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In this work, the evolution of the chemical-environmental risk oriented to the spatial planning in the autonomous community of Andalusia was carried out over the 2002–2012 decade. Indicators for determining the variables representing the risk, such as hazard, vulnerability and proximity, were then defined based on a consequence-based approach analysis risk methodology. A suitable mathematical combination based on spatial analysis methods supported by ArcGIS platform was also applied, which resulted in a quantitative and qualitative risk value and provided the territorial compatibility in the study area for each year. Finally, once the indicators that determine the risk level for 2002 and 2012 were obtained, they were combined in order to find out the risk tendency of the region for the whole decade.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Italian chemical and process industries, where Directive 2012/18/EU Seveso III, for the control of Major Accident Hazard (MAH), is enforced. The Safety Management System (SMS) for the control of MAH, which has been mandatory for 20 years in Italian Seveso Establishments, has been highly stressed by the external pressure, related in some way to the COVID-19 pandemic. Fairly, most companies, in particular in oil and gas sectors, have demonstrated an adequate capability to reconcile operation continuity and health requirements. This experience is providing the establishment operators and the regulators with valuable suggestions for the improvements of the SMS-MAH. Within this framework, an innovative organisational resilience model is proposed, aiming at the development of a higher capability to face future new crisis. The current SMS-MAH already includes some basic pillars to enhance resilience, which were valuable during the pandemic crisis, but a full and rationale development is still needed. Starting from the first pandemic phase experience, this paper presents a novel tool to assess the degree of “resilience” of a SMS-MAH. It is based on a questionnaire, featuring 25 questions grouped into eight items, according to the typical SMS-MAH structure. A two level AHP model has been developed in order to define the weights to be assigned to each point. The AHP panel included industrial practitioners, regulators, authorities and researchers. The results are based on the COVID-19 experience and consequently the developed model is tailored to face health emergencies, but the approach may be easily transferred to other external crises.  相似文献   

1在欧盟谁能帮助制造商销售PPE?●在欧盟(欧洲联盟),工程专家能帮助设计和生产符合欧盟要求的、并准备投放欧共体市场的PPE。●国外的制造商也可通过专门为出口商服务的本地私人和公共机构的帮助来销售PPE。●欧洲公告机构的任务是评价是否符合指令,并对评定相关的特殊问题提供帮助。通常,该机构将提供有关标准的帮助和信息。●在对有关法律解释产生疑义的情况下,设立在欧共体内的制造商应与负责PPE的国家主管部门取得联系。查询PPE网站http:∥europa.eu.int/comm/enterprise/mechan.equipment/ppe/2PPE指令对欧盟所有成员国是强制…  相似文献   

Companies often use a substantial quantity of safety-related documents such as the front gate safety flyer, emergency evacuation instructions, work permits, safety procedures, work instructions and policy statements. In many cases the personnel magazines and message board notes also contain safety information. The authors and readers may not be in the same department, premises or cultural group. Both authors and readers are diverse groups when it comes to reading, writing and language skills. Previous research has found that Seveso II companies produce documents that are difficult for their workforce and visitors to understand. Authors do not write systematically to match the reader’s skill level. This may be due in part to the quality and effectiveness of layout guidance, expert linguistic advice and document appraisal systems. These do not in general provide the immediate support needed. Layout suggestions are of limited effectiveness, and availability and usability limits the value of expert advice and appraisal systems. So, without useful feedback, many authors cannot write sufficiently readable documents; to overcome this threshold, they need a quick document readability assessment tool. With such a tool, readability can become a controlled property of safety documents. Large companies may use hundreds or thousands of documents containing safety information. This paper presents a practical approach for the transition to, and monitoring of, controlled readability for all documents related to safety. A new Key Performance Indicator design on readability is proposed.  相似文献   

In the Netherlands there are around 400 “Seveso” sites that fall under the Dutch Major Hazards Decree (BRZO) 1999. Between 2006 and 2010 the Dutch Labour Inspectorate's Directorate for Major Hazard Control completed investigations of 118 loss of containment incidents involving hazardous substances from this group. On the basis of investigation reports the incidents were entered in a tailor-made tool called Storybuilder developed for the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment for identifying the dominant patterns of technical safety barrier failures, barrier task failures and underlying management causes associated with the resulting loss of control events. The model is a bow-tie structure with six lines of defence, three on either side of the central loss of containment event. In the first line of defence, failures in the safety barriers leading to loss of control events were primarily equipment condition failures, pre start-up and safeguarding failures and process deviations such as pressure and flow failures. These deviations, which should have been recovered while still within the safe envelope of operation, were missed primarily because of inadequate indication signals that the deviations have occurred. Through failures of subsequent lines of defence they are developing into serious incidents. Overall, task failures are principally failures to provide adequate technical safety barriers and failures to operate provided barriers appropriately. Underlying management delivery failures were mainly found in equipment specifications and provisions, procedures and competence. The competence delivery system is especially important for identifying equipment condition, equipment isolation for maintenance, pre-start-up status and process deviations. Human errors associated with operating barriers were identified in fifty per cent of cases, were mostly mistakes and feature primarily in failure to prevent deviations and subsequently recover them. Loss of control associated with loss of containment was primarily due to the containment being bypassed (72% of incidents) and less to material strength failures (28%). Transfer pipework, connections in process plant and relief valves are the most frequent release points and the dominant release material is extremely flammable. It is concluded that the analysis of a large number of incidents in Storybuilder can support the quantification of underlying causes and provide evidence of where the weak points exist in major hazard control in the prevention of major accidents.  相似文献   

The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) investigated three fatal dust explosions that all occurred in 2003. These explosions caused the deaths of 14 people and injured hundreds more. Two of the facilities were damaged beyond repair, and several hundred employees lost their jobs.

CSB's investigations revealed that the explosions had common causes, despite their geographic and industrial diversity. Consequently, CSB commissioned a study of combustible dust fire and explosion hazards. This paper presents a summary of CSB's findings and recommendations developed during that study.  相似文献   

城市立交桥交通噪声变化规律与影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对目前我国城市立交桥交通噪声影响的状况,环评预测结果偏差过大的问题,应用大量的环保验收实测数据,对城市立交桥交通噪声的变化规律与影响进行了分析研究.城市立交桥的交通噪声昼间变化幅度小于夜间变化幅度,一定时期的昼间噪声等效声级Ld与夜间噪声等效声级Ln的变化幅度不大于1.0dB(A),昼间噪声等效声级Ld高于夜间噪声等效声级Ln,其差值(Ld-Ln)多在2.5dB(A)之内.立交桥交通噪声主要是由大型车辆行驶噪声贡献的,车辆的行驶噪声夜间普遍高于昼间,对周围敏感点影响的噪声一楼最低,在桥路面以上六层楼的噪声最高,比桥面平层楼房平均高2.4~3.0dB(A),桥面下的楼房的噪声低于桥面平层楼噪声2~3dB(A).其结果对于城市立交桥交通噪声的管理与治理提供相应的参考.  相似文献   



A state by year panel is analyzed to simultaneously explore the statistical correlation between state level traffic fatality rates and state level behavioral regulations regarding teen licensing, seat belt use, and driving under the influence (DUI) in a model that also controls for other correlates.


By including measures of all three of these policies, the estimated policy effects should not be overstated due to underspecification bias. The panel includes the 48 contiguous U.S. states for the time period from 1999 through 2003. State fatality rates are measured as fatalities per million miles traveled. Measures of state policies regarding traffic safety related behavior are based on information gathered by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Estimates are calculated via a time fixed effects model that uses the double-log form to allow for interaction effects between the independent variables.


Least squares estimates indicate that, on average, more restrictive graduated teen licensing and DUI policies significantly reduce traffic fatality rates, while stricter seat belt enforcement policies have a statistically insignificant negative impact on fatality rates.  相似文献   

习惯性违章行为导致事故的潜在性原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 习惯性违章行为导致事故的案例 2009年1月24日12时40分,某公司烧结车间中控通知该班作业长有4台烧结机白煤槽位下降快,该作业长马上组织人员破料.在和小修作业长处理皮带打滑过程中,小修作业长说通知气焊进行处理,并在皮带机头部研究方案.这时该作业长急于追槽位,便到皮带尾部取下撞锤上的三角带,打开北侧防护栏,将三角带塞进皮带尾轮滚筒后,便通知中控起车(皮带带速0.7 m/s),在靠近一步观察效果时不慎踩在三角带上,左脚被三角带勒在机架间隙里,导致左小腿骨折.经调查,确定事故原因是:  相似文献   

为完善安全法学学科体系,提出安全法律法规核心作用原理的定义及其研究对象。提炼出安全法律法规核心作用原理下属4条原理:安全法治原理、安全规范原理、安全标准化原理、安全发展原理,并具体阐释这些原理的定义及内涵。基于霍尔方法论三维体系结构,同时运用安全工程等学科理论知识,构建安全法律法规方法论的四维体系结构。研究结果表明:学界可以从核心作用原理及其理论模型的角度对安全法律法规进行研究,同时也可以借助霍尔方法论对安全法律法规的方法论进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文根据目前我国煤矿安全生产法律法规存在的问题,提出了完善我国煤矿安全生产法律法规的建议。应尽快修改《矿山安全法》;梳理其他与煤矿安全有关的法律法规;完善煤矿安全监察法律、加强执法;治理小煤矿发展的法律建议;适时制定专门的《煤矿安全法典》;尽快出台《中华人民共和国矿山安全与健康法》;完善煤矿安全生产规章。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了框架桥的应用情况,指出框架桥结构是铁路提速后,大规模使用的一种下穿结构形式。进而介绍了由于设计、施工等几种常见的可能引起框架桥产生裂缝的原因,并以京九线某里程段的二孔框架桥出现裂缝情况为例分析了其出现裂缝的原因及裂缝的危害性。  相似文献   

我国政府历来十分重视化学品的安全管理 ,在“安全第一 ,预防为主”的方针指导下 ,制定了一系列化学品安全管理法规和标准 ,出台了一些相应的化学品安全管理办法 ,建立了化学品事故应急救援抢救系统 ,实行了危险化学品登记注册制度 ,全国人大常委会还审议批准了国际劳工组织170号公约 ,我国的化学品安全管理正在逐步同国际管理体系接轨。一、化学品安全法规随着我国化学品工业的发展 ,我国在化学品安全管理方面制定了一系列法规。国务院1987年颁布了《化学危险物品安全管理条例》 ,原则规定了危险化学品在生产、储存、经营、运输和使…  相似文献   

After the disaster of AZF plant in Toulouse on 21 September 2001 (31 people killed, 3000 injured and 3 billion dollars of damage), France adopted a new law relative to safety reports and land-use planning on 30 July 2003. This law asks for the investigation of all representative scenarios and the assessment of their probabilities to demonstrate the acceptable level of safety of an industrial facility. Therefore significant changes were introduced in the way of doing risk analysis in France and some difficulties were found for the implementation of a probabilistic approach.This paper presents the new approach of risk analysis established by the French Ministry of the Environment, and particularly focuses on:? the benefits and limits of the semi-quantitative probabilistic assessment method;? the benefits and difficulties to use a quantitative probabilistic assessment method;? some learning from the risk analysis approaches carried out in the nuclear industry;? some discussion about the national matrix to appreciate the gravity of human consequences from an accident outside facilities.  相似文献   

我国煤矿安全生产法律法规实效分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
根据目前我国煤矿安全生产法律法规执行情况以及近年来煤矿发生的重特大安全事故的原因和所汲取的教训,本文比较全面、系统地分析了我国煤矿安全生产法律法规存在的问题:煤矿安全立法存在的不足,包括立法指导思想落后、立法目的的多元化、立法背景发生了变化,法律更新没有跟上、矿难事故责任追究立法疏漏等;煤矿安全执法存在的不足,包括矿工维权难、法制意识淡薄、安全培训不到位、煤矿安全监察执法存在的不足。为我国煤矿安全生产法律法规的修订提供了相关理论依据。  相似文献   

分析了选钛厂主流程生产现状,针对工艺中存在的问题,根据新设备、新技术在选钛厂的成功实践,提出了优化工艺流程思路,减少了不安全因素和产尘点,以提高主流程重选作业收率,增加选钛厂钛精矿产量.  相似文献   

事故指挥系统的发展与框架分析   总被引:8,自引:9,他引:8  
事故指挥系统是一种在响应过程中进行指挥、控制与协调的有效工具,它提供了一种政府和私人机构之间的协作的方式,以保护人员生命财产和环境的安全.根据不同的情况,事故指挥系统可能包括安全、信息、联络等. 已经证明, 在普通事件处理和事故的应急响应过程中ICS 使用的原则是非常有效的.本文介绍了ICS的发展历史、主要框架以及随着事故发展而进行扩展的情况.  相似文献   

以大型排架为研究对象,研究排架从设计开始、搭设过程、排架使用过程、排架拆除等环节,从安全组织、技术措施、监督检查、安全许可等方面严格把关,对工程建设参建各方应该履行的安全生产管理职责、权限、工作内容及工作流程进行梳理和细化,设置控制节点,强化中间环节的安全检查,实现排架全生命过程的安全控制,研究成果以程序文件表现。大型排架施工过程监控程序文件中有工作流程8个,对应安全检查表10个,工作流程环环相扣,安全检查表间相互关联。通过实施大型排架施工过程监控程序文件,严格过程监督管理,保证高排架在搭设与使用中不发生安全生产事故,有效杜绝了类似于高排架垮塌伤人等群体性伤害安全事故。  相似文献   

The successful implementation of a regulation in the modern complicated world is a major issue for states. A newly introduced regulation may cause conflicts of interest among various parties that are affected. A common conflict is that from one hand, the public demands the introduction of regulations that will increase safety, environmental and security standards while on the other hand industries are concerned about potential costs caused by new regulations. In this paper, the shipping industry, which is a typical example of an international industry, is chosen to carry out a cost and benefit analysis generated from the implementation of a newly introduced regulation. Consequently, a methodology is proposed capable of evaluating the implementation performance of a regulation in the shipping industry with respect to the costs and benefits that can be generated. For a simple and effective computation, a System of Hierarchical Scorecards (SHS) is developed to assist regulators in evaluating any proposed and/or existing regulations.  相似文献   

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