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Pesticides in stream flow from the 142 ha Colworth catchment in Bedfordshire, UK were monitored from October 1999 to December 2000. About 47% of the catchment is tile-drained and different pesticides and cropping patterns have recently been evaluated in terms of their effect on nutrient and pesticide losses to the stream. The data from Colworth were used to test soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) 2000 predictions of pesticide concentrations at the catchment outlet. A sound model set-up to carry out pesticide modelling was created by means of hydrological modelling with proper simulation of crop growth and evapotranspiration. The pesticides terbuthylazine, terbutryn, cyanazine and bentazone were modelled. There was close agreement between SWAT-predicted pesticide concentration values and observations. Scenario trials were conducted to explore management options for reducing pesticide loads arriving at the catchment outlet. The results obtained indicate that SWAT can be used as a tool to understand pesticide behavior at the catchment scale.  相似文献   

This study reports on the occurrence and behaviour of six pesticides and one metabolite in a small stream draining a vineyard catchment. Base flow and flood events were monitored in order to assess the variability of pesticide concentrations according to the season and to evaluate the role of sampling frequency on the evaluation of fluxes estimates. Results showed that dissolved pesticide concentrations displayed a strong temporal and spatial variability. A large mobilisation of pesticides was observed during floods, with total dissolved pesticide fluxes per event ranging from 5.7 × 10−3 g/Ha to 0.34 g/Ha. These results highlight the major role of floods in the transport of pesticides in this small stream which contributed to more than 89% of the total load of diuron during August 2007. The evaluation of pesticide loads using different sampling strategies and method calculation, showed that grab sampling largely underestimated pesticide concentrations and fluxes transiting through the stream.  相似文献   

An assessment of the off-site migration of pesticides from agricultural activity into the environment in the Neuquen River Valley was performed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of pesticides in several compartments of a small agricultural sub-catchment. Soil, surface water, shallow groundwater and drift deposition were analyzed for pesticide residues. Results showed the presence of some pesticide residues in soil, surface water and shallow groundwater compartments. The highest detection frequencies in water (surface and subsurface) were found for azinphos-methyl and chlorpyrifos (>70%). In terms of concentration, the highest levels were observed in shallow groundwater for azinphos methyl (22.5 μg/L) and carbaryl (45.7 μg/L). In the soil, even before the application period had started, accumulation of residues was present. These residues increased during the period studied. Spray drift during pesticide application was found to be a significant pathway for the migration of pesticide residues in surface water, while leaching and preferential flows were the main transport routes contributing to subsurface contamination.  相似文献   

An assessment of the off-site migration of pesticides from agricultural activity into the environment in the Neuquen River Valley was performed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of pesticides in several compartments of a small agricultural sub-catchment. Soil, surface water, shallow groundwater and drift deposition were analyzed for pesticide residues. Results showed the presence of some pesticide residues in soil, surface water and shallow groundwater compartments. The highest detection frequencies in water (surface and subsurface) were found for azinphos-methyl and chlorpyrifos (>70%). In terms of concentration, the highest levels were observed in shallow groundwater for azinphos methyl (22.5 μg/L) and carbaryl (45.7 μg/L). In the soil, even before the application period had started, accumulation of residues was present. These residues increased during the period studied. Spray drift during pesticide application was found to be a significant pathway for the migration of pesticide residues in surface water, while leaching and preferential flows were the main transport routes contributing to subsurface contamination.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Deposition particles can lead to blockage, odor, and corrosion of pipes, and the deposition process of suspended particles is particularly...  相似文献   

Despite political efforts, diffuse pollution from agriculture continues to be the single largest source of nitrogen (N) emissions into the aquatic environment in many countries and regions. This fact, and the recent enactment of a new Swedish environmental code, led to the design of a study targeted at the evaluation of new N pollution abatement strategies. An actor game was chosen as the key component of the study, with a focus on four major goals: to test the implementability of legally binding environmental quality standards for nitrate concentration in groundwater and N transport to the sea, to find sets of agriculturally feasible and cost-effective measures to decrease N loads, to investigate the possibilities for collective action through negotiated and institutionalized actor cooperation, and to investigate the role of mathematical modeling in environmental N management. Characteristics from the agriculturally dominated catchment of Genevads?n (224 km2) on the southwest coast of Sweden served as the playing field for the actor game. The most noteworthy result from the study was that it appeared to be possible to meet ambitious environmental N standards with less economically drastic measures than anticipated by most of the participants. The actor game was shown to be a good method for learning about the new Swedish environmental code and its application and for gaining deeper insight into the issues of N management. In addition, the actor game functioned as an arena for gaining a more thorough understanding of the views of different stakeholders.  相似文献   

Choi KI  Lee DH 《Chemosphere》2007,66(2):370-376
To further understand the effects of wet scrubbers on PCDD/DF levels, it was measured the concentrations of PCDD/DF, dust, and other gaseous pollutants at both the inlets and the outlets of seven wet scrubbers. As a result, the concentrations of PCDD/DF at the inlets and outlets of the wet scrubbers ranged from 0.2 to 37.4, and 0.8 to 6.0 ng TEQ N m-3, respectively. With the exceptions of wet scrubbers F and G, the PCDD/DF levels decreased by and large in most wet scrubbers. It was thought that their relatively high removal efficiencies were more increased with heavier loads of dust and particle-bound PCDD/DF. On the other hand, it was also surveyed the increase of gaseous PCDD/DF in wet scrubber, where the total level of PCDD/DF was decreased. However, it was not sure whether it had been resulted from the thermal adsorption/desorption phenomenon between packing materials and emission gases or not. At the very least, however, although there still remains an unexplained aspect for the increase of gaseous PCDD/DF, it is clear that wet scrubbers can be sufficiently applied to remove PCDD/DF to a certain extent, if only removal efficiencies for the particle loads are high, and if a significant part of the PCDD/DF at the inlets is particle associated.  相似文献   

The Keersop catchment (43km(2)) in the south of The Netherlands has been contaminated by the emissions of four zinc ore smelters. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of future projected climate change on the hydrology and the leaching of heavy metals (i.e. Cd and Zn) in the catchment. The numerical, quasi-2D, unsaturated zone Soil Water Atmosphere Plant model was used with 100-year simulated daily time series of precipitation and potential evapotranspiration. The time series are representative of stationary climates for the periods 1961-1990 ("baseline") and 2071-2100 ("future"). The time series of future climate were obtained by downscaling the results of eight regional climate model (RCM) experiments, driven by the SRES A2 emissions scenario, using change factors for a series of climate statistics and applying them to stochastic weather generator models. The time series are characterized by increased precipitation in winter, less precipitation in summer, and higher air temperatures (between 2°C and 5°C) throughout the year. Future climate scenarios project higher evapotranspiration rates, more irrigation, less drainage, lower discharge rates and lower groundwater levels, due to increased evapotranspiration and a slowing down of the groundwater system. As a result, lower concentrations of Cd and Zn in surface water are projected. The reduced leaching of heavy metals, due to drying of the catchment, showed a positive impact on a limited aspect of surface water quality.  相似文献   

The concentrations of pentachlorophenol (PCP), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) polychlorinated dibensofurans (PCDFs) and organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides in water, sediments and biota from the Lake Rotorua catchment were determined to evaluate the relative significance of various contaminants and their potential sources. PCP was found in water, sediments and biota (fish and freshwater mussels) and the highest concentrations in water (3.62 μ g.L−1) and in sediments (400 ng.g−1 dry weight (DW) were found in and near a stream that had been affected by PCP contamination from a sawmill. PCDD and PCDF concentrations in all cases, except for the waters and sediments of the stream near to the sawmill, were relatively low compared to values reported in the literature for similar sites. Negligible pesticide contamination was found in the Lake Rotorua catchment. Pesticides found included low concentrations of p.p′-DDE, p.p-TDE and dieldrin in rainbow trout from the lake.  相似文献   

Fresh snowcover in a remote upland catchment is chemically heterogeneous. Coefficients of variation (Cof) for individual major ions range from 5 to 113%, assuming a normal distribution, or 1 to 144 % assuming a lognormal distribution. Aged snowcover is slightly more chemically variable, giving rise to Cof of 19–140 %, assuming a normal distribution, or 2–200 %, assuming a lognormal distribution. In general, the distribution of the concentration of major ions in snowcover is better described by the lognormal distribution. Both vertical and horizontal variability is observed in the chemical content of within-pack snows. Such heterogeneity has important implications for snowpack sampling. We suggest that rigorous methodologies should be devised for the sampling of fresh snowcover. The sampling of within-pack snows should also be performed under tight statistical constraints if representative estimates of the solute content of snowcover are to be obtained.  相似文献   

Preliminary results are reported from a co-operative study between Agriculture Canada and Environment Canada on environmental impacts of atrazine measured in a field stream receiving agricultural drainage. Systematically, tile drained plots of known crop rotation, area, flow and pesticides use were used in the study. A maximum tile drainage concentration of 13.9 microg liter(-1) atrazine was measured while the maximum measured stream concentration was 1.89 microg liter(-1). Phytoplankton and zooplankton samples were collected on a bi-monthly basis during the growing season. The study indicated possible negative impacts of low concentrations of atrazine on planktonic drift populations, when natural stream flow was reduced, resulting in a lower dilution capacity. A 20 m section of the stream was affected by the tile drainage waters as measured by the resident biological community. Both atrazine and ambient environmental conditions were felt to be contributing to the measured results. No negative impacts on planktonic drift populations were evident beyond 50 m downstream of the tile drainage and stream confluence.  相似文献   

Evaporation basins (or ponds) are the most commonly used facilities for disposal of selenium-laden saline agricultural drainage in the closed hydrologic basin portion of the San Joaquin Valley, California. However concerns remain for potential risk from selenium (Se) toxicity to water fowl in these evaporation basins. In this study, we examined the chemical status of Se in both waters and sediments in two currently operating evaporation pond facilities in the Tulare Lake Drainage District. Some of the saline ponds have been colonized by brine-shrimp (Artemia), which have been harvested since 2001. We evaluated Se concentration and speciation, including selenate [Se(VI)], selenite [Se(IV)], and organic Se [org-Se or Se(-II)] in waters and sediment extracts, and fractionation (soluble, adsorbed, organic matter (OM)-associated, and Se(0) and other resistant forms) in sediments and organic-rich surface detrital layers from the decay of algal blooms. Selenium in ponds without vascular plants exhibited similar behavior to wetlands with vascular plant present, indicating that similar Se transformation processes and mechanisms had resulted in Se immobilization and an increase of reduced Se species [Se(IV), org-Se, and Se(0)] from Se(VI)-dominated input waters. Selenium concentrations in most pond waters were significantly lower than the influent drainage water. This decrease of dissolved Se concentration was accompanied by the increase of reduced Se species. Selenium accumulated preferentially in sediments of the initial pond cell receiving drainage water. Brine-shrimp harvesting activities did not affect Se speciation but may have reduced Se accumulation in surface detrital and sediments.  相似文献   

An existing GIS hydrology water quality model, LF2000-WQX, was applied to predict the concentrations of the pharmaceuticals diclofenac and propranalol in catchments. As a practical exercise the predominantly rural Tamar (UK) catchment was chosen. Consumption, excretion, and fate data were used to estimate the pharmaceutical input load for the model. The predicted concentrations throughout most of the catchment were 1 ng/L or less under low flow (90th percentile) conditions. However, at a few locations, downstream of small sewage treatment plants, concentrations above 25 ng/L were predicted. This exercise shows that it is relatively straightforward to predict the concentrations of new and emerging organic microcontaminants in real catchments using existing GIS hydrology water quality models. Further testing will be required to establish their accuracy.  相似文献   

Data on nitrate nitrogen were collected weekly during 1984 from 136 sites on streams in upland Wales. Mean nitrate concentrations in summer (0.02 to 1.5 mg litre(-1)) were significantly lower (P<0.001) than in winter (0.02 to 1.26 mg litre(-1)), particularly at sites with mature conifers (>30 years old). Mean concentrations increased significantly with the average age of conifers on each catchment (P<0.001), and with increasing areal cover by trees over 30 years old (P<0.001). Nitrate concentrations increased significantly with stream total hardness (P<0.001), possibly reflecting nitrogen mineralisation in soils of higher base status. Concentrations also increased with stream chloride (P<0.001), which is predominantly atmospherically derived, implying that increased nitrate occurred where general atmospheric inputs of solutes were increased. After accounting for variation in hardness, residual nitrate concentrations still increased with the average age of the conifers (P<0.001), and with catchment cover by mature trees (P<0.001). We infer that some additional nitrate under older conifers is thus independent of catchment sources associated with increasing hardness. Two possibilities are increased inputs and decreased retention of nitrogen within the ecosystem of maturing conifer forest. Residual nitrate after accounting for variations in chloride also increased significantly with conifer age (P<0.01) and cover (P<0.01), a pattern implying that some sources of nitrate may also be independent of increased sea-salt deposition. We allude to the possibility that additional nitrogen deposition adds to nitrogen throughputs from maturing forests, and we discuss the potential ecological role of additional nitrogen in runoff.  相似文献   

Tran AT  Hyne RV  Doble P 《Chemosphere》2007,67(5):944-953
The present study describes the application of different extraction techniques for the preconcentration of ten commonly found acidic and non-acidic polar herbicides (2,4-D, atrazine, bensulfuron-methyl, clomazone, dicamba, diuron, MCPA, metolachlor, simazine and triclopyr) in the aqueous environment. Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) with dichloromethane, solid-phase extraction (SPE) using Oasis HLB cartridges or SBD-XC Empore disks were compared for extraction efficiency of these herbicides in different matrices, especially water samples from contaminated agricultural drainage water containing high concentrations of particulate matter. Herbicides were separated and quantified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with an ultraviolet detector. SPE using SDB-XC Empore disks was applied to determine target herbicides in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area (NSW, Australia) during a two-week survey from October 2005 to November 2005. The daily aqueous concentrations of herbicides from 24-h composite samples detected at two sites increased after run-off from a storm event and were in the range of: 0.1-17.8 microg l(-1), < 0.1-0.9 microg l(-1) and 0.2-17.8 microg l(-1) at site 1; < 0.1-3.5 microg l(-1), < 0.1-0.2 microg l(-1) and < 0.2-3.2 microg l(-1) at site 2 for simazine, atrazine and diuron, respectively.  相似文献   

We investigated whether nitrate-N (NO3(-)-N) concentrations of shallow groundwater (< 30 m from the land surface) in a region of intensive agriculture could be predicted on the basis of land use information, topsoil properties that affect the ability of topsoil to generate nitrate at a site, or the 'leaching risk' at different sites. Groundwater NO3(-)-N concentrations were collected biannually for 3 years at 88 sites within the Waikato Region of New Zealand. The land use was classed as either the predominant land use of the farm where the well or bore was located, or the dominant land use within a 500 m radius of the well or bore. Topsoil properties that affect the ability of soil to generate nitrate were also measured at all the sites, and a leaching risk assessment model 'DRASTIC' was used to assess the risk of NO3(-)-N leaching to groundwater at each site. The concentration of NO3(-)-N in shallow groundwater in the Waikato Region varied considerably, both temporally and spatially. Nine percent of sites surveyed had groundwater NO3(-)-N concentrations exceeding maximum allowable concentrations of 11.3 ppm recommended by the World Health Organisation for potable drinking water which is accepted as a public health standard in New Zealand. Over half (56%) of the sites had concentrations that exceeded 3 ppm, indicating effects of human activities (commonly referred to as a human activity value). Very few trends in NO3(-)-N concentration that could be attributed to land use were identified, although market garden sites had higher concentrations of NO3(-)-N in underlying groundwater than drystock/sheep sites when the land use within 500 m radius of a sampling site was used to define the land use. There was also some evidence that within a district, NO3(-)-N concentrations in groundwater increased as the proportion of area used for dairy farming increased. Compared to pastoral land, market gardens had lower total C and N, potentially mineralisable N and denitrifying enzyme assay. However, none of these soil properties were directly related to groundwater NO3(-)-N concentrations. Instead, the DRASTIC index (which ranks sites according to their risk of solute leaching) gave the best correlation with groundwater NO3(-)-N concentrations. The permeability of the vadose zone was the most important parameter. The three approaches used were all considered unsuitable for assessing nitrate concentrations of groundwater, although a best-fit combination of parameters measured was able to account for nearly half the variance in groundwater NO3(-)-N concentrations. We suggest that non-point source groundwater NO3(-)-N contamination in the region reflects the intensive agricultural practices, and that localised, site-specific, factors may affect NO3(-)-N concentrations in shallow groundwaters as much as the general land use in the surrounding area.  相似文献   

Aerial ammonia concentrations (Cg) are measured using acid scrubbers, filter packs, denuders, or optical methods. Using Cg and wind speed or airflow rate, ammonia emission rate or flux can be directly estimated using enclosures or micrometeorological methods. Using nitrogen (N) recovery is not recommended, mainly because the different gaseous N components cannot be separated. Although low cost and replicable, chambers modify environmental conditions and are suitable only for comparing treatments. Wind tunnels do not modify environmental conditions as much as chambers, but they may not be appropriate for determining ammonia fluxes; however, they can be used to compare emissions and test models. Larger wind tunnels that also simulate natural wind profiles may be more useful for comparing treatments than micrometeorological methods because the latter require larger plots and are, thus, difficult to replicate. For determining absolute ammonia flux, the micrometeorological methods are the most suitable because they are nonintrusive. For use with micrometeorological methods, both the passive denuders and optical methods give comparable accuracies, although the latter give real-time Cg but at a higher cost. The passive denuder is wind weighted and also costs less than forced-air Cg measurement methods, but it requires calibration. When ammonia contamination during sample preparation and handling is a concern and separating the gas-phase ammonia and aerosol ammonium is not required, the scrubber is preferred over the passive denuder. The photothermal interferometer, because of its low detection limit and robustness, may hold potential for use in agriculture, but it requires evaluation. With its simpler theoretical basis and fewer restrictions, the integrated horizontal flux (IHF) method is preferable over other micrometeorological methods, particularly for lagoons, where berms and land-lagoon boundaries modify wind flow and flux gradients. With uniform wind flow, the ZINST method requiring measurement at one predetermined height may perform comparably to the IHF method but at a lower cost.  相似文献   

Extensive pesticide usage in modern agriculture represents a considerable anthropogenic stressor to freshwater ecosystems throughout the United States. Acute toxicity of three of the most commonly used agricultural pesticides (Methyl Parathion® 4ec, Tempo® SC Ultra, Karmex® DF, and DDT) was determined in two different wild-caught strains of the fairy shrimp Thamnocephalus platyurus. Fairy shrimp collected from playas surrounded by native grasslands were between 200% and 400% more sensitive than fairy shrimp derived from playas in agricultural watersheds for Methyl Parathion® 4ec, Tempo® SC Ultra, and Karmex® DF, likely due to the development of resistance. Additionally, reduced sensitivity to DDT was observed among fairy shrimp from agriculturally-impacted playas as compared to those from native grassland-dominated playas. These data suggest that fairy shrimp inhabiting playas in agricultural regions have developed some degree of resistance to a variety of agrochemicals in response to historical usage.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In this study, ceria nanoparticles (CNPs) were introduced as an in-situ capping agent to inhibit the release of phosphorus (P) from sediments of...  相似文献   

Phytoremediation is potentially effective for managing excessive selenium (Se) in drainage sediment residing in the San Luis Drain in central California. This 2-year field study examined the feasibility of amending drainage sediment (containing 4.78microgSeg(-1)) with methionine and casein to enhance volatilization without or with vegetation of Sporobolus airoides. Results show that without organic amendments, rates of Se volatilization were less than 25microgm(-2)d(-1) in all plots. After amending the sediment with 71.4mgmethioninekg(-1) soil, Se volatilization rates were 434+/-107microgm(-2)d(-1) in vegetated plots and 289+/-117microgm(-2)d(-1) in irrigated bare plots. With the amendment of 572mgcaseinkg(-1) soil, rates increased to 346+/-103microgm(-2)d(-1) in irrigated bare plots and to 114+/-55microgm(-2)d(-1) in vegetated plots. Both methionine and casein promoted biological remediation of Se via volatilization most effectively during the warmest months.  相似文献   

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