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A case study is presented where an integrated, ecologically relevant exposure assessment is presented for a polluted lowland river. Using partial least squares regression of latent structures (PLS), an analysis of the impact of two effluents on physico-chemical water quality measures, macroinvertebrate and diatom communities, and in situ bioassay responses with four different test species are combined into an integrative exposure assessment. Bioassays focussed on growth and condition related endpoints, because they are key functional processes of organisms and populations. Integrating these multiple lines of evidence, we were able to discriminate among the impact of both effluents, link changes in physico-chemical water quality with bioassay endpoints and ecological quality of the ecosystem, and address the importance of integrating all information into one exposure assessment framework. The bioassays under field conditions indicated that most endpoints measured are a reflection of ecological effects rather than pollution related effects, or at least a combination of both ecological and toxicological effects. Factors such as food availability clearly influenced the outcome of in situ bioassays and ecological information was essential to explain observed discrepancies when trying to extrapolate bioassay results from the laboratory to the field.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relation between vegetation reflectance and elevated concentrations of the metals Ni, Cd, Cu, Zn and Pb in river floodplain soils. High-resolution vegetation reflectance spectra in the visible to near-infrared (400-1350 nm) were obtained using a field radiometer. The relations were evaluated using simple linear regression in combination with two spectral vegetation indices: the Difference Vegetation Index (DVI) and the Red-Edge Position (REP). In addition, a multivariate regression approach using partial least squares (PLS) regression was adopted. The three methods achieved comparable results. The best R(2) values for the relation between metals concentrations and vegetation reflectance were obtained for grass vegetation and ranged from 0.50 to 0.73. Herbaceous species displayed a larger deviation from the established relationships, resulting in lower R(2) values and larger cross-validation errors. The results corroborate the potential of hyperspectral remote sensing to contribute to the survey of elevated metal concentrations in floodplain soils under grassland using the spectral response of the vegetation as an indicator. Additional constraints will, however, have to be taken into account, as results are resolution- and location-dependent.  相似文献   

The sources and transformations of sedimentary organic matter along the Harney River, a representative subtropical river of the Florida Everglades, were assessed using a natural product biomarker approach. Sediment samples were collected from the headwaters to the Continental Shelf, with characteristic vegetation dominated by freshwater marsh species, mangrove (middle to lower estuary), and seagrass as the marine end-member. A peat sample was collected inland. All sample extracts were analyzed by GC–MS as underivatized and as silylated compounds. With these total extract analyses, major compound classes can be defined: n-alkanols, n-alkanoic acids, methyl alkanoates, methyl - and ω-hydroxyalkanoates, triterpenoids, phytosterols and saccharides, with traces of hydrocarbons. In general, the peat sample extract has a different overall composition compared to the sediment extracts. The major differences include distinct carbon number maxima for the lipid series (e.g., Cmax = 28 for n-alkanols) probably from sawgrass and periphyton biomass, and predominance of phytosterols (sitosterol and stigmasterol) from higher plant detritus. In contrast, river sediment extracts contain biomarkers predominantly from mangrove-derived organic matter, such as the triterpenoids taraxerol and myricadiol. Significant amounts of saccharides and ω-hydroxyalkanoates are also found. Generally, compound concentrations decrease downstream due to dilution, and alteration of organic compounds from plant waxes and coastal vegetation is obvious in both peat and sediment samples. This is confirmed by the significant low abundance of n-alkanes and n-alkenoic acids due to biodegradation, oxidation of -tocopherol to homophytanic acid γ-lactone, and presence of traces of dihydrolacunosic acid, a photochemical alteration product of taraxerol.  相似文献   

The establishment of an efficient surface water quality monitoring (WQM) network is a critical component in the assessment, restoration and protection of river water quality. A periodic evaluation of monitoring network is mandatory to ensure effective data collection and possible redesigning of existing network in a river catchment. In this study, the efficacy and appropriateness of existing water quality monitoring network in the Kabbini River basin of Kerala, India is presented. Significant multivariate statistical techniques like principal component analysis (PCA) and principal factor analysis (PFA) have been employed to evaluate the efficiency of the surface water quality monitoring network with monitoring stations as the evaluated variables for the interpretation of complex data matrix of the river basin. The main objective is to identify significant monitoring stations that must essentially be included in assessing annual and seasonal variations of river water quality. Moreover, the significance of seasonal redesign of the monitoring network was also investigated to capture valuable information on water quality from the network. Results identified few monitoring stations as insignificant in explaining the annual variance of the dataset. Moreover, the seasonal redesign of the monitoring network through a multivariate statistical framework was found to capture valuable information from the system, thus making the network more efficient. Cluster analysis (CA) classified the sampling sites into different groups based on similarity in water quality characteristics. The PCA/PFA identified significant latent factors standing for different pollution sources such as organic pollution, industrial pollution, diffuse pollution and faecal contamination. Thus, the present study illustrates that various multivariate statistical techniques can be effectively employed in sustainable management of water resources. Highlights ? The effectiveness of existing river water quality monitoring network is assessed ? Significance of seasonal redesign of the monitoring network is demonstrated ? Rationalization of water quality parameters is performed in a statistical framework  相似文献   

This article examines the advantages of the use of biomarkers as environmental indicators by applying it to Paraiba do Sul watershed, one of the most important Brazilian water bodies, which is in a critical environmental situation. We use a multibiomarker approach in fish as an integrated strategy to assess the impact of pollution. It comprehends a general biomarker of fish health, the condition factor (CF), and specific biomarkers of contaminant exposure such as metallothionein (MT), acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity and biliary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) metabolites. Our results revealed different effects in the fish from diverse locations with varying degrees of pollution. Furthermore, fish located just upstream of the water-treatment plant of the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro has shown to be affected by metals. This study indicates the usefulness of integrating a set of biomarkers to define the effects of anthropogenic inputs in aquatic bodies under complex polluted situations.  相似文献   

U-series data relating to groundwater, fracture coatings and the adjoining rock matrix in a groundwater flow system at the Palmottu natural analogue site was examined. The aim was to obtain an experimental reference for migration modelling in a transport section defined within the flow system. The U-series reference obtained turned out to be a very useful tool for fine tuning the flow route and for migration mechanism considerations. The U-series data are well in line with other interpretations of the migration system.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Rivers engage in carbon cycle by transporting the dissolved products of weathering of rocks to the oceans, and this process is sensitive to the global...  相似文献   

The concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) were determined in river sediments collected at the Ave river basin (Portugal) to obtain a general classification scenery of the pollution in this highly polluted region. Multivariate data analysis techniques of clustering, principal components and eigenvector projections were used in this classification. Five general areas with different polluting characteristics were detected and several individual heavy metal concentration abnormalities were detected in restricted areas. A good correlation between the overall metal contamination determined by multivariate analysis and metal pollution indexes for all sampling stations was obtained. Some preliminary experiments showed that the metal concentrations normalised to the volatile matter content in the sediment fraction with grain size <63 microm seems to be an adequate method for assessing metal pollution.  相似文献   

Warren C  Mackay D  Whelan M  Fox K 《Chemosphere》2005,61(10):1458-1467
A novel and flexible approach is described for simulating the behaviour of chemicals in river basins. A number (n) of river reaches are defined and their connectivity is described by entries in an n x n matrix. Changes in segmentation can be readily accommodated by altering the matrix entries, without the need for model revision. Two models are described. The simpler QMX-R model only considers advection and an overall loss due to the combined processes of volatilization, net transfer to sediment and degradation. The rate constant for the overall loss is derived from fugacity calculations for a single segment system. The more rigorous QMX-F model performs fugacity calculations for each segment and explicitly includes the processes of advection, evaporation, water-sediment exchange and degradation in both water and sediment. In this way chemical exposure in all compartments (including equilibrium concentrations in biota) can be estimated. Both models are designed to serve as intermediate-complexity exposure assessment tools for river basins with relatively low data requirements. By considering the spatially explicit nature of emission sources and the changes in concentration which occur with transport in the channel system, the approach offers significant advantages over simple one-segment simulations while being more readily applicable than more sophisticated, highly segmented, GIS-based models.  相似文献   

Plant susceptibility to acidifying atmospheric pollution was investigated for a wide range of plant species under normal environmental conditions. Physiological and biochemical parameters were recorded for each plant species. Multivariate analysis using hierarchical clustering, principal component analysis ordination, as well as regression analysis were used to interpret the data. Analysis of the data separated plants into pioneer tree species, ruderal herbaceous species and climax, slow growing species. Pioneer and ruderal species showed higher potential for foliar nitrate assimilation coupled with higher base cation content and a tendency to a more neutral leaf pH than climax species. Acidic buffering capacities for leaf tissue from pioneer and ruderal species were higher than those of climax species. Nitrate assimilation produces hydroxyl ions, which in conjunction with high base cation content and more neutral leaf pH, provides better metabolic buffering and therefore make pioneer and ruderal species less susceptible to acidifying inputs. Climax species are less able to buffer against acidifying inputs and are subsequently more prone to acidifying air pollution damage.  相似文献   

Benthic diatoms are the main component in many aquatic ecosystems such as streams, creeks and rivers, and they function as important primary producers and chemical modulators for other organisms in the ecosystems. In this study, the composition of benthic diatoms was investigated and further explored the primary physicals and chemicals affecting their temporal variations in the upper Han River, China. There were seasonal variations in physical and chemical variables in waters over the sampling period of 2007–2010. Water temperature (t), chemical oxygen demand, total nitrogen, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), silica and fluoride were much higher in the high flow season (i.e., July or August) than these in the base flow season. Three species Achnanthidium minutissimum (composed of 10.7 % of the total diatom abundance), Achnanthidium pyrenaicum (11.9 %), and Achnanthidium subatomus (12.7 %) accounting for more than 5 % of the total diatom abundance were persistently dominant in all seasons, while the other two prostrate and motile species including Eolimna minima and Nitzschia dissipata also dominant in the base flow season. The species richness always peaked in autumn with significant difference with summer (p?<?0.01), and density of benthic diatom varied and peaked in April. Analyses indicated that the temporal variation in benthic diatom communities was strongly related to t, nitrogen, organic pollutants (indicated by COD and DOC), and hydrological regime. The research will expand the understanding of water chemistry monitoring, and improve watershed- scale management and conservation efforts in the upper Han River, China.  相似文献   

An analytical approach to modelling the likely impact of climate change on the distribution and abundance of wildlife species is described using examples from Scotland. Data for present day distribution of wildlife and habitat are analysed using map data describing geographic variation in climatic factors. Climate data for the present day and under specified scenarios of change are themselves modelled within a GIS; climate modelling uses meteorological station data, climate change scenarios developed from GCMs and a variety of spatial interpolation techniques. The analytical procedure generates hypotheses defining ecological relationships between species distribution and climatic factors (monthly, seasonal and annual data). These relationships are then used to model the distribution of the species directly from climate and predict impacts of climate change. The analysis takes account of both direct impacts of climate on wildlife and indirect effects manifested through habitat response to climate change. The analytical procedure is implemented as a generic tool for inductive spatial analysis in GIS.  相似文献   

The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organotins were analyzed in mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis from polluted and unpolluted sites from Mokpo Bay, Korea. The total PAH's concentrations (10(-3)mgkg(-1)) measured by GC-MS were in the range from 31+/-23 to 1+/-1. Among the eight PAHs the predominant ones were fluoranthene, phenanthrene and pyrene and accounted approximately 63% of the total PAHs. Among the four detected PCBs the highest content was of PCB 153, which accounted about 47% of the total PCBs. The main organotin compounds were dibutyltindichloride (DBT) and tributyltinchloride (TBT) and their composition was approximately 33% and 24%. PAHs, PCBs and organotins were found only in the mussels from polluted site. The antioxidant activity by ABTS [2,2'-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)] test was higher in mussels from polluted than from unpolluted sites (P<0.05). It was found a correlation between the determined compounds (PAHs, PCBs and organotins) and the antioxidant activity of the mussel tissue from polluted site and the correlation coefficients were 0.96, 0.92 and 0.80, respectively. Such correlation can be explained by the properties of mussels. Since the mussel cell wall and tissues are hydrophobic, they can concentrate a number of hydrophobic pollutants like PAHs and PCBs from the marine environment by solubility rules. On the other hand, proteins are lipophilic compounds having antioxidant properties. Certain amino acid residues and thiol (-SH) groups, contained in proteins, respond to the ABTS antioxidant activity assay. Thus there may be a correlation between the total antioxidant activity of the organism and the PAH-PCB pollutants which were concentrated from its environment. The studied properties of mussels from polluted site can be used as an additional indicator of pollution.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - With the use of different multivariate statistical analysis methods, spatio-temporal fluctuations in the water parameters of Tiru reservoir located at...  相似文献   

富春江水库大型底栖动物群落的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年3、6、9、12月,对富春江水库大型底栖动物进行了4次采样调查.鉴定结果表明,富春江水库共发现大型底栖动物20种,平均密度为375.10 ind/m2.从群落结构上看,数量上寡毛类占优势,生物量则明显由软体动物占优势.底栖动物群落密度和生物量存在明显的季节变化,冬季及早春高,夏季低.底栖动物空间分布也存在差异...  相似文献   

Karl H  Khandker S  Alder L 《Chemosphere》1999,39(14):2497-2506
The levels of three toxaphene indicator compounds were determined in individual lots of herring, redfish, Greenland halibut and farmed salmon. Concentration levels of the three marine fish species were characterised by a right-skewed frequency distribution whereas residue concentrations in farmed salmon were normally distributed. The toxaphene concentrations in the edible part of redfish, herring and Greenland halibut were found to be positively correlated to the sizes and thus to age. As results show, for representative sampling of a landed catch, not more than 10 individual fishes from typical size classes of a lot are necessary for a pooled sample.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Many studies have been carried out along mighty rivers with heavily industrialized watersheds to evaluate pollutants and their effects on freshwater...  相似文献   

Distinguishing between effects of natural and anthropogenic environmental factors on ecosystems is a fundamental problem in environmental science. In river systems the longitudinal gradient of environmental factors is one of the most relevant sources of dissimilarity between communities that could be confounded with anthropogenic disturbances. To test the hypothesis that in macroinvertebrate communities the distribution of species' sensitivity to organic toxicants is independent of natural longitudinal factors, but depends on contamination with organic toxicants, we analysed the relationship between community sensitivity SPEARorganic (average community sensitivity to organic toxicants) and natural and anthropogenic environmental factors in a large-scale river system, from alpine streams to a lowland river. The results show that SPEARorganic is largely independent of natural longitudinal factors, but strongly dependent on contamination with organic toxicants (petrochemicals and synthetic surfactants). Usage of SPEARorganic as a stressor-specific longitude-independent measure will facilitate detection of community disturbance by organic toxicants.  相似文献   

The Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) approach to stability analysis of the Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) receptor model is extended to incorporate uncertainties in both source and ambient compositions. SVD is applied to determine the improved precision with which the impact of residential wood smoke can be estimated by including methyl chloride in a CMB analysis. Wood smoke impacts in Hillsboro and Medford, Oregon, are examined. The results indicate that including methyl chloride will dramatically improve the precision of estimating wood smoke impacts for Medford, while estimates for Hillsboro are changed to a much lesser extent. This result is reasonable since the Medford airshed includes many industrial sources of particulate matter with chemical compositions similar to residential wood smoke, while Hillsboro is predominantly a residential community. The precision improvements estimated by SVD are verified by CMB analysis of a series of ambient samples collected in Hillsboro. Finally, the applicability of SVD as a receptor model study design tool is discussed.  相似文献   

The study presents a 3-year time series data on dissolved trace elements and rare earth elements (REEs) in a monsoon-dominated river basin, the Nethravati River in tropical Southwestern India. The river basin lies on the metamorphic transition boundary which separates the Peninsular Gneiss and Southern Granulitic province belonging to Archean and Tertiary–Quaternary period (Western Dharwar Craton). The basin lithology is mainly composed of granite gneiss, charnockite and metasediment. This study highlights the importance of time series data for better estimation of metal fluxes and to understand the geochemical behaviour of metals in a river basin. The dissolved trace elements show seasonality in the river water metal concentrations forming two distinct groups of metals. First group is composed of heavy metals and minor elements that show higher concentrations during dry season and lesser concentrations during the monsoon season. Second group is composed of metals belonging to lanthanides and actinides with higher concentration in the monsoon and lower concentrations during the dry season. Although the metal concentration of both the groups appears to be controlled by the discharge, there are important biogeochemical processes affecting their concentration. This includes redox reactions (for Fe, Mn, As, Mo, Ba and Ce) and pH-mediated adsorption/desorption reactions (for Ni, Co, Cr, Cu and REEs). The abundance of Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides as a result of redox processes could be driving the geochemical redistribution of metals in the river water. There is a Ce anomaly (Ce/Ce*) at different time periods, both negative and positive, in case of dissolved phase, whereas there is positive anomaly in the particulate and bed sediments. The Ce anomaly correlates with the variations in the dissolved oxygen indicating the redistribution of Ce between particulate and dissolved phase under acidic to neutral pH and lower concentrations of dissolved organic carbon. Unlike other tropical and major world rivers, the effect of organic complexation on metal variability is negligible in the Nethravati River water.  相似文献   

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