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油气回收系统密闭点VOCs泄漏质量分数值是衡量加油站是否存在超标排放的重要指标。为提高加油站VOCs泄漏检测的时效性、代表性与准确性,采用FID现场检测方法对郑州市某加油站油气回收系统进行了检测,全方位对比分析了实验室气相色谱法与现场检测法的检测时效性、准确性,提出了密闭区域检测及质量保证和控制建议,并根据实际检测数据分析了易泄漏点。结果表明:采用FID现场检测方法对油气回收系统密闭点进行检测,能使检测成本降低90%,检测效率提高 15 倍;在现场检测前完成仪器的校准、响应时间的测定与精密度的验证工作,可使VOCs最大质量分数偏差维持在5%以下,这进一步验证了FID现场检测方法测量的准确度;油气回收系统泄漏点的确定及现场检测流程和步骤的优化,可有效提高检测数据的代表性;检测设备的定期校准,可确保FID示值相对误差在±10%范围内,响应时间不超过30 s,从而为检测质量控制提供保障;为确保泄漏点完好,结合实际检测工作,应采用液位仪自动计量技术,加强设备的维护保养并设置加油枪气液比为1.05~1.15。综上所述,在保证FID的准确性与稳定性的前提下,采用FID现场检测方法对油气回收系统VOCs泄漏质量分数进行检测具有时效性强、准确度高、数据代表性强等优势。本研究结果可为加油站采用FID现场检测油气回收系统VOCs泄漏的质量分数提供参考。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Oil and gas exploration and development provide important energy sources for the world, and drilling fluid is an essential engineering material for...  相似文献   

Oil and gas activities have occurred in the Bakken region of North Dakota and nearby states and provinces since the 1950s but began increasing rapidly around 2008 due to new extraction methods. Three receptor-based techniques were used to examine the potential impacts of oil and gas extraction activities on airborne particulate concentrations in Class I areas in and around the Bakken. This work was based on long-term measurements from the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) monitoring network. Spatial and temporal patterns in measured concentrations were examined before and after 2008 to better characterize the influence of these activities. A multisite back-trajectory analysis and a receptor-based source apportionment model were used to estimate impacts. Findings suggest that recent Bakken oil and gas activities have led to an increase in regional fine (PM2.5—particles with aerodynamic diameters <2.5 µm) soil and elemental carbon (EC) concentrations, as well as coarse mass (CM = PM10–PM2.5). Influences on sulfate and nitrate concentrations were harder to discern due to the concurrent decline in regional emissions of precursors to these species from coal-fired electric generating stations. Impacts were largest at sites in North Dakota and Montana that are closest to the most recent drilling activity.

Implications: The increase in oil and gas activities in the Bakken region of North Dakota and surrounding areas has had a discernible impact on airborne particulate concentrations that impact visibility at protected sites in the region. However, the impact has been at least partially offset by a concurrent reduction in emissions from coal-fired electric generating stations. Continuing the recent reductions in flaring would likely be beneficial for the regional visual air quality.  相似文献   

Valley wind systems have been extensively studied and results reported in the literature. These studies usually involved winds near ground level in narrow, well defined valleys. This paper presents results of a unique observational study into terrain effects at 400 m above ground in an ill defined valley which is about 80km wide.Over 2300 pilot balloon observations made from 1975 to 1978 inclusive were compared to 1200m geostrophic wind data extracted from 850 mb pressure charts. Comparisons demonstrated that air flow at industrial plume levels is subject to valley channeling which is especially strong in winter months.  相似文献   

A simple form of a carbon-bond smog mechanism has been introduced into a complete set of plume conservation equations. The conservation expressions for mass, momentum, energy and component species have been solved numerically for typical source and neutral or adiabatic ambient conditions to simulate the homogeneous gas phase chemistry for approximately two hours of travel time downwind from the stack exit. The influence of stack exit conditions including the ratios of momentum-to-buoyancy length lm/lb, source-to-ambient velocity R and mixing-to-reaction time τ are demonstrated.It was found that homogeneous processes in the plume near-field do not significantly contribute to the overall conversion of SO2 to SO2−4. In the far-field maximum sulfate formation rates of 2.3% h−1 were predicted for clear summer noon hours, consistent with plume measurements. Variation of stack exit conditions were found to have little effect on the maximum SO2 conversion rate or the peak OH radical concentration where local HC/NOx ratios between 16 and 22 were predicted. Parameter changes resulting in greater ambient entrainment rates, however, were found to shift the development of the radical pool closer to the source and to significantly increase the total molar flux of plume sulfate.  相似文献   

《Atmospheric environment(England)》1981,15(10-11):2231-2239
An overview is presented of significant historical, recent, and new power plant and smelter plume studies which have been directed at understanding the atmospheric oxidation of sulfur dioxide. It can be concluded that the average rate of oxidation of sulfur dioxide in plumes entering into and mixing with clean air is generally less than 1 %h−1 but with polluted urban air the rate can be at least twice as fast. In addition, a diurnal variation in the rate is sometimes observed that is near zero at night and approx. 3% during mid-day. Although there is a tendency for some scientific observers to select the homogenous over the hetrogenous mechanism as the dominant pathway for the oxidation, the basis for choice is not definitive and most likely both mechanisms are at times operative. Suggestions are advanced for new and important studies that can be performed with technologies just becoming available.  相似文献   

A unique field experiment has been undertaken at the CFB Borden research site to investigate the development of dissolved chlorinated solvent plumes from a residual dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) source. The "emplaced-source" tracer test methodology involved a controlled emplacement of a block-shaped source of sand containing chlorinated solvents below the water table. The gradual dissolution of this residual DNAPL solvent source under natural aquifer conditions caused dissolved solvent plumes of trichloromethane (TCM), trichloroethene (TCE) and perchloroethene (PCE) to continuously develop down gradient. Source dissolution and 3-D plume development were successfully monitored via 173 multilevel samplers over a 475-day tracer test period prior to site remediation research being initiated. Detailed groundwater level and hydraulic conductivity data were collected. Development of plumes with concentrations spanning 1-700,000 micrograms/1 is described and key processes controlling their migration identified. Plumes were observed to be narrow due to the weakness of transverse dispersion processes and long due to advection and significant longitudinal dispersion, very limited sorptive retardation and negligible, if any, attenuation due to biodegradation or abiotic reaction. TCM was shown to be essentially conservative, TCE very nearly conservative and PCE, consistent with its greater hydrophobicity, more retarded yet having a greater mobility than observed in previous Borden field tests. The absence of biodegradation was ascribed to the prevailing aerobic conditions and lack of any additional biodegradable carbon substrates. The transient groundwater flow regime caused significant transverse lateral plume movement, plume asymmetry and was likely responsible for most of the, albeit limited, transverse horizontal plume spreading. In agreement with the widespread incidence of extensive TCE and PCE plumes throughout the industrialized world, the experiment indicates such solvent plumes are likely to be highly mobile and persistent, at least in aquifers that are aerobic and have low sorption potential (low foc content).  相似文献   

西北地区干旱缺水,但油气田外排水产量却呈逐年增加的趋势,外排水生态利用是解决西北地区水资源短缺和外排水处置矛盾的有效策略之一。为此,探究了在湿地和灌溉生态利用模式下水中典型耗氧有机物(以COD计)和石油烃(petroleum hydrocarbon)在荒漠土壤中的迁移和转化规律。原位土壤分层土柱实验结果表明,2种利用模式均会导致土壤中总有机碳(TOC)的含量有不同程度的下降,外排水COD的升高会减缓土壤TOC的流失,但会改变土壤TOC的组成。土壤微生物可有效消减外排水中COD,降低其向土壤深层迁移的风险。TPH易在土壤表层发生累积,但低浓度TPH排放的灌溉模式有利于减少土层中TPH的累积。湿地模式下由于水流量大,增加了TPH向地下水迁移的风险。土壤微生物对TPH的降解率可达15%,并导致C25以下的TPH相对含量显著降低,但C26以上组分的TPH相对含量则有所提升,原因在于短链TPH易被微生物降解,长链TPH不易降解并形成累积。以上研究结果可为油气田外排水生态利用可行性提供数据参考。  相似文献   

High resolution direct-push profiling over short vertical distances was used to investigate CH(4) attenuation in a petroleum contaminated aquifer near Bemidji, Minnesota. The contaminant plume was delineated using dissolved gases, redox sensitive components, major ions, carbon isotope ratios in CH(4) and CO(2), and the presence of methanotrophic bacteria. Sharp redox gradients were observed near the water table. Shifts in δ(13)C(CH4) from an average of -57.6‰ (±1.7‰) in the methanogenic zone to -39.6‰ (±8.7‰) at 105m downgradient, strongly suggest CH(4) attenuation through microbially mediated degradation. In the downgradient zone the aerobic/anaerobic transition is up to 0.5m below the water table suggesting that transport of O(2) across the water table is leading to aerobic degradation of CH(4) at this interface. Dissolved N(2) concentrations that exceeded those expected for water in equilibrium with the atmosphere indicated bubble entrapment followed by preferential stripping of O(2) through aerobic degradation of CH(4) or other hydrocarbons. Multivariate and cluster analysis were used to distinguish between areas of significant bubble entrapment and areas where other processes such as the infiltration of O(2) rich recharge water were important O(2) transport mechanisms.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Oil spills generate several environmental impacts and have become more common with the increase in petroleum extraction, refining, transportation, and...  相似文献   

Data in twelve power plant and smelter plumes reported by eight different organizations have been reviewed in an attempt to establish the existence of recognizable patterns concerning the extent and rates of sulfate formation. The data reviewed here were collected in Australia, Canada and the U.S., during warm as well as cold seasons, and during day and night. The primary variables examined and compared are Sp/ST, the paniculate fraction of excess sulfur sampled in the plume, and the corresponding plume age. The variation of the extent of sulfate formation (Sp/ST) is also examined in terms of plume exposure to solar radiation dose during transport.In spite of wide geographical, seasonal, background and source variations, a distinct difference is observed in day and night sulfate formation. During the daytime, there exists a substantial variability in sulfate formation rates (typically 0–5% h−1) and extent (typically up to 25%) for any given physical plume age. This variability is significantly less for plumes with similar exposure to sunlight dose, showing that environmental factors linked to solar radiation strongly influence the rate and extent of sulfate formation in point-source plumes. The diurnal and seasonal co-variance of all insolation-related factors makes it difficult to distinguish the roles of specific environmental factors or conversion mechanisms. Night-time data show that Sp/ST seldom exceeds 3% even after 5–10 h of plume transport.A surprising result is observed related to geographical variability of the conversion rate. Except in the case of the data of the Navajo coal-fired power plant plume collected as part of the VISTTA study, all other data fall within an identifiable envelope ranging over 15–30% sulfate formation (Sp/ST) corresponding to solar dose equivalent to one July day in St. Louis. The Navajo data yield about an order of magnitude lower conversion. Evidently, factors other than those related to insolation are also important.  相似文献   

This paper describes a near-field validation study involving the steady-state, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guideline model AERMOD and the nonsteady-state puff model CALPUFF. Relative model performance is compared with field measurements collected near Martins Creek, PA-a rural, hilly area along the Pennsylvania-New Jersey border. The principal emission sources in the study were two coal-fired power plants with tall stacks and buoyant plumes. Over 1 yr of sulfur dioxide measurements were collected at eight monitors located at or above the two power plants' stack tops. Concurrent meteorological data were available at two sites. Both sites collected data 10 m above the ground. One of the sites also collected sonic detection and ranging measurements up to 420 m above ground. The ability of the two models to predict monitored sulfur dioxide concentrations was assessed in a four-part model validation. Each part of the validation applied different criteria and statistics to provide a comprehensive evaluation of model performance. Because of their importance in regulatory applications, an emphasis was placed on statistics that demonstrate the model's ability to reproduce the upper end of the concentration distribution. On the basis of the combined results of the four-part validation (i.e., weight of evidence), the performance of CALPUFF was judged to be superior to that of AERMOD.  相似文献   

化学破乳絮凝与SBR二段法处理采油污水的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用化学絮凝与 SBR生化联合的二段法工艺对采油污水进行处理 ,采油污水经第一段化学破乳絮凝后 ,CODCr去除率可达 85 %以上 ,油去除率可达 95 %以上 ;第一段处理出水再经第二段 SBR生化处理后可使出水中 CODCr≤ 60 mg/L、BOD≤ 3 0 mg/L、SS<3 0 mg/L、油 <10 mg/L,达到了油田回注水标准和含油污水的国家二级排放标准 ,可实现废水的资源化  相似文献   

循环流化床烟气脱硫塔入口结构改进的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用商用Fluent软件提供的k-ε湍流模型对循环流化床脱硫塔内部流场进行了数值模拟,重点考察入口结构对脱硫塔内气相速度分布均匀性的影响,并用速度不均匀度定量描述了流场的均匀性。结果表明,当前使用90°弯管进气结构的脱硫塔内部流场存在明显的不均匀性,主要是入口处气流90°转向造成的。为此采用组合弯管进气结构代替90°弯管进气结构,以改善脱硫塔内流场不均匀性。入口结构改为组合弯管进气结构后,脱硫塔内流场不均匀性得到很大改善,速度分布的不均匀度明显减小,因此组合弯管进气结构有利于烟气与脱硫剂的充分混合反应,提高脱硫效率。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The interaction and the interplay of climate change with oil palm production in the Southeast Asia region are of serious concern. This particularly...  相似文献   

采用热化学处理法对农业废物玉米秸秆和苹果渣进行处理,3种碱性物质Na2CO3、K2CO3和KOH作为催化剂,都能不同程度提高液化生物油收率、减少固体残渣收率.但碱性催化剂会降低气体收率,因而不适合作为以获得气体产物为目的的生物质气化试验的催化剂.就增加液化生物油收率方面而言,Na2CO3的催化效果最好,KOH催化效果次之,K2CO3的催化效果最差.  相似文献   


In the spring of 2018, a 10-day field study was conducted in Colorado’s Denver-Julesburg oil and natural gas production basin to improve information on well pad pneumatic controller (PC) populations and identify PCs with potential maintenance issues (MIs) causing excess emissions through a novel optical gas imaging (OGI) survey approach. A total of 500 natural gas-emitting PCs servicing 102 wells (4.9 PCs/well) were surveyed at 31 facilities operated by seven different companies. The PCs were characterized by their designed operational function and applications, with 83% of the PC population identified as intermittent PCs (IPCs). An OGI inspection protocol was used to investigate emissions on 447 working PCs from this set. OGI detected continuous emissions from 11.3% of observed IPCs and these were classified as experiencing some level of MIs. OGI imaging modes were observed to have a significant effect on emission detectability with high sensitivity mode detection rates being approximately 2 times higher compared to auto mode. Fourteen snapshot emission measurements (not including actuations) were conducted on IPCs in this category using a high-volume sampling device with augmented quality assurance procedures with observed emissions rates ranging from 0.1 up to 31.3 scf/hr (mean = 2.8 scf/hr). For PCs with continuous depressurization type (CPC), 36.8% had continuous emissions observed by OGI. Four supporting emission measurements were conducted on CPCs with one unit exceeding the low bleed regulatory emission threshold with an emission rate of 9.9 scf/hr (mean = 4.2 scf/hr). Additional information was collected on PC actuation events, as observed with OGI, which showed a strong correlation between observed actuation events and facility production compared to observed continuous emissions caused by MIs which did not correlate with facility production.

Implications: A novel survey approach of pneumatic controllers at oil and natural gas production facilities in the Denver-Julesburg basin, using optical gas imaging and supporting emission measurements, was demonstrated as an effective method to identify controllers with potential maintenance issues causing excess emissions. The results of the pneumatic controller and optical gas imaging surveys improved information on pneumatic controller populations within the basin and also demonstrated the significant effect optical gas imaging modes have on emission detections.  相似文献   

Worldwide concerns about sulfur oxide (SOx) emissions from ships are motivating the replacement of marine residual oil (RO) with cleaner, lower-sulfur fuels, such as marine gas oil (MGO) and marine diesel oil (MDO). Vessel operators can use MGO and MDO directly or blended with RO to achieve environmental and economic objectives. Although expected to be much cleaner in terms of criteria pollutants, these fuels require additional energy in the upstream stages of the fuel cycle (i.e., fuel processing and refining), and thus raise questions about the net impacts on greenhouse gas emissions (primarily carbon dioxide [CO2]) because of production and use. This paper applies the Total Energy and Environmental Analysis for Marine Systems (TEAMS) model to conduct a total fuel cycle analysis of RO, MGO, MDO, and associated blends for a typical container ship. MGO and MDO blends achieve significant (70-85%) SOx emissions reductions compared with RO across a range of fuel quality and refining efficiency assumptions. We estimate CO2 increases of less than 1% using best estimates of fuel quality and refinery efficiency parameters and demonstrate how these results vary based on parameter assumptions. Our analysis suggests that product refining efficiency influences the CO2 tradeoff more than differences in the physical and energy parameters of the alternative fuels, suggesting that modest increases in CO2 could be offset by efficiency improvements at some refineries. Our results help resolve conflicting estimates of greenhouse gas tradeoffs associated with fuel switching and other emissions control policies.  相似文献   

赵昕 《环境工程学报》2009,3(10):1825-1829
通过监测固定化曝气生物滤池(immobilized biological areated filter, IBAF)进、出水中不同结构PAHs浓度的变化,分析盐度对其处理效果的影响。结果表明,IBAF反应系统在盐度0%~5%(w/v),HRT为8 h,COD容积负荷为0.3~0.8 kg/(m3·d)的条件下,对石油类、COD、TOC的平均降解效率达96.7%,95%和85%,分配在油粒中和溶解于水中的PAHs可在载体过滤、吸附和微生物降解等作用下,不随出水排出系统。盐度为1%~2%(w/v)时,进、出水中PAHs浓度较高,是由于增溶作用使PAHs分配在粒径小于100 μm油粒中和水相中的比例升高。出水中测得含2个苯环PAHs占比较大,这可能是由于在3、4环PAHs加氧开环的微生物降解过程中产生中间产物并通过GC-MS自动测量造成的。  相似文献   

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