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为了解农村池塘养殖水体的水质情况,分析了湖北宜东平原34个农村分散养殖鱼塘水体中pH、叶绿素a、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)及3种磺胺类抗生素(SAs,即磺胺二甲嘧啶、磺胺甲噁唑及磺胺异噁唑),并讨论了它们之间的相关性.结果表明,所监测鱼塘水体pH值差异较小,范围为7.26~8.96,但鱼塘之间的TN、TP及叶绿素a含量差别大,其含量范围分别为0.074~47.185 mg/L、0.007~1.311 mg/L及4~421 μg/L.其中有85.29%的鱼塘水体TN含量劣于地表水V类标准,17.65%TP劣于V类,只有3个鱼塘的叶绿素a含量小于10 μg/L,水体富营养化严重.鱼塘水中3种SAs的浓度范围为23~828 ng/L,其检出率顺序为磺胺异噁唑(47%)> 磺胺甲噁唑(18%)> 磺胺二甲嘧啶(6%).对所考察因子的相关性研究表明,鱼塘养殖水体的pH、TN及TP无相关,但磺胺二甲嘧啶与TN/TP呈显著正相关(r=0.345,P=0.05).叶绿素a与水体中TN及TP的关系呈较好的幂指数函数关系,而且TP为浮游植物的生长限制因子.  相似文献   

2012年11月至2014年5月期间季度性对无锡贡湖湾退渔还湖生态修复工程进行跟踪调查与检测,就贡湖湾湿地土壤环境退渔还湖修复工程前后的理化性质进行了分析比较,用以评估修复工程实施后退渔还湖区基底的改善效果.结果表明:退渔还湖区内基底化学性质,有机质、总氮、总磷比退渔还湖初期分别提高241.59%、98.61%和162.86%.其中,有效氮和有效磷的均值为102.31 mg/kg和15.10 mg/kg,满足土壤养分分级标准Ⅲ级标准.有关基底稳定性物理性质与退渔还湖初期相比,土壤容重减少17.84%,pH值稳定在5.8~6.5之间,土壤缓冲能力明显提高,修复区南部(人为种植植物)的土壤团聚体稳定性恢复状况最好,西部(自然恢复)次之,北部(基底状况差,无植物种植)恢复状况低于前述两区.总之,贡湖退渔还湖修复区在经过17个月后,其基底的整体质量趋于良好,土壤各项养分及团聚体稳定性指标逐步达到合理水平,土壤环境已具有良好的生态功能.  相似文献   

三峡水库泄水期香溪河库湾营养盐动态及干流逆向影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了研究水库干流对支流库湾营养盐动态的影响,于2009年春季三峡水库汛前泄水期,通过监测分析了库湾水流特点及叶绿素a、总氮、总磷和溶解性硅酸盐的时空动态。研究发现:三峡水库汛前泄水期,库湾水体表现为分层异向流动,干流水体以异重流形式倒灌入库湾;特定的水流特性为泄水期库湾营养物质运移提供了水动力基础,水库干流对库湾营养盐的补给及水华暴发范围有明显逆向作用;受干流影响,氮和硅自河口至回水末端呈递减趋势,磷主要受上游来水影响,空间分布趋势与氮、硅相反;叶绿素a浓度峰值向上游移动,水华范围向上游收缩,河口处叶绿素a浓度的时间均值明显低于回水末端,表明三峡水库泄水期香溪河库湾下游水体水华受到干流逆向影响的抑制。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Phosphorus (P), an essential element for living cells, is present in different soluble and adsorbed chemical forms found in soil, sediment, and water....  相似文献   

Lee YM  Lee KW  Park H  Park HG  Raisuddin S  Ahn IY  Lee JS 《Chemosphere》2007,69(6):893-902
Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) play a major role in detoxification of xenobiotics and antioxidant defense. Here we report full-length cDNA sequence of a novel Sigma-class of GST (GST-S) from the intertidal copepod Tigriopus japonicus. The full sequence was of 1,136 bp in length containing an open reading frame (ORF) of 651 bp that encoded 217 amino acid residues. The recombinant Tigriopus GST-S was highly expressed in transformed Escherichia coli. Kinetic properties and effects of pH, temperature and chemical inhibitors on Tigriopus GST-S were also studied. The expression of GST-S was studied using real-time RT-PCR in response to exposure to two oxidative stresses-inducing agents, viz., hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) and heavy metals (copper, manganese). It was observed that H(2)O(2) (2mM) exposure down-regulated its expression at the initial stage but there was recovery and up-regulation shortly afterwards. In case of heavy metal exposure there was concentration-dependent increase in Tigriopus GST-S gene expression up to 24h. These results suggest that Tigriopus GST-S expression is modulated by prooxidant chemicals and it may play a role against oxidative stress. A majority of other GST isoforms is known to play an important role in antioxidant defense. This study provides a preliminary insight into the possible antioxidant role for Sigma-class of GST in T. japonicus.  相似文献   

210Pb geochronology and sediment profiles of carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen were used to study time dependent changes in nutrients fluxes to Culiacan River Estuary. Results indicate that the release of urban sewage and agriculture wastes transported through Culiacan River has produced historically increased carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen fluxes to the study area. C:N:P elemental ratios showed that increments in the nutrients input begins simultaneously for C, N and P in 1948 with the clearing of the catchment for agriculture; although excess of nutrients input increased most importantly around the 1970s to roughly follow the rapidly growing population of Culiacan City. C/N ratios, delta13C and delta15N suggested that nutrient enrichment is mostly influenced by sewage delivered through Culiacan River.  相似文献   

天津临港人工湿地是以污水厂尾水为水源的组合人工湿地,为探究其水体形态氮的分布特征和污染状况,以该湿地系统为研究对象,采集并分析了湿地水样,基于GIS克里格插值法,对湿地水体形态氮和典型理化性质的分布和污染特征进行了研究,结合单因子污染指数法评价了水体污染程度。结果表明:湿地水体TN浓度为0.657~5.576 mg·L−1,其中${{\rm{NO}}_3^ - }$-N (0.095~3.920 mg·L−1)浓度相对较高,占TN的49.2%;沿水流方向,TN、${{\rm{NO}}_3^ - }$-N和${{\rm{NO}}_2^ -} $-N的分布趋势基本一致,从入水口至景观湖呈逐渐降低趋势;${{\rm{NH}}_4^ +} $-N的分布相对复杂,在潜流和表流湿地下游与景观湖交汇处浓度最高,表流湿地浓度最低;pH和EC分别对${{\rm{NH}}_4^ + }$-N和${{\rm{NO}}_3^ - }$-N的分布特征具有较大的影响作用。根据单因子污染指数法,湿地水体TN超标(Pi>1),调节塘TN污染最为严重,调节塘可作为TN优控区。以上结果有助于深入认识以污水厂尾水为水源的组合人工湿地中氮污染物的赋存形态及分布特征。  相似文献   

Paper mill effluents may contain polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) that are normally generated due to chlorinated bleaching of pulp and paper. We used the semipermeable membrane device (SPMD) to monitor PCDD/F levels upstream and downstream of a paper mill on the Androscoggin River, in Jay (ME). Following the 36 day deployment, SPMD dialysis and cleanup, the samples were analyzed by HRGC/HRMS. Total concentrations of PCDD/Fs in SPMDs (sum of all tetra-through octachlorinated congeners) ranged from 4.71 pg g(-1) to 26.26 pg g(-1). Five out of the targeted 17 toxic congeners were detected, including: 2,3,7,8-TCDF; 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF; 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF; 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD and OCDD. Permeability reference compounds (PRCs) were used for in situ calibration of the SPMD sampling rate (Rs). In all sites, water concentrations were the highest for OCDD (0.081-0.103 pg l(-1)), and the lowest for 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF (0.005-0.009 pg l(-1)). There was not a consistent pattern of upstream-downstream gradient in the PCDD/F levels. This suggested that processes other than the mill in Jay (multiple sources, river dynamics) governed the flux of PCDD/Fs in the sampling locations. The SPMD results were validated by comparison to other studies on the Androscoggin River and elsewhere, confirming the potential of the device as a useful monitoring technique for PCDD/Fs in large river systems.  相似文献   

This work presents and discusses experimental results on the characterisation and metal leaching potential of a biogenic, metal-rich sulphidic sludge, generated in a sulphate-reducing bioreactor, operated to treat acidic synthetic solutions bearing Fe, Zn, Ni and Cu. The sustainability of the metal removal bioprocess strongly depends on the fate of the sludge. To propose appropriate management practices, a detailed characterisation of the sludge is necessary. The granulometry, chemical composition and mineralogy of the sludge were initially determined. The mobility of the metals was assessed via a modified Tessier experimental procedure. The leachability of the sludge metal content was determined via a standard compliance method (EN 12457-2) and experiments designed to evaluate the effect of pH and time on metal leaching from the sludge. The sludge metal content sums up to 69.5% dw, namely iron (14.8%), zinc (18.7%), nickel (17.7%) and copper (18.2%) and, based on the criteria set by European Union, the sludge is characterised as hazardous and inappropriate for landfilling without any pretreatment. The sludge consists mainly of very fine poorly crystalline aggregates of Fe, Zn, Cu and Ni sulphides. The fine grain size, the poorly crystalline structure and the oxidation of sulphide upon exposure to water/air render the high metal content of the sludge recoverable.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven surface sediment samples were collected from the mainstream and eight tributaries of the Wuhan reach of the Yangtze River, China, in 2005, in order to assess the distribution, possible sources, and potential risk of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the environment. The total concentrations of PCBs (the sum of 39 congeners) ranged from 1.2 to 45.1 ng g−1 dry weight, with a mean value of 9.2 ng g−1. Sediment samples with the highest PCB concentrations came from the tributary sites, which are closer to PCB sources. Conversely, PCB concentrations in the sediment from the mainstream sites of Yangtze River were relatively low. The observed PCB levels were higher than those found in the sediments of other rivers in China, but lower than those in river sediments from other urban areas and harbors around the world. Low-chlorinated PCBs, dominated by tetra-PCBs and penta-PCBs, were identified as being prevalent in the surface sediments. Correlation analyses between the PCBs and the geochemistry and heavy metal content of the sediments suggest that the washing of these compounds from the land into the river by floods and heavy rains, or industrial wastewater and domestic sewage, may be the major sources of the PCBs. According to established sediment quality guidelines, the risk of adverse biological effects from the levels of PCBs recorded at most of the studied sites should be insignificant, although the higher concentrations at other sites could cause acute biological damage.  相似文献   

The presence of 21 antibiotics in six different groups was investigated in coastal water of the Bohai Bay. Meantime, to illuminate the potential effects caused by the river discharge and aquaculture activities, wastewater from three breeding plants and surface water from six rivers flowing into the Bohai Bay were also analyzed for the selected antibiotics. The result revealed that measured antibiotics in the North Bobai Bay were generally higher than those in the South, highlighting the remarkable effects of high density of human activities on the exposure of antibiotics in environment. The antibiotics found in the six rivers were generally higher than those in the Bohai Bay reflecting the important antibiotics source of river discharge. This study reveals that the high consumption of some antibiotics in aquaculture activities may pose high ecological risk to the bay.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The occurrence, spatial distribution, and source analysis of antibiotics in global coastal waters and estuaries are not well documented or understood....  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal behavior of atmospheric methane (CH4) in the Nagoya metropolitan area was investigated in relation to the regional meteorological and topographical characteristics. It was found that the daily maximum CH4 concentrations in the central city area were observed when the northeast wind blew from the foothill of the northeastern mountainous area down into the central city areas, under stable atmospheric conditions. The large and active landfills are the major anthropogenic CH4 sources and are located at the hill sites in the northeast. Therefore, it was considered that the air mass with the high concentration of CH4 flowed from the landfill sites into the urban area, and exerted substantial influences on the spatial and temporal variations of atmospheric CH4 concentrations in the central city area.  相似文献   


Sulfamethoxazole (SMX) was decomposed by using gamma irradiation in the presence of different additives such as NO3 , NO2 , Cr(VI), 2-propanol, and tert-butanol. The results demonstrated that NO3 , NO2 , 2-propanol, and tert-butanol inhibited SMX radiolytic removal. However, there existed a synergetic effect for radiolytic removal of the mixture containing SMX and Cr(VI). At an absorbed dose of 150 Gy, the removal percentages of SMX and Cr(VI) in the mixture were 73.5 and 84.6%, respectively, which was higher than the removal percentages of 70.6 and 4.1% for the single component of SMX and Cr(VI). This provides us an insight into treating the combined pollution in micro-polluted water. The SMX radiolytic removal followed a pseudo first-order reaction kinetic model, and the rate constant ratios of ·OH, eaq , and H· towards SMX radiolysis were 10.4:1:2.9. In addition, 24-h bio-inhibitory to the macroalgae of SMX solution during gamma irradiation reached the maximum of 0.85 at an adsorbed dose of 100 Gy, then gradually decreased with the increasing adsorbed dose. Based on LC-MS analysis and quantum chemical calculation, the degradation intermediates were determined and concluded that SMX radiolytic removal was mainly via ·OH radical attack and direct decomposition of SMX molecule by gamma ray.


During the last decade, nanofiltration (NF) made a breakthrough in drinking water production for the removal of pollutants. The combination of new standards for drinking water quality and the steady improvement of the nanofiltration process have led to new insights, possible applications and new projects on lab-scale, pilot scale and industrial scale. This paper offers an overview of the applications in the drinking water industry that have already been realised or that are suggested on the basis of lab-scale research. Applications can be found in the treatment of surface water as well as groundwater. The possibility of using NF for the removal of hardness, natural organic material (NOM), micropollutants such as pesticides and VOCs, viruses and bacteria, salinity, nitrates, and arsenic will be discussed. Some of these applications have proven to be reliable and can be considered as known techniques; other applications are still studied on laboratory scale. Modelling is difficult due to effects of fouling and interaction between different components. The current insight in the separation mechanisms will be briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polychlorinated dibenzodioxin and furan (PCDD/F) concentrations in the atmosphere were analysed using passive air samplers (PAS) close to the Rhine River between France and Germany. Collectors were placed in industrial, urban, rural and remote areas (Vosges Mountains) between March 2009 and August 2010, and the mean PCB concentrations (sum of 22 congeners) were 3.3, 3.9, 4.1 and 1.4 ng?PAS?1?day?1, respectively. Two events during the sampling period were observed in April 2009 and February–March 2010 with the highest PCB concentrations found in the industrial area (19.6 ng?PAS?1?day?1). PCDD/F level were measured during these periods, and the maximum concentration observed was from 37.5 fg?WHO?PAS?1?day?1  相似文献   



The Zha Long Wetland, the first water bird conservation area in China, lies on the northern bank of the Song Nen Plain with an area of 2,100 km2. In many areas of the Zha Long Wetland, water pollution has led to a decrease in the wetland??s ecological function, vegetation degradation, a decrease in the number of bird species, and the depletion of fish resources.

Materials and methods

The sediments used in this study were collected from the surface sediment of seven sites and from different depths in three types of marshes in the Zha Long Wetland in northeast China in late October 2006. The levels and distribution patterns of 17 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs; ??-HCH, ??-HCH, ??-HCH, ??-HCH, p,p??-DDE, p,p??-DDD, p,p??-DDT, endosulfan I, endosulfan II, endosulfan sulfate, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, endrin aldehyde, and methoxychlor) in surface sediments as well as hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) in vertical sediments were investigated.

Results and discussion

The concentrations of HCHs, DDTs, endosulfans, heptachlors, aldrin, and methoxychlor in surface sediments ranged from 10.44 to 41.97 ng/g, nd (undetectable levels) to 211.88 ng/g, nd to 69.89 ng/g, nd to 28.10 ng/g, 9.81 to 623.83 ng/g, and from nd to 3.99 ng/g, respectively. The highest levels of OCPs were detected in Tangtugangzi at a total concentration of 727.72 ng/g, where the dominant compound was endrin at a concentration of 483.04 ng/g. In the vertical sediments, the HCHs and DDTs were in the ranges of nd?C136.00 and nd?C214.06 ng/g, respectively.


Different distributions of HCHs, DDTs, and other OCPs indicated that they originated from different contamination sources. Composition analyses in surface sediments indicated recent OCP usage or discharge at some sample sites in the Zha Long Wetland.  相似文献   

In this study the effects of the main marine pollutants (metals, PAHs, PCBs and DDTs) were assessed in native mussels from the Mediterranean coast of Spain. For this purpose several biomarkers such as benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylase (BPH), DT-diaphorase (DTD), glutathione S-transferase (GST), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidases (GPs), glutathione reductase (GR), metallothionein (MT) and lipid peroxidation (LPO) were measured in the digestive gland. Results showed increased LPO levels in mussels which accumulated high loads of organic compounds and arsenic in their tissues. BPH levels correlated to the concentrations of organic compounds in mussel tissues, though the range of BPH response was low in relation to the high gradient of accumulation of organic pollutants. Increased BPH levels, concomitant to low DTD and GST activities, were detected in mussels which presented high levels of organic pollutants in their tissues. This suggests that signs of LPO present in these organisms are related to the imbalance between phase I and phase II biotransformation processes. Furthermore, the increased levels of MT and CAT detected in mussels which showed high levels of Cd in their tissues appear to reflect a coordinated response which protects against the toxicity of this metal. The application of these biomarkers in environmental assessment is discussed.  相似文献   

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