptake of DODMAC by L. variegatus demonstrated the relative importance of uptake via ingestion (86%) compared with direct contact with the sediment and via pore water (14%). The overall tendency of DODMAC to bioaccumulate, however, was low with measured accumulation factors of 0.22 and 0.78 for L. variegatus and T. tubifex, respectively.  相似文献   

Toxicity was observed in whole effluent toxicity (WET) studies with the freshwater alga, Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, in three consecutive monthly studies, (NOEC = 50-75%). Toxicity was not observed to Ceriodaphnia dubia or the fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas in concurrent studies. Selected toxicity identification evaluation (TIE) tests were conducted in a tiered approach to eliminate possible toxicants and progressively identify the causative agent. Filtration following alkaline adjustment (pH 10 or 11) was effective in eliminating significant growth effects and also reduced phosphate concentration. The TIE studies confirmed that the observed effluent toxicity was caused by excess ortho-phosphate in the effluent not by overstimulation or related to unfavorable N:P ratios; but due to direct toxicity. The 96-h 25% inhibition concentration (IC25) of ortho-phosphate to P. subcapitata was 3.4 mg L−1 while the maximum acceptable toxicant concentration was 4.8 mg L−1. This study illustrates the value of multi-species testing and also provides an example of an effective TIE using algae identifying an unanticipated toxicant.  相似文献   

Pore water was separated either with or without water extraction prior to centrifugation (7600 or 20 000 × g) in order to investigate the effects of separation procedure on the amount and properties of dissolved organic matter (DOM i.e. the material passing through a 0.45-μm filter) in three freshwater sediments. On the basis of solubility in alkaline, organic matter was concluded to compose of humic substances in two (S1 and S3) and of humin (S2) in one of the sediments. DOM in the samples was quantified by total organic carbon measurement. Specific UV-absorption (SUVA) and high performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) analyses were used to characterize DOM. Sorption of pyrene was used as a measure for functionality of DOM. Both water extraction and centrifugation speed were shown to affect the properties of DOM; however, the effects were sediment dependent. Water extraction increased the amount of DOM separated from the two sediments that had humic character (S1 and S3). In most cases water extraction increased SUVA and shifted the molecular size distribution of DOM towards larger sizes. The separation procedure had also an effect on the functionality of DOM. In water extracted samples of S2 and S3 the sorption of pyrene was higher than in the corresponding samples separated without water extraction, whereas in S1 similar effect was not found. Generally, centrifugation speed had smaller effects on the properties of DOM than water extraction. The fact that the effects of separation procedure on DOM depend on the sediment characteristics complicates the comparison between samples and evaluation of functionality in field conditions.  相似文献   

Pharmaceuticals, including the lipid regulator gemfibrozil and the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac have been identified in waste water treatment plant effluents and receiving waters throughout the western world. The acute and chronic toxicity of these compounds was assessed for three freshwater species (Daphnia magna,Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Lemna minor) using standardised toxicity tests with toxicity found in the non-environmentally relevant mid mg L−1 concentration range. For the acute endpoints (IC50 and EC50) gemfibrozil showed higher toxicity ranging from 29 to 59 mg L−1 (diclofenac 47-67 mg L−1), while diclofenac was more toxic for the chronic D. magna 21 d endpoints ranging from 10 to 56 mg L−1 (gemfibrozil 32-100 mg L−1). These results were compared with the expression of several biomarkers in the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) 24 and 96 h after exposure by injection to concentrations of 21 and 21,000 μg L−1 corresponding to nominal concentrations of 1 and 1000 μg L−1. Exposure to gemfibrozil and diclofenac at both concentrations significantly increased the level of lipid peroxidation, a biomarker of damage. At the elevated nominal concentration of 1000 μg L−1 the biomarkers of defence glutathione transferase and metallothionein were significantly elevated for gemfibrozil and diclofenac respectively, as was DNA damage after 96 h exposure to gemfibrozil. No evidence of endocrine disruption was observed using the alkali-labile phosphate technique. Results from this suite of biomarkers indicate these compounds can cause significant stress at environmentally relevant concentrations acting primarily through oxidation pathways with significant destabilization of the lysosomal membrane and that biomarker expression is a more sensitive endpoint than standardised toxicity tests.  相似文献   

Lee CL  Song HJ  Fang MD 《Chemosphere》2005,58(11):1503-1516
Forty sediments were analyzed for chlorobenzenes (CBs) and hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) to investigate their pollution topography along the Kaohsiung coast, Taiwan. Maximum CB concentrations found, varied from 15.4 ng/g dw for 1,2,3-TCB to 56.8 ng/g dw for 1,2,4-TCB, while higher HCBD concentrations were detected among north-bound stations (around the exit of the Tsoying outfall pipe) and its concentration decreases from north to south. Compared to a previous survey executed a year before, there is no statistically significant difference in CB and HCBD congeners between these two surveys (p = 0.68–0.87, two-tailed paired t-test). The spatial distribution of toxic index reveals that biological effects might occur near Tsoying and Dalinpu outfall pipe outlets which dispose of petro-chemical wastewater. Evidence found in this study also shows distinct CB patterns from the two nearby sources, the Dalinpu outfall pipe outlet and the Kaoping estuary. Principal component analysis shows that four principal components conducting CBs and HCBD distribution were extracted. Both the first two components (accounted for 58.8% of the total variance), comprised all of the CBs except HCB (DCBs to PeCB), were found not capable of differentiating any distinct pollution source. On the other hand, HCBD and HCB were extracted as third and fourth components, respectively, pointing out their distinct sources in this area.  相似文献   

The feasibility of assessing copper accumulation in agricultural soils using avoidance tests with a Canadian strain of Folsomia candida was investigated under laboratory conditions. The avoidance response to nominal copper sulfate concentrations of 0, 200, 800, 1600 and 3200 mg kg−1 in OECD soil was inconsistent between trials with the standard plastic cup or a modified Petri dish method requiring less soil. However, combined results from three Petri dish trials decreased variability and provided a 75% avoidance level, close to the 80% criterion proposed for avoidance tests. A Copper avoidance EC50s of 18 mg kg−1was obtained using the Petri dish method whether tests were conducted with or without light. While Petri dish tests have potential as a cheap tool to distinguish metal contaminated soils from uncontaminated soils they would be unsuitable for tracking or quantifying changes in metal concentrations. throughout remediation. Advantages and limitations of the method have been presented.  相似文献   

The Gironde fluvial estuarine system is impacted by historic metal pollution (e.g. Cd, Zn, Hg) and oysters (Crassostrea gigas) from the estuary mouth have shown extremely high Cd concentrations for decades. Based on recent work (Chiffoleau et al., 2005) revealing anomalously high Ag concentrations (up to 65 mg kg−1; dry weight) in Gironde oysters, we compared long-term (∼1955-2001) records of Ag and Cd concentrations in reservoir sediment with the respective concentrations in oysters collected between 1979 and 2010 to identify the origin and historical trend of the recently discovered Ag anomaly. Sediment cores from two reservoirs upstream and downstream from the main metal pollution source provided information on (i) geochemical background (upstream; Ag: ∼0.3 mg kg−1; Cd: ∼0.8 mg kg−1) and (ii) historical trends in Ag and Cd pollution. The results showed parallel concentration-depth profiles of Ag and Cd supporting a common source and transport. Decreasing concentrations since 1986 (Cd: from 300 to 11 mg kg−1; Ag: from 6.7 to 0.43 mg kg−1) reflected the termination of Zn ore treatment in the Decazeville basin followed by remediation actions. Accordingly, Cd concentrations in oysters decreased after 1988 (from 109 to 26 mg kg−1, dry weight (dw)), while Ag bioaccumulation increased from 38 up to 116 mg kg−1, dw after 1993. Based on the Cd/Ag ratio (Cd/Ag ∼ 2) in oysters sampled before the termination of zinc ore treatment (1981-1985) and assuming that nearly all Cd in oysters originated from the metal point source, we estimated the respective contribution of Ag from this source to Ag concentrations in oysters. The evolution over the past 30 years clearly suggested that the recent, unexplained Ag concentrations in oysters are due to increasing contributions (>70% after 1999) by other sources, such as photography, electronics and emerging Ag applications/materials.  相似文献   

Some recent converging tracer tests with sorbing tracers at the Asp? Hard Rock Laboratory in Sweden, the TRUE tests, have been predicted using only laboratory data and hydraulic data from borehole measurements. No model parameters were adjusted to obtain a better fit with the experiments. The independent data were fracture frequency and transmissivity data obtained in the field and laboratory data on sorption and matrix diffusion. Transmissivity measurements in five boreholes in the rock volume containing the region surrounding the injection and collection points show that there is a high frequency of water conducting fractures. Of 162 packed off sections with 0.5 m packer distances, 112 were found to have a transmissivity above the detection limit. The specific flow-wetted surface (FWS) of the rock mass could be estimated from these data. The transmissivities were found to be reasonably well described by a lognormal distribution. Laboratory data on diffusion and sorption properties together with the hydraulic data were used to "predict" the residence time distribution (RTD) of the sorbing tracers. The results were compared with the experimental breakthrough curves. In these experiments, the water residence time is very small compared to the residence time of the sorbing tracers due to their diffusion and sorption within the rock matrix. We thus could neglect the influence of the water residence time in our predictions. Therefore, no information on water residence times or on "dispersion" was needed. The dispersion of the sorbing tracers is caused by the different sorbing tracer residence times in different pathways. The sorbing tracer residence time is determined by the ratio of flowrate to the flow-wetted surface in the different pathways and not by the water residence time. Assuming a three-dimensional flow pattern and using the observed fracture frequency and flowrate distribution, breakthrough curves for three strongly sorbing tracers were predicted. Only the laboratory data, the transmissivity measurements and the pumping flowrate were used in the predictions. No information on the water residence time as obtained by the nonsorbing tracers was used. The predictions were surprisingly accurate.  相似文献   


The fumigant 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) is considered to be a potential replacement for methyl bromide when methyl bromide is phased out in 2005. This study on surface emissions and subsurface diffusion of 1,3-D in a Florida sandy soil was conducted in field beds with or without plastic covers. After injection of the commercial fumigant Telone II by conventional chisels to field beds at 30 cm depth which were covered with polyethylene film (PE), virtually impermeable film, or no cover (bare), (Z)- and (E)-1,3-D rapidly diffused upward. Twenty hours after injection, majority of (Z)- and (E)-1,3-D had moved upward from 30 cm depth to the layer of 5–20 cm depth. Downward movement of the two isomers in the beds with or without a plastic cover was not significant. (Z)-1,3-D diffused more rapidly than (E)-1,3-D. Virtually impermeable films (VIF) had a good capacity to retain (Z)- and (E)-1,3-D in soil pore air space. Vapor concentrations of the two isomers in the shallow subsurface of the field bed covered with VIF were greater than that in the two beds covered with polyethylene film (PE) or no cover (bare). In addition, VIF cover provided more uniform distribution of (Z)- and (E)-1,3-D in shallow subsurface than PE cover or no cover. Virtually impermeable film also had a better capability to retard surface emissions of the two isomers from soil in field beds than PE cover or no cover.  相似文献   

The effect of the addition of materials on the leaching pattern of As and metals (Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, and Cd) in two contaminated soils was investigated. The examined materials included bentonites, silicates and industrial wastes, such as sugar foam, fly ashes and a material originated from the zeolitization of fly ash. Soil + material mixtures were prepared at 10% doses. Changes in the acid neutralization capacity, crystalline phases and contaminant leaching over a wide range of pHs were examined by using pHstat leaching tests. Sugar foam, the zeolitic material and MX-80 bentonite produced the greatest decrease in the leaching of pollutants due to an increase in the pH and/or the sorption capacity in the resulting mixture. This finding suggests that soil remediation may be a feasible option for the reuse of non-hazardous wastes.  相似文献   

Between 1992 and 2004, air contamination with lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and zinc (Zn) in Warsaw, Poland, was monitored annually with moss (Sphagnum fallax) bags on a network of 230 sites covering the entire city. During the study the highest contamination was near the Warszawa Steel Mill, northwestern Warsaw. Lead concentrations in moss bags decreased in time, while those of Cd and Zn did not show clear trends. Between 1994 and 2004, Pb, Cd, and Zn were also monitored in the Crimean linden (Tilia Euchlora) foliage along the main city avenue and in a northwestern warsaw park. Lead concentrations decreased more near the avenue than in the park, indicating that the phasing-out of leaded gasoline had a major effect on reduced Pb contamination in Warsaw. At the same time, foliar concentrations of Cd and Zn in both areas decreased much less.  相似文献   

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