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Although many studies have focused on trace metals accumulation, investigations of talitrid amphipods as biomarkers are rare. This study explores the possibility of using the solar orientation capacity of Talitrus saltator as a behavioural marker of exposure to two essential (Cu and Zn) and two non-essential (Cd and Hg) metals. LC50 analyses performed before the solar orientation tests showed that the 72 h LC50 for Hg was 0.02 ppm while the 96 h LC50 values for Cu, Cd and Zn were 13.28 ppm, 27.66 ppm, and 62.74 ppm, respectively. The presence of metals in seawater affects the solar orientation capacity of T. saltator in a concentration-dependent manner and according to the toxicity ranking of the metals (Hg > Cu > Cd > Zn). Therefore, the solar orientation capacity of T. saltator seems to be a promising behavioural marker for exposure to trace metals.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to compare the level of metal contamination in two bays in the middle part of the Eastern Adriatic coastal zone in Croatia using the gills of mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis as indicator tissue. Despite the existing sources of contamination, previous studies with caged mussels only indicated moderate metal contamination of the Kaštela Bay, contrary to the Trogir Bay in which marina and shipyard present a probable source of Cu- and Zn-contamination.  相似文献   

We quantified the contents of four toxic metals in cosmetic products that are commercially available in Jordan; 112 cosmetics, representing 10 product types, were tested in triplicate after acid digestion using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry and a mercury analyzer. Ni was most abundant, detected in 104/112 (92.8%) products (average, 2.32 ppm; and median, 1.47 ppm); 66/112 (59%) contained >1 ppm and 13/112 (11.6%), >5 ppm Ni. Cd was second-most abundant, detected in 86/112 (76.7%) products (mean, 1.71 ppm; range from< detection limit [DL] to 18.07 ppm); 16 products (14.3%) exceeded the 3 ppm suggested limit. Pb was detected in 82/112 (73.2%) products (mean, 7.8 ppm; range, < detection limit to 190.43 ppm); 20/112 (17.8%) contained more than the suggested 10 ppm limit. Hg was least-frequently detected, present in 29/112 (25.9%) and at >3 ppm in 15/112 (13.4%) products. The highest content of Hg was observed in skin lightening creams (mean concentration, 1,008 ppm). Hg was detected in 20 (62.5%) of the 32 skin lightening creams tested, of which 11/32 (34.4%) contained > 3 ppm Hg. Of the 112 cosmetics tested, 17 (15.1%) products contained Ni, Pb, Cd, and Hg; 19/112 (16.9%) contained Cd, Pb, and Hg –no product exceeded the maximum acceptable limits for all three elements, and 9/112 (8%) products exceed the maximum recommended levels for at least two elements (Hg, Cd, and Pb).  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Seaweeds are good bio-monitors of heavy metal pollution and have been included in European coastal monitoring programs. However, data for seaweed...  相似文献   

A comparison is made of soil and earthworm contamination by PCBs and heavy metals between a nature reserve and two sites conditioned by the addition of sewage sludge and compost.The tissues and gut content of the earthworms shows a higher PCB concentration than that of the surrounding soil and also a difference in the fingerprint of some single PCB compounds.Earthworms display a selective accumulation of cadmium and zinc in their tissues and gut content.  相似文献   

The ability of some Mediterranean plant species to absorb heavy metals present in wastewater from treatment plants is researched. Their tolerance to high concentrations of heavy metals is also assessed. Myoporum sp., Nerium oleander and Geranium sp. were irrigated with wastewater, normal irrigation water, and irrigation water enriched with metals. The concentration of metals in the wastewater, irrigation water, in the soil, and in the leaves, tissues and roots of the plants were measured. The results show that treatment of plants with wastewater gives slightly increased concentrations of metals in leaves and roots. In contrast, irrigation with high concentrations of Cu2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+ (up to 1000 mg/1) resulted to significantly higher concentrations of these metals in the roots than in the leaves. However, all plants have been shown to tolerate high concentrations of heavy metals except Nerium oleander, which exhibited strong toxicity in leaves. The tolerance of these Mediterranean plant species to polluted environments allows them to be irrigated by wastewater from treatment plants, so as to achieve the best environmental rehabilitation of desertified Mediterranean areas.  相似文献   

In order to gain more information on the possible use of four gastropod species as metal biomonitors for the Mediterranean area, the influence of body weight upon Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations was studied in specimens collected at locations with different degrees of environmental pollution. The selected species were the marine snails Monodonta turbinata Born and Monodonta mutabilis Philippi, and the limpets Patella caerulea L. and Patella lusitanica Gmelin. Significant differences between metal concentrations in individuals from different stations were tested by ANCOVA on log-transformed data with log body weight as covariate. For all species a positive correlation between metal concentrations and body weight was observed, which means that the largest individuals contained the highest levels of metals. The inclusion of body weight as covariate in the statistical analysis explained from 81% to 99% of the metal variability within the organisms and enabled the achievement of improvements in the detection of differences among sites. The four selected species provided a rather univocal picture of bioavailable metal loads at the different stations of the experimental area. Except for Cd, the metal concentrations recorded at the clean stations were found to lie in the range of the lowest values reported in the literature and can be employed as useful background levels which can be referred to for intraspecific comparison within the Mediterranean area. It is concluded that in view of its distribution, unambiguous identification, resistance to pollution and accumulation patterns M. turbinata has considerable potential as a biomonitor of trace metals over the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

A compilation of information about levels of selected persistent organic pollutants, namely polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroetane and its degradation products (DDTs) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB), in Mediterranean sediments, including data published from 1971 to 2005, has been conducted in order to assess their main drivers and pressures in the environment. The application of mapping tools (GIS) and statistical instruments enabled the assessment of geographical and temporal trends. Chemical contamination mainly originates from land-based sources, and decreases significantly when moving off-shore. Contamination hot spots are generally located along the Northern coastline. The data for open sea sediments enabled the establishment of background levels of contamination for the region. A decreasing temporal trend in concentrations was found, more evident in the case of DDTs probably due to a more efficient regulation of this chemical. Finally, some gaps in reliable data were also identified which were related to the lack of information in the southern and eastern parts of the Mediterranean as well as the variety of analytical methodologies used.  相似文献   

Concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Fe) were determined in the tissues of bank voles collected in polluted forest sites in southern Poland and in Bia?owieza National Park. The highest cadmium concentrations were found in livers (0.9-12.8 microg g(-1)) and kidneys (3.2-29.6 microg g(-1)), whereas the lowest were in bones (0.2-0.9 microg g(-1)). The lead concentrations found in kidneys and bones ranged from 9.5 to 40.0 microg g(-1). The ranges of zinc, iron and copper concentrations in the tissues of animals were: 137-343 microg g(-1), 206-1017 microg(-1) and 12.0-73.8 microg(-1), respectively. Some of the differences between the levels found in various sites were statistically significant.  相似文献   

Observations of condensation nuclei concentrations (Aitken nuclei) were made on board the Glomar Challenger during Mediterranean cruises in both 1970 and 1975. The data reveal number concentrations considerably greater than previously reported. The concentrations expected are about 1000–2000 cm−3 as opposed to open-ocean concentrations of about 400 cm−3 or less. The observed concentrations were significantly greater in 1975 than 1970 which may reflect increased industrial activity but other possible causes, such as different vegetative production of particles, cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

不同土壤重金属复合污染的有效态离子冲量表征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
丁园  宗良纲 《环境污染与防治》2003,25(3):173-175,178
选择红壤、黄棕壤和潮土为对象,依据中国土壤环境质量二级和三级标准确定土壤重金属铜、锌、镉的污染浓度,通过生物盆裁试验研究在重金属Cu、Zn、Cd复合污染条件下牧草(黑麦草、紫花苜蓿)体内重金属含量和土壤中重金属有效态含量的相关性,结果表明,在3种不同性质的污染土壤上,牧草体内重金属的离子冲量与其对应土壤中重金属有效态的离子冲量之间均存在明显的相关性。校正土壤pH、牧草品种等因素后,土壤有效态离子冲量可以有效表征不同土壤-牧草系统的重金属复合污染。  相似文献   

There are few accounts of oil contamination of raptors, and it has not been considered a threat for them. However, we and our colleagues found oil-based asphalt on 55 individuals of 9 species out of 1052 raptors (5.2%) captured and examined in the spring of 1985 and 1986 during our raptor migration study at Elat, Israel. Some were extensively contaminated and probably succumbed to the effects of ingested asphalt. The birds most likely picked up the contamination while drinking water from pools with surface oil. Examples of the contamination will be described. Over 1.2 million raptors were counted passing Elat during the spring of 1985. If 5% of these were contaminated, that would be over 60,000 birds, and this does not consider the raptors that migrate along the Red Sea and do not pass near Elat, nor those that pass Elat unseen by the counters. Thus asphalt contamination could be a major problem for raptors migrating along the Red Sea.  相似文献   

Lee PK  Yu YH  Yun ST  Mayer B 《Chemosphere》2005,60(5):672-689
This study was undertaken to assess the anthropogenic impact on metal concentrations of urban roadside sediments (N = 633) in Seoul city, Korea and to estimate the potential mobility of selected metals (Zn, Cu, Pb, Cr, Ni, and Cd) using sequential extraction. Comparison of metal concentrations in roadside sediments with mean background values in sediments collected from first- or second-order streams in Korea shows that Zn, Cu and Pb are most affected by anthropogenic inputs. The 206Pb/207Pb ratios of roadside sediments (range = 1.1419-1.1681; mean 1.1576 +/- 0.0068) suggest that Pb is mainly derived from industrial sources rather than from leaded gasoline. A five-step sequential extraction of roadside sediments showed that Zn, Cd and to a lesser degree Ni occur predominantly in the carbonate bound fraction, while Pb is highest in the reducible fraction, Cu in the organic fraction, and Cr in the residual fraction. It was found that the concentrations in the readily available exchangeable fraction were generally low for most metals examined, except for Ni whose exchangeable fraction was appreciable (average 15.2%). Considering the proportion of metals bound to the exchangeable and carbonate fractions, the comparative mobility of metals probably decreases in the order of Zn > Ni > Cd > Pb > Cu > Cr. As potential changes of redox state and pH may remobilize the metals bound to carbonates, reducible, and/or organic matter, and may release and flush them through drain networks into streams, careful monitoring of environmental conditions appears to be very important. With respect to ecotoxicity, it is apparent the Zn and Cu pollution is of particular concern in Seoul city.  相似文献   

With the aim of assessing the biological effects of pollution along three gradients of pollution in the NW Mediterranean Sea, a biomonitoring survey was implemented using a battery of biomarkers (lysosomal membrane stability, lysosomal structural changes, metallothionein (MT) induction and peroxisome proliferation) in mussels over a period of two years as part of the EU-funded BEEP project. Mussels from the most impacted zones (Fos, Genova and Barcelona harbours) showed enlarged lysosomes accompanied by reduced labilisation period of lysosomal membranes, indicating disturbed health. MT levels did not reveal significant differences between stations and were significantly correlated with gonad index, suggesting that they were influenced by gamete development. Peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase (AOX) activity was significantly inhibited in polluted stations possibly due to interactions among mixtures of pollutants. In conclusion, the application of a battery of effect and exposure biomarkers provided relevant data for the assessment of biological effects of environmental pollution along the NW Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

A biomonitoring survey using the moss species [Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw. and Scelopodium touretii (Brid.) L. Kock] was performed in the whole territory of Portugal, in order to evaluate the atmospheric deposition of the following elements: Cd. Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn. The concentrations of the same elements were also obtained in two types of soil samples, collected under the moss and in nearby plots without any plant coverage, and relationships between moss and soil concentrations was investigated using the multivariate statistical method of Co-inertia Analysis. Also, relationships between concentrations in moss and several anthropogenic, geologic, pedologic and environmental parameters were screened using the same method of Co-inertia Analysis. Higher concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn were found in areas of higher population density, with higher gasoline consumption, while higher values of Fe and Cr occur in the driest region, with lower plant coverage, indicating strong contamination by resuspended soil particles. Results also show good agreement between moss and soil contents, even for elements with high contribution of anthropogenic sources. The spatial pattern in Portugal of element contents in mosses were also detected and discussed in relation to local contamination sources.  相似文献   

A biomonitoring program was carried out in spring and autumn in three pollution hot-spots and sensitive areas of the NW Mediterranean Sea using red mullets (Mullus barbatus) as sentinel organisms and a battery of biomarkers together with gonad histology. In fish from anthropogenic impacted areas (Fos-sur-mer, Cortiou, Arenzano, Delta of Ebro) lysosomal membrane destabilization occurred indicating disturbed health. There were no significant differences in metallothionein (MT) levels among stations. Peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase (AOX) activity was highest in fish from Cortiou. Both MT levels and AOX activities were significantly correlated with gamete development. Prevalence of melanomacrophage centers were high in Cortiou in all samplings and in Fos-sur-mer in September samplings. In conclusion, the application of a battery of biomarkers in red mullets provided relevant data for the assessment of environmental pollution in the NW Mediterranean Sea but also showed the difficulties of using native fish as sentinels. For future studies caging strategies are recommended.  相似文献   

Pikkarainen AL 《Chemosphere》2006,65(10):1888-1897
Exposure of Baltic Sea perch (Perca fluviatilis) to organic contaminants was investigated by means of liver enzyme activity, measured as ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity, and PAH metabolites excreted to bile. Female perch used in the study were caught in coastal waters of the western Gulf of Finland. Reaction conditions were optimised for determination of EROD activity in liver. A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method with fluorescence detection was developed to separate the interfering fluorescent signal from the signal due to EROD activity. EROD activity in perch varied within a concentration range of 0.30-14 pmol min(-1)mg(-1) protein. Recent PAH exposure was indicated in enhanced levels of the bile metabolite 1-hydroxypyrene, which varied between 213 and 1149 microg kg(-1). No correlation was indicated between hepatic EROD activity and concentration of 1-hydroxypyrene.  相似文献   

Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbon fluxes were measured in time series sediment trap samples at 200 m and at 1000 m depths in the open Northwestern Mediterranean Sea, from December 2000 to July 2002. Averaged fluxes of n-alkanes, UCM and T-PAH35 were 2.96 ± 2.60 μg m−2 d−1, 64 ± 60 μg m−2 d−1 and 0.68 ± 0.59 μg m−2 d−1, respectively. Molecular compositions of both hydrocarbon classes showed a contamination in petrogenic hydrocarbons well above the background levels of such an open site, whereas pyrolytic hydrocarbons stand in the range of other open Mediterranean locations. Fluxes displayed ample interannual and seasonal variabilities, mainly related to mass flux variation while concentration evolutions trigger secondary changes in pollutant fluxes. High lithogenic flux events exported particles with a larger pollutant load than biogenic particles formed during the spring bloom and during the summer. Sinking hydrocarbons were efficiently transported from 200 m to 1000 m.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine metal (Cd, Co, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb) concentrations in Posidonia oceanica tissues along the Corsican coastline. The results show that except for Cr, all the metals are preferentially accumulated in the blades; this is particularly interesting as it means that future metal analyses may be carried out only on the blades avoiding thus the removal of the shoots. Moreover, they show that metal concentrations may reflect the "background noise" of the Mediterranean Sea. Station 15 (Canari) can however be distinguished from the others due to its high Co, Cr and Ni concentrations. This result may be related to the presence of a previous asbestos mine, located near this station. Therefore, this study reinforces the usefulness and the relevance of Posidonia oceanica as a tracer of spatial metal contamination and as an interesting tool for water quality evaluation.  相似文献   

At four sites in Sweden, atmospheric precipitation for trace metal analysis was collected simultaneously in acid-washed collectors and collectors only rinsed in water. The results indicate that samples could be greatly contaminated if the collectors and storage bottles were not acid washed. Risk of contamination was greatest for Cd, Cu and Zn. In some instances Cu concentrations were a factor of 50 larger in samples that were collected and stored in bottles which were not acid washed. The concentrations found in atmospheric precipitation, collected and stored in acid washed equipment, are substantially lower than previously reported values for Scandinavia. Thus, it is concluded that many of the trace metal concentrations in atmospheric precipitation reported in the literature may be in error because proper precautions were not taken to avoid sample contamination.  相似文献   

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