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论述了我国声环境的现状,分析了我国噪声与振动法规标准的现状与前景;提出了噪声与振动控制(NVC)工程的服务业本质,并指出NVC工程学的任务和发展趋势,最后,就NVC工程学在我国发展的市场环境、政策环境、体制环境做了探讨和分析。  相似文献   

随着对疾病认识的提高,人们开始发现疾病对健康的另一面价值。发烧不一定是坏事发烧其实是人体的免疫细胞和外来的病菌进行抗争的过程,人体可以通过发烧来促进新陈代谢。对癌症的研究发现,与正常细胞相比肿瘤细胞更怕高温。发烧时,肿瘤体内温度高出正常组织5~10℃,这足以置肿瘤细胞于死地。因此,发烧时体温升高,为人体提供杀死肿瘤细胞的可能,把存在于机体内、不为人知的肿瘤遏制在萌芽状态。  相似文献   

一、人体中的微量元素人,同其他生物一样是由化学元素组成的。随着人类社会的发展,人的自然环境发生了变化,人体的某些元素同样受到了影响:有些增加了,而有些减少了。人体的化学元素与人类生命活动密切相关,它对人体的生长与发育、健康与疾病,衰老或死亡具  相似文献   

桑明 《环境教育》2013,(3):35-36
系统论的核心思想就是整体观念,整体大于部分之和。这个整体怎么形成,它需要我们用整体的观念去思考问题、谋划工作、推动工作,这就是统筹。统筹系统资源,提升环保宣教整体实力包含了两个方面的价值:一方面体现了党的十八大精神实质。十八大提出要把科学发展观贯彻到我国现代化建设全过程,体现到党的建设各方面。科学发展观的第一要义是发展,核心是以人为本,  相似文献   

美国马萨诺塞州总医院发育生物钟学研究室的研究人员近日在《细胞》杂志上撰文说,他们发现了一种人体内控制睡眠的感光蛋白质。文章说,这种名为“潜色素”(a crypto chrome)的化学物质与其他蛋白质一道发挥着调节人体生物钟“起落”的作用。它是一个分子环,这个分子环是人体生物钟的一个十分重要的齿轮。文章说,如果研究人员能找到应用这一发现的实际办法,那么它就可能有助于防止乘坐喷气式飞机飞行所造成的时  相似文献   

孙辛坚 《环境技术》1999,17(6):33-36
依据国家环保法规,遵循环境工程学和系统工程学的基本原理,结合环境管理的实务经验,分析、讨论了工业减废的定义、作用与实现途径,论述了工业减废与环境审核的内在联系。  相似文献   

晚餐与晚睡的时间间隔,直接影响人的健康。临床显示,泌尿、消化、循环、内分泌、神经系统疾病的发生与这一时间间隔有一定关系。在晚餐食物里,含有大量的钙质,它在人的机体代谢过程中,有一部分被小肠吸收利用并输送至全身成为人体的组织,另一部分未能被吸收的钙质滤过肾小球进入泌尿道排出体外成为尿的成分之一。人体的排钙高峰期为饭后4~5小时,所以,如果晚饭太迟,排钙高峰期将正值睡眠期,这时人体的各种新陈代谢趋向缓慢,尿液形成的速度也趋缓慢,量大而且时间长,尿液中的钙质就会蓄积于输尿管  相似文献   

二氧化硫是大气中最常见的代表性污染场之一,它对人体等具有一定的危害作用,近年来已经引起国内外的重视,并将它列入了经常性的监测顼目。目前在大气二氧化硫的监测工作中尚存在一些问题;如关于影响大气二氧化硫的因子是什么?还需我们做进一步的探讨,这对我们今后的大气污染予报、大气质量评价等都具有重大意义。  相似文献   

科学发展观基本内涵坚持以人为本,实现经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展。第一要义科学发展观的第一要义是发展。本质核心科学发展观的本质和核心是坚持以人为本。  相似文献   

当今,世界各国都在寻求新的蛋白质资源,以满足人类需要。在蛋白质资源中,昆虫的蛋白质倍受人们青睐。据报导,昆虫蛋白质含量高达80%,营养价值高,蛋白纤维少,易为人体所吸收。在昆虫蛋白质点源中,蚕蛹蛋白质是其中的佼佼者,它含有8种人体必需的氨基酸,易为人体所吸收。据检测表明,蚕蛹  相似文献   

生态保护学经历了自然保护和生态保护两个阶段。生态保护学的研究对象是人类对生态有意识的保护,属于环境科学和应用生态学,包括自然保护、农村生态保护、城市生态保护。科学基础包括生态学、农村生态学、城市生态学、景观生态学,生态经济学与生态系统服务功能价值等,但专门的学科基础是恢复生态学。学科体系中生态监测与调查是基础,生态系统健康及生态评价是关键,生态工程与生态恢复是重点。  相似文献   

This paper discusses aspects of the relationship between the scientific community and the public at large. Inspired by the European public debate on genetically modified crops and food, ethical challenges to the scientific community are highlighted. This is done by a discussion of changes that are likely to occur to journalistic attitudes – mirroring changing attitudes in the wider society – towards science and scientific researchers. Two journalistic conventions – those of science transmission and of investigative journalism – are presented and discussed in relation to the present drive towards commercialization within the world of science: how are journalists from these different schools of thought likely to respond to the trend of commercialization? Likely journalistic reactions could, while maintaining the authority of the scientific method, be expected to undermine public trust in scientists. In the long term, this may lead to an erosion of the idea of knowledge as something that cannot simply be reduced to the outcome of negotiation between stakeholders. It is argued that science is likely to be depicted as a fallen angel. This may be countered, it is posited, by science turning human, by recognizing its membership of society, and by recognizing that such membership entails more than just commercial relations. To rethink its relationship with the public at large – and, in particular, to rethink the ideal of disinterested science – is an ethical challenge facing the scientific community.  相似文献   

Environmental Harm: Political not Biological   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In their fine paper, Evans et al. (2009) discuss the proposition that invasive non-native species (INS) are harmful. The question to ask is, “Harmful to whom?” Pathogens that make people sick and pests that damage their property—crops, for example—cause harms of kinds long understood in common law and recognized by public agencies. The concept of “harm to the environment,” in contrast, has no standing in common law or legislation, no meaning for any empirical science, and no basis in a political consensus other than might be drawn from the Endangered Species Act. As a generalization, the proposition that INS cause “environmental harm”—since this concept is empty of legal, scientific, and political meaning—must rest on definition, diktat, or diatribe. As Evans et al. suggest, however, the idea of “harm to the environment” is not always and certainly need not be arbitrary; it might gather significance in the context of a particular place through a political process that weighs economic concerns with cultural, religious, aesthetic, and other relevant beliefs, practices, and commitments that people who care about that place present. It is not clear, however, that adaptive management, which Evens et al. propose, will provide that democratic political process.  相似文献   

Assessing Landscape Health: A Case Study from Northeastern Italy   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
This article investigates the concept of biophysical landscape health for what are termed “highly governed landscapes.” It proposes a definition of landscape health along with a preliminary diagnostic model and methods. The idea of landscape health derives from the emerging integrative science of ecosystem health, which seeks to diagnose ecosystem condition as humans diagnose human health. Highly governed landscapes, such as the reclaimed areas of coastal northeastern Italy, are landscapes that have been subject to even greater degrees of human manipulation than normal cultural landscapes. These highly altered landscapes are not easily served by existing environmental paradigms and concepts of health are seen to have numerous advantages. This paper condenses a broader investigation of landscape health into three main sections. A brief review of the literature is followed by a case study, which details two different phases of landscape transformation in the Lower Piave area of northeastern Italy. A definition and general parameters of biophysical landscape health are then presented after this background stage. Some key parameters of biophysical health include absence of distress and risk factors, sustainability, biodiversity, resilience, and balance. For certain parameters, a preliminary landscape health diagnostic framework is presented that includes potential diagnostic methods and thresholds based on findings from this case study. At the paper's conclusion, a summary diagnostic model is presented, which suggests a process needed to implement landscape health assessment into practice.  相似文献   

对称法是科学研究的基本方法。本文对对称法在环境工艺中的应用进行了研究,并讨论了其哲学意义。  相似文献   

在对我国能源R&D强度分析的基础上,运用DEA理论的C^2R模型对我国能源产业及其5个行业2001--2010年的R&D经费投入、产出状况进行了实证分析。研究中用R&D经费存量值来代替当年的R&D经费值,得到各年的R&D经费配置的相对效率和规模收益情况,找出R&D经费配置配置存在的问题,有利于对我国能源R&D经费的投人产出结构进行分析,提出优化国家能源R&D经费配置的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Electromagnetic therapy devices designed over the last 45 years have been based on empirical (trial-and-error) techniques. This paper presents a novel approach to designing and engineering therapeutic devices. Based upon using a superconductive quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometer for registration of the magnetic field emitted by specific organs in norm and after the injury/pathology, this approach avoids empirical engineering. The signal parameters recorded by the SQUID magnetometer allow one to derive tissue- and/or disease-specific signals. This is made possible using contemporary, state-of-the-art controls with engineering and computer science techniques.  相似文献   

Because wicked problems are beyond the scope of normal, industrial-age engineering science, sustainability problems will require reform of current engineering science and technology practices. We assert that, while pluralism concerning use of the term sustainability is likely to persist, universities should continue to cultivate research and education programs specifically devoted to sustainable engineering science, an enterprise that is formally demarcated from business-as-usual and systems optimization approaches. Advancing sustainable engineering science requires a shift in orientation away from reductionism and intellectual specialization towards integrative approaches to science, education, and technology that: (1) draw upon an ethical awareness that extends beyond the usual bounds of professional ethics or responsible conduct of research to include macroethics, (2) adopt anticipatory and adaptive approaches to unintended consequences resulting from technological innovation that result in more resilient systems, and (3) cultivate interactional expertise to facilitate cross-disciplinary exchange. Unfortunately, existing education and research training programs are ill-equipped to prepare scientists and engineers to operate effectively in a wicked problems milieu. Therefore, it is essential to create new programs of graduate education that will train scientists and engineers to become sustainable engineering science experts equipped to recognize and grapple with the macro-ethical, adaptive, and cross-disciplinary challenges embedded in their technical research and development programs.  相似文献   

钢铁工业发展循环经济的基本途径探讨   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
舒型武 《四川环境》2005,24(4):80-84
分析了钢铁工业循环经济的基本特征,着重探讨了钢铁工业发展循环经济的基本途径,其中包括:最大限度地降低自然资源消耗,采用成熟技术提高二次能源利用效率,降低能耗,节约水资源,把固体废物资源化利用,尽可能减少污染物的发生量,努力发展工程科技,开发钢铁工业和其它行业的绿色新流程。  相似文献   

Climate change risks to the coast and coastal developments have been well-documented. In spite of these warnings, new coastal developments are still proposed and built. Australian research has demonstrated how State-level planning documents fail to incorporate recent sea-level rise projections, with researchers demanding more responsiveness to coastal science from planners, policy-makers and developers. This paper takes an alternative approach to the science, planning and coastal development nexus by developing a relational understanding of the barriers to the uptake of science into coastal development decisions. Drawing on qualitative interview material from two recent and non-routine South Australian cases where sea-level rise (SLR) science was contested, and inspiration from actor-network theory's concepts of obligatory passage points, translation, intermediaries and mediators, this research foregrounds the malleability of scientific knowledge and planning protocols. We find that skilful social actors negotiate and re-frame science and planning; clear scientific recommendations can be subsumed to planning process, while clear planning process creates internecine disputes between nomothetic and idiographic science. An implication of this analysis is that the broad narrative of a lack of scientific uptake into coastal development needs to be sensitized to how science and planning interact in practice to legitimate decisions.  相似文献   

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