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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - India’s sustainable development goals consist of higher economic growth through large investments on the one hand and ambitious carbon emission...  相似文献   


A rapid process of industrialization, on the one hand, transformed the economies from agrarian to industrial societies to improve the living standards and welfare of people. On the other hand, the urbanized and industrialized economies have posed challenging threats to environmental sustainability. The query at hand is whether the growing environmental emissions are driven by industrialization and urbanization or not. This research aims to empirically examine the combined role of industrialization and urbanization in achieving carbon neutrality in Pakistan by considering foreign direct investment and economic growth as control variables in the model. The core empirical results are the following: firstly, industrialization and economic growth exhibit negative but statistically insignificant impacts on CO2 emissions, imparting a neutral role in determining the environmental degradation in Pakistan. Secondly, urbanization and foreign direct investment disclose positive and statistically significant (at 1% level of significance) impacts on CO2 emissions, manifesting an environmental degradation driving impact in the country. Thirdly, given the slope coefficients of urbanization and foreign direct investment (0.058 and 0.035), urbanization proved to be a stronger driver than foreign direct investment. Finally, foreign direct investment is revealed to make the Pakistani economy a “Pollution Haven” for the foreign enterprises in the country. Based on empirical results, none of the variables predicted the support for carbon neutrality in Pakistan.


Municipal and state regulations limiting the allowable sulfur content of fossil fuels are having the effect of changing fuel use patterns of many of the nation’s utilities. The utility companies are faced with increased costs of lower sulfur fuels and capital expenditures associated with the fuel changes, as well as with greater uncertainty concerning long term supplies of suitable fuels. Capital costs for air pollution control are mounting. Electrostatic precipitators must be built to meet more stringent air pollution codes, and stack heights may have to be increased to improve discharge patterns. Other capital expenditures for added requirements such as steam and electric tracing and pumping equipment must be made to accommodate distinctive characteristics of low sulfur fuels. Air pollution control costs do not result in increased productivity, improved products, or products that will command a better price in the market. Nevertheless, the expenditures are essential. Nuclear power is the long range solution to which many utilities look but, in the shorter view, the power industry must expect continued cost increases in the areas of fuel and operating expenses, capital expenditures and research and development.  相似文献   


The green innovations, environmental policies, and carbon taxes are the tools to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the mitigation process. This study is intended to examine the impact of innovation, carbon pricing (CTAX), environmental policies (EP), and energy consumption (ECON) on PM2.5 and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission for Central-Eastern European countries. The panel effect during 2000–2018 is tested using a dynamic panel data model while the Granger causality approach obtains country-related outcomes. The outcomes reveal that eco-friendly innovations have a more profound effect on carbon mitigation. Environmental policies reduce emissions by 2.7% in the short run and 17.4% in the long run. Similarly, CTAX mitigates GHG emissions by 8.6% in the short-run and PM2.5 by 0.9% and 5.7% in the short and long run. However, urbanization, energy consumption and trade openness are the leading polluters in the region. The main findings remain dominant in the country-specific results and find unidirectional and bidirectional causality evidence among variables. The research concludes that green innovations and strict environmental policy can lead towards achieving sustainable development goals using carbon taxes as a tool on the way.

Graphical abstract

我国承诺在2030年实现碳达峰,2060年实现碳中和的目标。在此“双碳”背景下,我国场地修复行业的目标已从单纯追求效率,转变为低碳减排与高效修复并重。这一转变对未来的污染场地修复提出了新的要求,即需要全面融入低碳环境服务过程,注重风险管控、原位治理和节能降耗等。因此,在设计具体的修复路线时,应尽量实现修复过程节能降耗减排、逸散性温室气体排放控制和修复后土壤资源化利用等目标。基于这些要求,传统的原位热脱附技术将面临降低能耗的严苛挑战,多相抽提技术将面临设备节能降耗挑战,增溶脱附技术将面临材料研发绿色节能挑战,土壤淋洗技术将面临药剂绿色挑战等。为实现将低碳目标贯彻污染场地修复过程这一目的,针对性的措施和技术包括:技术装备的低碳运行、使用人工智能修复装备、碳排放智能监测计算、场地大数据分析技术、可持续原位生物修复技术、原位风险阻隔技术、多参数实时原位监测技术和土壤生态碳汇技术等。上述方面的优化和转型升级将有望成为未来污染场地修复中新装备及新技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Poverty reduction and environmental sustainability are the two significant challenges the world needs to cope with in the twenty-first century...  相似文献   

2001年11月启动的中国国家"十五"攻关重大专项"清洁能源行动"涉及17个试点示范城市,经过3年多的探索与实施,取得了明显成效.着重从污染物排放、空气质量、清洁能源消费、人均能耗和万元产值能耗等环境效益方面对清洁能源实施效果进行科学评价,为推广试点示范城市的先进经验和城市可持续发展提供依据.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Environmental degradation has accelerated rapidly in recent decades. Researchers and policymakers around the world have concentrated their efforts on...  相似文献   

为应对气候变化,实现《巴黎协定》,国际社会纷纷做出碳减排相关承诺,设立碳中和目标.多个国家和地区通过设立或修订气候变化法律,将碳中和目标明确为硬约束.中国实现碳达峰、碳中和愿景任务艰巨,通过梳理典型国家和地区碳中和相关立法,分析国际碳中和立法的要点,针对国内现状需求,提出适合中国制定应对气候变化法律的建议.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - With the introduction of national carbon neutrality targets, carbon emission reduction actions in developed countries have become a hot topic as part...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Recently, China has relished rapid green investment, and its influence on clean energy consumption and environment is substantial. Therefore, this...  相似文献   

节能降耗、厌氧消化产甲烷、工艺相关的能源利用等策略可有助于碳减排,但这些常规方法的潜力距碳中和目标仍有相当距离。国外诸多案例表明,污水余温热能利用技术是污水处理领域实现碳中和运行的可行方案。在总结污水处理领域碳减排策略的基础上,评价分析其对碳中和的贡献。通过对国内案例计算分析余温热能潜力并与有机 (COD) 能转化率进行比较发现,污水中蕴含的余温热能潜力为有机能的9倍。余温热能利用可使污水处理厂达到碳中和目标,还可将剩余热能 (约75%~85%) 向外以供热/制冷形式输出,或用于原位低温干化污泥,实现污水处理厂向“能源工厂”的转型。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The current global spirit for sustainable development has led to increased attention to reducing the use of conventional energy sources and managing...  相似文献   

As a extra-large city in China, Beijing faces a serious problem with air pollution. In 1998, a package of air pollution control measures was announced by local government. However in order to reach environment target, further policy options have to be explored. Based on previous studies on technology choices for urban transport in Beijing, this paper presents a policy assessment to examine these options. A methodology framework using criteria for policy evaluation was used in the assessment. Here diesel-car, Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) vehicle and Mass Railway based Transport (MRT) were selected, and barriers to their diffusion were identified. For each barrier, a group of policy options to remove the barrier was evaluated by five criteria. A ranking of these policy options is given in this paper.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Given the finite nature of fossil energy and rising environmental pressures, countries are increasing focus on clean energy. By employing provincial...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Increasing business organizations are also damaging the natural infrastructure, and researchers are pressing hard on this issue since several decades....  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Industrial upgrading is the key to promoting green economic efficiency. Coordination between environmental regulations and industrial structure can...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The energy sector of Argentina is predominantly reliant on fossil fuels. Consequently, such fossil fuel dependency within the nation’s power...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The evolution of energy system occupies an important position in economic development and quality of life. Influenced by the energy endowment in...  相似文献   

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