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In 1957, four computers across the United States were linked to form the first version of what we now know to be the Internet. The Internet has grown way beyond what anyone working in the U.S. Department of Defense's special project team, Advanced Research Projects Agency or DARPA, more than 40 years ago, could ever have imagined. Yet despite the phenomenal growth of Internet users, and access to information in all fields of endeavor, finding genuinely useful and helpful Internet resources is still a challenge. Knowledge sharing in contaminated site assessment and remediation is increasing and this is occurring through several mechanisms and at many levels. International collaboration on site contamination and remediation issues is becoming evident at the highest level between countries. Lower‐level interactions between organizations and individual practitioners are also increasing. Formation of partnerships in implementing site assessment and remediation solutions are becoming evident and there are now numerous websites, resulting from these collaborations, providing free access to completed reports and related materials. Internet mailing lists contribute to sharing of knowledge at all these levels but particularly encourage contributions from practitioners and those out there “doing the work” and often without the time to write up their contributions, though these can be substantial.  相似文献   

Locating and quantifying free-phase volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the subsurface represent one of the more difficult challenges facing hazardous waste site remediation programs. Successful remediation programs require reliable data on the size and extent of potential VOC contamination sources. Improving subsurface quantification of VOCs requires a large number of reliable low-cost samples. Satisfying this objective relies on improved sampling techniques, field analysis of samples, and a modified quality assurance program. This paper describes an integrated approach using conventional split-spoon samplers, microcore sampling, hexane extractions, and a field gas chromatograph with an autosampler as part of a technical demonstration for innovative remediation technologies. Using this approach, it was possible to delineate a subsurface source of free-phase VOCs at a cost of $15 per sample. The distribution of dense nonaqueous phase liquid determined by this sampling approach agreed with the conceptual model for the site.  相似文献   

Halogenated and nonhalogenated hydrocarbon contaminants are currently found in natural waterways, groundwater, and soils as a result of spills and careless disposal practices. The development of proper treatment methodologies for the waste streams producing this environmental damage is now a subject of growing concern. A significant number of these waste stream compounds are chemically stable and are thus resistant to environmental degradation. Numerous researchers have investigated the use of ionizing radiation to decompose chlorinated hydrocarbons in diverse matrices and have proposed various free-radical-induced reaction mechanisms. This article is divided into two sections. First, we present data on experimentally measured, radiolytically induced decomposition of hazardous wastes and toxic substances using accelerator-generated bremsstrahlung sources and gamma radiation from cobalt-60. Data are presented on the radiolytically induced reduction in concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) dissolved in water and in air, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) dissolved in oil, high explosives dissolved in groundwater, and chemical weapon surrogates. The results of these studies suggest the potential use of ionizing radiation as a method of hazardous waste treatment. The second section of this article describes the technical aspects of a field-scale radiolytic decomposition site cleanup demonstration using an electron accelerator. A portable, commercially available electron accelerator was set up at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's (LLNL's) Site 300, a Superfund site, where vacuum extraction wells were removing trichloroethylene (TCE) vapor from a ground spill into the unsaturated soil zone. The accelerator was retrofitted into the existing vacuum extraction system such that the extracted TCE-containing vapor passed through the accelerator beam for treatment. The concentration of TCE in the vapor was reduced by an amount dependent on the accelerator beam power. Production of reaction products in the vapor was measured as a function of absorbed dose.  相似文献   

Field trials with inorganic fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) nutrients were simulated in the greenhouse to remediate hydrocarbon‐polluted soils from a spill site in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. Samples of the polluted soils taken from two depths were displayed in a randomized complete block (RCB) design and treated with 10–100 g of (NH4)2SO4, KH2PO4, and KCl. The agronomic addition of the chemical nutrients was found to enhance the concentrations of nitrate‐nitrogen, phosphate‐phosphorus, and potassium in the soils. Pretreated nitrate‐nitrogen content ranged from 432 to 590 mg/kg in the polluted samples (with a control at 522 mg/kg), while posttreatment concentrations were 3,285 ± 154 mg/kg and 3,254 ± 159 mg/kg for surface and subsurface soils, respectively. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

以重庆市某铅污染场地为研究对象,选用多种稳定化药剂对土壤开展稳定化修复技术研究,着重探讨了不同单一药剂与复配药剂对土壤铅浸出浓度的影响。实验结果表明:磷酸二氢钠(MSP)、磷酸氢二钠、磷酸钠和石灰4种无机药剂中MSP的稳定化修复效果最佳,且磷酸盐类的稳定化修复效果整体上优于石灰;MSP与少量有机药剂腐殖酸复配施用的稳定化修复效果优于单独施加MSP;在MSP投加比(与土壤的质量比)为5%、腐殖酸投加比为2%、养护时间为7 d的最优工艺条件下,土壤中铅的浸出浓度由41.70 mg/L降至0.16 mg/L,低于《生活垃圾填埋场污染控制标准》(GB 16889—2008)中规定的0.25 mg/L浓度限值。  相似文献   

Remedial action was initiated and completed on an approximately 500-acre brownfield site in southern California within a period of five months during the summer of 1995. Remedial actions included design and construction of an approximately 14-acre cap, including a synthetic membrane; design, construction, and testing of an in-situ soil vapor extraction system; excavation, on-site treatment, and off-site disposal of approximately 7,000 cubic yards of residual waste and affected soil; and verification sampling, analysis, and health risk screening in 20 units of a former integrated steel mill. Completion of remedial action on this portion of the mill site within this time frame was required due to site redevelopment plans which included construction of an auto raceway with scheduled races in early 1997. Rapid remedial action was possible only through simultaneous completion of multiple remediation tasks. This could be done only with continuous communication and close coordination among the site owner, lead regulatory agency, and contractors.  相似文献   

Applications of risk assessment techniques to hazardous waste management are briefly discussed in terms of selecting appropriate waste management technologies, assessing operating sites, setting priorities for clean up of problem sites, determining the appropriate level of clean up and planning new facilities. A specific case history involving risk assessment for the siting of a waste management facility in the Province of Ontario, Canada is described in more detail. Risk estimates are provided for exposure via inhalation and ingestion of potentially contaminated local water, crops, meat and milk. The predicted risk are compared to risks of death from selected voluntary and involuntary exposures.  相似文献   

In situ remediation is inherently considered “green remediation.” The mechanisms of destruction by in situ technologies, however, are often unseen and not well understood. Further, physical effects of amendment application affect concentration data in an identical manner as the desired reactive mechanism. These uncertainties have led to the weight‐of‐evidence approach when proving viability: multiple rounds of data collection, bench studies, pilot studies, and so on. Skipping these steps has resulted in many failed in situ applications. Traditional assessment data are often tangential to the desired information (e.g., “Is contaminant being destroyed or just being pushed around and diluted?” and “What is the mechanism of the destruction and can it be monitored directly?”). An advanced site diagnostic tool, “Three‐Dimensional Compound Specific Stable Isotope Analysis” (3D‐CSIA), can assess the viability of in situ technologies by providing definitive data on contaminant destruction that are not concentration‐related. The 3D‐CSIA tool can also locate source zones and apportion remediation cost by identifying plumes of different isotope signatures and fractionation trends. Further, use of the 3D‐CSIA tool allows remediation professionals to evaluate effectiveness of treatment and make better decisions to expedite site closure and minimize costs. This article outlines the fundamentals of advanced site diagnostic tool 3D‐CSIA in detail, and its benefit is highlighted through a series of case studies at chlorinated solvent–contaminated sites. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This article describes landfill-mining tests, including excavation, screening, and fraction characterization, carried out in the Msalycke and Gladsax landfills for municipal solid waste (MSW) in Sweden. The excavated waste in these two sites was 17–22 and 23–25 years old, respectively. The main part of Msalycke was unaffected by degradation, and during excavations no substantial amount of biogas was detected. After screening, three size fractions were obtained: <18mm, 18–50mm, and >50mm. Soil amendment and anaerobic digestion with energy extraction are suggested for the first and second fraction, respectively. Incineration with energy recovery is possible with the third fraction after any coarse (inert) material is removed, and construction/demolition waste can easily be recycled provided that it is not contaminated by hazardous material. Excavated waste taken from different depths was also analysed and compared in relation to composition, calorific value, and leachate constituents.  相似文献   

The paper describes a software system capable of formulating alternative optimal Municipal Solid Wastes (MSWs) management plans, each of which meets a set of constraints that may reflect selected objections and/or wishes of local communities. The objective function to be minimized in each plan is the sum of the annualized capital investment and annual operating cost of all transportation, treatment and final disposal operations involved, taking into consideration the possible income from the sale of products and any other financial incentives or disincentives that may exist. For each plan formulated, the system generates several reports that define the plan, analyze its cost elements and yield an indicative profile of selected types of installations, as well as data files that facilitate the geographic representation of the optimal solution in maps through the use of GIS. A number of these reports compare the technical and economic data from all scenarios considered at the study area, municipality and installation level constituting in effect sensitivity analysis. The generation of alternative plans offers local authorities the opportunity of choice and the results of the sensitivity analysis allow them to choose wisely and with consensus.The paper presents also an application of this software system in the capital Region of Attica in Greece, for the purpose of developing an optimal waste transportation system in line with its approved waste management plan. The formulated plan was able to: (a) serve 113 Municipalities and Communities that generate nearly 2 million t/y of comingled MSW with distinctly different waste collection patterns, (b) take into consideration several existing waste transfer stations (WTS) and optimize their use within the overall plan, (c) select the most appropriate sites among the potentially suitable (new and in use) ones, (d) generate the optimal profile of each WTS proposed, and (e) perform sensitivity analysis so as to define the impact of selected sets of constraints (limitations in the availability of sites and in the capacity of their installations) on the design and cost of the ensuing optimal waste transfer system. The results show that optimal planning offers significant economic savings to municipalities, while reducing at the same time the present levels of traffic, fuel consumptions and air emissions in the congested Athens basin.  相似文献   

Local authorities need updated and reliable data on the quantity and the quality of the waste generated in their area, in order to establish an integrated solid waste management system capable of fulfilling regional and national waste management targets. This paper presents information about the quantity and the characteristics of the municipal solid waste generated in Thessaloniki, which is the second largest city in Greece. It is based on the results of three research programs investigating the evolution of municipal solid waste. The investigations were carried out over the last 20 years at the landfill of Thessaloniki by the same research group using statistically acceptable practices for sampling and hand sorting. The results show a great increase in the incoming quantities during the last years and a significant increase of the per capita generation. There is also a significant change in the composition, demonstrated mainly by a decrease in the organic fraction followed by an increase of packaging materials (paper and plastic).  相似文献   

This article explains new EPA regulations that provide for use of corrective action management units (CAMUs) and temporary units (TUs) as cost-effective techniques for remediating hazardous wastes at facilities undergoing RCRA corrective action and at CERCLA remediation sites. The author outlines EPA criteria for approving the use of CAMUs, discusses the benefits and limitations of using them, and recommends possible ways to improve on the CAMU concept.  相似文献   

An improved rescue number, RNSOIL, which is an indicator for evaluating remediation technologies for contaminated ground that is based on both the risk and the remediation cost, is proposed as a tool of risk communication. The risk posed by contaminated ground is indicated by the figure of treatment priority at time t, FTP(t), which represents the human health risk as the number of people affected by the contaminated ground at time t during the remediation process. The calculation of the value of FTP(t) is based on exposure to contaminants that have migrated through environmental media from the contaminated ground, and is estimated by using a CalTOX model and the Monte Carlo method. The integration of FTP(t) with time, which represents the cumulative number of people affected by the contaminated ground, is used to estimate the performance of individual remediation technologies in risk reduction. The figure of unprocessibility for waste (FUW), which represents difficulties in remediation, is expressed as the remediation cost. FUW is estimated by using actual costs per unit volume of remediated soil. As an overall performance value, the rescue number for each remediation technology for contaminated ground (RNSOIL) is calculated by multiplication of the integral FTP(t) by FUW. Smaller values of RNSOIL are judged to indicate a better technology. The rescue index (RI), calculated as the ratio of the reduction of the integral FTP(t) to FUW, indicates the cost-effectiveness of the remediation technologies. Successful estimation of the indices (FTP(t), integral FTP(t), FUW, RNSOIL and RI) demonstrate the usefulness of these indices in risk communication.Part of this paper was presented at 13th meeting of Japan Society of Waste Management Experts (2002)  相似文献   

This article discusses creating a sustainably protective engineered and human management system in perpetuity for sites with long‐lived radiological and chemical hazards. This is essential at this time because the federal government is evaluating its property as assets and attempting to reduce its holdings, while seeking to assure that health and ecosystems are not put at risk. To assist those who have a stake in the remediation, management, and stewardship of these and analogous privately owned sites, this article discusses current end‐state planning by reviewing the federal government's accelerated efforts to reduce its footprint and how those efforts relate to sustainability. The article also provides a list of questions organized around six elements of risk management and primary, secondary, and tertiary disease and injury prevention. Throughout the article, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is used as an example of an organization that seeks to reduce its footprint, manage its budget, and be a steward of the sites that it is responsible for. However, the approach and questions are appropriate for land controlled by the Department of Defense (DOD), the General Services Administration (GSA), and other public and private owners of sites with residual contamination. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

One of the important sectors that contribute to the national economy is the mining sector. During the mining of minerals and ores, waste materials in the form of overburden are generated. As these are not useful to the mine owners, they may be inappropriately disposed of into the environment, posing serious threat to the environment in the form of land degradation, water and air pollution. The present paper discusses the existing status of waste generation, its characteristics and the disposal methods being adopted in India. Impacts associated with waste disposal practices together with preventive measures for waste disposal are also discussed. Finally, strategies for improvements in existing waste management and for incorporating the same in the overall development plan for the mines are suggested.  相似文献   

An Erratum has been published for this article in Remediation 16(1) 2005, 155–157. Water‐level data collection is a fundamental component of groundwater investigations and remediation. While the locations and depths of monitored wells are important, the frequency of data collection may have a large impact on conclusions made about site hydrogeology. Data‐logging water‐level probes may be programmed to record water levels at frequent intervals, providing site decision makers with abundant, detailed information on the response of an aquifer to both anticipated and unforeseen stresses. In this study, a network of movable probes has provided several years of hourly water‐ level data. The understanding of the site's phytoremediation system has been enhanced by the continuous data, but subsequent insights into an unexpected situation regarding the site's infrastructure have been the most valuable result of the monitoring program. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In response to an oxygenated gasoline release at a gas station site in New Hampshire, a temporary treatment system consisting of a single bedrock extraction well, a product recovery pump, an air stripper, and carbon polishing units was installed. However, this system was ineffective at removing tertiary butyl alcohol from groundwater. The subsequent remedial system design featured multiple bedrock extraction wells and an ex situ treatment system that included an air stripper, a fluidized bed bioreactor, and carbon polishing units. Treated effluent was initially discharged to surface water. Periodic evaluation of the remediation system performance led to system modifications, which included installing an additional extraction well to draw contaminated groundwater away from an on‐site water supply well, adding an iron and manganese pretreatment system, and discharge of treated effluent to an on‐site drywell. Later, the air stripper and carbon units were eliminated, and an infiltration gallery was installed to receive treated, oxygenated effluent in order to promote flushing of the smear zone and in situ bioremediation in the source area. This article discusses the design, operation, performance, and modifications to the remediation system over time, and provides recommendations for similar sites. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study addresses the theme of recycling potential of old open dumpsites by using landfill mining. Attention is focused on the possible reuse of the residual finer fraction (<4 mm), which constitutes more than 60% of the total mined material, sampled in the old open dumpsite of Lavello (Southern Italy). We propose a protocol of analysis of the landfill material that links chemical analyses and environmental bioassays. This protocol is used to evaluate the compatibility of the residual matrix for the disposal in temporary storages and the formation of “bio-soils” to be used in geo-environmental applications, such as the construction of barrier layers of landfills, or in environmental remediation activities. Attention is mainly focused on the presence of heavy metals and on the possible interaction with test organisms. Chemical analyses of the residual matrix and leaching tests showed that the concentration of heavy metals is always below the legislation limits. Biological acute tests (with Lepidum sativum, Vicia faba and Lactuca sativa) do not emphasize adverse effects to the growth of the plant species, except the bioassay with V. faba, which showed a dose–response effect. The new developed chronic bioassay test with Spartium junceum showed a good adaptation to stress conditions induced by the presence of the mined landfill material. In conclusion, the conducted experimental activities demonstrated the suitability of the material to be used for different purposes.  相似文献   

热分解技术在修复多氯联苯污染土壤中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对我国土壤中PCBs的污染特点,介绍了一种修复土壤的热分解技术,并详述了该技术的工作流程、影响因素、处理效率等问题。最后对该技术的发展趋势进行了展望,并对其在推广过程中可能遇到的困难进行了分析。  相似文献   

The chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs), tetrachloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), and 1,1,1‐trichloroethane (1,1,1‐TCA), often found as commingled contaminants of concern (COCs) in groundwater, can degrade via a variety of biotic and abiotic reductive pathways. In situ remediation of a groundwater contaminant source area containing commingled 1,1,1‐TCA, PCE, and TCE was conducted using a combined remedy/treatment train approach. The first step was to create geochemically reducing conditions in the source area to degrade the CVOCs to lesser chlorinated CVOCs (i.e., 1,1‐dichloroethane [1,1‐DCA], 1,1‐dichlorethene [1,1‐DCE], cis‐1,2‐dichoroethene [cis‐1,2‐DCE], and vinyl chloride [VC]) via enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD). Carbon substrates were injected to create microbial‐induced geochemically reducing conditions. An abiotic reductant (zero‐valent iron [ZVI]) was also used to further degrade the CVOCs, minimizing the generation of 1,1‐DCE and VC, and co‐precipitate temporarily mobilized metals. An in situ aerobic zone was created downgradient of the treatment zone through the injection of oxygen. Remaining CVOC degradation products and temporarily mobilized metals (e.g., iron and manganese) resulting from the geochemically reducing conditions were then allowed to migrate through the aerobic zone. Within the aerobic zone, the lesser chlorinated CVOCs were oxidized and the solubilized metals were precipitated out of solution. The injection of a combination of carbon substrates and ZVI into the groundwater system at the site studied herein resulted in the generation of a geochemically reducing subsurface treatment zone that has lasted for more than 4.5 years. Mass concentrations of total CVOCs were degraded within the treatment zone, with near complete transformation of chlorinated ethenes and a more than 90 percent reduction of CVOC mass concentrations. Production of VC and 1,1‐DCE has been minimized through the combined effects of abiotic and biological processes. CVOC concentrations have declined over time and temporarily mobilized metals are precipitating out of the dissolved phase. Precipitation of the dissolved metals was mitigated using the in situ oxygenation system, also resulting in a return to aerobic conditions in downgradient groundwater. Chloroethane (CA) is the dominant CVOC degradation product within the treatment zone and downgradient of the treatment zone, and it is expected to continue to aerobically degrade over time. CA did not accumulate within and near the aerobic oxygenation zone. The expectations for the remediation system are: (1) the concentrations of CVOCs (primarily in the form of CA) will continue to degrade; (2) total organic carbon concentrations will continue to decline to pre‐remediation levels; and, (3) the groundwater geochemistry will experience an overall trend of transitioning from reducing back to pre‐remediation mildly oxidizing conditions within and downgradient of the treatment zone.  相似文献   

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