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This paper describes a method developed for quantification of gas emissions from the leachate collection system at landfills and present emission data measured at two Danish landfills with no landfill gas collection systems in place: Fakse landfill and AV Miljø. Landfill top covers are often designed to prevent infiltration of water and thus are made from low permeable materials. At such sites a large part of the gas will often emit through other pathways such as the leachate collection system. These point releases of gaseous constituents from these locations cannot be measured using traditional flux chambers, which are often used to measure gas emissions from landfills. Comparing tracer measurements of methane (CH4) emissions from leachate systems at Fakse landfill and AV Miljø to measurements of total CH4 emissions, it was found that approximately 47% (351 kg CH4 d?1) and 27% (211 kg CH4 d?1), respectively, of the CH4 emitting from the sites occurred from the leachate collection systems. Emission rates observed from individual leachate collection wells at the two landfills ranged from 0.1 to 76 kg CH4 d?1. A strong influence on emission rates caused by rise and fall in atmospheric pressure was observed when continuously measuring emission from a leachate well over a week. Emission of CH4 was one to two orders of magnitude higher during periods of decreasing pressure compared to periods of increasing pressure.  相似文献   

With limited assessment, leachate treatment of a specified landfill is considered to be a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In our study, the cumulative GHG emitted from the storage ponds and process configurations that manage fresh or aged landfill leachate were investigated. Our results showed that strong CH4 emissions were observed from the fresh leachate storage pond, with the fluxes values (2219–26,489 mg C m?2 h?1) extremely higher than those of N2O (0.028–0.41 mg N m?2 h?1). In contrast, the emission values for both CH4 and N2O were low for the aged leachate tank. N2O emissions became dominant once the leachate entered the treatment plants of both systems, accounting for 8–12% of the removal of N-species gases. Per capita, the N2O emission based on both leachate treatment systems was estimated to be 7.99 g N2O–N capita?1 yr?1. An increase of 80% in N2O emissions was observed when the bioreactor pH decreased by approximately 1 pH unit. The vast majority of carbon was removed in the form of CO2, with a small portion as CH4 (<0.3%) during both treatment processes. The cumulative GHG emissions for fresh leachate storage ponds, fresh leachate treatment system and aged leachate treatment system were 19.10, 10.62 and 3.63 Gg CO2 eq yr?1, respectively, for a total that could be transformed to 9.09 kg CO2 eq capita?1 yr?1.  相似文献   

Methane (CH4) diffuse emissions from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) landfills represent one of the most important anthropogenic sources of greenhouse gas. CH4 is produced by anaerobic biodegradation of organic matter in landfilled MSW and constitutes a major component of landfill gas (LFG). Gas recovery is a suitable method to effectively control CH4 emissions from landfill sites and the quantification of CH4 emissions represents a good tool to evaluate the effectiveness of a gas recovery system in reducing LFG emissions. In particular, LFG emissions can indirectly be evaluated from mass balance equations between LFG production, recovery and oxidation in the landfill, as well as by a direct approach based on LFG emission measurements from the landfill surface. However, up to now few direct measurements of landfill CH4 diffuse emissions have been reported in the technical literature. In the present study, both modeling and direct emission measuring methodologies have been applied to the case study of Bellolampo landfill located in Palermo, Italy. The main aim of the present study was to evaluate CH4 diffuse emissions, based on direct measurements carried out with the flux accumulation chamber (static, non-stationary) method, as well as to obtain the CH4 contoured flux map of the landfill. Such emissions were compared with the estimate achieved by means of CH4 mass balance equations. The results showed that the emissions obtained by applying the flux chamber method are in good agreement with the ones derived by the application of the mass balance equation, and that the evaluated contoured flux maps represent a reliable tool to locate areas with abnormal emissions in order to optimize the gas recovery system efficiency.  相似文献   

The irrigation of a plant-soil system with landfill leachate should promote the formation of N2O due to the introduction of organic carbon and mineralized-N and the elevation of the moisture content. Laboratory incubation was performed to minimize N2O emissions from a leachate irrigated plant-soil system by manipulating leachate NH(4)(+)-N loading, moisture content, and soil type. A field investigation, consisting of three plots planted with Cynodon dactylon, Nerium indicum Mill, and Festuca arundinacea Schreb, was then conducted to select plant species. There was almost no difference in N2O emissions between soil moisture contents of 46% and 55% water-filled pore space (WFPS), while a sharp increase occurred at 70% WFPS. N2O fluxes were significantly correlated with leachate NH4(+)-N loading. Amongst the physiochemical characteristics of the selected nine soils, only soil pH was significantly correlated with N2O fluxes. Compared with fertilizers application in other ecosystems, N2O turnover rate from the plant-soil system under leachate irrigation was relatively lower. Therefore, avoiding high NH4(+)-N loadings and excessively wet conditions (<60% WFPS) and cultivating conifer plants of stronger sunlight penetration with less litter deposit on acidic sandy soil could minimize potential N2O emissions under leachate irrigation.  相似文献   

Evaluating field-scale methane oxidation in landfill cover soils using numerical models is gaining interest in the solid waste industry as research has made it clear that methane oxidation in the field is a complex function of climatic conditions, soil type, cover design, and incoming flux of landfill gas from the waste mass. Numerical models can account for these parameters as they change with time and space under field conditions. In this study, we developed temperature, and water content correction factors for methane oxidation parameters. We also introduced a possible correction to account for the different soil structure under field conditions. These parameters were defined in laboratory incubation experiments performed on homogenized soil specimens and were used to predict the actual methane oxidation rates to be expected under field conditions. Water content and temperature corrections factors were obtained for the methane oxidation rate parameter to be used when modeling methane oxidation in the field. To predict in situ measured rates of methane with the model it was necessary to set the half saturation constant of methane and oxygen, Km, to 5%, approximately five times larger than laboratory measured values. We hypothesize that this discrepancy reflects differences in soil structure between homogenized soil conditions in the lab and actual aggregated soil structure in the field. When all of these correction factors were re-introduced into the oxidation module of our model, it was able to reproduce surface emissions (as measured by static flux chambers) and percent oxidation (as measured by stable isotope techniques) within the range measured in the field.  相似文献   

Landfill gases produced during biological degradation of buried organic wastes include methane, which when released to the atmosphere, can contribute to global climate change. Increasing use of gas collection systems has reduced the risk of escaping methane emissions entering the atmosphere, but gas capture is not 100% efficient, and further, there are still many instances when gas collection systems are not used. Biotic methane mitigation systems exploit the propensity of some naturally occurring bacteria to oxidize methane. By providing optimum conditions for microbial habitation and efficiently routing landfill gases to where they are cultivated, a number of bio-based systems, such as interim or long-term biocovers, passively or actively vented biofilters, biowindows and daily-used biotarps, have been developed that can alone, or with gas collection, mitigate landfill methane emissions. This paper reviews the science that guides bio-based designs; summarizes experiences with the diverse natural or engineered substrates used in such systems; describes some of the studies and field trials being used to evaluate them; and discusses how they can be used for better landfill operation, capping, and aftercare.  相似文献   

An experiment was undertaken to examine the response of hydroponically-grown red maple (Acer rubrum L.) saplings to a series of four flooding (sub-irrigation) treatments distributed over a 25-day period with an untreated (saline) municipal solid waste landfill leachate or deionized water. Net photosynthesis rates measured for water-treated saplings rapidly declined to 62% of the levels measured in untreated (control) saplings, but returned to pre-treatment levels with subsequent flooding treatments. Net photosynthesis rates measured for leachate-treated saplings decreased to about 50% of the levels measured for control saplings over the 25-day treatment period, and remained suppressed. Loss of turgor in leaves and a iron-oxyhydroxide plaque on root surfaces were also observed. Reasons proposed for this acute and apparently irreversible response to leachate exposure include: (i) extreme root anaerobiosis conditions caused by root system flooding and exacerbated by a high chemical oxygen demand leachate; (ii) increased root-soil interface resistance to transpiration water flow (osmotic potential gradient, iron oxyhydroxide plaque); (iii) metabolic intolerance to high solute concentrations in plant tissue; and (iv) exposure to potentially toxic volatile organic compounds. Water sub-irrigation had virtually no effect on nutrient and non-nutrient element concentrations in foliage or on the spectral reflectance characteristics of the leaves. Leachate treatment decreased the foliar content of many plant macro- and micro-nutrients significantly, and shifts in spectral reflectance patterns indicated declining plant vigour. Certain chemical constituents present in high concentrations in the leachate irrigant and which can be phytotoxic, such as Cl, accumulated to a significant degree in leachate-treated plant tissue.  相似文献   

Recirculation of leachate on a covered landfill site planted with willows or other highly evapotranspirative woody plants is an inexpensive option for leachate management. In our study, a closed landfill leachate recirculation system was established on a rehabilitated municipal solid waste landfill site with planted landfill cover. The main objective of the study was to evaluate the sustainability of the system with regard to high hydraulic loads of the landfill leachate on the landfill cover and high concentrations of saline ions, especially potassium (K+), sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl?), in leachate.The results of intensive monitoring, implemented during May 2004 and September 2007, including leachate, soil and plant samples, showed a high sustainability of the system regarding saline ions with the precipitation regime of the studied region. Saline ion concentrations in leachates varied between 132 and 2592 mg Cl? L?1, 69 and 1310 mg Na+ L?1 and between 66 and 2156 mg K+ L?1, with mean values of 1010, 632 and 686 mg L?1, respectively. Soil salinity, measured as soil electrical conductivity (EC), remained between 0.17 and 0.38 mS cm?1 at a depth between 0 and 90 cm. An average annual precipitation of 1000 mm provided sufficient leaching of saline ions, loaded by irrigation with landfill leachate, from the soil of the landfill cover and thus prevented possible salinity shocks to the planted willows.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from long-term monitoring studies performed at full-scale municipal solid waste landfill facilities with leachate recirculation. Data from two facilities at a landfill site in Delaware, USA were evaluated as part of this study: (1) Area A/B landfill cells; and (2) two test cells (one with leachate recirculation and one control cell). Data from Area A/B were compared with proposed waste stability criteria for leachate quality, landfill gas production, and landfill settlement. Data from the test cells were directly compared with each other. Overall, the trends at Area A/B pointed to the positive effects (i.e., more rapid waste degradation) that may be realized through increasing moisture availability in a landfill relative to the reported behavior of more traditionally operated (i.e., drier) landfills. Some significant behavioral differences between the two test cells were evident, including dissimilarities in total landfill gas production quantity and the extent of waste degradation observed in recovered time capsules. Differences in leachate quality were not as dramatic as anticipated, probably because the efficiency of the leachate recirculation system at distributing leachate throughout the waste body in the recirculation cell was low.  相似文献   

The feasibility of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in a bioreactor landfill with limited aeration was assessed. Three column reactors, simulating bioreactor landfill operations under anaerobic condition (as reference), intermittent forced aeration and enhanced natural aeration were hence established, where aerated columns passed through two phases, i.e., fresh landfill and well-decomposed landfill. The experimental results show that limited aeration decreased nitrogen loadings of leachate distinctly in the fresh landfill. In the well-decomposed landfill, the NH(4)(+)-N of the input leachate could be nitrified completely in the aerated landfill columns. The nitrifying loadings of the column cross section reached 7.9 g N/m(2)d and 16.9 g N/m(2)d in the simulated landfill columns of intermittent forced aeration and enhanced natural aeration, respectively. The denitrification was influenced by oxygen distribution in the landfill column. Intermittent existence of oxygen in the landfill with the intermittent forced aeration was favorable to denitrify the NO(2)(-)-N and NO(3)(-)-N, indicated by the high denitrification efficiency (>99%) under the condition of BOD(5)/TN of more than 5.4 in leachate; locally persistent existence of oxygen in the landfill with enhanced natural aeration could limit the denitrification, indicated by relatively low denitrification efficiency of about 75% even when the BOD(5)/TN in leachate had an average of 7.1.  相似文献   

In tropical regions, landfill leachate contamination at municipal solid waste disposal sites is a critical issue because of the large volume of highly contaminated leachate formed during the rainy season. We evaluated the efficacy of constructed wetlands (CWs) with the ability to reduce the water volume and pollutant levels to reduce leachate contamination compared to the most commonly used treatment system, stabilization ponds, based on parameters obtained in a field experiment in Thailand. The simulation indicated that CWs had a higher potential to reduce the water volume than stabilization ponds over the course of a year. Scenario evaluations under varying initial water depths, system depths, and area sizes indicated that the CWs could reduce the treatment area to prevent overflow and leachate pollution. In addition, the CWs were estimated to reduce the leachate amount and pollution by 83–100% and 92–99%, respectively. When there is limited land available, deeper CWs can be used to sustainably prevent contamination from leachate overflow. Effectively designed CW systems may be valuable for both reducing the required area and the contamination; therefore, CWs are a promising option for sustainable landfill leachate treatment systems in developing tropical regions.  相似文献   

Landfill leachate contains a high concentration of ammoniacal substances which can be a potential supply of N for plants. A bioassay was conducted using seeds of Brassica chinensis and Lolium perenne to evaluate the phytotoxicity of the leachate sample. A soil column experiment was then carried out in a greenhouse to study the effect of leachate on plant growth. Two grasses (Paspalum notatum and Vetiver zizanioides) and two trees (Hibiscus tiliaceus and Litsea glutinosa) were irrigated with leachate at the EC50 levels for 12 weeks. Their growth performance and the distribution of N were examined and compared with columns applied with chemical fertilizer. With the exception of P. notatum, plants receiving leachate and fertilizer grew better than those receiving water alone. The growth of L. glutinosa and V. zizanioides with leachate irrigation did not differ significantly from plants treated with fertilizer. Leachate irrigation significantly increased the levels of NHx-N in soil. Although NOx-N was below 1 mg N L−1 in the leachate sample, the soil NOx-N content increased by 9-fold after leachate irrigation, possibly as a result of nitrification. Leachate irrigation at EC50 provided an N input of 1920 kg N ha−1 over the experimental period, during which up to 1050 kg N ha−1 was retained in the soil and biomass, depending on the type of vegetation. The amount of nutrient added seems to exceed beyond the assimilative capability. Practitioners should be aware of the possible consequence of N saturation when deciding the application rate if leachate irrigation is aimed for water reuse.  相似文献   

In Sweden, use of industrial residues is still hindered by concern for their long-term properties. A three-year research project was therefore initiated aiming to (1) identify the crucial processes of ageing related to the usefulness of residues in roads; (2) investigate the consequences of these processes for technical and environmental properties of the residues, and (3) propose a method for accelerated ageing to predict the long-term properties. This paper gives an overview of the project methodology, a summary of the test results and references to papers where further details are given.The project, running through 2006-2008, compared naturally aged samples of two residues used as sub-bases in existing asphalt paved roads with samples of fresh residues from producers’ piles. Steel slag of electric arc furnace (EAF) type and municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) bottom ash were chosen. The samples were thoroughly characterised in order to identify which ageing processes had been crucial.The results showed that:
Bottom ash from the pavement edge was more aged than bottom ash from the road centre. However, no difference in pH was found, instead the differences were caused by differences in water exposure.
Steel slag from the pavement edge showed traces of carbonation and leaching processes, whereas slag from the road centre was identical to fresh slag.
Water exposure to the subbase materials after ten years in an asphalt paved road was calculated to less than 0.1-0.5 litres per kg.
Ageing reactions in steel slag and MSWI bottom ash, ready for use, were too small to be verified by laboratory measurement of deformation properties under loaded conditions.
An accelerated ageing test for steel slag was set up to achieve the carbonation (decrease in pH) and leaching that was observed in the pavement edge material.An accelerated ageing test for bottom ash was set up to achieve the pozzolan reactions that were observed in SEM analyses of in situ specimens.It is recommended to use uncrushed particles when properties of aged material are studied, in order to preserve the original particle surfaces.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - In the original publication of the article, Eq.&nbsp;5 was published incorrectly. The correct equation is given below.  相似文献   

A leachate purification system, equipped with the thin open channel spiral wound modules, is studied in this paper. In Phase I, effluent from an activated sludge process followed by the flocculation/sedimentation process was fed into the landfill leachate treatment unit. After 2 wk of operation, the permeate flux dropped dramatically, from an average value of 6.5l/m(2)/h to 4.23 l/m(2)/h. The significant decline of membrane flux was likely caused by membrane fouling. In Phase II, raw leachate was fed directly into the reverse osmosis leachate treatment system. An average flux of 7.8l/m(2)/h was maintained at an initial trans-membrane pressure difference of 20 bar, which increased to 40 bar before membrane chemical cleaning. An average recovery rate of 70% was achieved. Throughout the observation in Phase II, an average reduction rate of 98.2% for the dissolved solids was obtained. The reduction rate of COD was greater than 99.5% with a constant level of the permeate COD. Chloride was eliminated by more than 99%, while over 98% of NH(4)-N was reduced. A negligible permeate flux drop was observed after cleaning the membrane effectively. The study shows that direct reverse osmosis membrane filtration with thin open channel spiral wound modules is able to achieve satisfactory results in terms of water quality, process stability and membrane flux. The obtained quality of the permeate quality in this study met the German standards for leachate discharge. At the end of each filtration cycle, the membrane was maintained through alkaline chemical cleaning in order to remove any irreversible membrane fouling. After the maintenance procedure, the membrane flux was found to recover to the initial value.  相似文献   

The influence of different variables on the removal of ammonia nitrogen and COD from landfill leachate was investigated in a three-dimensional electrochemical reactor. Box–Behnken statistical experiment design and the response surface methodology were used to investigate operating condition effects, such as current density, activated carbon to water ratio and the reaction time, on ammonia nitrogen removal efficiency and COD removal efficiency. The positive and negative effects of variables and the interaction between variables on ammonia nitrogen removal and COD removal were determined. The response surface methodology models were derived based on the results and the response surface plots were developed accordingly.  相似文献   

Leachate recirculation is a key process in the operation of municipal waste landfills as bioreactors. It aims at increasing the moisture content to optimise the biodegradation. Because waste is a very heterogeneous and anisotropic porous media, the geometry of the leachate plume recirculation is difficult to delineate from the surface at the scale of the bioreactor site. In this study, 3-D time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was used to obtain useful information for understanding leachate recirculation hydrodynamics. The ERT inversion methodology and the electrode arrays were optimised using numerical modelling simulating a 3-D leachate injection scenario. Time-lapse ERT was subsequently applied at the field scale during an experimental injection. We compared ERT images with injected volumes to evaluate the sensitivity of time-lapse ERT to delineate the plume migration. The results show that time-lapse ERT can accomplish the following: (i) accurately locate the injection plume, delineating its depth and lateral extension; (ii) be used to estimate some hydraulic properties of waste.  相似文献   

The use of willows (Salix amygdalina L) to manage landfill leachate disposal is an effective and cost-effective method due to the high transpiration ability of the willow plants. A 2-year lysimetric experiment was performed to determine an optimum leachate hydraulic loading rate to achieve high evapotranspiration but exert no harmful influence on the plants. The evapotranspiration rate of a soil-plant system planted with the willow was 1.28-5.12-fold higher than the rate measured on a soil surface lacking vegetation, suggesting that soil-willow systems with high volatilization rates are a viable landfill leachate treatment method. Of the soil-willow systems, the one with willow growing on sand amended with sewage sludge soil at an hydraulic loading rate of 1 mm day(-1) performed best, with evapotranspiration ranging from 2.25 to 3.02 mm day(-1) and a biomass yield of 8.0-9.85 Mg dry matter ha(-1). The organic fraction of the soil increased as much as 2.5% of dry matter, due to the sewage sludge input, which exerted a positive effect on the biomass yield as well as on transpiration and evaporation. It was observed that the plants in the sand-and-sewage sludge soil systems displayed higher resistance to toxic effects from the applied landfill leachate relative to plants in the sand-soil systems.  相似文献   

Fugitive pollutant emissions from municipal solid waste landfills have the potential to cause annoyance and health impacts in the surrounding residential areas. The overall objective of this research was to perform an assessment of fugitive pollutant emissions and a dispersion analysis downwind of a specific landfill site. The study was performed at the closed Ano Liosia landfill site which is located in the greater Athens area. The human exposure from priority to health-risk pollutants emitted from landfill, such as vinyl chloride and benzene, was estimated by the landfill gas emission LandGEM 2.01 software combined with the atmospheric long-term dispersion model ISC3-LT. The emission and meteorological conditions under which the models were applied referred to the worst-case scenario. This scenario was used for the evaluation of the maximum human exposure assessed beyond the Ano Liosia landfill towards the residential areas. The above scenario provides the minimum downwind distance of the health-risk zone which is calculated to be equal to 1.5 km from the landfill. Within this distance the assessed air pollutant concentration for several air pollutants was significantly above the World Health Organization reference lifetime exposure health criteria. Finally, the applied methodology was used in the Ano Liosia landfill, where atmospheric concentrations of pollutants measured in the field were compared with model predictions.  相似文献   

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