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This work was focused on evaluating the suitability of replacing Portland cement (PC) by 5, 10 and 15 mass % of activated alum sludge waste (AAS) as a pozzolanic material. Exploitation of low-cost nanocomposite for bolstering the physical, mechanical, and stability against firing of PC–AAS-hardened composites was inspected. CuFe2O4 spinel nanoparticle with average particle size (~ 50 nm) was prepared. Inclusion of CuFe2O4 spinel in different PC–AAS-hardened composites bolsters their physicomechanical features at almost normal curing ages as well as their stability against firing. The positive impact of synthesized CuFe2O4 spinel was affirmed via TGA/DTG and XRD techniques, which indicated the presence of diverse hydration yields such as CSHs, CASHs, CFSH, and CuSH that enhance the overall physicomechanical characteristics and thermal stability of various PC–AAS-hardened composites. The composite containing (90 PC–10 AAS waste–2 CuFe2O4) offers many benefits from the economic and environmental view.

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The effects of various pretreatment methods, including thermo-acid, thermo-alkaline, ultrasonic-alkaline and ultrasonic-acid, on solubilization and subsequent acidification efficiency of waste activated sludge (WAS) were investigated. The results showed that both thermo-alkaline and ultrasonic-alkaline significantly improved the solubilization of WAS at a high concentration (7.4% of total solids). Solubilization of volatile solids (VS) and crude protein was 60.2-61.6% and 66.8-67.5%, respectively. Thermo-alkaline or ultrasonic-alkaline pretreatment also enhanced the efficiency of subsequent WAS acidification. Experimental results showed that they had similar effects on the acidification of WAS. The conversion ratio from VS to total volatile fatty acids (TVFAs) was 0.230 in the case of the ultrasonic-alkaline pretreatment. Through this pretreatment, the level of TVFAs was 68% more than the untreated WAS after 252 h of fermentation. The mechanism of TVFAs production under different pretreatment methods was further investigated and the results indicated that soluble protein was the main substrate for TVFAs production from the WAS after the thermo-alkaline or ultrasonic-alkaline pretreatment.  相似文献   

In this study biogas and high quality digestate were recovered from winery waste (wine lees) through anaerobic co-digestion with waste activated sludge both in mesophilic and thermophilic conditions. The two conditions studied showed similar yields (0.40 m3/kgCODfed) but different biological process stability: in fact the mesophilic process was clearly more stable than the thermophilic one in terms of bioprocess parameters.The resulting digestates showed good characteristics for both the tested conditions: heavy metals, dioxins (PCDD/F), and dioxin like bi-phenyls (PCBs) were concentred in the effluent if compared with the influent because of the important reduction of the solid dry matter, but remained at levels acceptable for agricultural reuse. Pathogens in digestate decreased. Best reductions were observed in thermophilic condition, while at 37 °C the concentration of Escherichia coli was at concentrations level as high as 1000 UFC/g. Dewatering properties of digestates were evaluated by means of the capillary suction time (CST) and specific resistance to filtration (SRF) tests and it was found that a good dewatering level was achievable only when high doses of polymer (more than 25 g per kg dry solids) were added to sludge.  相似文献   

An integrated composting-vermicomposting system has been developed for stabilization of waste activated sludge (WAS) using matured vermicompost as bulking material and Eisenia fetida as earthworm species. Composting was considered as the main processing unit and vermicomposting as polishing unit. The integrated system was optimized by successive recycling and mixing of bulking material with WAS during composting and examining the effects of environmental condition (i.e. temperature: 10-30 °C and relative humidity: 50 and 90%) and stocking density (0-5 kg/m2) on vermicomposting. The composting stage resulted in sufficient enrichment of bulking material with organic matter after 20 cycles of recycling and mixing with WAS and produced materials acceptable for vermicomposting. Vermicomposting of composted material caused significant reduction in pH, volatile solids (VS), specific oxygen uptake rate (SOUR), total carbon (TC), total organic carbon (TOC), C/N ratio and pathogens and a substantial increase in electrical conductivity (EC), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorous (TP). The environmental conditions (i.e. temperature: 10-30 °C and relative humidity: 50 and 90%) and stocking density (0-5 kg/m2) have profound effects on vermicomposting. Temperature of 20 °C with high humidity is the best suited environmental condition for vermicomposting employing E. fetida. The favorable stocking density range for vermiculture is 0.5-2.0 kg/m2 (optimum: 0.5 kg/m2) and for vermicomposting is 2.0-4.0 kg/m2 (optimum: 3.0 kg/m2), respectively. The integrated composting-vermicomposting system potentially stabilizes and converts the hazardous WAS into quality organic manure for agronomic applications without any adverse effects.  相似文献   

The results presented in this paper are part of a project aimed at designing an original solution for the treatment of used disposable diapers permitting the recycling of materials and the recovery of energy. Diapers must be collected separately at source and transported to an industrial facility to undergo special treatment which makes it possible to separate plastics and to recover a biodegradable fraction (BFD) made up mainly of cellulose. The methane yield of BFD was measured and found to be 280 ml CH4/g VSfed on average. 150 kg of dry BFD can be retrieved from the treatment of one ton of used disposable diapers, representing an energy potential of about 400 kW h of total energy or 130 kW h of electricity. As the treatment process for used diapers requires very high volumes of water, the setting up of the diaper treatment facility at a wastewater treatment plant already equipped with an anaerobic digester offers the advantages of optimizing water use as well as its further treatment and, also, the anaerobic digestion of BFD. The lab-scale experiments in a SBR showed that BFD co-digestion with sewage sludge (38% BFD and 62% waste activated sludge on volatile solids basis) was feasible. However, special attention should be paid to problems that might arise from the addition of BFD to a digester treating WAS such as insufficient mixing or floating particles leading to the accumulation of untreated solids in the digester.  相似文献   

In order to examine the optimal design and operating parameters, kinetics for microbiological reaction and oxygen consumption in composting of waste activated sludge were quantitatively examined. A series of experiments was conducted to discuss the optimal operating parameters for aerobic composting of waste activated sludge obtained from Kawagoe City Wastewater Treatment Plant (Saitama, Japan) using 4 and 20 L laboratory scale bioreactors. Aeration rate, compositions of compost mixture and height of compost pile were investigated as main design and operating parameters. The optimal aerobic composting of waste activated sludge was found at the aeration rate of 2.0 L/min/kg (initial composting mixture dry weight). A compost pile up to 0.5 m could be operated effectively. A simple model for composting of waste activated sludge in a composting reactor was developed by assuming that a solid phase of compost mixture is well mixed and the kinetics for microbiological reaction is represented by a Monod-type equation. The model predictions could fit the experimental data for decomposition of waste activated sludge with an average deviation of 2.14%. Oxygen consumption during composting was also examined using a simplified model in which the oxygen consumption was represented by a Monod-type equation and the axial distribution of oxygen concentration in the composting pile was described by a plug-flow model. The predictions could satisfactorily simulate the experiment results for the average maximum oxygen consumption rate during aerobic composting with an average deviation of 7.4%.  相似文献   

The kaolin processing industry generates large amounts of waste in producing countries such as Brazil. The aim of this study was to characterize kaolin processing waste and evaluate its suitability as an alternative ceramic raw material for the production of porous technical ceramic bodies. The waste material was physically and chemically characterized and its thermal behaviour is described. Several formulations were prepared and sintered at different temperatures. The sintered samples were characterized to determine their porosity, water absorption, firing shrinkage and mechanical strength. Fired samples were microstructurally analysed by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results indicated that the waste consisted of quartz, kaolinite, and mica, and that ceramic formulations containing up to 66% of waste can be used for the production of ceramics with porosities higher than 40% and strength of about 70 MPa.  相似文献   

Date stone wastes have been utilized for production of activated carbon by chemical activation with phosphoric acid using a fluidized-bed reactor. The effects of the activation time, activation temperature, impregnation ratio, and particle size on the yield and the adsorptive capacity towards iodine were studied. The yield and the quality of the activated carbon prepared by using H3PO4 were compared with that prepared from date stones using the same equipment, and under similar conditions by using ZnCl2 as an oxidizing agent. The maximum value of the iodine number of the activated carbon produced using H3PO4 in this work was about 495 under the following conditions: impregnation ratio 0.4, activation time 60 min, activation temperature 800 degrees C, particle size 0.60 mm. The iodine number for the produced activated carbon was higher when phosphoric acid was used, compared to that when zinc chloride was used as impregnation reagent; however, the yield obtained when H3PO4 was used was lower than the yield when ZnCl2 was used. The iodine number increases significantly with increasing the activation temperature. By increasing the impregnation ratio at the same temperature, the iodine number decreased sharply and an oscillation is noticed for all the cases but it was clearer at 800 degrees C. The average variation of the iodine number for the whole range of particle size used in this work is +/-10%.  相似文献   

To enhance the anaerobic digestion of municipal waste-activated sludge (WAS), ultrasound, thermal, and ultrasound + thermal (combined) pretreatments were conducted using three ultrasound specific energy inputs (1000, 5000, and 10,000 kJ/kg TSS) and three thermal pretreatment temperatures (50, 70 and 90 °C). Prior to anaerobic digestion, combined pretreatments significantly improved volatile suspended solid (VSS) reduction by 29-38%. The largest increase in methane production (30%) was observed after 30 min of 90 °C pretreatment followed by 10,000 kJ/kg TSS ultrasound pretreatment. Combined pretreatments improved the dimethyl sulfide (DMS) removal efficiency by 42-72% but did not show any further improvement in hydrogen sulfide (H2S) removal when compared with ultrasound and thermal pretreatments alone. Economic analysis showed that combined pretreatments with 1000 kJ/kg TSS specific energy and differing thermal pretreatments (50-90 °C) can reduce operating costs by $44-66/ton dry solid when compared to conventional anaerobic digestion without pretreatments.  相似文献   

Microwave (MW) irradiation is one of the new and possible methods used for pretreating the sludge. Following its use in different fields, this MW irradiation method has proved to be more appropriate in the field of environmental research. In this paper, we focused on the effects of MW irradiation at different intensities on solubilization, biodegradation and anaerobic digestion of sludge from the dairy sludge. The changes in the soluble fractions of the organic matter, the biogas yield, the methane content in the biogas were used as control parameters for evaluating the efficiency of the MW pretreatment. Additionally, the energetic efficiency was also examined. In terms of an energetic aspect, the most economical pretreatment of sludge was at 70% intensity for 12 min irradiation time. At this, COD solubilization, SS reduction and biogas production were found to be 18.6%, 14% and 35% higher than the control, respectively. Not only the increase in biogas production was investigated, excluding protein and carbohydrate hydrolysis was also performed successfully by this microwave pretreatment even at low irradiation energy input. Also, experiments were carried out in semi continuous anaerobic digesters, with 3.5 L working volume. Combining microwave pretreatment with anaerobic digestion led to 67%, 64% and 57% of SS reduction, VS reduction and biogas production higher than the control, respectively.  相似文献   

The feasibility of partially substituting raw materials with municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash in sulfoaluminate cement (SAC) clinker production was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), compressive strength and free expansion ratio testing. Three different leaching tests were used to assess the environmental impact of the produced material. Experimental results show that the replacement of MSWI fly ash could be taken up to 30% in the raw mixes. The good quality SAC clinkers are obtained by controlling the compositional parameters at alkalinity modulus (C(m)) around 1.05, alumina-sulfur ratio (P) around 2.5, alumina-silica ratio (N) around 2.0~3.0 and firing the raw mixes at 1250 °C for 2h. The compressive strengths of SAC are high in early age while that develop slowly in later age. Results also show that the expansive properties of SAC are strongly depended on the gypsum content. Leaching studies of toxic elements in the hydrated SAC-based system reveal that all the investigated elements are well bounded in the clinker minerals or immobilized by the hydration products. Although some limited positive results indicate that the SAC prepared from MSWI fly ash would present no immediate thread to the environment, the long-term toxicity leaching behavior needs to be further studied.  相似文献   

Co-digestion of thickened waste activated sludge (TWAS) and fat, oil and grease (FOG) was conducted semi-continuously under mesophilic conditions. The results showed that daily methane yield at the steady state was 598 L/kg VSadded when TWAS and FOG (64% of total VS) were co-digested, which was 137% higher than that obtained from digestion of TWAS alone. The biogas composition was stabilized at a CH4 and CO2 content of 66.8% and 29.5%, respectively. Micronutrients added to co-digestion did not improve the biogas production and digestion stabilization. With a higher addition of FOG (74% of total VS), the digester initially failed but was slowly self-recovered; however, the methane yield was only about 50% of a healthy reactor with the same organic loading rate.  相似文献   

The effects of organic loading rate on the performance and stability of anaerobic co-digestion of municipal biomass waste (MBW) and waste activated sludge (WAS) were investigated on a pilot-scale reactor. The results showed that stable operation was achieved with organic loading rates (OLR) of 1.2–8.0 kg volatile solid (VS) (m3 d)?1, with VS reduction rates of 61.7–69.9%, and volumetric biogas production of 0.89–5.28 m3 (m3 d)?1. A maximum methane production rate of 2.94 m3 (m3 d)?1 was achieved at OLR of 8.0 kg VS (m3 d)?1 and hydraulic retention time of 15 days. With increasing OLRs, the anaerobic reactor showed a decrease in VS removal rate, average pH value and methane concentration, and a increase of volatile fatty acid concentration. By monitoring the biogas production rate (BPR), the anaerobic digestion system has a higher acidification risk under an OLR of 8.0 kg VS (m3 d)?1. This result remarks the possibility of relating bioreactor performance with BPR in order to better understand and monitor anaerobic digestion process.  相似文献   

Due to its chemical composition, waste sludge generated in the paper industry may be used as a raw material for brick production. Brick manufacture is limited to the warmer months of the year whereas sludge is produced continuously by different effluent treatment devices. Therefore, it has to be stored until further processing. For this reason, it is essential that it is not subject to significant chemical and microbiological decomposition during storage. In the experiment, sludge from a tissue paper mill was tested for its stability. It was stored for several weeks during winter and summer periods in a pile, 2 m in height, in an open but covered store. Different leachable organic and inorganic compounds indicating possible ongoing deterioration processes, as well as pH value, redox potential, temperature, humidity and dry matter content were evaluated weekly in water extracts of homogenized sludge samples. According to the test results, the material may be considered to be chemically and microbiologically stable as there was practically no emission of odorous and toxic compounds such as H2S, NH3 and butyric acid despite prolonged storage times and elevated environmental temperatures. All the microbial species identified in the sludge during storage belong to the typical microflora of the environment.  相似文献   

This study is aimed at estimating organic compounds removal and sludge production in SBR during treatment of landfill leachate. Four series were performed. At each series, experiments were carried out at the hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 12, 6, 3 and 2d. The series varied in SBR filling strategies, duration of the mixing and aeration phases, and the sludge age. In series 1 and 2 (a short filling period, mixing and aeration phases in the operating cycle), the relationship between organics concentration (COD) in the leachate treated and HRT was pseudo-first-order kinetics. In series 3 (with mixing and aeration phases) and series 4 (only aeration phase) with leachate supplied by means of a peristaltic pump for 4h of the cycle (filling during reaction period) - this relationship was zero-order kinetics. Activated sludge production expressed as the observed coefficient of biomass production (Y(obs)) decreased correspondingly with increasing HRT. The smallest differences between reactors were observed in series 3 in which Y(obs) was almost stable (0.55-0.6 mg VSS/mg COD). The elimination of the mixing phase in the cycle (series 4) caused the Y(obs) to decrease significantly from 0.32 mg VSS/mg COD at HRT 2d to 0.04 mg VSS/mg COD at HRT 12d. The theoretical yield coefficient Y accounted for 0.534 mg VSS/mg COD (series 1) and 0.583 mg VSS/mg COD (series 2). In series 3 and 4, it was almost stable (0.628 mg VSS/mg COD and 0.616 mg VSS/mg COD, respectively). After the elimination of the mixing phase in the operating cycle, the specific biomass decay rate increased from 0.006 d(-1) (series 3) to 0.032 d(-1) (series 4). The operating conditions employing mixing/aeration or only aeration phases enable regulation of the sludge production. The SBRs operated under aerobic conditions are more favourable at a short hydraulic retention time. At long hydraulic retention time, it can lead to a decrease in biomass concentration in the SBR as a result of cell decay. On the contrary, in the activated sludge at long HRT, a short filling period and operating cycle of the reactor with the mixing and aeration phases seem the most favourable.  相似文献   

Anaerobic co-digestion strategies are needed to enhance biogas production, especially when treating certain residues such as cattle/pig manure. This paper presents a study of co-digestion of cattle manure with food waste and sewage sludge. With the aim of maximising biogas yields, a series of experiments were carried out under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions using continuously stirred-tank reactors, operating at different hydraulic residence times. Pretreatment with ultrasound was also applied to compare the results with those obtained with non-pretreated waste. Specific methane production decreases when increasing the OLR and decreasing HRT. The maximum value obtained was 603 LCH(4)/kg VS(feed) for the co-digestion of a mixture of 70% manure, 20% food waste and 10% sewage sludge (total solid concentration around 4%) at 36°C, for an OLR of 1.2g VS/Lday. Increasing the OLR to 1.5g VS/Lday led to a decrease of around 20-28% in SMP. Lower methane yields were obtained when operating at 55°C. The increase in methane production when applying ultrasound to the feed mixtures does not compensate for the energy spent in this pretreatment.  相似文献   

This study investigated the feasibility of using fresh activated sewage sludge as inoculum for the microbial valorization of segregated municipal solid waste and evaluated the quality of organic soil amendment generated. Organic fraction of municipal solid waste, which consisted of vegetative (vegetable, fruit and flower) wastes was seeded with activated sewage sludge and processed by rapid aerobic microbial treatment. Efficacy of microbial valorization process and quality of final product were assessed by physico-chemical analysis. Suitability of final product was assessed with regard to heavy metal content, pesticide residues, microbiological quality and phytotoxicity. Quality of the soil amendment generated was compared with the control product generated with a commercial microbial inoculum. Phytotoxicity experiments indicated the stimulatory effect of sewage sludge seeded soil amendment on plant growth but inhibition was observed in closed growth test due to the evolution of gaseous phytotoxic agents. The study suggests that segregated municipal solid waste can be effectively valorized with activated non-dewatered sewage sludge as inoculum and the quality of soil amendment generated was comparable to compost intended for unrestricted applications.  相似文献   

采用Fenton氧化—好氧活性污泥法处理邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)废水,优化了Fenton氧化反应的工艺条件。实验结果表明:在H2O2加入量4 g/L、Fe2+加入量200 mg/L、反应温度60 ℃、废水pH 4、反应时间60 min的最佳工艺条件下,Fenton氧化出水COD为200~250 mg/L,DBP质量浓度约为0.10 mg/L;在污泥质量浓度2 000 mg/L、DO 2~3 mg/L、水力停留时间8 h的条件下,好氧活性污泥法处理出水的COD基本低于50 mg/L,DBP质量浓度约为0.05 mg/L,均满足GB 8978—1996《污水综合排放标准》,可达标排放。  相似文献   

To determine the allowable ratio of waste sludge required to ensure an aerobic zone in the landfill, we investigated sludge permeability, which involved mixing sludge, the major landfill waste in Japan, at different mixing ratios with other wastes (slag and construction and demolition waste (C&D)). We measured parameters of sample permeability and analyzed parameters that exert a large influence on oxygen penetration depth with a simulation model accounting for both diffusion and convection driven by temperature gradients. We also determined the critical volumetric contents in which gas and/or water permeability change significantly when sludge is mixed with sand or gravel. From the results of the simulations, gas permeability of the layer, the difference between inside and outside temperatures and the oxygen consumption rate exert a large influence on the resulting oxygen penetration depth. The allowable ratio of sludge required to ensure an aerobic zone in the landfill was determined by considering the balance of the above three parameters. By keeping volumetric sludge content to below 25%, air convection and oxygen penetration depth of several meters were achieved in the modeling.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - This study outlines the synthesis of low-cost mesoporous silica nanomaterials (MSN) from stone sludge (SS) and silicon carbide grinding sludge...  相似文献   

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