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Natural gamma radiation of beach sand deposits was measured along the south coast of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, with the aim of studying the provenance and transport processes of sediments in this area. Concentrations of thorium, uranium and potassium were evaluated using γ-ray spectrometry and a behavioral study of eTh/eU and eTh/K cross plots was performed, reflecting the mineralogical properties of beach sands, as well as their history of transport and sorting processes. The results show that such technique can be efficiently used to map heavy mineral distributions and to distinguish the different origins of coastal sediments disclosing the influence of nearby rivers.  相似文献   

The understanding and evaluation of the possible interactions of various naturally occurring radionuclides in the world's third largest man-made dam, Nagarjuna Sagar located in Andhra Pradesh, India and built on river Krishna assumed significance with the finding of uranium deposits in locations near the dam. For the present work, surface soil samples from the mineralized area of Lambapur, Mallapuram, Peddagattu and sediment core samples from the Nagarjuna Sagar dam were analyzed for naturally occurring radionuclides namely uranium and thorium using gamma spectrometric technique. Also toxic elements lead and chromium were analysed by the Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (EDXRF) technique. Surface soil samples show a variation from 25 to 291 Bq/kg (2.02–23.5 mg/kg) for 238U and 32–311 Bq/kg (7.9–76.9 mg/kg) for 232Th. U/Th concentration ratio in surface soil samples ranged from 0.19 to 0.31 and was found comparable with the nation wise average of 0.26. The study of sediment core samples reflected higher U/Th concentration ratio of 0.30–0.33 in the bottom section of the core as compared to 0.22–0.25 in the upper section. The concentration ratio in the upper section of the core was similar to the ratio 0.23 found in the western Deccan Basalt region through which the river originates. A higher concentration of lead and chromium was observed in the upper section of the core compared to bottom section indicating the impact of river input on the geochemical character of dam sediment.  相似文献   

Total concentrations and speciation of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) in surface sediment samples were correlated with the respective metal measured in the total soft tissue of the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis, collected from water off the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The aim of this study is to relate the possible differences in the accumulation patterns of the heavy metals in P. viridis to those in the surface sediment. The sequential extraction technique was employed to fractionate the sediment into 'freely leachable and exchangeable' (EFLE), 'acid-reducible,' 'oxidisable-organic' and 'resistant' fractions. The results showed that significant (P<.05) correlations were observed between Cd in P. viridis and Cd in the sediment (EFLE fraction and total Cd), Cu in P viridis and Cu in the sediment (EFLE and 'acid-reducible' fractions and total Cu) and Pb in P viridis and Pb in the sediment ('oxidisable-organic' fraction and total Pb). No significant correlation (P > .05) was found between Zn in P viridis and all the sediment geochemical fractions of Zn and total Zn in the sediment. This indicated that Zn was possibly regulated from the soft tissue of P. viridis. The present results supported the use of P viridis as a suitable biomonitoring agent for Cd, Cu and Pb.  相似文献   

A radioactivity survey was launched in 1991 to determine the background levels of 239+240Pu in the marine environment off a commercial spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plant before full operation of the facility. Particular attention was focused on the 240Pu/239Pu atom ratio in seawater and bottom sediment to identify the origins of Pu isotopes. The concentration of 239+240Pu was almost uniform in surface water, decreasing slowly over time. Conversely, the 239+240Pu concentration varied markedly in the bottom water and was dependent upon the sampling point, with higher concentrations of 239+240Pu observed in the bottom water sample at sampling points having greater depth. The 240Pu/239Pu atom ratio in the seawater and sediment samples was higher than that of global fallout Pu, and comparable with the data in the other sea area around Japan which has likely been affected by close-in fallout Pu originating from the Pacific Proving Grounds. The 240Pu/239Pu atom ratio in bottom sediment samples decreased with sea depth. The land-originated Pu is not considered as the reason of the increasing 239+240Pu concentration and also decreasing the 240Pu/239Pu atom ratio with sea depth, and further study is required to clarify it.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of 238U and 226Ra activities in sediment columns along the Krka River and estuary, were studied using gamma spectrometry. Markedly different 238U and 226Ra activities between riverine, estuarine and marine sediments were observed. Distribution of these radionuclides, as well as their anthropogenic and natural origin, was evaluated by activity measurements, taking into account sedimentation rates estimated by 137Cs distribution in sediment columns.  相似文献   

昆明交通运输碳排放特征与问题解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
交通运输作为能源消耗重点领域,其二氧化碳排放对温室效应的贡献日益增大。针对昆明交通发展现状,根据IPCC国家温室气体排放计算清单指南,研究和修正昆明本地碳排放系数,估算昆明交通领域能源消耗及碳排放现状。目前,昆明交通运输存在问题是:交通运输以公路方式为主;交通能源消耗结构单一,碳排放以公路机动车为主;交通运输碳排放总量持续上升,人均碳排放量稳定增长;交通管理和保障系统不健全,现代交通意识薄弱。通过首次开展的昆明交通运输碳排放调查,将为昆明低碳交通、低碳城市建设提供数据支撑及合理化建议。  相似文献   

当前,我国环境的根本问题是由粗放式的经济发展模式所引起的,而这一发展模式的根源在于"中国式央地分权"下的政府行为。这种具有中国特色的分权模式的独特之处在于中央政府对地方经济放权的同时,仍然保持政治上的集权控制,上级政府根据绩效考核提拔地方官员,即"经济分权、政治集权"特性。中国式分权下,我国的环境治理体制依据行政区域的划分来设置管理权限,按照政府层级的构成进行垂直式领导,即中央政府统一制定环境政策,地方政府负责各辖区内环境政策的执行。在全国范围内,央地两级政府的关系表现为动态的重复博弈。针对我国现行环境规制执行策略,借助演化经济学研究工具,基于央地分权的视角,将地方政府与中央政府两大主体同时纳入分析框架。根据复制动态方程探讨参与主体的行为演化特征和行为演化稳定策略,在模型求解的基础上,利用MATLAB仿真工具,分析不同情形下参与主体演化稳定策略的走向及其收敛趋势。研究发现,央地两级政府在环境规制策略执行过程中的动态演化,很大程度上取决于地方政府环境规制执行力度、成本、收益和损失以及中央政府监管力度、成本和处罚力度等因素的大小。因此,针对地方政府环境策略激励设计,应重点改革政绩考核机制,引入市场机制,并通过环保补贴、财政转移支付等手段降低地方政府环境规制执行成本;中央政府应通过调节政绩考核体系中的经济发展指标和环境指标的权重系数来加强对地方政府环境规制执行情况的监管力度,建立第三方监管机制以降低中央政府监管成本,制定合理的奖惩机制以提高监管效率;以期推动我国环境规制策略的高效执行,促进环境绩效向经济绩效的良性转换,实现双重帕累托改进。  相似文献   

The paper summarizes impacts of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) on the Vltava and Labe River basins. The study is based on the results of long-term monitoring carried out before the plant operation (1989–2000), and subsequently during the plant operation (2001–2005). In the first period, the main objective was to determine background radionuclide levels remaining in the environment after global fallout and due to the Chernobyl accident. A decrease in the concentrations of 90Sr, 134Cs and 137Cs, which was observed before the plant operation, continued also during the subsequent period. Apart from tritium, the results of the observation did not indicate any impacts of the plant on the concentrations of activation and fission products in the hydrosphere. The annual average tritium concentrations in the Vltava River were in agreement with predicted values. The maximum annual average tritium concentration (13.5 Bq L−1) was observed in 2004 downstream from the wastewater discharge in the Vltava River at Solenice. Estimated radiation doses for adults due to intakes of river water as drinking water contaminated by tritium are below 0.1 μSv y−1.  相似文献   

It is shown that the method of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) can be used to estimate the contribution of parent plants to the genome of the progeny from artificial crosses between Saxifraga cernua and S. sibirica. According to Nei??s (1972) genetic distances between plant groups, F1 plants are intermediate between the parent species but closer to S. cernua, probably because its genome size is twice that of S. sibirica. Conversely, B1 plants proved to be closer to S. sibirica, because the hybrid progeny were crossed back to this species.  相似文献   

The Proserpina dam was built in Roman times to provide drinking water to Emerita Augusta (today's Mérida in SW Spain). During maintenance work, a sediment core was extracted, offering an excellent opportunity to analyze the historical environmental impacts of the dam and its reservoir over the 2000 years since Roman times. In order to establish an accurate chronology, 14C ages were determined by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). Core samples were assayed for their content in uranium and thorium series isotopes, 40K, and the anthropogenic radionuclides 137Cs, 90Sr, and 239+240Pu. Potassium-40 presented the highest activity level and was not constant with depth. The uranium and thorium series were generally in equilibrium, suggesting there had been no additional input of natural radionuclides. The presence of 137Cs was only found in relation with the global fallout in the early 1960s. Multi-element assays were performed using the PIXE and PIGE techniques. Some variations in the multi-element concentrations were observed with depth, but the sediment core could be considered as clean, and no presumptive anthropogenic pollutants were found. Nevertheless, an unusually high Zn content was detected at depths corresponding to pre-Roman times, due to geological anomalies in the area.  相似文献   

我国现阶段65岁以上老年人享有较好的社会保障体系,具有一定的物质基础和精神需求,对出行旅游具有强烈的欲望.在我国人口老龄化趋势逐渐加重的驱使下,刺激老年人出行旅游能够极大的促进消费,带动内需增长.为了科学制定拉动老年人旅游的政策措施,本文从《中国统计年鉴》(2006-2013年)中选取65岁以上人口比、老年抚养比、城镇人口比重、城镇基本养老保险基金支出、文盲人口占15岁及以上人口、接受高等教育人数、以及地区最终消费支出作为主要的比较指标;从《中国旅游统计年鉴》(2006-2013年)中选取65岁以上旅游人数比与65岁以上人口旅游消费支出作为主要参考指标,分别对相关数据进行了灰色关联分析.分析结果显示,选取的比较指标与参考指标之间呈现了中等以上强度的关联性,关联度均在0.6以上,65岁以上人口、老年抚养比、城镇人口比重相对2个参考指标关联度最强,城镇人口数量与受教育情况业是影响65岁以上旅游人数的重要因素,分析结论可以作为国家和地方政府在制定养老产业相关政策时的重要参考.本研究的最后,提出了完善社会福利保障体系和旅游业法律法规,提高养老保险水平,保障老年人旅游市场安全及制定差异化价格战略等措施.  相似文献   

Natural radioactive materials under certain conditions can reach hazardous radiological levels. So, it becomes necessary to study the natural radioactivity levels in soil to assess the dose for the population in order to know the health risks and to have a baseline for future changes in the environmental radioactivity due to human activities. The natural radionuclide (226Ra, 232Th, and 40K) contents in soil were determined for 26 locations around the Upper Siwaliks of Kala Amb, Nahan and Morni Hills, Northern India, using high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometric analysis. It was observed that the concentration of natural radionuclides viz., 226Ra, 232Th and 40K, in the soil varies from 28.3 ± 0.5 to 81.0 ± 1.7 Bq kg−1, 61.2 ± 1.3 to 140.3 ± 2.6 Bq kg−1 and 363.4 ± 4.9 to 1002.2 ± 11.2 Bq kg−1 respectively. The total absorbed dose rate calculated from activity concentration of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K ranged from 71.1 to 162.0 nGy h−1. The radium equivalent (Req) and the external hazard index (Hex), which resulted from the natural radionuclides in soil, were also calculated and found to vary from 149.4 to 351.8 Bq kg−1and from 0.40 to 0.95 respectively. These values in Upper Siwaliks area were compared with that from the adjoining areas of Punjab. The radium equivalent activities in all the soil samples were lower than the limit (370 Bq kg−1) set in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) report and the dose equivalent was within the safe limit of 1 mSv y−1.  相似文献   

随着经济社会的发展,农民失地问题日益突出。集中体现是农民土地权益损失背后的利益失衡问题。失地利益失衡问题折射了现行农地制度的缺陷─土地产权管制造成土地价格扭曲,进而带来社会福利损失。基于此,本文引入"产权公共域"思想,对失地农民利益失衡矛盾进行了理论机理剖析。在分析中指出,政府在产权分配中居于主导地位,但政府由于"私利"或认知的缺陷往往会使得法律产权偏离现实的经济产权结构。而现行农地产权制度有着较强的政府干预性,农民土地所有权、土地使用权在法律上受到一系列约束。典型的事实是农民建设用地增值收益权、土地生态产权的界定缺失。在土地产权管制下,农民不能根据土地用途进行机会成本定价,获得土地最优价格,产生土地"级差租金"利益的损失,这形成了租金供给不能满足租金需求的现实矛盾。着眼于此,基于租金供求视角对失地农民利益失衡的理论机理进行剖析。在模型分析中,结合中国现实失地的特点,将"租金"的意义一般化,除土地因素外,将人口因素也纳入租金供求均衡系统,在此基础上探讨了农地"产权公共域"下失地利益失衡的作用路径。通过理论演绎,本文指出租金供求失衡的三个主要原因:农民获得土地租金低,租金供给不能满足当代人及人口增长带来的基本需求、失地形成的劳动力"过剩"、租金供给不足对经济增长的约束的"反馈效应"。本文进一步提出失地补偿应以最优租金价格为准绳、多种渠道吸纳劳动力,促进劳动力有效配置和辩证看待政府在土地制度变迁中的作用的政策建议。  相似文献   

A sediment core collected from the sub-aqueous delta of the Yangtze River estuary was subjected to analyses of 137Cs and plutonium (Pu) isotopes. The 137Cs was measured using γ-spectrometry at the laboratories at the Nanjing University and Pu isotopes were determined with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS), measurements made at the Australian National University. The results show considerable structure in the depth concentration profiles of the 137Cs and 239+240Pu. The shape of the vertical 137Cs distribution in the sediment core was similar to that of the Pu. The maximum 137Cs and 239+240Pu concentrations were 16.21 ± 0.95 mBq/g and 0.716 ± 0.030 mBq/g, respectively, and appear at same depth. The average 240Pu/239Pu atom ratio was 0.238 ± 0.007 in the sediment core, slightly higher than the average global fallout value. The changes in the 240Pu/239Pu atom ratios in the sediment core indicate the presence of at least two different Pu sources, i.e., global fallout and another source, most likely close-in fallout from the Pacific Proving Grounds (PPG) in the Marshall Islands, and suggest the possibility that Pu isotopes are useful as a geochronological tool for coastal sediment studies. The 137Cs and 239+240Pu inventories were estimated to be 7100 ± 1200 Bq/m2 and 407 ± 27 Bq/m2, respectively. Approximately 40% of the 239+240Pu inventory originated from the PPG close-in fallout and about 50% has derived from land-origin global fallout transported to the estuary by the river. This study confirms that AMS is a useful tool to measure 240Pu/239Pu atom ratio and can provide valuable information on sedimentary processes in the coastal environment.  相似文献   

脱钩理论与EKC假说,两者都描述了经济发展与环境污染之间的动态关系,其中,脱钩理论揭示了经济发展与环境压力是否同步变化的关联,而EKC假说先于脱钩理论出现,并阐述了环境污染随着经济发展水平呈现出的非线性关系。本研究基于脱钩理论与EKC假说的理论内涵,首先通过数理模型的推导,得到了二者的内在联系,并运用一阶差分GMM方法对此进行实证检验。基于数理分析和一阶差分GMM估计的实证结果显示,脱钩理论与EKC假说均呈现出先上升后下降的倒"U"型曲线特征,且相对脱钩与绝对脱钩的临界点正好对应于EKC的拐点。其次,结合二者的关联,本研究将人均GDP水平加入脱钩类型的判定标准,在传统脱钩状态分类的基础上,以EKC拐点处所对应的人均GDP水平,以及数值为0.8的脱钩弹性系数为两条分界线,进一步将城市的经济发展与环境污染脱钩关系类型划分为6种形态,分别为"高收入未脱钩"、"低收入未脱钩"、"低收入相对脱钩"、"高收入相对脱钩"、"低收入绝对脱钩"和"高收入绝对脱钩"。最后,本研究将理论部分所做的推导以及脱钩的象限划分应用于实际的城市脱钩案例研究中,并依据一阶差分GMM的回归结果,将中国271个地级城市的经济发展与污染排放的脱钩状态进行了归类。对2004—2013年中国271个地级城市的经验分析表明,近50%的城市尚处于"低收入未脱钩"和"低收入相对脱钩"状态,意味着中国地级城市发展不平衡,且城市内部的脱钩发展与经济发展不匹配问题突出,这些城市在未来的绿色脱钩建设过程中将长期面临着"保增长"和"促脱钩"的双重任务。  相似文献   


This paper investigates the spatial effect of environmental regulation measures on the upgrading of industrial structure in the integrated development strategy of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and its surrounding areas. In order to reflect the effect of the environmental regulation and different regulation measures more truly, this paper constructs indices of the environmental regulation measures through the results of policy texts quantification. On the basis of the previous research, this paper divides environmental regulation into the following types: personnel and administrative measures of command and control; market-oriented fiscal, taxation, financial and other economic measures; guidance measures. Spatial panel regression results show that administrative measures of command control and market-oriented fiscal measures have a significant role in promoting regional industrial structure upgrading, but not conducive to the advancement of the industrial structure of adjacent areas. Their roles in promoting and inhibition are counteracted, which causes the total effect of industrial structure upgrading of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and the surrounding areas are not significant. Personnel measures, financial measures, other economic measures and guidance measures do not have the short-term effect and spatial effect on the upgrading of industrial structure.  相似文献   

Packaging is strictly connected to environmental issues as it is a product characterised by high material consumption rate; it is often transported over long distances and has a short life. Providing environmental analysis is, therefore, urgent to identify energy and resources efficient solutions. The paper, taking advantage of a real case study, presents a life cycle-based comparative analysis among three different food packaging systems. The paper compares the life cycle of tin steel, polypropylene and glass-based packaging of an Italian preserves producer. The analysis leads to the conclusion that, for the baseline scenario, polypropylene packaging represents the greenest solution, whereas glass packaging is the worst choice. The paper presents a scenario analysis varying both the method used for accounting for recycling as well as the recycling rates of the packaging materials. Changes in overall results with parameters analysis changing are calculated and highlighted throughout the paper. The impact of a reuse policy of the glass-based solution is also analysed; a model for disposable glass packaging is proposed and the obtained results are compared with the single use polypropylene and tin steel-based packaging. In order to analyse the impact of different End of Life scenarios on the present case study, collecting as well as recycling rates of some European countries have been used. The results revealed a significant fluctuation both in energy consumption and in CO2 emission as the nation changes. Summing up, a methodology for packaging environmental impact analysis is applied to a real case study, some crucial aspects of the methodology have been analysed in depth in order to give a contribution in packaging environmental impact analysis.  相似文献   

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