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基于事故连锁风险的区域危险源辨识技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对风险评价中的危险源辨识方法重大危险源辨识、设备选择数法以及基于事故连锁效应的定量风险评价装置初选技术进行了总结,针对区域性事故风险的特点,提出基于事故连锁风险的区域危险源辨识方法,并通过实例对其进行了研究.针对具体的危险源区域,通过危险源的事件树分析,事故后果模拟以及事故连锁效应破坏概率计算,获得区域内各个危险源的事故连锁风险值,根据风险值大小,在了解区域实际情况并采纳专家建议的同时,对危险源进行辨识.该法反映了区域性风险的特点,对于区域风险评价具有一定的意义.  相似文献   

区域风险评价方法研究   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
基于定量风险评价的基本原理,提出一种区域风险评价方法。主要针对有多个重大危险源存在的区域,在对单个危险源进行风险评价的基础上,应用叠加原理得到描述该区域整体风险状况的定量评价结果。同时考虑了消防部门和医疗机构在事故应急救援中的积极作用,并将其量化为区域风险的补偿系数。通过实例验证了该方法的可行性,展示了该方法的应用效果。区域风险评价方法不仅能够反映区域风险的分布状况,而且对区域重大危险源的规划和布局具有较好的决策支持作用。  相似文献   

重大危险源区域风险评价及监管对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
结合目前重大危险源事故频发的安全生产形势,分析了石油化学工业发展和城市化进程加快所带来的城市区域高风险,阐明了进行区域风险评价和重大危险源监管的必要性.现有区域风险定量评价方法主要有两个主流,分别为基于个人风险和社会风险的方法和基于风险补偿的方法.概要阐述了两种方法的基本原理、评价程序和最终得到的区域风险效果图,对比分析了两种区域风险定量评价方法的适用性.最后从区域规划阶段、运作阶段和应急阶段分别提出了强化重大危险源监管的对策,并阐述了重大危险源区域风险评价和监管的保障机制,以期能够对重大危险源集中区域的规划和监管提供相关的技术支持.  相似文献   

中国安科院"重大危险源监控与监管关键技术及装备研发"项目研究,提出的重大危险源区域定量风险评价技术和方法,可有效预防项目由于在化工园区选址和平面布局、工业区安全规划等方面存在问题引发的各类事故,为进行重大危险源安全监控和安全规划提供了技术方法。  相似文献   

针对城市应急管理的特点,提出了一种城市重大危险源区域风险评价方法。在ARAMIS方法的基础上,对严重度计算进行了修订,引入了急性暴露指南(AEGL)标准对事故后果进行分区;同时,增加了与应急救援效率相关的指标进行风险目标的脆弱性评估;利用GIS技术,对严重度和脆弱性进行叠加分析,绘制出城市重大危险源区域风险地图。以液氨储罐毒气泄漏事故为例,对文中提出的方法进行了验证。实例分析表明,此方法为快速获取城市重大危险源区域风险的空间分布格局提供了新思路,对于降低城市突发环境污染事故的影响和辅助决策者制定科学的城市公共安全管理决策具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

城市重大危险源管理中的GIS应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在阐述重大危险源管理要求的基础上,研究地理信息系统在重大危险源信息描述、数据管理、风险评价和风险绘制、事故预警以及事故应急救援中的应用。通过地理信息系统描述和管理重大危险源,方便地表示和查询城市各重大危险源的地理位置;利用GIS进行风险评价和风险地图绘制,评估和表示出城市不同区域和地段的相对风险大小,便于城市发展规划;利用GIS进行事故预警,可及时发现和确定重大危险源事故隐患位置,并通过采取措施消除事故在萌芽状态;利用GIS辅助应急救援,有助于分析事故的发展趋势、影响范围和寻求事故救援的最佳路径等其他重大救援决策。  相似文献   

化工园区区域定量风险评价若干问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对化工园区区域定量风险评价中危险源辨识与事故后果分析中的问题进行了探讨。危险源辨识目前广泛采用重大危险源辨识标准,但其仅考虑危险物质的种类及数量。在已有的考虑事故连锁因素的改进成果基础上,提出针对各种火灾、爆炸、中毒事故效应进行规律研究的思路,以完善危险源辨识指标体系。针对目前极端事故后果保守分析方法的不确定性,依据某装置内危险物质的多重特性,提出事故后果效应的转换与叠加思路,以得到更接近实际的事故效应评价结果。提出的改进思想将使区域风险评价结论更为准确实际,为园区的规划与发展提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

在现有基于风险的土地使用安全规划方法的基础上,通过引入潜在生命损失这一综合风险评价指标,建立了基于移动危险源潜在生命损失的危险化学品仓储区规划选址模型和基于固定危险源潜在生命损失的仓储区安全布局优化模型。在此基础上,提出了危险化学品仓储区规划选址和安全布局优化方法,并通过案例分析验证了该方法的适用性和可行性。采用该规划选址和安全布局优化方法可提高区域土地使用安全规划的效率,为进行城市重大危险源的规划选址和安全布局提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

阐述MSComm控件实现串行通信的两种方式和一般步骤,基于该原理和方法,将其应用于重大危险源状态参数(温度、压力、浓度等)的实时监测,在GIS集成的区域重大危险源事故后果三维动态可视化仿真系统与MSComm控件的串行通信技术相结合的基础上,设计了友好的人机交互界面,开发了重大危险源实时监测系统。通过在主控机上测试试验,其结果表明:该系统对重大危险源安全状态参数进行实时采集及动态可视化是成功可行的;实现人机友好交互通信,可增强系统的可视直观性和灵活性,使监测、预报、预警、预控形成一体化,从而提高重大危险源的监管水平。  相似文献   

随着民航业的迅猛发展,风险管理在保障管制系统安全运行方面发挥着越来越重要的作用,危险源识别的有效性会直接影响风险管理的可靠性.借鉴ISO9000质量管理体系的思想,以过程作为危险源的基本单位,识别出管制系统运行中的过程,进而构造出管制系统运行中的潜在危险源集合.引入雷达图法并改进其画法,提出用周长来度量面积的方法对评价向量进行改进,提高评价结果稳定性.根据管制系统运行的特点构造了危险源评价函数和识别方法.通过识别算例定量地从潜在危险源集合中识别出危险源,从而验证了该识别方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

Four strategies can be used to achieve safety in chemical processes: inherent, passive, active and procedural. However, the strategy that offers the best results is the inherent safety approach, especially if it is applied during the initial stages of a project. Inherently Safer Design (ISD) permanently eliminates or reduces hazards, and thus avoids or diminishes the consequences of incidents. ISD can be applied using four strategies: substitution, minimization, moderation and simplification. In this paper, we propose a methodology that combines ISD strategies with Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) to optimize the design of storage installations. As 17% of major accidents in the chemical industry occur during the storage process and cause significant losses, it is essential to improve safety in such installations. The proposed method applies QRA to estimate the risk associated with a specific design. The design can then be compared to others to determine which is inherently safer. The risk analysis may incorporate complex phenomena such as the domino effect and possible impacts on vulnerable material and human elements. The methodology was applied to the San Juanico tragedy that occurred in Mexico in 1984.  相似文献   

This paper reports the first investigation of risk perception by workers on offshore oil and gas installations on the UK Continental Shelf, following changes in offshore safety legislation in the wake of the Piper Alpha disaster in 1988. The Offshore Safety Case regulations (Health and Safety Executive, 1992, A Guide to the Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations) put the onus on the operator to identify the major hazards and to reduce the risks to As Low As is Reasonably Practicable (ALARP). The regulations specifically state that Quantitative Risk Assessments (QRA) must be used when preparing the Safety Case. However, people do not use QRA when making everyday judgements about risk; they make subjective judgements known as risk perceptions, which are influenced by a number of different factors. This study was designed to complement the extensive QRA calculations that have already been carried out in the development of Safety Cases. The aim was to measure subjective risk perception in offshore personnel and examine how this relates to the more objective risk data available, namely accident records and QRA calculations. This paper describes the Offshore Risk Perception Questionnaire developed to collect the data and reports on UK offshore workers' perceptions of the risks associated with major and minor hazards, work tasks and other activities aboard production platforms.  相似文献   

The construction of chemical clusters whereby a variety of chemical plants are located next to each other provides great economic benefits. However, in such clusters, due to the mere scale on which hazardous materials are processed, stored and handled, the potential of various accidents is much higher than in single companies. Furthermore, the close proximity of process installations and storage tanks in such areas gives rise to the risk of domino effects. Therefore, land use planning and layout design has always been a challenge within such clusters.In this paper, a Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) is carried out and used as a decision making tool to evaluate the acceptability of constructing a new chemical plant adjacent to an existing one. For this purpose, standard parameters such as individual risk and societal risk were quantified, before and after the new plant would come into operation. Given the experience of past accidents in the process industries, the likelihood of domino accidents in the two neighboring plants has also been analyzed.  相似文献   

土地利用安全规划是预防和控制重大工业事故的重要手段,本文讨论国外常见重大危险源土地利用规划的三种方法,给出一个基于后果的土地利用安全规划的方法。提出火灾、爆炸和毒物泄漏等事故场景下的伤害阈值标准并以此进行事故后果伤害分区,给出脆弱性目标的分级原则,最终给出土地利用安全规划的判断准则。以南方某化工园区为实例应用此方法进行分析研究。本方法可应用于重大危险源或化工园区的安全规划、安全评价以及应急规划等工作。  相似文献   

为遏制危险化学品重特大安全事故,解决传统安全监测手段的空间局限性问题,结合高分遥感与数值模拟技术,开展危险化学品重大危险源区域安全布局动态管控研究。利用数值模拟技术模拟并确定危险化学品重大危险源重点管控范围;基于高分遥感影像提出适用于危险化学品重大危险源安全布局动态管控的变化检测方法,动态监测安全防护范围内的建筑、道路等人工构筑物的变化情况,严控事故影响范围内的人工构筑物密度;以内江市隆桥化工为实例开展示范应用。结果表明:高分遥感技术能够高效监测危险化学品重大危险源安全防护范围内的工程建设情况,有助于危险化学品企业保持足够的外部安全防护距离,降低危险化学品重特大安全事故风险。  相似文献   

化工园区安全容量分析探讨   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
化工园区的安全容量问题一直是地方政府普遍关心的重要问题。本文采用量化风险分析的方法着重对化工园区的运输风险进行分析,以此来评判化工园区的安全容量是否合适,并给出了运输风险分析的模型和风险接受标准。通过对南方某化工园区整个危险品物流的统计分析,经风险计算给出了不同水平个人风险的半宽。结合化工园区的远期规划,经反算给出了新增合理安全容量在约30~90万m^3之间,总安全容量在470~530万m^3之间。  相似文献   

Quantitative risk analysis (QRA) has been widely used to conduct the assessment of offshore accidental risks. However, the accuracy and validity of QRA is significantly affected by uncertainties when subjective judgments are involved. Therefore, it is unrealistic to determine the probability of a hazardous event by using one single explicit value when safety experts have a relatively low confidence level in their judgments. This paper proposes a new methodology for incorporating uncertainties into conventional QRA using the concept of confidence level. Offshore hydrocarbon release hazards are focused on and a barrier and operational risk analysis (BORA-Release) method is selected as the basic model to illustrate the proposed methodology. A left–right (L–R) bell-shaped fuzzy number is employed and its membership curve is able to control its shape to represent different confidence levels. As to the complex geometry of the bell-shaped fuzzy number, an α-cut operation is introduced to conduct the arithmetic operations of the fuzzy number, and a defuzzification method with total integral value is chosen to match the α-cut operations and acquire complete information for the fuzzy numbers. In the meantime, an optimism index is used to describe the attitude of the decision-maker. One case study is provided in this paper to demonstrate the implementation of this method.  相似文献   

Within the context of a quantitative risk analysis (QRA), the two main constituents used to describe petrochemical risks are, and have always been, consequence and probability. The consequences of hazardous material accidents are easy to apprehend – if a hazard is realized it can injure people or cause fatalities, damage equipment or other assets, or cause environmental damage. Frequencies for these consequences, on the other hand, are not as easy to understand. Process safety professionals develop event frequencies by evaluating historical data and calculating incident rates, which represent, in the QRA context, how often a release of a hazardous material has occurred. Incident rates are further modified by probabilities for various hole sizes, release orientations, weather conditions, ignition timing, and other factors, to arrive at unique event probabilities that are applied in the QRA. This paper describes the development of incident rates from historical database information for various equipment types, as well as defining a methodology for assigning hole size probabilities from the same data, such that a hole size distribution can be assigned within each QRA study. The combination of total incident rates and a hole size distribution relationship can then serve as a foundation within the frequency side of many QRA studies.  相似文献   

化工园区重大危险源分级方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以常州市新北区化工园区为例,对重大危险源的分级方法进行了研究.根据化工园区自身的特点,制定了重大危险源分级方法、程序,建立重大危险源分级模型,并利用建立的模型对该化工园区进行了重大危险源分级的实例研究.  相似文献   

Major accidents have catastrophic effects on humans and all of society. To prevent the occurrence of major accidents, it is essential to strengthen the management of major hazard installations. Generally, effective identification and reasonable evaluation of major hazard installations are the basic steps in safety management. At present, the evaluation methods for major hazard installations mainly focus on consequence analysis and probabilistic analysis without considering the vulnerability of hazard-affected bodies. Therefore, the proposed method will introduce regional disaster system theory and comprehensively analyze hazard-formative factors, the hazard-formative environment and hazard-affected bodies to achieve a more complete and effective assessment of major hazard installations. Hazard-formative factors are evaluated based on the rapid ranking method, hazard-formative environments are evaluated based on Bayesian networks, and hazard-affected bodies are evaluated based on the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. A tank group and a chemical industrial park are used to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the new method.  相似文献   

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