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Abundances and community compositions of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in unvegetated sediment and the rhizosphere sediments of three submerged macrophytes (Ceratophyllum demersum, Vallisneria spinulosa, and Potamogeton crispus) were investigated in a large, eutrophic freshwater lake, Lake Taihu. Abundances of archaeal ammonia monooxygenase alpha-subunit (amoA) gene (from 6.56?×?106 copies to 1.06?×?107 copies per gram of dry sediment) were higher than those of bacterial amoA (from 6.13?×?105 to 3.21?×?106 copies per gram of dry sediment) in all samples. Submerged macrophytes exhibited no significant effect on the abundance and diversity of archaeal amoA gene. C. demersum and V. spinulosa increased the abundance and diversity of bacterial amoA gene in their rhizosphere sediment. However, the diversity of bacterial amoA gene in the rhizosphere sediments of P. crispus was decreased. The data obtained in this study would be helpful to elucidate the roles of submerged macrophytes involved in the nitrogen cycling of eutrophic lake ecosystems.  相似文献   

Jiang JG  Wu SG  Shen YF 《Chemosphere》2007,66(3):523-532
The purpose of the research is to study the seasonal succession of protozoa community and the effect of water quality on the protozoa community to characterize biochemical processes occurring at a eutrophic Lake Donghu, a large shallow lake in Wuhan City, China. Samples of protozoa communities were obtained monthly at three stations by PFU (polyurethane foam unit) method over a year. Synchronously, water samples also were taken from the stations for the water chemical quality analysis. Six major variables were examined in a principal component analysis (PCA), which indicate the fast changes of water quality in this station I and less within-year variation and a comparatively stable water quality in stations II and III. The community data were analyzed using multivariate techniques, and we show that clusters are rather mixed and poorly separated, suggesting that the community structure is changing gradually, giving a slight merging of clusters form the summer to the autumn and the autumn to the winter. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to infer the relationship between water quality variables and phytoplankton community structure, which changed substantially over the survey period. From the analysis of cluster and CCA, coupled by community pollution value (CPV), it is concluded that the key factors driving the change in protozoa community composition in Lake Donghu was water qualities rather than seasons.  相似文献   

Few studies have focused on the biomechanical responses of submerged, rosette-forming macrophytes to wave action, water depth, or their co-occurrence in naturally eutrophic systems. The plant architecture, root anchorage strength-related traits, leaf morphology, and biomechanics of Vallisneria natans inhabiting a range of water depths were examined along three transects (T1, T2, and T3) in a eutrophic lake, Lake Erhai, in Yunnan Province, China. These transects were exposed to weak wave action and hyper-eutrophication (T1), moderate wave action and eutrophication (T2), or strong wave action and eutrophication (T3). The results showed that V. natans was mainly distributed at intermediate depths, with the widest colonization depth in T1. The values of plant architecture, root anchorage strength-related traits, leaf morphology, and biomechanics were generally highest in T3 and smallest in T2. Along the depth gradient, these values were generally highest at 3.5, 2.5, and 2.5 m for the plants growing in T1, T2, and T3, respectively. These findings suggest that V. natans adopts a “tolerance” strategy to cope with the effects of strong wave action in eutrophic habitats and an “avoidance” strategy when exposed to moderate wave action in eutrophic areas. Since the absence of an avoidance strategy increases the resistance to low-light stress at the expense of increased drag forces, there is a limit to the wave action that V. natans can withstand. This study indicates that biomechanics could be important when determining the distribution pattern of V. natans in Lake Erhai.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - We investigated bacterial community dynamics in response to used motor oil contamination and perennial crop cultivation by 16S rRNA gene amplicon...  相似文献   

溶藻细菌对富营养化水体藻类群落结构的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
向富营养化水体投放3株溶藻细菌(蜡状芽孢杆菌(Bacillus cereus)L7、L8和短小芽孢杆菌(Bacillus pumilus)L18)的菌液.在试验期内,3株溶藻细菌显示出很好的控藻效果,使叶绿素a(Chl-a)和藻类密度分别比初始值降低87%以上和72%以上;藻类Shannon-Weaver多样性指数维持在2~3,Pielous均匀度指数介于0.60~0.81,其中,溶藻细菌L7效果最明显.而未投加菌液的水体Chl-a未发生明显上升,但藻类密度自9.55×104个/mL上升到2.09×105个/mL,藻类Shannon-Weaver多样性指数由2.17降到1.11,Pielous均匀度由0.60降到0.33.3株溶藻细菌并非简单地杀灭水体中的全部或某些藻类,而是能明显地调节藻类群落结构,使其朝着较为稳定的方向发展,在修复藻型富营养化水体水生生态系统方面有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Anaerobic ammonium oxidation coupled to ferric iron reduction (Feammox) has been assumed to play an important role in nitrogen removal from...  相似文献   

The structure of stream benthic macroinvertebrate communities in relation to pH and humic content was studied in 20 second and third-order forest streams in southern Sweden. Streams varied in pH from 4.2 to 8.0, and in humic content from a colour of 5 to 1200 mg Pt litre(-1). There was a positive relationship between pH and species richness, with a discontinuity occurring at pH approximately 5.7. At pH > 5.7, species richness decreased with increasing colour. At pH < 5.7 there was a positive correlation between species richness and humic concentration up to a colour of about 200-300 mg Pt litre(-1). this may be explained by high concentrations, 0.4-0.9 mg litre(-1), of labile monomeric Al occurring in the low coloured acid streams. In streams with a colour > 200 mg Pt litre(-1) labile monomeric Al was less than 0.2 mg litre(-1). There was no significant change in species richness above this threshold, but a shift in species composition towards a dominance of Plecoptera and Chironomidae. This threshold model seems to explain the observed differences in stream benthic community structure better than a simple linear relationship with pH or humic content.  相似文献   

To elucidate the roles of microorganisms in the nitrogen geo-chemical cycle, the distributions of nitrogen-utilising bacteria were studied in a small eutrophic lake. Ammonifiers, nitrogen fixers and nitrate reducers were more concentrated at the severely polluted Xili sub-area than at the Centre of Outer (CO), whereas the contrary was true for autolithotrophic nitrifiers. Molecular identification of predominant ammonifiers and nitrogen fixers showed that two of the ammonifiers were γ-Proteobacteria, two were β-Proteobacteria, one was CFB group and the other three were low G+C% Gram positive Bacillus. Among four nitrogen fixers, one belonged to α-Proteobacteria, and the other three were γ-Proteobacteria.  相似文献   

Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) concentrations in sediments and sediment trap fluxes of particulate organic carbon and HCHs were measured bi-weekly from March 31 to October 18, 2006 in an urban eutrophic lake in Tianjin, China, in order to investigate sedimentation and seasonal variation of HCHs in sediments. HCH concentrations (dry weight basis) ranged from 2.2 to 20.2 ng/g (mean 7.7 ng/g) in surface sediments and from 26.6 to 972.7 ng/g (mean 187.0 ng/g) in settling particles, respectively. A clear seasonal variation in HCH sedimentation and HCH concentrations in sediments was observed. The maximal HCH deposition occurred following a spring phytoplankton bloom. The average flux of HCHs to sediment was approximately 21-fold higher in April to mid-June as compared to late June to October. This was attributed to the high vertical fluxes at the end of the spring phytoplankton bloom. The maximum values of HCH concentrations in sediments were observed in mid-June to late July. Concentrations of HCHs in sediments from the eutrophic lake were well-correlated with organic carbon contents in sediments. The annual sediment trap flux of HCHs in the eutrophic lake, which was estimated using data obtained in the eutrophic lake, was 117 μ g/m2 yr, about 72% of which was attributed to the sedimentation corresponding to spring bloom phytoplankton deposition in late May to mid-June. The high sediment trap flux of HCHs in the eutrophic lake was related to serious local contamination.  相似文献   

Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) concentrations in sediments and sediment trap fluxes of particulate organic carbon and HCHs were measured bi-weekly from March 31 to October 18, 2006 in an urban eutrophic lake in Tianjin, China, in order to investigate sedimentation and seasonal variation of HCHs in sediments. HCH concentrations (dry weight basis) ranged from 2.2 to 20.2 ng/g (mean 7.7 ng/g) in surface sediments and from 26.6 to 972.7 ng/g (mean 187.0 ng/g) in settling particles, respectively. A clear seasonal variation in HCH sedimentation and HCH concentrations in sediments was observed. The maximal HCH deposition occurred following a spring phytoplankton bloom. The average flux of HCHs to sediment was approximately 21-fold higher in April to mid-June as compared to late June to October. This was attributed to the high vertical fluxes at the end of the spring phytoplankton bloom. The maximum values of HCH concentrations in sediments were observed in mid-June to late July. Concentrations of HCHs in sediments from the eutrophic lake were well-correlated with organic carbon contents in sediments. The annual sediment trap flux of HCHs in the eutrophic lake, which was estimated using data obtained in the eutrophic lake, was 117 microg/m2 yr, about 72% of which was attributed to the sedimentation corresponding to spring bloom phytoplankton deposition in late May to mid-June. The high sediment trap flux of HCHs in the eutrophic lake was related to serious local contamination.  相似文献   

Rush Lake (WI, USA), the largest prairie-pothole lake east of the Mississippi River, has been contaminated with lead pollution as a result of over 140 years of waterfowl hunting. We examined: (1) the extent of lead pollution in Rush Lake sediments and (2) whether lead pollution in Rush Lake is affecting the abundance and community structure of indigenous sediment bacteria. Sediment lead concentrations did not exceed 59 mg Pb kg(-1) dry sediment. No relationship was observed between sediment lead concentration and the abundance of aerobic (P=0.498) or anaerobic (P=0.416) heterotrophic bacteria. Similarly, lead did not appear to affect bacterial community structure when considering both culturable and nonculturable community members. In contrast, the culturable fraction of sediment bacteria in samples containing 59 mg Pb kg(-1) exhibited a unique community structure. While factors other than lead content likely play roles in determining bacterial community structure in the sediments of Rush Lake, these data suggest that the culturable fraction of sediment bacterial communities is affected by elevated lead levels.  相似文献   

An organophosphorus insecticide, temephos, was applied to large-volume (105 m3) enclosures set up in a shallow eutrophic lake. Application of the chemical at a target concentration of 500 microg litre(-1) eliminated almost all zooplankters. No recovery of cladocerans was evident at the termination of the experiment (47th day after the treatment). Copepods showed a slight recovery after having been absent for 26 days in one enclosure and 40 days in another. The residual chemical remaining in the water until the final day may have suppressed the recovery of the crustacean zooplankters. The rotifer community was reconstructed 16-20 days after the treatment. However, the species composition of this community differed from that of the rotifer community in the control enclosures. Rotifer species might therefore show differences in susceptibility to temephos.  相似文献   

在2014年6月至2015年5月,对以再生水为补水水源的天津临港生态湿地公园景观湖区的浮游藻类和水质指标进行逐月监测,应用典范对应分析(CCA)研究了浮游藻类与环境因子之间的关系,评价了湖区的水环境状况。结果表明:共鉴定出浮游藻类7门67属115种(包括变种),硅藻门种类最多,其次为绿藻门和蓝藻门,浮游藻类丰度范围为3.5×106~49×106 cells·L-1,平均丰度为25.7×106 cells·L-1,优势藻种主要为链状假鱼腥藻、梅尼小环藻、四尾栅藻、颤藻、项圈藻和卵形隐藻;多样性分析显示,藻类物种多样性一般,结合优势指示种评价水体为中污染富营养型水体;典范对应分析表明,水温、盐度、TN/TP等是影响临港再生水补水景观湖藻类群落结构的主要因素。  相似文献   

Muckian L  Grant R  Doyle E  Clipson N 《Chemosphere》2007,68(8):1535-1541
Bacterial community structure was examined in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contaminated soil taken from a timber treatment facility in southern Ireland. Profiles of soil bacterial communities were generated using a molecular fingerprinting technique, terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP), and results were interpreted using sophisticated multivariate statistical analysis. Findings suggested that there was a correlation between PAH structure and bacterial community composition. Initial characterisation of soil from the timber treatment facility indicated that PAH contamination was unevenly distributed across the site. Bacterial community composition was correlated with the type of PAH present, with microbial community structure associated with soil contaminated with two-ringed PAHs only being distinctly different to communities in soils contaminated with multi-component PAH mixtures. Typically the number of bacterial ribotypes detected in samples did not appear to be adversely affected by the level of contamination.  相似文献   

The land application of aged chortetracycle (CTC) and tylosin-containing swine manure was investigated to determine associated impacts to soil microbial respiration, nutrient (phosphorus, ammonium, nitrate) cycling, and soil microbial community structure under laboratory conditions. Two silty clay loam soils common to southeastern South Dakota were used. Aerobic soil respiration results using batch reactors containing a soil-manure mixture showed that interactions between soil, native soil microbial populations, and antimicrobials influenced CO2 generation. The aged tylosin treatment resulted in the greatest degree of CO2 inhibition, while the aged CTC treatment was similar to the no-antimicrobial treatment. For soil columns in which manure was applied at a one-time agronomic loading rate, there was no significant difference in soil-P behavior between either aged CTC or tylosin and the no-antimicrobial treatment. For soil-nitrogen (ammonium and nitrate), the aged CTC treatment resulted in rapid ammonium accumulation at the deeper 40cm soil column depth, while nitrate production was minimal. The aged CTC treatment microbial community structure was different than the no-antimicrobial treatment, where amines/amide and carbohydrate chemical guilds utilization profile were low. The aged tylosin treatment also resulted in ammonium accumulation at 40 cm column depth, however nitrate accumulation also occurred concurrently at 10 cm. The microbial community structure for the aged tylosin was also significantly different than the no-antimicrobial treatment, with a higher degree of amines/amides and carbohydrate chemical guild utilization compared to the no-antimicrobial treatment. Study results suggest that land application of CTC and tylosin-containing manure appears to fundamentally change microbial-mediated nitrogen behavior within soil A horizons.  相似文献   

The land application of aged chortetracycle (CTC) and tylosin-containing swine manure was investigated to determine associated impacts to soil microbial respiration, nutrient (phosphorus, ammonium, nitrate) cycling, and soil microbial community structure under laboratory conditions. Two silty clay loam soils common to southeastern South Dakota were used. Aerobic soil respiration results using batch reactors containing a soil-manure mixture showed that interactions between soil, native soil microbial populations, and antimicrobials influenced CO(2) generation. The aged tylosin treatment resulted in the greatest degree of CO(2) inhibition, while the aged CTC treatment was similar to the no-antimicrobial treatment. For soil columns in which manure was applied at a one-time agronomic loading rate, there was no significant difference in soil-P behavior between either aged CTC or tylosin and the no-antimicrobial treatment. For soil-nitrogen (ammonium and nitrate), the aged CTC treatment resulted in rapid ammonium accumulation at the deeper 40cm soil column depth, while nitrate production was minimal. The aged CTC treatment microbial community structure was different than the no-antimicrobial treatment, where amines/amide and carbohydrate chemical guilds utilization profile were low. The aged tylosin treatment also resulted in ammonium accumulation at 40 cm column depth, however nitrate accumulation also occurred concurrently at 10 cm. The microbial community structure for the aged tylosin was also significantly different than the no-antimicrobial treatment, with a higher degree of amines/amides and carbohydrate chemical guild utilization compared to the no-antimicrobial treatment. Study results suggest that land application of CTC and tylosin-containing manure appears to fundamentally change microbial-mediated nitrogen behavior within soil A horizons.  相似文献   

This study investigated the presence of organochlorine pollutants in abiotic and biotic samples from Lake Como (Italy). DDTs and PCBs were found to be the major contaminants, ranging from 0.04 to 4.25 and from 0.25 to 40.8 μg/g lipid respectively. Evidence of biomagnification according to the trophic role of the investigated organisms was highlighted by means of Stable Isotope Analysis. A Trophic Magnification Factor (TMF) was calculated for the chemicals of interest and the applicability of the method for global use was confirmed. Statistically significant correlation has been found between the calculated trophic level and the concentrations of more lipophilic compounds, while for the less lipophilic (e.g., HCH, 3CBs) the relationship is no statistically significant and the TMF is close to 1.The role of the foraging area in affecting PCB and DDT concentrations within aquatic ecosystems has been highlighted by a Principal Component Analysis (PCA).  相似文献   

Eutrophication has decreased the O(2) content and increased the NH(4)(+) availability in freshwaters. These changes may affect carbon and nitrogen transformation processes and the production of CH(4) and N(2)O, which are important greenhouse gases. We studied release of CH(4) and N(2)O from a eutrophic lake sediment under varying O(2) and NH(4)(+) conditions. Intact sediment cores were incubated in a laboratory microcosm with a continuous anoxic or oxic water flows containing 0, 50, 500, 5,000, or 15000 microM NH(4)(+). With the anoxic flow, the sediment released CH(4), up to 7.9 mmol m(-2)d(-1). With the oxic flow, the CH(4) emissions were small indicating limited CH(4) production and/or effective CH(4) oxidation. Addition of NH(4)(+) did not affect sediment CH(4) release, evidence that the CH(4) oxidizing bacteria were not disturbed by the extra NH(4)(+). The release of N(2)O from the sediment was highest, up to 7.6 micromol m(-2)d(-1), with the oxic flow without NH(4)(+) addition. Oxygen was the key factor regulating the production of NO(3)(-), which enabled denitrification and production of N(2)O. However, the highest NH(4)(+) addition increased nitrification and associated O(2) consumption causing a decrease in sediment O(2) content and in accumulation of NO(3)(-) and N(2)O, which were effectively reduced to N(2) in denitrification. In summary, sediment CH(4) and N(2)O dynamics are regulated more by the availability of O(2) than extra NH(4)(+). Anoxia in eutrophic lakes favouring the CH(4) production, is the major contributor to the atmospheric consequences of water eutrophication.  相似文献   

- Goal, Scope, Background. Lake Skadar is the largest lake in Balkan Peninsula, located on the Montenegro-Albanian border. The unique features of the lake and wide range of endemic and rare or endangered plant and animal species resulted in the classification of the Skadar as a wetland site of international significance. In spite of its importance the Lake is influenced by inflowing waters from river Morača and other regional rivers contaminated by the industry, municipal and agricultural activities in the area. Therefore, the Lake has been subject of various physical, chemical, biological and toxicological examinations. However, community-level analyses are most relevant to assess the effect of stressors on aquatic ecosystems. In the present study bacterial community structure among differently polluted sites of the lake was compared by genetic fingerprinting technique. Methods Water and sediment samples were collected from five differently polluted sampling sites on the Lake Skadar in spring and autumn of the same year. The bacterial community structure in the samples was characterized and compared by temporal temperature gel electrophoresis (TTGE) analysis of polymerase chain reaction-amplified bacterial 16S rRNA genes. Results and Discussion The TTGE analysis resulted in many distinguishable and reproducible band patterns, allowing reliable comparison of bacterial communities among sampling sites. Results on the bacterial community structure revealed that three of the selected locations can be considered as sites that have not shown any pollution degradation determined by our method, due to similar structure of bacterial community in the sediment samples. On the other hand, significant shifts in bacterial community structure in the mouth of the river Morača and Plavnica were shown. Since the results coincide with some of the bioassays and chemical analysis performed previously, the changes in bacterial community structure are explained as an effect of antropogenic pollution on the lake ecosystem by waters of river Morača and stream Plavnica. Conclusion The TTGE has proven to be an efficient and reliable method to monitor bacterial dynamics and community shifts in aquatic environment, especially in the sediments. Within the variety of environmental quality assessments the use of TTGE analyses of bacterial community is strongly recommended, particularly as an initial investigation. However, in any conclusion on the state of the environment, the TTGE results should be combined to some other biological, chemical and hydrological data. Recommendation and Outlook Since prokaryotes are a crucial group of organisms in the biosphere, the ecosystem function studies are largely based on bacterial communities. Therefore, bacterial community structure analysis should be a part of an integrated weight of evidence approach in pollution assessment. In case of Triad approach, consisting of chemical analyses, bioassays, and community studies in the field, the TTGE bacterial community structure analyses should be placed in the later Triad leg. In comparison to other community studies, based on various biotic indices, the TTGE bacterial community analysis has proven to be very sensitive, reliable and less time consuming.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Pollution-induced community tolerance (PICT) has been used to demonstrate effects of sediment contamination on microbes and meiofauna. Our study...  相似文献   

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