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When reusing or disposing of contaminated granular waste materials there is a need to evaluate how the contaminants will interact on the pathway soil–groundwater and the effect this interaction will have on the surrounding environment. While column testing can provide a closer approximation to field percolation conditions than batch testing, there is still a need to develop column testing procedures that consider the requirements of practical testing time frames. This study evaluates the effect of different column contact times (2.5, 5, and 16 h) on the release of inorganic constituents from bottom ash and demolition waste, two commonly reused granular materials. Leaching data for representative constituents of concern, such as copper, chromium, sulfate and chloride, as well as pH and electrical conductivity was compared for all different contact times studied.Results for the materials investigated in this study showed that variations in contact time have no significant effect on the release of the selected constituents and leaching parameters at low liquid to solid ratios. However, after a liquid to solid ratio of 1 L/kg, the effect is more noticeable, and higher contact times show lower pH values as well as a reduction in the release of constituents of concern from bottom ash. In the case of demolition waste, the variation of contact time did not have a strong effect on the leaching behavior.  相似文献   

Leaching of Al, Ca, Mg, Si, S, Ba, Sr, Mo, Zn, Cd, Pb, and Cu from waste incineration air-pollution-control (APC) residues was investigated. Real-life conditions, i.e. removal of readily soluble compounds and longer equilibration time, were considered. Three different pH-static leaching experiments evaluating the importance of salt level and equilibration time were performed: (i) 48-h test on untreated APC residue samples, (ii) 48-h test on washed residue samples, and finally (iii) a 172-h test on washed residue samples. Experimental data were evaluated by geochemical modelling to identify potential solubility controlling minerals. For some elements (Al, Ca, Mg, Si, S, Mo, Zn, Cd, and Cu) the same controlling minerals were suggested regardless of the equilibration period or untreated/washed character of the tested material, whereas leaching of other elements (Ba, Sr) was far better described by considering a longer equilibration time, thereby pointing out the kinetic effects. Finally, a significant fraction of total lead (57%) was found to be rather mobile in the initial stage of leaching. Both pre-washing of the residues and longer equilibration times were shown to be simple yet useful methods to identify mineral phases that could control the release of constituents after the removal of readily soluble compounds in the initial stage of leaching.  相似文献   

Utilization of secondary materials in civil engineering applications (e.g. as substitutes for natural aggregates or binder constituents) requires assessment of the physical and environment properties of the product. Environmental assessment often necessitates evaluation of the potential for constituent release through leaching. Currently most leaching models used to estimate long-term field performance assume that the species of concern is uniformly dispersed in a homogeneous porous material. However, waste materials are often comprised of distinct components such as coarse or fine aggregates in a cement concrete or waste encapsulated in a stabilized matrix. The specific objectives of the research presented here were to (1) develop a one-dimensional, multi-regime transport model (i.e. MRT model) to describe the release of species from heterogeneous porous materials and, (2) evaluate simple limit cases using the model for species when release is not dependent on pH. Two different idealized model systems were considered: (1) a porous material contaminated with the species of interest and containing inert aggregates and, (2) a porous material containing the contaminant of interest only in the aggregates. The effect of three factors on constituent release were examined: (1) volume fraction of material occupied by the aggregates compared to a homogeneous porous material, (2) aggregate size and, (3) differences in mass transfer rates between the binder and the aggregates. Simulation results confirmed that assuming homogeneous materials to evaluate the release of contaminants from porous waste materials may result in erroneous long-term field performance assessment.  相似文献   

In this study, contaminant leaching from three different secondary materials (demolition waste, municipal solid waste incineration ash, and blast furnace slag) to groundwater is assessed by numerical modeling. Reactive transport simulations for a noise protection dam and a road dam (a typical German autobahn), in which secondary materials are reused as base layers, were performed to predict the breakthrough of a conservative tracer (i.e., a salt) and sorbing contaminants (e.g., PAHs like naphthalene and phenanthrene or heavy metals) at the groundwater table. The dam constructions have a composite architecture with soil covers in inclined layers and distinct contrasts in the unsaturated hydraulic properties of the used materials. Capillary barrier effects result in strong spatial variabilities of flow and transport velocities. Contaminant breakthrough curves at the groundwater table show significant tailing due to slow sorption kinetics and a wide distribution of travel times. While conservative tracer breakthrough depends primarily on subsoil hydraulic properties, equilibrium distribution coefficients and sorption kinetics represent additional controlling factors for contaminant spreading. Hence, the three secondary materials show pronounced differences in the temporal development of leached contaminant concentrations with consequences for breakthrough times and peak concentrations at the groundwater table. Significant concentration reductions due to dispersion occur only if the source concentrations decrease significantly prior to the arrival of the contaminant at the groundwater table. Biodegradation causes significant reduction of breakthrough concentrations only if flow velocities are low.  相似文献   

Characterization of the leaching behavior of wastes is a crucial step in the environmental assessment for reuse or disposal scenarios. The release of inorganic contaminants from waste materials is typically evaluated by tank leaching of continuously water-saturated material. However, materials, in many field or management scenarios, experience cyclic wetting and drying under varied environmental conditions (i.e. variable relative humidity, atmospheric CO2 or CO2 from biologic activities). During periods of storage in an unsaturated environment, many processes may occur that can influence the release potential and release rate of inorganic constituents. The research presented here was carried out to examine how the phenomena of carbonation during drying influence the release of inorganic contaminants from Portland cement-based materials during cyclic wetting and storage. Batch equilibrium leaching tests were used to determine constituent solubility as a function of pH. Dynamic leaching tests on monolithic material were carried out to determine the rate of constituent release as a function of leaching time and intermittent storage conditions. This paper presents the results observed for three typical waste constituents, arsenic, cadmium and lead.  相似文献   

The changes in waste management policy caused by the massive generation of waste materials (e.g. construction and demolition waste material, municipal waste incineration products) has led to an increase in the reuse and recycling of waste materials. For environmental risk assessment, test procedures are necessary to examine waste materials before they can be reused. In this article, results of column and lysimeter leaching tests having been applied to inorganic compounds in a reference demolition waste material are presented. The results show a good agreement between the leaching behaviour determined with the lysimeter unit and the column units used in the laboratory. In view of less time and system requirements compared to lysimeter systems, laboratory column units can be considered as a practicable instrument to assess the time-dependent release of inorganic compounds under conditions similar to those encountered in a natural environment. The high concentrations of elements in the seepage water at the initial stage of elution are reflected by the laboratory column leaching tests. In particular, authorities or laboratories might benefit and have an easy-to-use, but nevertheless reliable, method to serve as a basis for decision-making.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the reactivity and ability of permeable reactive barriers [zero-valent iron (ZVI)-barrier plus biobarrier) to remove various contaminants (Cd, As, Zn, Cu, Mn, Cr, NO3 , NH4 +, and CODcr) from synthetic leachate. Two different reactive materials were used in this study, namely ZVI and autoclaved lightweight concrete (ALC). After 90 days of column operation, the contaminant profiles were determined along the length of the columns. The heavy metals were extensively removed in the bio-ALC and sequential barriers (ZVI plus bio-ALC), however the removal efficiencies for the heavy metals Zn and Cr in the ALC and bio-ALC barriers were comparatively low. Nitrate was completely removed (>99.9%) in the ALC, bio-ALC, and sequential barriers. More than 50% of the produced ammonium and organic materials were removed in the biologically reactive zone of the sequential barriers. The results of the present study suggest that sequential barriers are one of the best solutions for in situ remediation and that they can be applied to clean up the leachate released from landfills.  相似文献   

The Waste Framework Directive (WFD; 2008/98/EC) states that classification of hazardous ecotoxicological properties of wastes (i.e. criteria H-14), should be based on the Community legislation on chemicals (i.e. CLP Regulation 1272/2008). However, harmonizing the waste and chemical classification may involve drastic changes related to choice of leaching tests as compared to e.g. the current European standard for ecotoxic characterization of waste (CEN 14735). The primary aim of the present study was therefore to evaluate the influence of leaching conditions, i.e. pH (inherent pH (~10), and 7), liquid to solid (L/S) ratio (10 and 1000 L/kg) and particle size (<4 mm, <1 mm, and <0.125 mm), for subsequent chemical analysis and ecotoxicity testing in relation to classification of municipal waste incineration bottom ash. The hazard potential, based on either comparisons between element levels in leachate and literature toxicity data or ecotoxicity testing of the leachates, was overall significantly higher at low particle size (<0.125 mm) as compared to particle fractions <1 mm and <4 mm, at pH 10 as compared to pH 7, and at L/S 10 as compared to L/S 1000. These results show that the choice of leaching conditions is crucial for H-14 classification of ash and must be carefully considered in deciding on future guidance procedures in Europe.  相似文献   

The influence of pH on the leaching behaviour of air pollution control (APC) residues produced in municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) is addressed in this study. The residue is considered hazardous waste, and in accordance with their chemical properties, the leaching of contaminants into the environment is the main concern. Several leaching tests can be used for research studies or regulatory purposes, where a wide variety of conditions may be tested. Our work deals mainly with the leaching behaviour of toxic heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cr, Ni, Cu) and inorganics associated with soluble salts (Na, K, Ca, Cl). The main goal is to obtain an overview of the leachability of APC residues produced in a Portuguese MSWI process. Among the different variables that may have influence on the leaching behaviour, pH of the leachant solution is the most important one, and was evaluated through pH static tests. The acid neutralization capacity (ANC) of the residue was also determined, which is in the range of 6.2–6.8 meq g?1 (for pH = 7) and 10.1–11.6 meq g?1 (for pH = 4). The analysis of the leaching behaviour is particularly important when the leaching is solubility controlled. The amphoteric behaviour of some elements was observed, namely for Pb and Zn, which is characterized through high solubilization at low and high pH and moderate or low solubility at neutral or moderate high pH. The solubility curves for Pb, Cd, Zn, Cr, Ni and Cu as a function of pH were obtained, which are very useful for predicting the leaching behaviour in different scenarios. The solubility of K and Na reveals to be nearly independent of the solution pH and the released amount is mainly availability-controlled. Moreover, the pH static test showed that Cl? is the most pH-independent species. The APC residue turns out to be a hazardous waste because of the high leaching of lead and chloride. On the other hand, leaching of elements like cadmium, nickel and copper is limited by the high pH of the residue, and as long as the waste keeps its ANC, the risk of mobilization of these elements is low.  相似文献   

In some recycled aggregates applications, such as component of new concrete or roads, the total content of soluble sulphates should be measured and controlled. Restrictions are usually motivated by the resistance or stability of the new structure, and in most cases, structural concerns can be remedied by the use of techniques such as sulphur-resistant cements. However, environmental risk assessment from recycling and reuse construction products is often forgotten. The purpose of this study is to analyse the content of soluble sulphate on eleven recycled aggregates and six samples prepared in laboratory by the addition of different gypsum percentages. As points of reference, two natural aggregates were tested. An analysis of the content of the leachable amount of heavy metals regulated by European regulation was included. As a result, the correlation between solubility and leachability data allow suggest a limiting gypsum amount of 4.4% on recycled aggregates. This limit satisfies EU Landfill Directive criteria, which is currently used as reference by public Spanish Government for recycled aggregates in construction works.  相似文献   

In this study, percolation and batch leaching tests were considered in order to characterize the behaviour of air pollution control (APC) residues produced in a municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) as a function of the liquid to solid ratio (L/S). This waste is hazardous, and taking into account their physical and chemical properties, leaching of contaminants into the environment is the main concern. In our work the leaching behaviour of toxic heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cr, Ni and Cu) and inorganics associated with soluble salts (Na, K, Ca and Cl) was addressed. Although pH of the leaching solution is the most important variable, L/S may also play an important role in leaching processes. In our work, results from column and batch tests were compared in terms of concentration (mg/L) and releasing (mg/kg). The APC residues revealed to be hazardous according to both tests, and both Pb and Cl far exceeded the regulatory thresholds. The material exhibits high solubility, and when the liquid to solid ratio was high, more than 50% can be solubilised. The patterns of release may be in some cases availability or solubility controlled, and the former was easier to identify. When the results from column and batch experiments were compared by representing the cumulative released amounts (in mg/kg) as a function of L/S, both curves match for Zn, Ni, Cu, K, Na, Cl and Ca, but for Cr and Pb a significant difference was observed. In fact, the column experiments revealed that under percolation conditions it should be expected slow releasing of Pb along time. From this study, it can be concluded that the released amounts obtained in batch experiments for a certain L/S should be considered as the worst case for medium term. Some simple models proposed on the literature and based on local equilibrium assumption showed good fitting to experimental data for soluble species (non-reactive solutes).  相似文献   

Biodegradability under composting conditions is assessed by test methods, such as ASTM D 5338-92, based on the measurement of CO2 released by test materials when mixed with mature compost and maintained in a controlled composting environment. However, in real composting, biodegradation occurs in fresh waste. To clarify this point, the biodegradation of paper and of a starch-based biodegradable thermoplastic material, Mater-Bi ZI01U, was followed by measuring the weight loss of samples introduced either into a mature compost or into a synthetic waste. The weight loss in mature compost was higher at the beginning but tended to decrease; in synthetic waste a first lag phase was followed by an exponential phase. Complete degradation of paper was noticed simultaneously in the two substrates (after 25 days). The bulkier Mater-Bi samples were fully degraded after 20 days in fresh waste, but after 45 days in mature compost. Therefore, the test methods using mature compost as a substrate can possibly underestimate the biodegradation rate occurring in fresh waste, i.e., in real composting plants, and have to be considered as conservative test methods. The test procedure described in this paper seems very suitable as a screening method to verify the compostability of plastic materials in a composting environment.  相似文献   

Yan  Mi  Prabowo  Bayu  He  Lei  Fang  Zhumin  Xu  Zhang  Hu  Yanjun 《Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management》2017,19(3):1279-1287
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - A study for producing low moisture content sludge cake was performed by adding NaCl, CaCl2, Ca(OH)2, or FeCl3 to excess sewage sludge under...  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Various paper, oil, leather and textile industries generates a large amount of aromatic recalcitrant organic pollutants and release them into the...  相似文献   

This paper presents the determination of total iron, copper, zinc, chromium, nickel, lead, cadmium and mercury contents in the compost obtained from sorted municipal organic solid waste applying the following methods of sample mineralization: 40% hydrofluoric acid with preliminary incineration of a sample, a mixture of concentrated nitric(V) and chloric(VII) acids with preliminary incineration of organic matter and a mixture of nitric(V) and chloric(VII) acids without sample incineration. The speciation analysis of Tessier was used to estimate the bioavailability of the metals. Elution degrees of the mobile forms of the metals from the compost with 10% nitric(V) acid and 1 mol/dm(3) hydrochloric acid were compared. The contents of the elements in the eluates were determined applying atomic absorption spectrometry.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Recently, studies on multiple recycling of concrete have been attracting attention. In general, multiple recycling increases adhered mortar content...  相似文献   

In Flanders, the northern part of Belgium, about 31% of the produced amount of MSWI bottom ash is recycled as secondary raw material. In view of recycling a higher percentage of bottom ash, a particular bottom ash fraction (Ø 0.1–2 mm) was studied. As the leaching of this bottom ash fraction exceeds some of the Flemish limit values for heavy metals (with Cu being the most critical), treatment is required.Natural weathering and accelerated carbonation resulted in a significant decrease of the Cu leaching. Natural weathering during 3 months caused a decrease of Cu leaching to <50% of its original value, whereas accelerated carbonation resulted in an even larger decrease (to ca. 13% of its initial value) after 2 weeks, with the main decrease taking place within the first 48 h.Total organic carbon decreased to ca. 70% and 55% of the initial concentration in the solid phase, and to 40% and 25% in the leachate after natural weathering and after accelerated carbonation, respectively. In the solid material the decrease of the Hy fraction was the largest, the FA concentration remained essentially constant. The decrease of FA in the leachate can be attributed partly to an enhanced adsorption of FA to Fe/Al (hydr)oxides, due to the combined effect of a pH decrease and the neoformation of Al (hydr)oxides (both due to carbonation). A detailed study of adsorption of FA to Fe/Al (hydr)oxides showed that significant adsorption of FA occurs, that it increases with decreasing pH and started above pH 12 for Fe (hydr)oxides and around 10 for Al (hydr)oxides. Depending whether FA or Hy are considered the controlling factor in enhanced Cu leaching, the decreasing FA or Hy in the leachate explains the decrease in the Cu leaching during carbonation.  相似文献   

研究了废锌锰电池在硫酸体系中,温度和硫酸浓度对金属离子浸出行为的影响。通过实验找到了最佳工艺条件:硫酸浓度为10%,温度为40℃,固液比为1:10,催化剂为1mL,反应时间为2h,搅拌强度为40~80r/min。在此条件下,有用金属浸出率:Zn达到99%以上,Mn达到80%,Fe达到50%,而其他有害金属浸出率低。为进一步分离有害金属和利用废锌锰电池生产鳌合微肥提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are emerging and persistent organic pollutants that have been detected in many environmental media, humans, and wildlife. A common method to effectively remove PFAS from water is adsorption by activated carbon. Preliminary sorption experiments were conducted using five characterized Calgon Corporation coal‐based granular activated carbon (GAC; F100, F200, F816, F300, and F400), one coconut‐based GAC (CBC‐OLC 12 × 30), and one Jacobi Corporation coal‐based GAC (Omni‐G 12 × 40). Sorption of four representative PFAS onto each GAC was measured to select the most favorable carbon sources. F400 and CBC were chosen based on their performance in preliminary PFAS sorption experiments and contrasting properties. Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm models were developed for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanoic sulfonate (PFOS) at an initial concentration of 1 mg/L. Sorption capacities were determined for PFOA and PFOS individually and in the mixture. Individual compounds showed higher sorption than when present in the mixture for both PFOA and PFOS. PFOS showed higher sorption than PFOA both individually and in the mixture and F400 showed higher sorption capacity than CBC. The presence of co‐contaminants (kerosene, trichloroethylene, and ethanol), and variations in groundwater conditions (pH, presence of anions, naturally occurring organic matter, and iron oxides) demonstrated limited impact on the sorption of PFAS onto GAC under the experimental conditions tested.  相似文献   

The release and charge-based fractionation of As, Cr, Mo, Sb, Se and V were evaluated in leachates generated from recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) in a laboratory and at a field site. The leachates, covering the pH range 8.4-12.6, were generated from non-carbonated, and artificially and naturally carbonated crushed concrete samples. Comparison between the release of the elements from the non-carbonated and carbonated samples indicated higher solubility of the elements from the latter. The laboratory leaching tests also revealed that the solubility of the elements is low at the “natural pH” of the non-carbonated materials and show enhancement when the pH is decreased. The charge-based fractionation of the elements was determined by ion-exchange solid phase extraction (SPE); it was found that all the target elements predominantly existed as anions in both the laboratory and field leachates. The high fraction of the anionic species of the elements in the leachates from the carbonated RCA materials verified the enhanced solubility of the oxyanionic species of the elements as a result of carbonation. The concentrations of the elements in the leachates and SPE effluents were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).  相似文献   

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