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An appraisal of seawater intrusion into the coastal aquifers is one of the major issues for groundwater resource management. The GALDIT model applies to the analysis of multiple parameters using systematic GIS techniques for mapping and assessment of seawater intrusion vulnerability. It demarcates the mapping of potential vulnerability that shows a higher vulnerability to seawater intrusion in various parts of the coast and the estimated vulnerability index value of 7.50 and 9.64. An area of 33.0 km2 spread in the low-lying coastal area comprising estuaries, salt marshes, and saltpans shows the high vulnerability condition with an estimated vulnerability value of 6.42–7.50. An area of 73.20 km2 spread over coastal and alluvial plains experiences moderate vulnerability (temporal salinity in the groundwater sources) with an estimated vulnerability index value of 5.46–6.42. Aquifers underlying coastal uplands (hard rock formations) and some parts of accretionary beaches (2.05 km2) are relatively protected fresh groundwater sources, wherein the estimated vulnerability index is 4.55–5.46. The vulnerability mapping of the GALDIT model using hydrochemical analysis of primary groundwater parameters such as TDS, Cl?, HCO3, and Cl?/HCO3 ratio is validated. Higher concentration of TDS (2637–4162 mg/l) and Cl? (1268–2347 mg/l) is taken for the areas falling under higher vulnerability to seawater intrusion, especially in the placer mining sites and coastal areas facing erosion. Similarly, the groundwater sources of the low-lying areas including estuaries, salt marshes, saltpans, and backwater were noted to have higher values of Cl?/HCO3 with a rationality of 9.87–12.18. Hydrological facies shows the highest concentration of NaCl in the groundwater sources within the proximity of eroded beaches, saltwater bodies, and sand mining areas. A hydrochemical facies evolution (HFE) diagram represents the hydrochemical facies of groundwater elements that shows an intrusion of seawater into the coastal aquifers underlying the very high vulnerable zones. Higher bicarbonate concentration (233–318 mg/l) is noticed in the upland areas and some parts of dunes and accreted beaches, sandy coasts, and uplands. Vulnerability analysis reveals that those areas near saltwater bodies and eroding coasts are prone to lateral and vertical diffusion of saltwater. The geodatabase developed through such modeling studies can help in planning and developing activities for sustainable groundwater resource management in coastal areas.


Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Microplastics (MPs), together with microfibers, have emerged as a contaminant of concern all around the globe. MPs have been detected in freshwater,...  相似文献   

Published estimates for base metal emissions from the copper–nickel industry on the Kola Peninsula are re-examined in the light of (a) chemical data on the composition of the ores; (b) official emission figures for 1994; and (c) modelled emissions based on dry and wet deposition estimates derived from data for snow and rain samples collected in 1994. The modelled emissions, official emission figures and chemical data are mutually compatible for Ni, Cu and Co and show that previously published figures underestimated the emissions of the major elements, Ni and Cu (though within the same order of magnitude) and overestimated the emissions of As, Pb, Sb and Zn by up to several orders of magnitude, in some cases exceeding the calculated total input to the plants. Published estimates have neglected information on the nature and chemistry of the ores processed in metallurgical industries in the Noril'sk area of Siberia and the Urals. Revised emission estimates for 1994, using knowledge of the chemistry of the ores, are proposed: taken with published information on total emissions up to 2000 these data give an indication of emission levels in more recent years.  相似文献   

In developed nations people spend about 90% of their time indoors. The relationship between indoor and outdoor air pollution levels is important for the understanding of the health effects of outdoor air pollution. Although other studies describe both the outdoor and indoor atmospheric environment, few excluded a priori major indoor sources, measured the air exchange rate, included more than one micro-environment and included the presence of human activity. PM2.5, soot, NO2 and the air exchange rate were measured during winter and summer indoors and outdoors at 18 homes (mostly apartments) of 18 children (6–11-years-old) and also at the six schools and 10 pre-schools that the children attended. The three types of indoor environments were free of environmental tobacco smoke and gas appliances, as the aim was to asses to what extent PM2.5, soot and NO2 infiltrate from outdoors to indoors. The median indoor and outdoor PM2.5 levels were 8.4 μg m?3 and 9.3 μg m?3, respectively. The median indoor levels for soot and NO2 were 0.66 m?1 × 10?5 and 10.0 μg m?3, respectively. The respective outdoor levels were 0.96 m?1 × 10?5 and 12.4 μg m?3. The median indoor/outdoor (I/O) ratios were 0.93, 0.76 and 0.92 for PM2.5, soot and NO2, respectively. Their infiltration factors were influenced by the micro-environment, ventilation type and air exchange rate, with aggregated values of 0.25, 0.55 and 0.64, respectively. Indoor and outdoor NO2 levels were strongly associated (R2 = 0.71), followed by soot (R2 = 0.50) and PM2.5 (R2 = 0.16). In Stockholm, the three major indoor environments occupied by children offer little protection against combustion-related particles and gases in the outdoor air. Outdoor PM2.5 seems to infiltrate less, but indoor sources compensate.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial distributions of boundary-layer ozone were studied during June 2000 at Summit, Greenland, using surface-level measurements and vertical profiling from a tethered balloon platform. Three weeks of continuous ozone surface data, 133 meteorological vertical profile data and 82 ozone vertical profile data sets were collected from the surface to a maximum altitude of 1400 m above ground.The lower atmosphere at Summit was characterized by the prevalence of strong stable conditions with strong surface temperature inversions. These inversions reversed to neutral to slightly unstable conditions between ∼9.00 and 18.00 h local time with the formation of shallow mixing heights of ∼70–250 m above the surface.The surface ozone mixing ratio ranged from 39 to 68 ppbv and occasionally had rapid changes of up to 20 ppb in 12 h. The diurnal mean ozone mixing ratio showed diurnal trends indicating meteorological and photochemical controls of surface ozone. Vertical profiles were within the range of 37–76 ppb and showed strong stratification in the lower troposphere. A high correlation of high ozone/low water vapor air masses indicated the transport of high tropospheric/low stratospheric air into the lower boundary layer. A ∼0.1–3 ppb decline of the ozone mixing ratio towards the surface was frequently observed within the neutrally stable mixed layer during midday hours. These data suggest that the boundary-layer ozone mixing ratio and ozone depletion and deposition to the snowpack are influenced by photochemical processes and/or transport phenomena that follow diurnal dependencies. With 37 ppb of ozone being the lowest mixing ratio measured in all data no evidence was seen for the occurrence of ozone depletion episodes similar to those that have been reported within the boundary layer at coastal Arctic sites during springtime.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Natural (40K, 226Ra, 232Th, 238U) and anthropogenic (137Cs) radionuclides in consolidated sedimentary rocks (limestones s.l. and marls) and...  相似文献   

Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) are a rapidly growing class of porous materials and are considered as best adsorbents for their high surface area and extraordinary porosity. The MOFs are synthesized by using various chemicals like triethylamine, terepthalic acid, zinc acetate dihydrate, chloroform, and dimethylformamide (DMF). Synthesized MOFs are intercalated with palladium/activated carbon, carbon black, and carbon nanomaterials by chemical reduction method for the purpose of enhancing the hydrogen adsorption capacities. We have observed that the palladium doped activated carbon on MOF-5 showed high hydrogen storage capacity. This may be due to the affinity of the palladium toward hydrogen molecule. The samples are characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) surface area analysis. We have observed a clear decrease in the BET surface area and pore volume. The obtained results show a better performance for the synthesized sample. To our best knowledge, no one has reported the work on palladium-doped carbon materials (activated carbon, carbon black, carbon nanomaterials) impregnated to the metal–organic framework-5. We have attempted to synthesize carbon nanomaterials using indigenously fabricated chemical vapor deposition (CVD) unit as a support. We have observed an increase in the hydrogen storage capacities.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Secondhand smoke (SHS) accounts for 0.9 million deaths and 24 million disability adjusted life years (DALYs) annually. Nearly 30% of adults in India...  相似文献   

We present two years (January 2007–December 2008) of atmospheric SO2, NO2 and NH3 measurements from ten background or rural sites in nine provinces in China. The measurements were made on a monthly basis using passive samplers under careful quality control. The results show large geographical and seasonal variations in the concentrations of these gases. The mean SO2 concentration varied from 0.7 ± 0.4 ppb at Waliguan on Qinghai Plateau to 67.3 ± 31.1 ppb at Kaili in Guizhou province. The mean NO2 concentration ranged from 0.6 ± 0.4 ppb at Waliguan to 23.9 ± 6.9 ppb at Houma in southern Shanxi. The mean NH3 concentration ranged from 2.8 ± 3.0 ppb at Shangdianzi in northeastern Beijing to 13.7 ± 8.4 ppb at Houma. At most sites, SO2 and NO2 peaked in winter and reached minima in summer, while NH3 showed maximum values in summer and lower values in cold seasons. On the whole, the geographical distributions of the observed gas concentrations are consistent with those of emissions. The ground measurements of SO2 and NO2 are contrasted to the SCIAMACHY SO2 and OMI NO2 tropospheric columns, respectively. Although the satellite data can capture the main features of emissions and concentrations of SO2, they do not reflect the variations of SO2 in the surface layer. The situation is better for the case of NO2. The OMI NO2 columns capture the geographical differences in the ground NO2 and correlate fairly well with the ground levels of NO2 at six of the ten sites.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to analyse zoobenthic assemblages in the coastal sector of the Río de La Plata, Argentina, after a petroleum spill. Sampling stations were located in representative sites of various landscapes. Structure, composition, physico-chemical parameters and seasonal changes were recorded in order to assess taxocenosis evolution during the period 1999–2003. Recovery signs were estimated by means of biotic indices and the presence of sensitive species. Tolerant species were dominant in heavily polluted sites, with low diversity and water quality values, according to the biotic indices used. In certain zones, sediment quality remains impoverished, with a visible oil film on the surface. However, during the last sampling, some points showed an increase in biotic indices, pointing to a slight improvement in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to investigate the behaviour and variability of oxidant levels (OX?=?NO2?+?O3), for the first time, in a rural coastal area in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, affected by several air masses types. Detailed database (built-up over the years 2008 to 2011, and containing around 500,000 data) from the Atmospheric Sounding Station “El Arenosillo” was used. The observed daily cycles of NO x and OX were influenced by air masses coming from industrial and urban area. It can be seen that the concentration of OX is made up of a NO x -independent ‘regional’ contribution (i.e. the O3 background), and a linearly NO x -dependent ‘local’ contribution from primary emissions, such as traffic. The local emission is very low in this area. Also, the regional contribution is similar to unpolluted sites and presents seasonal variation, being higher in May. However, our measurements showed that the proportion of OX in the form of NO2 increases with the increase in NO x concentration during the day. The higher proportion of NO2 observed at night must be due to the conversion of NO to NO2 by the NO?+?O3 reaction. With regards to the source of the local NO x -dependent contribution, it may be attributed to industrial emission, or the termolecular reaction 2NO?+?O2?=?2NO2, at high-NO x levels and stagnant air during several days. Finally, we estimated the photolysis rate of NO2, J NO2, an important key atmospheric reaction coupled with ozone. We also present surface plots of annual variation of the daily mean NO x and OX levels, which indicate that oxidants come from transport processes instead of local emissions associated as local photochemistry.  相似文献   

A Mie-scattering-polarized Haze Lidar was installed at Eureka, Canada (80°N, 86°W), in February 1993 and has been used to observe the arctic haze during winter seasons from 1993–94 to 1996–97. Although it is difficult to distinguish between the arctic haze and other scattering objects (mainly clouds) under the specific conditions, two methods were used to classify those objects into two groups. First the vertical profiles of the arctic haze and clouds were compared with meteorological data observed by a radiosonde, and the relations between the scattering and depolarization ratios and the meteorological data were investigated. Then, since the arctic haze had very stable layers, the time dependency of the correlation coefficient between the different vertical profiles for the arctic haze and clouds was investigated. After the scattering objects were classified into two groups (the arctic haze and the clouds), the scattering ratio, the depolarization ratio, and the occurrence probabilities of them were investigated statistically. The statistical results, from the observations over the last four winter seasons, indicate that the average values of the scattering and depolarization ratios of the arctic haze were respectively 1.27 and 1.34%. The average humidity over ice of the layer containing the arctic haze was 42±19% (cloud: 92±13%). The arctic haze was observed at altitudes less than 3 km frequently and at altitudes of 3–5 km occasionally.  相似文献   

Tapered element oscillating microbalances (TEOMs) are used in the UK Automatic Monitoring Network for the continuous measurement of ambient airborne particles. Used TEOM filters from Swansea, Cardiff and Pembroke were examined under high-resolution field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). Clusters of calcium sulphate crystals, gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) and anhydrite (CaSO4) were abundant on spring and summer filters, and not present on autumn and winter filters. From textural considerations, the sulphates must have crystallised on the filter surfaces, either by dissolution and recrystallisation of CaSO4 collected as particles, or by direct precipitation from saline water collected on the filters; in much the same way as the formation of ‘desert roses’ by the evaporation of saline pore waters in desert sands. The proposed mechanism for the formation of these crystals has two important implications. Firstly, if the filters are episodically saturated with water, then on occasion the recorded masses will consist of both particles plus water, causing errors in the results of continuous monitoring; an important consideration for epidemiological studies based on TEOM data. Secondly, past toxicological experiments undertaken on TEOM-derived ‘PM10’ may have investigated material containing a significant component of in situ formed crystals, rather than the original PM10.  相似文献   

Algal bloom could drastically influence the nutrient cycling in lakes. To understand how the internal nutrient release responds to algal bloom decay, water and sediment columns were sampled at 22 sites from four distinct regions of China’s eutrophic Lake Taihu and incubated in the laboratory to examine the influence of massive algal bloom decay on nutrient release from sediment. The column experiment involved three treatments: (1) water and sediment (WS); (2) water and algal bloom (WA); and (3) water, sediment, and algal bloom (WSA). Concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), ammonium (NH 4 + -N), and orthophosphate (PO 4 3? -P) were recorded during incubation. The decay of algal material caused a more rapid decrease in DO than in the algae-free controls and led to significant increases in NH 4 + -N and PO 4 3? -P in the water. The presence of algae during the incubation had a regionally variable effect on sediment nutrient profiles. In the absence of decaying algae (treatment WS), sediment nutrient concentrations decreased during the incubation. In the presence of blooms (WSA), sediments from the river mouth released P to the overlying water, while sediments from other regions absorbed surplus P from the water. This experiment showed that large-scale algal decay will dramatically affect nutrient cycling at the sediment–water interface and would potentially transfer the function of sediment as “container” or “supplier” in Taihu, although oxygen exchange with atmosphere in lake water was stronger than in columns. The magnitude of the effect depends on the physical–chemical character of the sediments.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to relate the results obtained by chemical methods, used to assess environmental (bio)availability, with the ecotoxic response and bioaccumulation of trace elements (TE) by the earthworm Eisenia fetida exposed to field-contaminated, metal-polluted soils from a sulphide mine. The extracting solution 0.5 M NH4CH3COO, 0.5 M CH3COOH and 0.02 M EDTA (pH 4.7), was able to predict environmental bioavailability of TE to E. fetida. However, the toxicological bioavailability could not be predicted from the results of the chemical extractions or from the bioaccumulation results: E. fetida reproduction was higher in soils where environmental bioavailability of TE and bioaccumulation values were also higher. In this study, the toxic response of the organism seemed to be more influenced by the overall nutritional status of the soil (e.g. pH, organic matter, plant nutrient availability and cation exchange capacity) than by its TE contamination. In the case of anthropogenic multi-contaminated sites, the different soil characteristics exert an important and confounding influence in the toxic response and the relationship between different bioavailable fractions cannot be easily established, emphasising the need to combine results from chemical methods with those from bioassays when evaluating the bioavailability of TE in these soils.  相似文献   

Particulate (POC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is an important parameter for the pollution assessment of coastal marine systems, especially those affected by anthropogenic, domestic, and industrial activities. In the present paper, a similar marine system (Saronikos Gulf) located in the west-central Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean Sea) was examined, in terms of the temporal and spatial distribution of organic carbon (POC and DOC), with respect to marine sources and pathways. POC was maximum in winter in the Saronikos Gulf, due to the bloom of phytoplankton, whereas in the Elefsis Bay (located in the north side of the Saronikos Gulf) in summer, since phytoplankton grazes in the Bay in the end of summer (except for winter). Approximately 60 % of the bulk DOC of the water column was estimated as non-refractory (labile and semi-labile), due to the major anthropogenic, domestic, and industrial effects of the region and the shallow depths. The spatial distribution of POC and DOC mainly affects the northeastern section of the Gulf, since that region has been accepted major organic discharges for a long time period, in connection to the relatively long renewal times of its waters.  相似文献   

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